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Song artist 114 - James Brown

James Brown Region Profile

James Brown Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of James Brown.A list of the hit albums by James Brown is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 James Brown Living in America 1986 Belgium 1 - Feb 1986 (12 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Dec 1985 (18 weeks), UK 5 - Jan 1986 (10 weeks), POP 5 of 1986, Holland 9 - Jan 1986 (9 weeks), Switzerland 9 - Jan 1986 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 12 - Jan 1986 (15 weeks), Germany 14 - Feb 1986 (2 months), Canada 30 - Jan 1986 (1 week), Canada 56 of 1986, US Radio 58 of 1986 (peak 4 7 weeks), US BB 65 of 1986, US CashBox 65 of 1986, Italy 87 of 1986, Brazil 89 of 1986, Scrobulate 94 of funk
2 James Brown I Got You (I Feel Good) 1965 Record World 1 - 1966, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2013 (1965), US Billboard 3 - Nov 1965 (12 weeks), US invalid BB 5 of 1965, POP 5 of 1965, Canada 6 - Nov 1965 (13 weeks), US CashBox 7 of 1966, Keener 11 - Nov 1965 (5 weeks), DDD 16 of 1965, 25 in 2FM list, Scrobulate 25 of funk, UK 29 - Feb 1966 (6 weeks), US Radio 34 of 1965 (peak 3 8 weeks), WABC NY 44 of 1966, OzNet 65, Rolling Stone 78, nuTsie 100 of 1960s, RIAA 152, Acclaimed 182 (1965), RYM 27 of 1965, Party 129 of 1999, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 James Brown It's a Man's Man's Man's World 1966 Canada 1 - May 1966 (10 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2010 (1966), Record World 3 - 1966, D.Marsh 7 of 1966, US Billboard 8 - Apr 1966 (9 weeks), Keener 9 - May 1966 (4 weeks), UK 13 - Jun 1966 (9 weeks), Flanders 15 - Aug 1966 (1 month), Holland 19 - Jul 1966 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 84 of soul, DDD 89 of 1966, US CashBox 97 of 1966, US Radio 98 of 1966 (peak 8 5 weeks), Rolling Stone 123, Vinyl Surrender 200 (1966), Acclaimed 243 (1966), RYM 45 of 1966
4 James Brown Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine 1970 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2014 (1970), Belgium 2 - Sep 1970 (10 weeks), France 3 - Dec 1970 (3 weeks), DDD 5 of 1970, Holland 8 - Aug 1970 (9 weeks), POP 14 of 1970, US Billboard 15 - Jul 1970 (9 weeks), Record World 17 - 1970, Scrobulate 29 of funk, UK 32 - Oct 1970 (7 weeks), nuTsie 35 of 1970s, Vinyl Surrender 113 (1970), Acclaimed 129 (1970), US Radio 132 of 1970 (peak 15 2 weeks), Belgium 233 of all time, Rolling Stone 326, RYM 17 of 1970
5 James Brown Papa's Got a Brand New Bag 1965 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1965), DDD 4 of 1965, Canada 5 - Aug 1965 (12 weeks), Record World 6 - 1965, D.Marsh 6 of 1965, US Billboard 8 - Jul 1965 (13 weeks), nuTsie 17 of 1960s, Keener 19 - Aug 1965 (4 weeks), US invalid BB 23 of 1965, POP 23 of 1965, UK 25 - Sep 1965 (7 weeks), US BB 33 of 1965, Scrobulate 34 of soul, US CashBox 57 of 1965, Rolling Stone 72, US Radio 78 of 1965 (peak 8 6 weeks), WABC NY 91 of 1965, Acclaimed 101 (1965), RYM 24 of 1965
6 James Brown Cold Sweat 1967 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2016 (1967), Record World 4 - 1967, US Billboard 7 - Jul 1967 (12 weeks), D.Marsh 9 of 1967, Keener 18 - Jul 1967 (4 weeks), Canada 20 - Aug 1967 (6 weeks), DDD 28 of 1967, US invalid BB 35 of 1967, POP 35 of 1967, US CashBox 65 of 1967, US BB 77 of 1967, US Radio 77 of 1967 (peak 7 6 weeks), Acclaimed 1506 (1967), RYM 91 of 1967
7 James Brown Please, Please, Please 1956 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1956), DDD 9 of 1956, nuTsie 32 of 1950s, Scrobulate 54 of gotanygoodmusic, US Billboard 95 - Feb 1964 (2 weeks), Rolling Stone 142, Acclaimed 316 (1956), RYM 17 of 1956, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
8 James Brown Hot Pants (She Got To Use What She Got To Get What She Wants) 1971 POP 12 of 1971, Record World 14 - 1971, US Billboard 15 - Jul 1971 (11 weeks), Keener 15 - Jul 1971 (5 weeks), Belgium 15 - Sep 1971 (6 weeks), Holland 19 - Aug 1971 (6 weeks), DDD 44 of 1971, WABC NY 54 of 1971, US Radio 116 of 1971 (peak 15 5 weeks), Acclaimed 1731 (1971), RYM 152 of 1971
9 James Brown Call Me Super Bad 1970 Record World 9 - 1970, France 9 - Nov 1970 (1 week), Keener 12 - Oct 1970 (3 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Oct 1970 (10 weeks), Belgium 28 - Dec 1970 (2 weeks), Holland 32 - Nov 1970 (4 weeks), WABC NY 60 of 1970, DDD 87 of 1970, US Radio 116 of 1970 (peak 13 5 weeks)
10 James Brown The Payback 1974 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1974), US Billboard 26 - Mar 1974 (13 weeks), Scrobulate 26 of funk, Record World 27 - 1974, Holland 28 - Jun 1988 (4 weeks), POP 42 of 1974, Acclaimed 806 (1974), RYM 78 of 1974
11 James Brown Try Me 1958 Canada 43 - Feb 1959 (3 weeks), US Billboard 48 - Dec 1958 (13 weeks), Scrobulate 77 of soul, DDD 79 of 1958, Acclaimed 1682 (1958), RYM 37 of 1958
12 James Brown Mother Popcorn (You Got to Have a Mother for Me) (Parts 1 & 2) 1969 Record World 7 - 1969, US Billboard 11 - Jun 1969 (12 weeks), Keener 13 - Jul 1969 (3 weeks), Holland 21 - Aug 1969 (7 weeks), US BB 68 of 1969, US Radio 88 of 1969 (peak 11 8 weeks), DDD 88 of 1969, US CashBox 90 of 1969, RYM 151 of 1969
13 James Brown I Got The Feelin' 1968 Record World 5 - 1968, US Billboard 6 - Mar 1968 (12 weeks), Keener 13 - Mar 1968 (5 weeks), DDD 30 of 1968, Canada 31 - Mar 1968 (4 weeks), US BB 58 of 1968, US Radio 65 of 1968 (peak 6 9 weeks), US CashBox 80 of 1968, RYM 149 of 1968
14 James Brown Get on the Good Foot 1972 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1972), Record World 9 - 1972, US Billboard 18 - Aug 1972 (14 weeks), POP 20 of 1972, US CashBox 67 of 1972, DDD 67 of 1972, US BB 99 of 1972, US Radio 147 of 1972 (peak 18 3 weeks)
15 James Brown Prisoner of Love 1963 D.Marsh 5 of 1963, US Billboard 18 - Apr 1963 (11 weeks), DDD 79 of 1963, US Radio 160 of 1963 (peak 18 2 weeks), Acclaimed 1377 (1963), RYM 140 of 1963
16 James Brown Say it Loud, I'm Black & I'm Proud 1968 Record World 9 - 1968, US Billboard 10 - Sep 1968 (11 weeks), DDD 62 of 1968, US BB 90 of 1968, US Radio 105 of 1968 (peak 10 6 weeks), Rolling Stone 305, Acclaimed 1757 (1968), one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
17 James Brown Licking Stick - Licking Stick 1968 Record World 12 - 1968, US Billboard 14 - May 1968 (8 weeks), Keener 15 - May 1968 (3 weeks), Canada 35 - Jun 1968 (4 weeks), US Radio 118 of 1968 (peak 14 4 weeks), RYM 93 of 1968
18 James Brown Get Up Offa That Thing 1976 POP 6 of 1976, UK 22 - Sep 1976 (6 weeks), US Billboard 45 - Aug 1976 (7 weeks), Scrobulate 75 of funk
19 James Brown Think 1960 D.Marsh 20 of 1960, US Billboard 33 - May 1960 (8 weeks), DDD 72 of 1960, RYM 23 of 1960
20 James Brown Gravity 1986 Belgium 10 - Oct 1986 (6 weeks), Holland 30 - Oct 1986 (3 weeks), UK 65 - Oct 1986 (4 weeks), US Billboard 93 - Oct 1986 (2 weeks)
21 James Brown Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine (1991) 2000 Japan (Tokyo) 25 - Nov 2002 (8 weeks), Poland 34 - Apr 2000 (13 weeks), UK 69 - Nov 1991 (2 weeks)
22 James Brown Out of Sight 1964 Record World 21 - 1964, US Billboard 24 - Aug 1964 (10 weeks), D.Marsh 29 of 1964, DDD 65 of 1964, RYM 31 of 1964
23 James Brown Night Train 1962 D.Marsh 20 of 1962, DDD 33 of 1962, US Billboard 35 - Apr 1962 (11 weeks), RYM 4 of 1962
24 James Brown Give it Up or Turn it Loose 1969 US Billboard 15 - Jan 1969 (9 weeks), Record World 19 - 1969, Keener 22 - Jan 1969 (2 weeks), DDD 38 of 1969, US Radio 126 of 1969 (peak 15 5 weeks)
25 James Brown Lost Someone 1961 US Billboard 48 - Dec 1961 (10 weeks), DDD 58 of 1961, Acclaimed 1710 (1962), RYM 52 of 1961
26 James Brown Can't Get Any Harder 1993 Japan (Tokyo) 5 - Mar 1993 (13 weeks), UK 59 - Apr 1993 (2 weeks)
27 James Brown There Was A Time 1968 Keener 20 - Feb 1968 (3 weeks), Record World 23 - 1968, US Billboard 36 - Jan 1968 (8 weeks), Canada 44 - Feb 1968 (2 weeks)
28 James Brown Funk On Ah Roll 1998 Japan (Tokyo) 37 - Nov 1998 (7 weeks), UK 40 - Apr 1999 (3 weeks)
29 James Brown I Got Ants In My Pants 1973 US Billboard 27 - Jan 1973 (8 weeks), Record World 39 - 1973, POP 58 of 1973, RYM 183 of 1973
30 James Brown Honky Tonk 1972 Belgium 21 - Aug 1972 (1 week), Record World 40 - 1972, US Billboard 44 - Jun 1972 (8 weeks)
31 James Brown Brother Rapp 1970 France 8 - Oct 1970 (1 week), Record World 24 - 1970, US Billboard 32 - May 1970 (8 weeks)
32 James Brown Talking Loud & Saying Nothing 1972 US Billboard 27 - Feb 1972 (7 weeks), Record World 34 - 1972, DDD 104 of 1972, RYM 119 of 1970
33 James Brown I'll Go Crazy 1960 DDD 65 of 1960, US Billboard 73 - Feb 1966 (2 weeks), RYM 58 of 1960
34 James Brown This Old Heart 1960 US Billboard 79 - Aug 1960 (5 weeks), DDD 108 of 1960, RYM 59 of 1960
35 James Brown You've Got the Power 1960 US Billboard 86 - Jun 1960 (1 week), DDD 105 of 1960, RYM 23 of 1960
36 James Brown Bewildered 1961 US Billboard 40 - Feb 1961 (8 weeks), DDD 58 of 1960, RYM 87 of 1961
37 James Brown Baby, You're Right 1961 US Billboard 49 - Aug 1961 (4 weeks), DDD 97 of 1960, RYM 121 of 1961
38 James Brown Make it Funky 1971 Record World 18 - 1971, US Billboard 22 - Aug 1971 (9 weeks), WABC NY 84 of 1971, RYM 177 of 1971
39 James Brown Get it Together 1967 Record World 18 - 1967, US Billboard 40 - Oct 1967 (6 weeks), Canada 47 - Nov 1967 (3 weeks)
40 James Brown I Can't Stand Myself (When You Touch Me) 1967 Keener 10 - Dec 1967 (3 weeks), Record World 19 - 1968, US Billboard 28 - Dec 1967 (9 weeks)
41 James Brown Ain't It Funky Now 1969 Keener 8 - Dec 1969 (8 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Nov 1969 (11 weeks), Record World 36 - 1970
42 James Brown How Do You Stop 1987 Belgium 22 - Feb 1987 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 28 - Feb 1987 (10 weeks), UK 90 - Dec 1986 (2 weeks)
43 James Brown Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved 1971 Record World 32 - 1971, US Billboard 34 - Jan 1971 (8 weeks), DDD 107 of 1970
44 James Brown Money Won't Change You 1966 Keener 25 - Sep 1966 (2 weeks), Record World 35 - 1966, US Billboard 53 - Jul 1966 (9 weeks)
45 James Brown World 1969 Record World 26 - 1969, Keener 26 - Sep 1969 (3 weeks), US Billboard 37 - Sep 1969 (7 weeks)
46 James Brown Woman 1974 Holland 7 - Feb 1974 (9 weeks), Belgium 12 - Mar 1974 (7 weeks)
47 James Brown Oh Baby, Don't You Weep (Parts 1 & 2) 1964 US Billboard 23 - Jan 1964 (10 weeks), DDD 95 of 1964, RYM 197 of 1964
48 James Brown There It Is (Part 1) 1972 Holland 22 - Jul 1972 (4 weeks), US Billboard 43 - May 1972 (7 weeks)
49 James Brown Bodyheat 1977 UK 36 - Jan 1977 (4 weeks), US Billboard 88 - Feb 1977 (3 weeks)
50 James Brown I Don't Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing (Open Up The Door, I'll Get It Myself) 1969 Record World 16 - 1969, US Billboard 20 - Apr 1969 (8 weeks), RYM 133 of 1969
51 James Brown Lowdown Popcorn 1969 Peel list 4 of 1970, US Billboard 41 - Aug 1969 (6 weeks)
52 James Brown Bring It Up 1967 Record World 28 - 1967, US Billboard 29 - Jan 1967 (8 weeks), RYM 178 of 1967
53 James Brown Let A Man Come In & Do The Popcorn 1969 US Billboard 21 - Oct 1969 (8 weeks), Record World 26 - 1969, RYM 192 of 1969
54 James Brown My Thang 1974 US Billboard 29 - Jun 1974 (13 weeks), Record World 30 - 1974
55 James Brown Move On 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Aug 1991 (9 weeks)
56 James Brown I'm Real 1988 UK 31 - Jun 1988 (4 weeks), Holland 38 - Jul 1988 (2 weeks)
57 James Brown Funky Drummer 1970 US Billboard 51 - Mar 1970 (5 weeks), Acclaimed 1692 (1970), RYM 133 of 1970
58 James Brown Good, Good Lovin' 1959 DDD 105 of 1959, RYM 110 of 1959
59 James Brown King Heroin 1972 Record World 35 - 1972, US Billboard 40 - Mar 1972 (7 weeks)
60 James Brown I Got A Bag Of My Own 1972 Record World 35 - 1972, US Billboard 44 - Nov 1972 (7 weeks)
61 James Brown The Bells 1960 US Billboard 68 - Nov 1960 (6 weeks), RYM 138 of 1960
62 James Brown Soul Power 1971 Record World 21 - 1971, US Billboard 29 - Feb 1971 (9 weeks)
63 James Brown I Don't Mind 1961 US Billboard 47 - May 1961 (8 weeks), RYM 90 of 1961
64 James Brown I'm A Greedy Man 1971 Record World 28 - 1971, US Billboard 35 - Nov 1971 (8 weeks)
65 James Brown Sex Machine Remix 2007 Switzerland 43 - Jan 2007 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 83 - Jan 2007 (4 weeks)
66 James Brown Shout & Shimmy 1962 US Billboard 61 - Jul 1962 (4 weeks), RYM 103 of 1962
67 James Brown I cried 1971 Record World 38 - 1971, US Billboard 50 - May 1971 (6 weeks)
68 James Brown Mashed Potatoes USA 1962 US Billboard 82 - Sep 1962 (2 weeks), RYM 124 of 1962
69 James Brown Escapism (Gettin' Free) 1971 US Billboard 35 - Jun 1971 (6 weeks), DDD 93 of 1971
70 James Brown Ain't That A Groove 1966 Record World 36 - 1966, US Billboard 42 - Mar 1966 (7 weeks)
71 James Brown Don't Be A Dropout 1966 Record World 32 - 1966, US Billboard 50 - Oct 1966 (7 weeks)
72 James Brown Goodbye My Love 1968 US Billboard 31 - Nov 1968 (7 weeks), Record World 34 - 1968
73 James Brown Popcorn 1969 US Billboard 30 - May 1969 (9 weeks), Record World 33 - 1969
74 James Brown Let Yourself Go 1967 Record World 39 - 1967, US Billboard 46 - May 1967 (7 weeks)
75 James Brown It's a New Day 1970 Record World 26 - 1970, US Billboard 32 - Feb 1970 (8 weeks)
76 James Brown Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine (1975) 1975 US Billboard 61 - May 1975 (5 weeks), RYM 158 of 1975
77 James Brown Three Hearts In A Tangle 1962 US Billboard 93 - Dec 1962 (3 weeks)
78 James Brown The Payback Mix (Part One) 1988 UK 12 - Apr 1988 (6 weeks)
79 James Brown These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) 1963 US Billboard 55 - Jul 1963 (6 weeks)
80 James Brown Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours 1963 US Billboard 77 - Oct 1963 (5 weeks)
81 James Brown Every Beat of My Heart 1963 US Billboard 99 - Feb 1963 (1 week)
82 James Brown She's the One 1988 UK 45 - Jan 1988 (3 weeks)
83 James Brown I Feel Alright 1970 Holland 31 - May 1970 (4 weeks)
84 James Brown Static 1988 UK 83 - Aug 1988 (2 weeks)
85 James Brown Papa Don't Take No Mess 1974 US Billboard 31 - Aug 1974 (11 weeks)
86 James Brown Reality 1975 US Billboard 80 - Feb 1975 (4 weeks)
87 James Brown Funky President (People It's Bad) 1974 US Billboard 44 - Nov 1974 (10 weeks)
88 James Brown Down & Out In New York City 1973 US Billboard 50 - Mar 1973 (7 weeks)
89 James Brown Sexy, Sexy, Sexy 1973 US Billboard 50 - Aug 1973 (8 weeks)
90 James Brown Have Mercy Baby 1964 US Billboard 92 - Dec 1964 (2 weeks)
91 James Brown Caldonia 1964 US Billboard 95 - May 1964 (2 weeks)
92 James Brown The Things That I Used to Do 1964 US Billboard 99 - Jul 1964 (1 week)
93 James Brown Stoned To The Bone 1973 US Billboard 58 - Dec 1973 (11 weeks)
94 James Brown Rapp Payback (Where Iz Moses?) 1981 UK 39 - Jan 1981 (5 weeks)
95 James Brown Think (1973A Version) 1973 US Billboard 77 - May 1973 (5 weeks)
96 James Brown Think (1973B Version) 1973 US Billboard 80 - Aug 1973 (2 weeks)
97 James Brown Bring It On... Bring It On 1983 UK 45 - Jun 1983 (5 weeks)
98 James Brown What My Baby Needs Now Is A Little More Lovin' 1972 US Billboard 56 - Dec 1972 (7 weeks)
99 James Brown Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine (1986) 1986 UK 46 - Mar 1986 (9 weeks)
100 James Brown Soul Power/It's A Man's World 1986 UK 78 - May 1986 (2 weeks)
101 James Brown Hey America 1971 UK 47 - Nov 1971 (3 weeks)
102 James Brown Froggy Mix 1985 UK 50 - Apr 1985 (3 weeks)
103 James Brown My Part/Make It Funky 1971 US Billboard 68 - Oct 1971 (6 weeks)
104 James Brown Spinning Wheel 1971 US Billboard 90 - Mar 1971 (2 weeks)
105 James Brown Kansas City 1967 US Billboard 55 - Mar 1967 (5 weeks)
106 James Brown America Is My Home 1968 US Billboard 52 - May 1968 (7 weeks)
107 James Brown I Guess I'll Have To Cry, Cry, Cry 1968 US Billboard 55 - Jul 1968 (6 weeks)
108 James Brown Tit For Tat (Ain't No Talking Back) 1968 US Billboard 86 - Dec 1968 (4 weeks)
109 James Brown I Don't Want Nobody (To Have My Love But You) 1969 US Radio 151 of 1969 (peak 20 1 week)
110 James Brown Tell Me What I Did Wrong 1958 RYM 37 of 1958
111 James Brown Why Do You Do Me 1956 RYM 17 of 1956
112 James Brown No, No, No, No 1956 RYM 91 of 1956
113 James Brown Hold My Baby's Hand 1956 RYM 91 of 1956
114 James Brown I Won't Plead No More 1956 RYM 92 of 1956
115 James Brown Chonnie-On-Chon 1956 RYM 92 of 1956
116 James Brown I Don't Know 1956 RYM 109 of 1956
117 James Brown I Feel That Old Feeling Coming On 1956 RYM 109 of 1956
118 James Brown Let's Make It 1956 RYM 110 of 1956
119 James Brown Just Won't Do Right 1956 RYM 110 of 1956
120 James Brown Baby Cries Over the Ocean 1957 RYM 109 of 1957
121 James Brown That Dood It 1957 RYM 109 of 1957
122 James Brown Gonna Try 1957 RYM 168 of 1957
123 James Brown Can't Be the Same 1957 RYM 168 of 1957
124 James Brown Love or a Game 1957 RYM 169 of 1957
125 James Brown Messing With the Blues 1957 RYM 169 of 1957
126 James Brown Got to Cry 1959 RYM 57 of 1959
127 James Brown It Was You 1959 RYM 57 of 1959
128 James Brown There Must Be a Reason 1959 RYM 94 of 1959
129 James Brown I Want You So Bad 1959 RYM 94 of 1959
130 James Brown Don't Let It Happen to Me 1959 RYM 110 of 1959
131 James Brown It Hurts to Tell You 1959 RYM 172 of 1959
132 James Brown I've Got to Change 1959 RYM 172 of 1959
133 James Brown I Know It's True (I Found Someone) 1960 RYM 58 of 1960
134 James Brown Wonder When You're Coming Home 1960 RYM 59 of 1960
135 James Brown & I Do Just What I Want 1960 RYM 138 of 1960
136 James Brown Why Does Everything Happen to Me 1962 RYM 4 of 1962
137 James Brown Cross Firing 1961 RYM 52 of 1961
138 James Brown If You Want Me 1961 RYM 87 of 1961
139 James Brown Love Don't Love Nobody 1961 RYM 90 of 1961
140 James Brown I'll Never Never Let You Go (Angel Eyes) 1961 RYM 121 of 1961
141 James Brown I Love You Yes I Do 1961 RYM 173 of 1961
142 James Brown Just You & Me Darling 1961 RYM 173 of 1961
143 James Brown Come Over Here 1962 RYM 103 of 1962
144 James Brown You Don't Have to Go 1962 RYM 124 of 1962
145 James Brown Choo-Choo (Locomotion) 1963 RYM 140 of 1963
146 James Brown Maybe the Last Time 1964 RYM 31 of 1964
147 James Brown I Can't Help It (I Just Do-Do-Do) 1965 RYM 27 of 1965
148 James Brown Is It Yes or Is It No? 1966 RYM 45 of 1966
149 James Brown Nobody Knows 1967 RYM 178 of 1967
150 James Brown If I Ruled the World 1968 RYM 149 of 1968
151 James Brown Sometime 1969 RYM 192 of 1969

In addition to the above listed songs James Brown also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 James Brown & Aretha Franklin Gimme Your Love 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Oct 1989 (3 weeks), UK 79 - Nov 1989 (2 weeks)
2 The Black Eyed Peas & James Brown They Don't Want Music 2005 Japan (Tokyo) 86 - Jul 2005 (3 weeks)
3 James Brown & Dakeyne I Got You (I Feel Good) 1992 UK 72 - Oct 1992 (1 week)
4 James Brown & Martha & The Vandellas I Got You (I Feel Good)/Nowhere To Run 1988 UK 52 - Jul 1988 (4 weeks)
5 Afrika Bambaataa & James Brown Unity 1984 UK 49 - Sep 1984 (5 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

29 Apr 2015

(2) Double Listings

#102 & #106 are the same (Escape-ism). Also #23 & #103 (Give It Up Or Turn It Loose).

Data fixed, thanks

14 Apr 2015

Double Listing - Super Bad

#19 & #29 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

1 Dec 2014

Double Listing-J.Browm & Aretha Franklin

#2 & #4 (under duets) are the same. (Gimme Your Love).

Data fixed, thanks