Song artist 110 - Eric Clapton

This page lists the song chart entries of Eric Clapton.A list of the hit albums by Eric Clapton is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
Duane Allman (of The Allman Brothers Band) also played
on the Derek & The Dominoes song Layla.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Eric Clapton |
Tears in Heaven |
1992 |
Poland 1 - Jan 1992 (16 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1992, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1992, New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - May 1992, Grammy in 1992, US Billboard 2 - Feb 1992 (26 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Feb 1992 (37 weeks), Golden Globe in 1991 (film 'Rush') (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Apr 1992), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 2009), UK 5 - Feb 1992 (14 weeks), US BB 6 of 1992, Scrobulate 6 of blues, Switzerland 7 - Apr 1992 (15 weeks), nuTsie 8 of 1990s, Austria 10 - Jun 1992 (3 months), Belgium 10 - Apr 1992 (8 weeks), Canada 10 of 1992, Sweden 11 - Apr 1992 (4 weeks), US CashBox 12 of 1992, ARC 13 of 1992 (peak 2 18 weeks), Brazil 14 of 1992, Holland 17 - Mar 1992 (10 weeks), Europe 21 of the 1990s (1992), US Radio 22 of 1992 (peak 3 11 weeks), POP 26 of 1992, Japan (Osaku) 40 of 1992 (peak 4 20 weeks), ODK Germany 42 - May 1992 (11 weeks), Holland free40 80 of 1992, Belgium 159 of all time, OzNet 199, WXPN 341, Rolling Stone 353, Acclaimed 960 (1992), RYM 109 of 1992 |
2 |
Eric Clapton |
Change the World |
1996 |
Canada RPM 1 for 5 weeks - Aug 1996, Grammy in 1996, Japan (Osaku) 2 of 1997 (peak 1 63 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Jun 1996 (55 weeks), Brazil 2 of 1996, Canada 3 of 1996, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1996), US Billboard 5 - Jul 1996 (43 weeks), Austria 10 - Sep 1996 (5 months), Poland 12 - Jun 1996 (13 weeks), US Radio 14 of 1996 (peak 2 21 weeks), Norway 15 - Sep 1996 (3 weeks), UK 18 - Jul 1996 (5 weeks), US BB 19 of 1996, Switzerland 21 - Oct 1996 (11 weeks), ARC 22 of 1996 (peak 2 18 weeks), ODK Germany 30 - Aug 1996 (23 weeks), Holland 39 - Aug 1996 (2 weeks), POP 45 of 1996, RIAA 270, OzNet 786, RYM 167 of 1996 |
3 |
Eric Clapton |
I Shot the Sheriff |
1974 |
US Billboard 1 - Jul 1974 (14 weeks), Record World 1 - 1974, Canada 1 - Aug 1974 (15 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1974, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1974, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2003 (1974), France 2 - Oct 1974 (5 weeks), Belgium 2 - Sep 1974 (8 weeks), Norway 3 - Sep 1974 (22 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1974), Holland 5 - Aug 1974 (10 weeks), Germany 7 - Sep 1974 (3 months), UK 9 - Jul 1974 (11 weeks), Canada 11 of 1974, Springbok 11 - Nov 1974 (10 weeks), WABC NY 13 of 1974, DDD 17 of 1974, Austria 19 - Nov 1974 (1 month), POP 30 of 1974, D.Marsh 33 of 1974, US Radio 36 of 1974 (peak 1 7 weeks), US BB 76 of 1974, RYM 83 of 1974 |
4 |
Eric Clapton |
Layla (Unplugged) |
1992 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Sep 1992 (37 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Oct 1992, Poland 3 - Oct 1992 (16 weeks), Holland 4 - Oct 1992 (11 weeks), Canada 5 of 1992, US Billboard 12 - Oct 1992 (20 weeks), Belgium 22 - Oct 1992 (5 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 25 of 1993 (peak 2 40 weeks), Switzerland 28 - Nov 1992 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 35 - Nov 1992 (21 weeks), POP 42 of 1992, UK 45 - Oct 1992 (3 weeks), Holland free40 56 of 1992, US Radio 83 of 1992 (peak 7 6 weeks) |
5 |
Eric Clapton |
Wonderful Tonight |
1978 |
Holland 3 - Aug 1988 (12 weeks), POP 3 of 1978, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 2005), Belgium 6 - Sep 1988 (17 weeks), Scrobulate 12 of guitar, US Billboard 16 - May 1978 (17 weeks), Canada 16 - Jun 1978 (6 weeks), Record World 25 - 1978, RIANZ 26 - Sep 1978 (5 weeks), Europe 38 of the 1970s (1978), Holland free40 47 of 1988, Japan (Tokyo) 67 - Nov 1988 (5 weeks), UK 82 - Aug 1987 (4 weeks), US Radio 122 of 1978 (peak 16 2 weeks), Belgium 136 of all time, WXPN 285, OzNet 941, Acclaimed 1803 (1977), RYM 196 of 1978, NY Daily Love list 3, Party 10 of 2007 |
6 |
Eric Clapton |
My Father's Eyes |
1998 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Feb 1998 (18 weeks), Poland 3 - Mar 1998 (19 weeks), Canada 5 of 1998, Japan (Osaku) 15 of 1998 (peak 4 23 weeks), Austria 20 - Mar 1998 (3 months), Norway 20 - Apr 1998 (1 week), Switzerland 31 - Mar 1998 (12 weeks), UK 33 - Apr 1998 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 57 - Feb 1998 (9 weeks), US Radio 60 of 1998 (peak 16 7 weeks), OzNet 255 |
7 |
Eric Clapton |
Lay Down Sally |
1978 |
Canada 2 - Feb 1978 (17 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Jan 1978 (23 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1978), Record World 8 - 1978, US Radio 8 of 1978 (peak 3 14 weeks), US BB 15 of 1978, US CashBox 16 of 1978, RIANZ 16 - Mar 1978 (10 weeks), Canada 29 of 1978, WABC NY 35 of 1978, UK 39 - Dec 1977 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 61 of blues, RYM 77 of 1977 |
8 |
Eric Clapton |
After Midnight |
1970 |
Canada 9 - Oct 1970 (6 weeks), Record World 16 - 1970, Keener 16 - Dec 1970 (5 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Oct 1970 (12 weeks), Holland 25 - Nov 1970 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 35 of 1970, Australia Goset 42 - Dec 1970 (9 weeks), POP 65 of 1970, DDD 74 of 1970, UK 99 - Jul 1988 (1 week), US Radio 141 of 1970 (peak 18 3 weeks), TheQ 391, Acclaimed 1905 (1970), RYM 87 of 1970, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
9 |
Eric Clapton |
Cocaine |
1980 |
Canada 2 - May 1980 (19 weeks), France 8 - Mar 1978 (1 week), US Billboard 30 - Jul 1980 (12 weeks), POP 35 of 1980, Canada 46 of 1980, TheQ 63, Holland free40 76 of 1977, Scrobulate 86 of classic rock, RYM 77 of 1977 |
10 |
Eric Clapton |
I Can't Stand It |
1981 |
Canada 7 - Mar 1981 (10 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Feb 1981 (17 weeks), Record World 13 - 1981, Holland free40 60 of 1981, US Radio 62 of 1981 (peak 10 8 weeks), US BB 67 of 1981, Canada 71 of 1981, US CashBox 91 of 1981 |
11 |
Eric Clapton |
Promises |
1979 |
US Billboard 9 - Oct 1978 (17 weeks), Canada 12 - Dec 1978 (11 weeks), Record World 18 - 1979, RIANZ 35 - Mar 1979 (3 weeks), UK 37 - Oct 1978 (7 weeks), US Radio 80 of 1979 (peak 9 5 weeks), Canada 80 of 1979, US BB 82 of 1979, US CashBox 87 of 1979 |
12 |
Eric Clapton |
Blue Eyes Blue |
1999 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Aug 1999 (24 weeks), Poland 28 - Sep 1999 (6 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 48 of 1999 (peak 5 14 weeks), ODK Germany 84 - Oct 1999 (5 weeks) |
13 |
Eric Clapton |
Pretending |
1989 |
Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Nov 1989 (9 weeks), France 10 - Dec 1989 (1 week), Holland 24 - Dec 1989 (4 weeks), Holland free40 32 of 1989, US Billboard 55 - Nov 1989 (10 weeks), UK 96 - Jul 1990 (1 week) |
14 |
Eric Clapton |
Motherless Child |
1994 |
Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Aug 1994 (11 weeks), Poland 37 - Oct 1994 (6 weeks), UK 63 - Oct 1994 (1 week), Canada 84 of 1994 |
15 |
Eric Clapton |
Bad Love |
1990 |
Poland 14 - Mar 1990 (13 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 23 - Feb 1990 (16 weeks), UK 25 - Jan 1990 (7 weeks), Holland free40 79 of 1990, US Billboard 88 - Mar 1990 (5 weeks) |
16 |
Eric Clapton |
I've Got A Rock N' Roll Heart |
1983 |
Canada 12 - Feb 1983 (9 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Jan 1983 (16 weeks), UK 83 - Jan 1983 (4 weeks), US BB 94 of 1983, US Radio 116 of 1983 (peak 18 4 weeks) |
17 |
Eric Clapton |
I Ain't Gonna Stand For It |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Feb 2001 (13 weeks), Poland 6 - Feb 2001 (10 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 65 of 2001 (peak 9 15 weeks) |
18 |
Eric Clapton |
Forever Man |
1985 |
Holland 15 - Mar 1985 (8 weeks), Belgium 18 - Apr 1985 (4 weeks), US Billboard 26 - Mar 1985 (12 weeks), Holland free40 46 of 1985, UK 51 - Mar 1985 (6 weeks) |
19 |
Eric Clapton |
Circus |
1998 |
Japan (Tokyo) 6 - Mar 1998 (21 weeks), Poland 33 - Mar 1999 (11 weeks), UK 39 - Jul 1998 (2 weeks) |
20 |
Eric Clapton |
(I) Get Lost |
2000 |
Japan (Tokyo) 32 - Oct 1999 (11 weeks), Poland 37 - Mar 2000 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 83 - Feb 2000 (6 weeks) |
21 |
Eric Clapton |
Tulsa Time |
1980 |
US Billboard 30 - Jun 1980 (14 weeks), Record World 35 - 1980, Canada 46 of 1980 |
22 |
Eric Clapton |
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot |
1975 |
RIANZ 15 - Jun 1975 (12 weeks), UK 19 - May 1975 (9 weeks), Holland 21 - Jun 1975 (5 weeks) |
23 |
Eric Clapton |
Pilgrim |
1998 |
Poland 24 - Aug 1998 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 50 - Aug 1998 (10 weeks) |
24 |
Eric Clapton |
Knockin' On Heaven's Door |
1975 |
Holland 31 - Sep 1975 (2 weeks), UK 38 - Aug 1975 (4 weeks), RYM 191 of 1975 |
25 |
Eric Clapton |
Believe In Life |
2001 |
Poland 38 - Jun 2001 (10 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 65 - Jul 2001 (4 weeks) |
26 |
Eric Clapton |
No Alibis |
1990 |
France 6 - Apr 1990 (1 week), UK 53 - Apr 1990 (4 weeks) |
27 |
Eric Clapton |
Willie & the Hand Jive |
1974 |
US Billboard 26 - Nov 1974 (9 weeks), Holland 31 - Nov 1974 (3 weeks) |
28 |
Eric Clapton |
So Tired |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Aug 2005 (8 weeks) |
29 |
Eric Clapton |
If I had possession over judgement day |
2004 |
Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Mar 2004 (9 weeks) |
30 |
Eric Clapton |
Sweet Home Chicago |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 14 - Jan 2005 (6 weeks) |
31 |
Eric Clapton |
Higher Ground |
2003 |
Japan (Tokyo) 23 - Mar 2003 (10 weeks) |
32 |
Eric Clapton |
Say What You Will |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 26 - Mar 2005 (9 weeks) |
33 |
Eric Clapton |
Let it Rain |
1972 |
WXPN 31, US Billboard 48 - Sep 1972 (13 weeks) |
34 |
Eric Clapton |
Stone Free |
1993 |
Japan (Tokyo) 23 - Nov 1993 (12 weeks) |
35 |
Eric Clapton |
Superman Inside |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 98 - Mar 2001 (1 week) |
36 |
Eric Clapton |
Born in Time |
1998 |
Poland 12 - Jun 1998 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 88 - Jun 1998 (8 weeks) |
37 |
Eric Clapton |
See What Love Can Do |
1985 |
US Billboard 89 - Jun 1985 (2 weeks) |
38 |
Eric Clapton |
Wonderful Tonight (Live) |
1991 |
UK 30 - Nov 1991 (7 weeks) |
39 |
Eric Clapton |
Another Ticket |
1981 |
US Billboard 78 - Jun 1981 (5 weeks) |
40 |
Eric Clapton |
Watch Out For Lucy |
1979 |
US Billboard 40 - Feb 1979 (7 weeks) |
41 |
Eric Clapton |
Behind the Mask |
1987 |
UK 15 - Jan 1987 (11 weeks) |
42 |
Eric Clapton |
Easy Now |
1970 |
WXPN 728, RYM 87 of 1970 |
43 |
Eric Clapton |
Blues Power |
1980 |
US Billboard 76 - Nov 1980 (6 weeks) |
44 |
Eric Clapton |
Hello Old Friend |
1976 |
US Billboard 24 - Oct 1976 (13 weeks) |
45 |
Eric Clapton |
It's In The Way That You Use It |
1987 |
UK 77 - Apr 1987 (4 weeks) |
46 |
Eric Clapton |
Holy Mother |
1987 |
UK 95 - Dec 1987 (2 weeks) |
47 |
Eric Clapton |
Never Gonna Fall in Love (again) |
1976 |
Canada 26 of 1976 |
48 |
Eric Clapton |
Bell Bottom Blues |
1973 |
US Billboard 78 - Feb 1973 (5 weeks) |
49 |
Eric Clapton |
The Shape You're In |
1983 |
UK 75 - Apr 1983 (4 weeks) |
50 |
Eric Clapton |
Carnival |
1977 |
Austria 22 - May 1977 (2 months) |
51 |
Eric Clapton |
Missing |
1996 |
Norway 16 - Sep 1996 (3 weeks) |
52 |
Eric Clapton |
Tore Down |
1994 |
Poland 37 - Sep 1994 (12 weeks) |
53 |
Eric Clapton |
Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) |
1996 |
RYM 167 of 1996 |
54 |
Eric Clapton |
White Room |
1992 |
RYM 109 of 1992 |
55 |
Eric Clapton |
Peaches & Diesel |
1978 |
RYM 196 of 1978 |
56 |
Eric Clapton |
Someone Like You |
1975 |
RYM 191 of 1975 |
57 |
Eric Clapton |
Give Me Strength |
1974 |
RYM 83 of 1974 |
58 |
Eric Clapton |
Have You Ever Loved a Woman? |
unknown |
Scrobulate 40 of blues |
59 |
Eric Clapton |
Walkin' Blues |
unknown |
Scrobulate 41 of blues |
60 |
Eric Clapton |
Hey Hey |
unknown |
Scrobulate 60 of blues |
61 |
Eric Clapton |
Running on Faith |
unknown |
Scrobulate 82 of blues |
62 |
Eric Clapton |
Alberta |
unknown |
Scrobulate 85 of blues |
63 |
Eric Clapton |
Before You Accuse Me |
unknown |
Scrobulate 86 of blues |
64 |
Eric Clapton |
Malted Milk |
unknown |
Scrobulate 87 of blues |
65 |
Eric Clapton |
Old Love |
unknown |
Scrobulate 88 of blues |
66 |
Eric Clapton |
The Core |
unknown |
WXPN 639 |
In addition to the above listed songs Eric Clapton also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Sting & Eric Clapton |
It's Probably Me |
1992 |
Italy 1 for 1 week - Oct 1992, Italy 4 of 1992, Holland 6 - Jul 1992 (10 weeks), France 6 - Sep 1992 (2 weeks), Poland 10 - Aug 1992 (7 weeks), Belgium 12 - Aug 1992 (12 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Aug 1992 (12 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 20 - Jul 1992 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 22 - Sep 1992 (16 weeks), UK 30 - Aug 1992 (5 weeks), Holland free40 74 of 1992, Canada 96 of 1992 |
2 |
Eric Clapton & BB King |
Riding With the King |
2000 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - May 2000 (19 weeks), Poland 38 - Jun 2000 (7 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 68 of 2000 (peak 10 14 weeks) |
3 |
Elton John & Eric Clapton |
Runaway Train |
1992 |
France 9 - Aug 1992 (2 weeks), Switzerland 15 - Aug 1992 (8 weeks), Sweden 18 - Sep 1992 (1 week), Austria 28 - Aug 1992 (2 months), UK 31 - Aug 1992 (4 weeks), Poland 32 - Sep 1992 (10 weeks), Holland 37 - Aug 1992 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 41 - Sep 1992 (11 weeks), Italy 86 of 1992 |
4 |
Sting & Ruben Blades, Eric Clapton, Fareed Haque, & Mark Knopfler |
They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo) |
1988 |
Belgium 23 - Nov 1988 (1 week), Holland 29 - Oct 1988 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 66 - Oct 1988 (3 weeks), UK 94 - Sep 1988 (1 week), RYM 136 of 1989 |
5 |
Zucchero Fornaciari & Eric Clapton |
Wonderful World |
1991 |
France 6 - Jan 1992 (2 weeks), Switzerland 17 - Nov 1991 (2 weeks), Belgium 21 - Aug 1991 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 71 - Oct 1991 (5 weeks) |
6 |
Eric Clapton & J J Cale |
Ride The River |
2006 |
Japan (Tokyo) 27 - Nov 2006 (4 weeks) |
7 |
Eric Clapton & Tina Turner |
Tearing Us Apart |
1987 |
Holland 29 - Aug 1987 (4 weeks), UK 56 - Jun 1987 (3 weeks) |
8 |
Beatchuggers & Eric Clapton |
Forever Man (How Many Times?) |
2000 |
UK 26 - Nov 2000 (2 weeks) |
9 |
Eric Clapton & Michael Kamen |
Edge Of Darkness |
1985 |
UK 65 - Dec 1985 (10 weeks) |
10 |
Paul McCartney & Eric Clapton |
While my Guitar Gently Weeps |
2003 |
Poland 41 - Dec 2003 (9 weeks) |
11 |
Tracy Chapman & Eric Clapton |
Give Me One Reason |
1999 |
Poland 22 - Dec 1999 (14 weeks) |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
1 Jun 2018
Double Listing - Layla (Unplugged)
#5 & #36 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
20 Dec 2017
Double Listing - Layla (Unplugged)
#5 & #53 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
29 Sep 2015
Double Listing - No Alibis
#35 & #49 are the same. Correct title is "No Alibis" rather than Alibis.
Data fixed, thanks
9 Jun 2012
Looking for CD title
I am looking for the song title (River of Tears) by Eric Clapton-on which CD is this
Thank you so much, I heard the song playing in a pub in Turkey and I loved it
The song was not a hit (we suspect it wasn't released as a single). We would look on discogs, rateyourmusic, iTunes or Amazon to find the answer.
But in this case we happen to know that there is a version of it on his 1998 album "Pilgrim".
14 Aug 2011
Eric Clapton's "Layla (Unplugged)" is the same song as "Layla" by Derek & The Dominos (Clapton's 1970's band)
As you know, it is the same basic song, but not the same recording. The "unplugged" version is different from the Derek & The Dominos one (as is the 1982 remix).
The convention here is that when a different artist records a song of the same name that can be tracked down because the name of the song is kept the same. We felt that this was an unusual case.
Because "Derek & The Dominos" are mentioned on Eric Clapton's page, because the 1972 version is well known as an Eric Clapton song, and because the unplugged version is so different, we felt that giving it a distinct name was justified.
We agree that this is a borderline case and we could have easily decided to give it the same name, but at the time our decision went the other way.