The entries in the site that start with "c" have been split into the
10 pages with the ranges shown above. Select the range that you want to
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to
accept comments yet
19 Nov 2023
New song about cabin + streets of gold
25 Oct 2023
40s - 50s song with these lyrics+
In between my chair and your chair there will be a high chair and we'll callit yours and mine
6 Aug 2023
Looking for a duo with long dark hair sitting on drum box
17 Feb 2023
olly murs
i swear this guy had a song mentioning candy but i cant remember what
8 Nov 2022
music video
I'm looking for a song that has a video of a guy with long black hair down tothe middle of his back (i think) he's wearing all white and there is candles
all around its between the 80's and 90's I thought it was jouney but i can't
seem to find the video+
6 Nov 2022
Looking for a song
In this music video is a couple. They are fighting in a red car and ending upby breaking up. In the first half the dude is going into a club to meet new
ppl. Then the scene switches back to the couple fighting in the car again, but
this time the lady gets out and goes into the club. In the end the couple is
back in the car kissing each other.
29 Nov 2021
Looking for a song
I am looking for a song that my Father and Aunt loved in their youth. +It
would have been from the late 1940s or early 1950s. +Part of the Lyrics were"The concert in the park, where we met in the dark..."
7 Nov 2021
Johnny cash
Johnny sang a song about his a knife that didn’t need to be sharpened. I’mlooking for the name of the blade
22 Jul 2021
They call me the _____er
This is driving me crazy! +For weeks I have had this snippet of a song'slyrics in my head. +I can hear the melody, What I cannot remember is the final
word in this phrase that would likely get me to the song's title. +"They call
me the ____er" is what I think of.
1 Dec 2020
candy ballerinas
I am looking for a song which was out from 1975 or earlier which had thelyrics, "I had candy ballerinas on my birthday cake last year/ the sweetest
ones that I could ever dream/ they were so enchanting, I thought that they
were dancing / like the ballerinas in my dream
13 Nov 2020
Song around the 50s 60s, 70s
Song similar to The MOTHER song +M is for the million things she gave me. +butlyrics had to do with the color blue
24 Sep 2020
Canned goods
I am looking for a recording by a woman who sang this song on Prairie HomeCompanion
19 Apr 2020
Charlie lays in his one bed apartment and stares up at the walls
18 Apr 2020
cool runnings sound track
so i am looking for the song lyrics for Cool Me Down by Tiger. The internethas insisted that the lyrics it finds is for this song but what i hear on
YouTube is not the same song. if any one knows where i can find this please
let me know
1 Apr 2020
emo song?
the lyric thought goes something like this, "he wants to sit in the couch and wait for the sunrise"
emo song, idk like very underated 2007 and above i think
4 Mar 2020
lyrics to a song
can a black sheep enter heaven, is there room for such as I. I think it is pre1937
1 Feb 2020
Cat leaves home
Cat leaves home and gets on balloon poop and balloon pops then the cat lands
at a party
17 Jan 2020
Cuckoo song
There was an old cuckoo in the wood , I use to listen to it inthe1940’s
15 Dec 2019
Song from the mid 70's
I'm looking for a song around 1976. +It had lyrics similar to "you'll be thequeen of my castle and I'll be your king".
3 Nov 2019
It’s a 2000s r&b sing about cheating with the word couch in it
30 Oct 2019
close your eyes and I'll rape you
tomorrow they'll scrape you
4 Aug 2019
What is name of the artist?
I trying to remember a 70'artist that has a cover of him on a tank. The cd isabout war and working in a factory
31 Jul 2019
cowboy rides away
looking for the singer who is from England, but does not have an Englishaccent. +He sang, "Cowboy Rides Away" These ole eyes have seen it all"; also
something like: +Radio Show...goodnight angel, sleep tight angel..close your
pretty brown eyes. +Looking for singer so I can buy his album. +He's an older
7 Jul 2019
Heavy lifting+
Couldn't shift it, couldn't even lift it,
We was getting nowhere and so
Charlie and me had another cup of tea
And then we went home
"Right said Fred" by Bernard Cribbins
10 Jun 2019
Song from late 80’s, early 90’s
I’m looking for a song from the late 80’s ,early 90’s. It was a softrock song with the lyrics- come in, come out of the rain. Would love to know
who sang that.
23 May 2019
Dave King
Dave King sang a song that was a take on the GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY it wouldhave been in the 1950s 1960s
Dave King had four hits in the UK "Christmas & You", "Memories Are Made Of This" and
"You Can't Be True To Two" in 1956 and "The Story Of My Life" in 1958.
23 May 2019
Dave King
He sang a song that was a take on GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY
6 Apr 2019
Passing caravan
I am trying to find a song with some narration about “I turned as I turned
as a boy watching the passing caravan I remember the narration was done by thesame actor who narrated some things in Star Wars scenes + Possibly Rock Hudson
20 Mar 2019
spanish women dancing at a ball when the moon is full
25 Jan 2019
I'm trying to find a song from the early 90s- I think it was called Cyclone.The artist was a white female. Lyrics kind of went, +"like a cyclone tearing
down the highway going under" - the video was great too bit like a play-o
type. video. Help!
25 Dec 2018
you can believe in christmas, not santa
A female singing about instead of Santa there is a Christmas you can believein. She is looking for a Christmas tree?
11 Nov 2018
looking for spanish song with 'choker' in it
I'm looking for a Spanish song with 'choker' in it. +
it's fast and (i think) recent. +
i'm trying to pick songs we can do a surprise dance to, at my daughter's wedding.
13 Oct 2018
"I don't remember you,xoxoxox something about writing down your name with acrayon
31 Jul 2018
A spider sings the lyrics- come to my table and have some tea come to mytable and sit with me
23 Feb 2018
1980’s R&B song w/Candy in the title. Not Cameo
I'm trying to find an R&B song from mid to late 80's that had 'Candy' inthe!title? This was around the time that Cameo's 'Candy' came out...probably
shortly after. I believe it was 'Don't Mess With My Candy'. I also seem to
remember a guy possibly with a 'rap' style delivery with females singing
the chorus....Caaaaaaandy (Don't Mess With My Candy)
28 Nov 2017
song title
Stop the clock on the wall, and we'll all have a ball. +That's the reason you
see, I'm good company, I don't wanna go home.
My mom used to sing this when I was younger. +I am now 63 and nobody canremember the name or artist of this song. +Those are the only words we can
remember to the song. +Please help!
28 Oct 2017
A cow boy goes into a cantina sees a girls dances with her and her boy wantsto shoot him. A country western song
29 Jul 2017
Kiss me kiss me kiss me.
The song reminds me of the Cures, Just Like Heaven, but I could have sworn it
said...kiss me kiss me kiss me ...which is very similar to show me show me
show me which of the first few words, in +Just Like Heaven.
Do you have any idea what this song is?
14 May 2017
video clip
searching for what i think is a 90's video clip where a woman is chased by acar.she cant see who is in the driver sit till the end where in the drivers
sit seems to be someone exactly like her or maybe is herself.i believe it was
mostly music if not all and no lyrics
25 Mar 2017
song title
song by a female red hair 20s on tonight show jay leno around 2000 lyricsthere must be some mistake cause no ones ever loved me, rain it just keeps
comin down the rain how I love the sound of rain,rain rain
18 Mar 2017
11 Mar 2017
i am searching for a song sung by a female. 1990s-2000s ish.
all i remember is a part that goes something like this
"i dont have cable tv" ...i think+
11 Mar 2017
looking for a pop song with "Colorado, beautiful place that you are" from69-73
22 Feb 2017
Driving pick up under window watching through window while drinking beer
19 Jan 2017
Can I
R&B song "Can I" 60's or 70's.
8 Jan 2017
Looking for a song with "crazy lady brings me down". Probably a 60s one sungby a male singer.+
30 Oct 2016
Coming down
21 Oct 2016
28 Sep 2016
Spanish Song
I am looking for an old Spanish song, all I know is that the word corazon isin it, it's a ballad and a female sings it+
9 Sep 2016
come by here good lord
looking for song come by here good lord, piano version no singing this songwas one of several that someone gave me on a cd they put together, I have been
looking for this music ever since, would greatly appreciate if someone could
help me.
16 Aug 2016
Song Can I?
It was a male r and b group, I think the late seventies...The song said "CanI......kiss...Can I take my iittle baby home (the groups sings...can I take my
baby home...) it is a slow song.The Can I is sung slowly.
29 May 2016
All I do is cry
20 May 2016
I wanna remember calling
22 Apr 2016
come on baby please
26 Feb 2016
can you wonder why it is I love him so
22 Jan 2016
when I was a boy I thought about the time I'd be a man. +I stood inside a
bottle and pretended I was in a can.
16 Dec 2015
i think its from PAN+
a younger blonde hair boy in skinny jeans playing the piano on conan singing asong i think that is from pan ++ +I'm pretty sure he sings the name, "Cecilia"
throughout it
14 Aug 2015
Cause your my lady you drive me crazy+
23 Jun 2015
I am looking for a song that is title Caravan I think. Female vocals, late 80's I think.
27 Apr 2015
the song coast
who is the artist that sings this song .. plays a lot on the jimmy buffet xm channel margaretaville + the name of the song is COAST
5 Mar 2015
Old slow song
Lookin for a song by black male. Can I have a talk with you, can I make your dreams come true, can I be in love with you. I would if i could+
15 Feb 2015
title of record is " Can I "
it starts off...can i, have a talk with you, and can i be in love with you, cause i would, if i could. can i set your soul on fire, can i be your one desire. can i be in love with you, cause i would if i could... i really would appreciate your help. mid to late 60's early 70's.
15 Feb 2015
can i+
this record is by a black female artist from the mid to late 60's or early 70's
1 Jan 2015
down with the crows
15 Oct 2014
Classic Rock
"Coast To Coast" song heard on Don Kirschner's Rock Concert,somewhere between 1973 and 1975, who is the Artist/Band?+
13 Oct 2014
its a r&b song i think and the husband in the song keeps asking his wife if she has been cheating on him and she keeps lieing about it. the at the end if find out she has
12 Oct 2014
It says children da da dan dan
7 Oct 2014
Old christmas song spelling christmas
20 Sep 2014
Late 80's love song
Slow, romantic song sung by a man with a gentle voice. +I remember listening to it on a top 40's radio station in 88 or 89. +The only words I remember are "'cause when we speak I feel I'm close to you" which is from a verse, and "Can't believe I'm faaaallin', fallin' in love with you" which is from the chorus. +Been looking for years and Google has never been able to help me. +Fingers crossed someone here can!
1 Sep 2014
classic rock?
Its one guy doing the main lyrics and the chior does the back up and in the song the genre switches 3 times, I can't remember the lyrics but they played a bunch of his songs in a row on q102 Saturday night+
27 Jul 2014
looking for a song
i'm looking for a sad and nostalgic song, 70', about a woman saying to her man
who comes back home call me whenever you need me, i'll be there. I am not
talking about you've got a friend. A woman's voice.
Don't know the artist nor the tittle.
8 Jul 2014
crab song
starts of with i am covered in crabs there everywhere
2 Jun 2014
Song Magic FM
I heard a song on London's Magic 105.4 FM Radio and I can't find/forgot its name.
It starts with a female voice singing and 33% way into the song a male starts singing:
"i think I'm going crazy have I lost my mind"
There are a few words which rhyme so the song is quite catchy.
19 May 2014
Been trying to find the name and artist of a song for years now!! It's fromthe 90's and all I know is there's no lyrics it's mostly like chanting. It
sounds a bit like " ay oh ay aaayyy ay oh ayeeh aye. Ay oh aye ayee aaayyy ooh
ayeeh ayee oh aye" lol just goes like that.
Check out the 1995 album "Chants & Dances Of The Native Americans".
The one you quote sounds like
"Ly-O-Lay-Ale Loya: the Counterclockwise Circle Dance"
16 May 2014
Black Male RnB Singer (Song)
its a song with a music video that has this black man singing face to face to a white woman and the entire video is face to face and its a
love song .. Please Help Me Find It!
12 May 2014
Come and take me by the hand
23 Apr 2014
Was the song Charmain released in 1929
The earliest hit entries with the song "Charmaine" that we have are Guy Lombardo and
Lewis James who both had hits with the song in 1927
12 Apr 2014
By a black band
2 Mar 2014
1948 song title
I am trying to find the name of a drop candy wrapped in foil that was also a song title in 1948. I hope that you can help me out.
12 Feb 2014
Looking for an old 78 I heard years ago lyrics are "Its hard to see the bottom of the ocean cause the water interferes with the view but I can see with open eyes that I'm
crazy over you. +Please help Ive been searching for 50years.
The song is "I’m crazy over you" by Harry Hudson’s Melody Men recorded
in 1929 and (as far as we can see) never a hit anywhere
26 Jan 2014
candles burning Buddha bar
It's from pre 2006 or till about 2009 not sure
"A Million Candles Burning" by Martin Stenmarck?
1 Jan 2014
song that starts of.........clap your hands clap your hands
it is an upbeat song .... clap your hands clap your hands I say clap your hands.......
1 Oct 2013
Cecilia (NOT the simon/garfunkel one)
I'm looking for a song I'm pretty sure it's titled Cecilia but it's not the simon and Garfunkel one. I think it came out sometime in the 80's
1 Sep 2013
oh lucky me,the wind and the sea brought cindy to me
14 Jun 2013
when i cry+
and when i cry i cant said good bye... thats about it,i dont know the artist who performed
it or +the title of the song+
22 May 2013
The name of the song is "The Cat Came Back".
The song was sung about 70 years ago.
25 Jan 2013
I am looking for a song David carradine sang in the movie Nashville
30 Dec 2010
Bit omission
Dear Sirs, I love your site, but you have made a serious omission with GaryNuman's records . Cars was a No 1 hit in the UK in 1979, a No1 hit in Canada
in 1980 and top ten in the USA in 1980 (as well in other countries. Also his
album Pleasure Principle was No 1 in the UK in 1979 and No14 in the USA in
1980. Cars and PP were in the USA charts probably for the whole year.
The record is listed here, its under 1980 (which is the year it
was a hit in most places), and "Gary Numan".
You could have found it under "C" in the site index, under 1980 or
by looking at the top 1000 artists.
We also list "Pleasure Principle" and more than 20 other albums
that were hits for him on his album page.
So, no we have not left out any of the things you mention.
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
19 Nov 2023
New song about cabin + streets of gold
25 Oct 2023
40s - 50s song with these lyrics+
In between my chair and your chair there will be a high chair and we'll callit yours and mine
6 Aug 2023
Looking for a duo with long dark hair sitting on drum box
17 Feb 2023
olly murs
i swear this guy had a song mentioning candy but i cant remember what
8 Nov 2022
music video
I'm looking for a song that has a video of a guy with long black hair down tothe middle of his back (i think) he's wearing all white and there is candles all around its between the 80's and 90's I thought it was jouney but i can't seem to find the video+
6 Nov 2022
Looking for a song
In this music video is a couple. They are fighting in a red car and ending upby breaking up. In the first half the dude is going into a club to meet new ppl. Then the scene switches back to the couple fighting in the car again, but this time the lady gets out and goes into the club. In the end the couple is back in the car kissing each other.
29 Nov 2021
Looking for a song
I am looking for a song that my Father and Aunt loved in their youth. +It would have been from the late 1940s or early 1950s. +Part of the Lyrics were"The concert in the park, where we met in the dark..."
7 Nov 2021
Johnny cash
Johnny sang a song about his a knife that didn’t need to be sharpened. I’mlooking for the name of the blade
22 Jul 2021
They call me the _____er
This is driving me crazy! +For weeks I have had this snippet of a song'slyrics in my head. +I can hear the melody, What I cannot remember is the final word in this phrase that would likely get me to the song's title. +"They call me the ____er" is what I think of.
1 Dec 2020
candy ballerinas
I am looking for a song which was out from 1975 or earlier which had thelyrics, "I had candy ballerinas on my birthday cake last year/ the sweetest ones that I could ever dream/ they were so enchanting, I thought that they were dancing / like the ballerinas in my dream
13 Nov 2020
Song around the 50s 60s, 70s
Song similar to The MOTHER song +M is for the million things she gave me. +butlyrics had to do with the color blue
24 Sep 2020
Canned goods
I am looking for a recording by a woman who sang this song on Prairie HomeCompanion
19 Apr 2020
Charlie lays in his one bed apartment and stares up at the walls
18 Apr 2020
cool runnings sound track
so i am looking for the song lyrics for Cool Me Down by Tiger. The internethas insisted that the lyrics it finds is for this song but what i hear on YouTube is not the same song. if any one knows where i can find this please let me know
1 Apr 2020
emo song?
the lyric thought goes something like this, "he wants to sit in the couch and wait for the sunrise"
emo song, idk like very underated 2007 and above i think
4 Mar 2020
lyrics to a song
can a black sheep enter heaven, is there room for such as I. I think it is pre1937
1 Feb 2020
Cat leaves home
Cat leaves home and gets on balloon poop and balloon pops then the cat lands at a party
17 Jan 2020
Cuckoo song
There was an old cuckoo in the wood , I use to listen to it inthe1940’s
15 Dec 2019
Song from the mid 70's
I'm looking for a song around 1976. +It had lyrics similar to "you'll be thequeen of my castle and I'll be your king".
3 Nov 2019
It’s a 2000s r&b sing about cheating with the word couch in it
30 Oct 2019
close your eyes and I'll rape you tomorrow they'll scrape you
4 Aug 2019
What is name of the artist?
I trying to remember a 70'artist that has a cover of him on a tank. The cd isabout war and working in a factory
31 Jul 2019
cowboy rides away
looking for the singer who is from England, but does not have an Englishaccent. +He sang, "Cowboy Rides Away" These ole eyes have seen it all"; also something like: +Radio Show...goodnight angel, sleep tight angel..close your pretty brown eyes. +Looking for singer so I can buy his album. +He's an older gentleman.
7 Jul 2019
Heavy lifting+
Couldn't shift it, couldn't even lift it, We was getting nowhere and so Charlie and me had another cup of tea And then we went home
"Right said Fred" by Bernard Cribbins
10 Jun 2019
Song from late 80’s, early 90’s
I’m looking for a song from the late 80’s ,early 90’s. It was a softrock song with the lyrics- come in, come out of the rain. Would love to know who sang that.
23 May 2019
Dave King
Dave King sang a song that was a take on the GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY it wouldhave been in the 1950s 1960s
Dave King had four hits in the UK "Christmas & You", "Memories Are Made Of This" and "You Can't Be True To Two" in 1956 and "The Story Of My Life" in 1958.
23 May 2019
Dave King
He sang a song that was a take on GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY
6 Apr 2019
Passing caravan
I am trying to find a song with some narration about “I turned as I turned as a boy watching the passing caravan I remember the narration was done by thesame actor who narrated some things in Star Wars scenes + Possibly Rock Hudson ..
20 Mar 2019
spanish women dancing at a ball when the moon is full
25 Jan 2019
I'm trying to find a song from the early 90s- I think it was called Cyclone.The artist was a white female. Lyrics kind of went, +"like a cyclone tearing down the highway going under" - the video was great too bit like a play-o type. video. Help!
25 Dec 2018
you can believe in christmas, not santa
A female singing about instead of Santa there is a Christmas you can believein. She is looking for a Christmas tree?
11 Nov 2018
looking for spanish song with 'choker' in it
I'm looking for a Spanish song with 'choker' in it. + it's fast and (i think) recent. +
i'm trying to pick songs we can do a surprise dance to, at my daughter's wedding.
13 Oct 2018
"I don't remember you,xoxoxox something about writing down your name with acrayon
31 Jul 2018
A spider sings the lyrics- come to my table and have some tea come to mytable and sit with me
23 Feb 2018
1980’s R&B song w/Candy in the title. Not Cameo
I'm trying to find an R&B song from mid to late 80's that had 'Candy' inthe!title? This was around the time that Cameo's 'Candy' came out...probably shortly after. I believe it was 'Don't Mess With My Candy'. I also seem to remember a guy possibly with a 'rap' style delivery with females singing the chorus....Caaaaaaandy (Don't Mess With My Candy)
28 Nov 2017
song title
Stop the clock on the wall, and we'll all have a ball. +That's the reason you see, I'm good company, I don't wanna go home.
My mom used to sing this when I was younger. +I am now 63 and nobody canremember the name or artist of this song. +Those are the only words we can remember to the song. +Please help!
28 Oct 2017
A cow boy goes into a cantina sees a girls dances with her and her boy wantsto shoot him. A country western song
29 Jul 2017
Kiss me kiss me kiss me.
The song reminds me of the Cures, Just Like Heaven, but I could have sworn it said...kiss me kiss me kiss me ...which is very similar to show me show me show me which of the first few words, in +Just Like Heaven.
Do you have any idea what this song is?
14 May 2017
video clip
searching for what i think is a 90's video clip where a woman is chased by acar.she cant see who is in the driver sit till the end where in the drivers sit seems to be someone exactly like her or maybe is herself.i believe it was mostly music if not all and no lyrics
25 Mar 2017
song title
song by a female red hair 20s on tonight show jay leno around 2000 lyricsthere must be some mistake cause no ones ever loved me, rain it just keeps comin down the rain how I love the sound of rain,rain rain
18 Mar 2017
11 Mar 2017
i am searching for a song sung by a female. 1990s-2000s ish.
all i remember is a part that goes something like this
"i dont have cable tv" ...i think+
11 Mar 2017
looking for a pop song with "Colorado, beautiful place that you are" from69-73
22 Feb 2017
Driving pick up under window watching through window while drinking beer
19 Jan 2017
Can I
R&B song "Can I" 60's or 70's.
8 Jan 2017
Looking for a song with "crazy lady brings me down". Probably a 60s one sungby a male singer.+
30 Oct 2016
Coming down
21 Oct 2016
28 Sep 2016
Spanish Song
I am looking for an old Spanish song, all I know is that the word corazon isin it, it's a ballad and a female sings it+
9 Sep 2016
come by here good lord
looking for song come by here good lord, piano version no singing this songwas one of several that someone gave me on a cd they put together, I have been looking for this music ever since, would greatly appreciate if someone could help me.
16 Aug 2016
Song Can I?
It was a male r and b group, I think the late seventies...The song said "CanI......kiss...Can I take my iittle baby home (the groups sings...can I take my baby home...) it is a slow song.The Can I is sung slowly.
29 May 2016
All I do is cry
20 May 2016
I wanna remember calling
22 Apr 2016
come on baby please
26 Feb 2016
can you wonder why it is I love him so
22 Jan 2016
when I was a boy I thought about the time I'd be a man. +I stood inside a bottle and pretended I was in a can.
16 Dec 2015
i think its from PAN+
a younger blonde hair boy in skinny jeans playing the piano on conan singing asong i think that is from pan ++ +I'm pretty sure he sings the name, "Cecilia" throughout it
14 Aug 2015
Cause your my lady you drive me crazy+
23 Jun 2015
I am looking for a song that is title Caravan I think. Female vocals, late 80's I think.
27 Apr 2015
the song coast
who is the artist that sings this song .. plays a lot on the jimmy buffet xm channel margaretaville + the name of the song is COAST
5 Mar 2015
Old slow song
Lookin for a song by black male. Can I have a talk with you, can I make your dreams come true, can I be in love with you. I would if i could+
15 Feb 2015
title of record is " Can I "
it starts off...can i, have a talk with you, and can i be in love with you, cause i would, if i could. can i set your soul on fire, can i be your one desire. can i be in love with you, cause i would if i could... i really would appreciate your help. mid to late 60's early 70's.
15 Feb 2015
can i+
this record is by a black female artist from the mid to late 60's or early 70's
1 Jan 2015
down with the crows
15 Oct 2014
Classic Rock
"Coast To Coast" song heard on Don Kirschner's Rock Concert,somewhere between 1973 and 1975, who is the Artist/Band?+
13 Oct 2014
its a r&b song i think and the husband in the song keeps asking his wife if she has been cheating on him and she keeps lieing about it. the at the end if find out she has
12 Oct 2014
It says children da da dan dan
7 Oct 2014
Old christmas song spelling christmas
20 Sep 2014
Late 80's love song
Slow, romantic song sung by a man with a gentle voice. +I remember listening to it on a top 40's radio station in 88 or 89. +The only words I remember are "'cause when we speak I feel I'm close to you" which is from a verse, and "Can't believe I'm faaaallin', fallin' in love with you" which is from the chorus. +Been looking for years and Google has never been able to help me. +Fingers crossed someone here can!
1 Sep 2014
classic rock?
Its one guy doing the main lyrics and the chior does the back up and in the song the genre switches 3 times, I can't remember the lyrics but they played a bunch of his songs in a row on q102 Saturday night+
27 Jul 2014
looking for a song
i'm looking for a sad and nostalgic song, 70', about a woman saying to her man who comes back home call me whenever you need me, i'll be there. I am not talking about you've got a friend. A woman's voice.
Don't know the artist nor the tittle.
8 Jul 2014
crab song
starts of with i am covered in crabs there everywhere
2 Jun 2014
Song Magic FM
I heard a song on London's Magic 105.4 FM Radio and I can't find/forgot its name.
It starts with a female voice singing and 33% way into the song a male starts singing: "i think I'm going crazy have I lost my mind"
There are a few words which rhyme so the song is quite catchy.
19 May 2014
Been trying to find the name and artist of a song for years now!! It's fromthe 90's and all I know is there's no lyrics it's mostly like chanting. It sounds a bit like " ay oh ay aaayyy ay oh ayeeh aye. Ay oh aye ayee aaayyy ooh ayeeh ayee oh aye" lol just goes like that.
Check out the 1995 album "Chants & Dances Of The Native Americans". The one you quote sounds like "Ly-O-Lay-Ale Loya: the Counterclockwise Circle Dance"
16 May 2014
Black Male RnB Singer (Song)
its a song with a music video that has this black man singing face to face to a white woman and the entire video is face to face and its a love song .. Please Help Me Find It!
12 May 2014
Come and take me by the hand
23 Apr 2014
Was the song Charmain released in 1929
The earliest hit entries with the song "Charmaine" that we have are Guy Lombardo and Lewis James who both had hits with the song in 1927
12 Apr 2014
By a black band
2 Mar 2014
1948 song title
I am trying to find the name of a drop candy wrapped in foil that was also a song title in 1948. I hope that you can help me out.
12 Feb 2014
Looking for an old 78 I heard years ago lyrics are "Its hard to see the bottom of the ocean cause the water interferes with the view but I can see with open eyes that I'm crazy over you. +Please help Ive been searching for 50years.
The song is "I’m crazy over you" by Harry Hudson’s Melody Men recorded in 1929 and (as far as we can see) never a hit anywhere
26 Jan 2014
candles burning Buddha bar
It's from pre 2006 or till about 2009 not sure
"A Million Candles Burning" by Martin Stenmarck?
1 Jan 2014
song that starts of.........clap your hands clap your hands
it is an upbeat song .... clap your hands clap your hands I say clap your hands.......
1 Oct 2013
Cecilia (NOT the simon/garfunkel one)
I'm looking for a song I'm pretty sure it's titled Cecilia but it's not the simon and Garfunkel one. I think it came out sometime in the 80's
1 Sep 2013
oh lucky me,the wind and the sea brought cindy to me
14 Jun 2013
when i cry+
and when i cry i cant said good bye... thats about it,i dont know the artist who performed it or +the title of the song+
22 May 2013
The name of the song is "The Cat Came Back".
The song was sung about 70 years ago.
25 Jan 2013
I am looking for a song David carradine sang in the movie Nashville
30 Dec 2010
Bit omission
Dear Sirs, I love your site, but you have made a serious omission with GaryNuman's records . Cars was a No 1 hit in the UK in 1979, a No1 hit in Canada in 1980 and top ten in the USA in 1980 (as well in other countries. Also his album Pleasure Principle was No 1 in the UK in 1979 and No14 in the USA in 1980. Cars and PP were in the USA charts probably for the whole year.
The record is listed here, its under 1980 (which is the year it was a hit in most places), and "Gary Numan".
You could have found it under "C" in the site index, under 1980 or by looking at the top 1000 artists.
We also list "Pleasure Principle" and more than 20 other albums that were hits for him on his album page.
So, no we have not left out any of the things you mention.