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Song artist 105 - Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John Region Profile

Olivia Newton-John Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Olivia Newton-John.A list of the hit albums by Olivia Newton-John is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Olivia Newton-John (Let's Get) Physical 1981 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1981 (26 weeks), US BB 1 of 1982, Record World 1 - 1981, Switzerland 1 - Nov 1981 (12 weeks), Belgium 1 - Oct 1981 (12 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 6 weeks - Dec 1981, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Dec 1981, Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1981, Top Song of 1982 of the Billboard 50th list, WABC NY 2 of 1982, France 2 - Nov 1981 (1 week), Brazil 2 of 1982, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1982), ARC 3 of 1981 (peak 1 23 weeks), US Radio 3 of 1981 (peak 1 16 weeks), Holland 4 - Oct 1981 (10 weeks), Germany 4 - Jan 1982 (5 months), ODK Germany 4 - Nov 1981 (21 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), US CashBox 6 of 1981, Billboard 50th song 6, UK 7 - Oct 1981 (16 weeks), France (SNEP) 7 - Nov 1981 (2 months), Austria 7 - Dec 1981 (2 months), Billboard100 8, 55th Billboard 100 8 (1981), Springbok 11 - Aug 1982 (6 weeks), Switzerland 14 of 1981, Sweden (alt) 15 - Nov 1981 (10 weeks), Canada 15 of 1982, POP 41 of 1981, nuTsie 51 of 1980s, Italy 62 of 1982, Germany 201 of the 1980s (peak 4 15 weeks), OzNet 319, RYM 124 of 1981
2 Olivia Newton-John Hopelessly Devoted to You 1978 Holland 1 - Sep 1978 (13 weeks), Belgium 1 - Sep 1978 (11 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - Nov 1978, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Oct 1978, UK 2 - Nov 1978 (11 weeks), Oscar in 1978 (film 'Grease') (Nominated), US Billboard 3 - Jul 1978 (19 weeks), Canada 3 - Aug 1978 (13 weeks), Record World 4 - 1978, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1978), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Nov 1978), RIANZ 6 - Sep 1978 (13 weeks), France 10 - Dec 1978 (1 week), Canada 12 of 1978, US Radio 27 of 1978 (peak 3 12 weeks), US CashBox 28 of 1978, WABC NY 33 of 1978, US BB 35 of 1978, Brazil 39 of 1978, Scrobulate 89 of musicals, RYM 159 of 1978
3 Olivia Newton-John Magic 1980 US Billboard 1 - May 1980 (20 weeks), Record World 1 - 1980, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1980, US BB 3 of 1980, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1980), Springbok 5 - Sep 1980 (9 weeks), ARC 7 of 1980 (peak 1 17 weeks), France 7 - Oct 1980 (1 week), Canada 10 of 1980, US CashBox 12 of 1980, Holland 12 - Sep 1980 (6 weeks), Sweden (alt) 12 - Oct 1980 (4 weeks), Belgium 14 - Sep 1980 (6 weeks), US Radio 15 of 1980 (peak 1 12 weeks), WABC NY 16 of 1980, Brazil 21 of 1980, UK 32 - Aug 1980 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 36 - Oct 1980 (10 weeks), OzNet 504, RYM 55 of 1980
4 Olivia Newton-John I Honestly Love You 1974 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1974 (15 weeks), Record World 1 - 1974, Canada 1 - Sep 1974 (11 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Sep 1974, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Nov 1974, Grammy in 1974, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1974), Springbok 5 - Nov 1974 (10 weeks), France 8 - Nov 1974 (1 week), Australia 10 of 1974, WABC NY 14 of 1974, Canada 15 of 1974, UK 22 - Oct 1974 (6 weeks), US Radio 35 of 1974 (peak 1 8 weeks), US CashBox 62 of 1974, DDD 86 of 1974, US BB 97 of 1974, RYM 64 of 1974
5 Olivia Newton-John A Little More Love 1979 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1978 (19 weeks), Holland 3 - Dec 1978 (11 weeks), Belgium 3 - Dec 1978 (11 weeks), UK 4 - Dec 1978 (12 weeks), Record World 4 - 1979, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1979), Canada 5 - Feb 1979 (9 weeks), Norway 6 - Jan 1979 (8 weeks), Canada 7 of 1979, RIANZ 7 - Jan 1979 (13 weeks), France (SNEP) 11 - Feb 1979 (1 month), Sweden (alt) 12 - Dec 1978 (12 weeks), US Radio 15 of 1979 (peak 3 14 weeks), US BB 17 of 1979, US CashBox 23 of 1979, ODK Germany 34 - Feb 1979 (6 weeks), WABC NY 55 of 1979, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Nov 1978), RYM 123 of 1978
6 Olivia Newton-John Have You never Been Mellow? 1975 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1975 (16 weeks), Record World 1 - 1975, Canada 1 - Feb 1975 (12 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Feb 1975, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1975), France 7 - Jun 1975 (1 week), WABC NY 11 of 1975, RIANZ 12 - May 1975 (14 weeks), US CashBox 19 of 1975, Canada 19 of 1975, US Radio 24 of 1975 (peak 1 9 weeks), US BB 36 of 1975, RYM 105 of 1975
7 Olivia Newton-John Heart Attack 1982 US Billboard 3 - Sep 1982 (20 weeks), Springbok 4 - Nov 1982 (12 weeks), Norway 5 - Oct 1982 (4 weeks), Austria 7 - Dec 1982 (3 months), France 9 - Sep 1982 (1 week), South Africa 18 of 1983, Canada 24 of 1982, Poland 25 - Dec 1982 (7 weeks), US Radio 27 of 1982 (peak 3 11 weeks), Belgium 27 - Dec 1982 (1 week), US CashBox 30 of 1982, WABC NY 32 of 1982, ARC 39 of 1982 (peak 2 12 weeks), UK 46 - Oct 1982 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Nov 1982 (5 weeks)
8 Olivia Newton-John If You Love Me (Let Me Know) 1974 Springbok 1 - Sep 1974 (20 weeks), Canada 3 - Jun 1974 (10 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1974), US Billboard 5 - Apr 1974 (20 weeks), Record World 5 - 1974, South Africa 7 of 1974, Belgium 27 - Aug 1974 (1 week), US CashBox 31 of 1974, US BB 32 of 1974, US Radio 58 of 1974 (peak 5 8 weeks), Canada 60 of 1974, WABC NY 93 of 1974
9 Olivia Newton-John If Not For You 1971 Springbok 1 - May 1971 (10 weeks), Canada 3 - Jul 1971 (8 weeks), Norway 6 - Jun 1971 (12 weeks), UK 7 - Mar 1971 (11 weeks), Keener 13 - Aug 1971 (5 weeks), South Africa 13 of 1971, Australia Goset 14 - May 1971 (13 weeks), Belgium 22 - Apr 1971 (4 weeks), Record World 24 - 1971, US Billboard 25 - May 1971 (17 weeks), POP 57 of 1971, US BB 76 of 1971, US CashBox 100 of 1971
10 Olivia Newton-John Twist Of Fate 1983 Canada 4 - Dec 1983 (11 weeks), France 4 - Jan 1984 (2 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Nov 1983 (17 weeks), Springbok 5 - Jan 1984 (10 weeks), Switzerland 20 - Dec 1983 (6 weeks), Belgium 25 - Nov 1983 (1 week), ARC 38 of 1984 (peak 3 14 weeks), US BB 42 of 1984, US Radio 48 of 1983 (peak 5 9 weeks), Canada 48 of 1984, US CashBox 55 of 1984, UK 57 - Nov 1983 (4 weeks)
11 Olivia Newton-John Please Mr Please 1975 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jul 1975, US Billboard 3 - Jun 1975 (15 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1975), Record World 5 - 1975, RIANZ 7 - Aug 1975 (14 weeks), Canada 9 - Jun 1975 (7 weeks), US Radio 16 of 1975 (peak 3 9 weeks), Canada 24 of 1975, US CashBox 26 of 1975, US BB 49 of 1975, WABC NY 60 of 1975
12 Olivia Newton-John Let Me Be There 1974 Canada 2 - Dec 1973 (12 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1974), US Billboard 6 - Nov 1973 (19 weeks), Record World 6 - 1974, France 10 - Apr 1974 (1 week), Australia Goset 16 - Dec 1973 (19 weeks), US CashBox 22 of 1974, US BB 26 of 1974, US Radio 41 of 1974 (peak 6 9 weeks), WABC NY 68 of 1974, Canada 71 of 1974
13 Olivia Newton-John Banks of the Ohio 1971 Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1971 (22 weeks), UK 6 - Oct 1971 (17 weeks), Australia 8 of 1971, Springbok 9 - Feb 1972 (9 weeks), Germany 22 - Feb 1972 (2 months), US Billboard 94 - Oct 1971 (4 weeks)
14 Olivia Newton-John Make A Move On Me 1982 US Billboard 5 - Feb 1982 (14 weeks), US CashBox 35 of 1982, WABC NY 37 of 1982, ODK Germany 38 - Feb 1982 (8 weeks), UK 43 - Apr 1982 (3 weeks), Canada 46 of 1982, US Radio 51 of 1982 (peak 5 8 weeks), US BB 84 of 1982
15 Olivia Newton-John Sam 1977 Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1977, UK 6 - Jun 1977 (11 weeks), RIANZ 16 - Apr 1977 (6 weeks), US Billboard 20 - Jan 1977 (13 weeks), Belgium 29 - Aug 1977 (1 week), Record World 38 - 1977, US Radio 126 of 1977 (peak 20 2 weeks), RYM 103 of 1976
16 Olivia Newton-John Deeper Than The Night 1979 US Billboard 11 - Apr 1979 (13 weeks), Record World 17 - 1979, Belgium 23 - Jun 1979 (1 week), UK 64 - Jun 1979 (3 weeks), US Radio 93 of 1979 (peak 11 4 weeks)
17 Olivia Newton-John Long Live Love 1974 Norway 3 - Apr 1974 (12 weeks), Belgium 7 - Apr 1974 (7 weeks), UK 11 - Mar 1974 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 20 - Jul 1974 (5 weeks)
18 Olivia Newton-John Soul Kiss 1985 US Billboard 20 - Oct 1985 (14 weeks), Holland 36 - Nov 1985 (3 weeks), UK 100 - Feb 1986 (1 week), US Radio 149 of 1985 (peak 20 1 week)
19 Olivia Newton-John I Need Love 1992 Japan (Tokyo) 48 - Jul 1992 (5 weeks), UK 75 - Jul 1992 (1 week), US Billboard 96 - Jul 1992 (2 weeks)
20 Olivia Newton-John Don't Stop Believin' 1976 France 6 - Sep 1976 (2 weeks), US Billboard 33 - Aug 1976 (9 weeks), RIANZ 34 - Dec 1976 (2 weeks), Record World 38 - 1976
21 Olivia Newton-John Landslide 1982 France 10 - Jul 1982 (1 week), Belgium 14 - Feb 1982 (5 weeks), UK 18 - Jan 1982 (9 weeks), US Billboard 52 - Jun 1982 (8 weeks)
22 Olivia Newton-John The Rumor 1988 ODK Germany 36 - Oct 1988 (10 weeks), Poland 38 - Oct 1988 (3 weeks), US Billboard 62 - Aug 1988 (6 weeks), UK 85 - Sep 1988 (2 weeks)
23 Olivia Newton-John Something Better To Do 1975 US Billboard 13 - Sep 1975 (11 weeks), Record World 30 - 1975, RIANZ 40 - Feb 1976 (1 week), US Radio 116 of 1975 (peak 13 6 weeks)
24 Olivia Newton-John Come On Over 1976 RIANZ 3 - Jun 1976 (22 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Mar 1976 (12 weeks), Record World 30 - 1976
25 Olivia Newton-John Richard's Window 1975 Oscar in 1975 (film 'The Other Side of the Mountain') (Nominated), Golden Globe in 1975 (film 'The Other Side of the Mountain') (Nominated)
26 Olivia Newton-John Take Me Home, Country Roads 1973 UK 15 - Jan 1973 (13 weeks), Japan 27 of all time (international songs) (sales 0.436)
27 Olivia Newton-John Every Face Tells A Story 1976 Springbok 5 - Apr 1977 (9 weeks), US Billboard 55 - Nov 1976 (8 weeks)
28 Olivia Newton-John Reach Out For Me 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 66 - Feb 1990 (3 weeks)
29 Olivia Newton-John Livin' In Desperate Times 1984 US Billboard 31 - Feb 1984 (10 weeks)
30 Olivia Newton-John Tied Up 1983 US Billboard 38 - Jan 1983 (11 weeks)
31 Olivia Newton-John Totally Hot 1979 US Billboard 52 - Jul 1979 (6 weeks)
32 Olivia Newton-John Dancin' Round & Round 1979 US Billboard 82 - Sep 1979 (2 weeks)
33 Olivia Newton-John Making A Good Thing Better 1977 US Billboard 87 - Jun 1977 (4 weeks)
34 Olivia Newton-John Let It Shine 1975 US Billboard 30 - Dec 1975 (9 weeks)
35 Olivia Newton-John What is Life? 1972 UK 16 - Mar 1972 (8 weeks)
36 Olivia Newton-John I Honestly Love You (1983) 1983 UK 52 - Jan 1983 (5 weeks)
37 Olivia Newton-John The Promise (The Dolphin Song) 1981 RYM 124 of 1981
38 Olivia Newton-John Borrowed Time 1978 RYM 123 of 1978
39 Olivia Newton-John Whenever You're Away From Me 1980 RYM 55 of 1980
40 Olivia Newton-John Changes 1976 RYM 103 of 1976
41 Olivia Newton-John Water Under the Bridge 1975 RYM 105 of 1975
42 Olivia Newton-John Home Ain't Home Anymore 1974 RYM 64 of 1974
43 Olivia Newton-John Jolene unknown Japan 21 of all time (international songs) (sales 0.473)
44 Olivia Newton-John Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise) unknown Scrobulate 70 of musicals

In addition to the above listed songs Olivia Newton-John also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're the One That I Want 1978 UK 1 - May 1978 (26 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Apr 1978 (24 weeks), Record World 1 - 1978, Canada 1 - Apr 1978 (16 weeks), Holland 1 - May 1978 (22 weeks), Sweden (alt) 1 - Jul 1978 (34 weeks), France (SNEP) 1 - Aug 1978 (5 months), France (InfoDisc) 1 of the 1970s (peak 1, 36 weeks, 1,800k sales estimated, 1978), Switzerland 1 - Jul 1978 (24 weeks), Norway 1 - Jul 1978 (29 weeks), Belgium 1 - Jun 1978 (20 weeks), Australia 1 of 1978, Germany 1 - Jun 1978 (6 months), ODK Germany 1 - Jun 1978 (35 weeks) (6 weeks at number 1) (19 weeks in top 10), Eire 1 for 9 weeks - Jun 1978, New Zealand 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1978, RIANZ 1 - May 1978 (27 weeks), Australia 1 for 9 weeks - Jun 1978, Europe 1 for 10 weeks - Aug 1978, France 1 for 15 weeks - Sep 1978, Germany 1 for 6 weeks - Aug 1978, Austria 2 - Jul 1978 (11 months), Switzerland 2 of 1978, Springbok 2 - Jul 1978 (18 weeks), Golden Globe in 1978 (film 'Grease') (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1978), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Jul 1978), UK sales 3 of the 1970s (1,975 k in 1978), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1978), France 5 - May 1978 (4 weeks), US CashBox 9 of 1978, WABC NY 10 of 1978, US Radio 11 of 1978 (peak 1 13 weeks), Italy 12 of 1978, US BB 13 of 1978, Canada 14 of 1978, POP 15 of 1978, Germany 17 of the 1970s (peak 1 25 weeks), South Africa 17 of 1978, TOTP 20, UKMIX 20, Brazil 22 of 1978, Poland 26 - Jul 1998 (5 weeks), Europe 72 of the 1970s (1978), RYM 153 of 1978, NY Daily Love list 61, Guardian Pop 48, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1978
2 Olivia Newton-John & Electric Light Orchestra Xanadu 1980 UK 1 - Jun 1980 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Jun 1980 (16 weeks), Austria 1 - Aug 1980 (5 months), Norway 1 - Jul 1980 (14 weeks), Belgium 1 - Jul 1980 (13 weeks), Germany 1 - Jul 1980 (5 months), ODK Germany 1 - Jul 1980 (29 weeks) (2 weeks at number 1) (16 weeks in top 10), Eire 1 for 6 weeks - Jun 1980, Europe 1 for 3 weeks - Aug 1980, Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1980, Spain 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 1980, Switzerland 2 - Jul 1980 (14 weeks), Sweden (alt) 3 - Jul 1980 (24 weeks), France 3 - Jul 1980 (2 weeks), Record World 4 - 1980, Switzerland 7 of 1980, US Billboard 8 - Aug 1980 (17 weeks), France (SNEP) 8 - Oct 1980 (1 month), Brazil 16 of 1980, Springbok 20 - Dec 1980 (1 week), Germany 33 of the 1980s (peak 1 20 weeks), WABC NY 55 of 1980, US CashBox 67 of 1980, US Radio 68 of 1980 (peak 8 7 weeks), Canada 71 of 1980, OzNet 204, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jul 1980), RYM 91 of 1980
3 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John Summer Nights 1978 UK 1 - Sep 1978 (19 weeks), Austria 1 - Nov 1978 (3 months), Belgium 1 - Sep 1978 (12 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1978, Europe 1 for 8 weeks - Oct 1978, Holland 2 - Sep 1978 (11 weeks), France (SNEP) 2 - Oct 1978 (3 months), Norway 2 - Oct 1978 (13 weeks), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Oct 1978), Sweden (alt) 3 - Oct 1978 (20 weeks), RIANZ 3 - Oct 1978 (8 weeks), Record World 4 - 1978, France 4 - Sep 1978 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Oct 1978 (18 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1978), US Billboard 5 - Aug 1978 (16 weeks), UK sales 5 of the 1970s (1,520 k in 1978), POP 6 of 1978, Switzerland 7 - Nov 1978 (10 weeks), Germany 7 - Jan 1979 (4 months), Springbok 9 - Oct 1978 (7 weeks), Poland 13 - Aug 1998 (9 weeks), Canada 18 - Sep 1978 (7 weeks), Italy 21 of 1978, WABC NY 31 of 1978, US CashBox 41 of 1978, US Radio 42 of 1978 (peak 5 9 weeks), Canada 42 of 1978, US BB 69 of 1978, AFI 70, UKMIX 234, Party 245 of 1999
4 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John Grease Megamix 1991 Australia 1 of 1991, Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Jun 1991, Spain 1 for 1 week - May 1991, POP 1 of 1996, UK 3 - Dec 1990 (10 weeks), Holland 3 - Feb 1991 (13 weeks), Belgium 4 - Feb 1991 (11 weeks), Norway 5 - Feb 1991 (5 weeks), Austria 28 - Mar 1991 (2 months), ODK Germany 42 - Mar 1991 (8 weeks), US Radio 60 of 1996 (peak 12 5 weeks), OzNet 443, Party 50 of 1999
5 Cliff Richard & Olivia Newton-John Suddenly 1980 UK 15 - Oct 1980 (7 weeks), Record World 19 - 1980, US Billboard 20 - Oct 1980 (18 weeks), Belgium 30 - Dec 1980 (1 week), US BB 91 of 1981, Japan (Tokyo) 100 - Feb 1989 (1 week), US Radio 128 of 1981 (peak 20 1 week)
6 Andy Gibb & Olivia Newton-John I Can't Help It 1980 US Billboard 12 - Mar 1980 (13 weeks), Record World 17 - 1980, Belgium 27 - Apr 1980 (1 week), US Radio 89 of 1980 (peak 12 5 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1980
7 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John Grease the Dream Mix 1991 Belgium 12 - May 1991 (5 weeks), UK 47 - Mar 1991 (2 weeks)
8 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're The One That I Want (1998) 1998 UK 4 - Jul 1998 (9 weeks)
9 Olivia Newton-John & Babyface I Honestly Love You 1998 US Billboard 67 - May 1998 (12 weeks)
10 Cliff Richard & Olivia Newton-John Had to Be 1995 UK 22 - Dec 1995 (4 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

26 May 2018

(3) Double Listings

#1 & #34 (Let's Get Physical) are the same. Also #9 & #37 (If You Love Me). Plus #39 & #2 (under Duets w/Electric Light Orchestra - Xanadu).

Data fixed, thanks

27 Dec 2017

Double Listing - (Let's Get) Physical

#1 & #31 are the same.

Dara fixed, thanks

9 Oct 2017

general suggestion

just a thought,,,,, when you list a track on any list, by any artist, alsolist the original album title that the track was released on, and possibly a country of origin as well. Additionally, information regarding release label, and subsequent re-release data may be useful to some users searching for out of print albums.

You've obviously not looked at either the way we've gather this data, or the size of our data set. That information is available from other sites (Discogs, MusicBrainz or even Amazon), our source data doesn't have it and with more than 100,000 songs addig it by hand would not be possible.

18 Dec 2016

Double Listing - (Let's Get) Physical

#1 & #30 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

17 Oct 2015

A couple of errors, missing songs

#5 is actually "Have You Never Been Mellow?" NOT Ever. #41 is NOT Olivia - it's an instrumental b-side. No chart info for several charted songs, including "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother," "Fly Away" (with John Denver), "Take a Chance" (with John Travolta), "Rest Your Love on Me" (with Andy Gibb), "Face to Face" (with Barry Gibb) - otherwise, good job.

Thanks for the corrections. In the list of missing entries you didn't suggest which charts they came from and where the original charts can be found. Without that we can't do anything

20 Nov 2014

Double Listing - Physical

#1 and #16 are the same recording.

Looks good, data fixed, thanks

29 Feb 2012

Olivia Newton-John

1 & 17 is the same song

It is, the data has been fixed

18 Feb 2012

Olivia Newton-John

1 and 17 was the same song

You are right, the data has been corrected, thanks for the input