Song artist 57 - John Lennon

This page lists the song chart entries of John Lennon.A list of the hit albums by John Lennon is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
A member of The Beatles his untimely death ensured his place in
the music pantheon. The music listed here was released under names
such as John Lennon & Yoko Ono, The Plastic Ono Band,
John & Yoko,
Lennon, Plastic Ono Band & The Flux Fiddlers,
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
John Lennon |
Imagine |
1971 |
Record World 1 - 1971, Italy 1 for 1 week - Mar 1972, Eire 1 for 1 week - Dec 1975, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1971, New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - Jan 1972, Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Dec 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Dec 1971 (18 weeks), Springbok 1 - Dec 1971 (12 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), Virgin 1, OzNet 1, Switzerland 2 - Nov 1971 (25 weeks), DDD 2 of 1971, WXPN 2, nuTsie 2 of 1970s, UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Feb 1981), US Billboard 3 - Oct 1971 (9 weeks), Keener 3 - Sep 1971 (10 weeks), Canada 3 - Sep 1971 (11 weeks), Norway 3 - Feb 1972 (22 weeks), Italy 3 of 1972, Rolling Stone 3, Holland 5 - Nov 1971 (18 weeks), France 5 - Nov 1971 (1 week), South Africa 5 of 1972, POP 5 of 1971, Vinyl Surrender 5 (1971), UK 6 - Nov 1975 (13 weeks), Austria 6 - Mar 1981 (4 months), ODK Germany 7 - Feb 1981 (21 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Europe 8 of the 1970s (1971), DMDB 8 (1971), Belgium 9 - Nov 1971 (14 weeks), TheQ 9, Belgium 11 of all time, Germany 12 - Jan 1981 (4 months), Brazil 13 of 1972, Canada 15 of 1971, TOTP 16, Poland 17 of all time, Sweden (alt) 19 - Dec 1975 (2 weeks), Australia 19 of 1972, Acclaimed 21 (1971), D.Marsh 22 of 1971, Japan (Tokyo) 24 - Nov 1988 (15 weeks), UKMIX 25, RIAA 30, Scrobulate 33 of classic rock, WABC NY 39 of 1971, US Radio 41 of 1971 (peak 3 8 weeks), KQV 51 of 1971, Holland free40 54 of 1981, 86 in 2FM list, RYM 4 of 1971, WFUV 18, Guardian Pop 37, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
2 |
John Lennon |
(Just Like) Starting Over |
1980 |
UK 1 - Nov 1980 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Nov 1980 (21 weeks), Record World 1 - 1980, Canada 1 - Nov 1980 (17 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Dec 1980 (14 weeks), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Jan 1981, Canada RPM 1 for 7 weeks - Dec 1980, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Jan 1981, Spain 1 for 1 week - Jan 1981, Austria 2 - Feb 1981 (5 months), Norway 2 - Dec 1980 (17 weeks), Grammy in 1981 (Nominated), Sweden (alt) 3 - Nov 1980 (17 weeks), US BB 4 of 1981, Belgium 4 - Nov 1980 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Dec 1980 (24 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Springbok 4 - Dec 1980 (13 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1980), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Feb 1981), ARC 5 of 1981 (peak 1 19 weeks), US Radio 5 of 1980 (peak 1 15 weeks), Brazil 6 of 1981, Germany 6 - Jan 1981 (4 months), WABC NY 7 of 1981, D.Marsh 7 of 1980, Holland 8 - Nov 1980 (12 weeks), France 9 - Nov 1980 (1 week), Switzerland 12 of 1981, France (SNEP) 15 - Jan 1981 (1 month), Australia 18 of 1981, Canada 21 of 1981, Italy 29 of 1981, POP 49 of 1980, Japan (Tokyo) 50 - Dec 1988 (3 weeks), Billboard 50th song 53, US CashBox 57 of 1980, KROQ 57 of 1980, 55th Billboard 100 62 (1980), Billboard100 64, nuTsie 64 of 1980s, Holland free40 65 of 1981, Germany 298 of the 1980s (peak 4 11 weeks), OzNet 683, UKMIX 852, Acclaimed 1637 (1980), RYM 32 of 1980 |
3 |
John Lennon |
Woman |
1981 |
UK 1 - Jan 1981 (11 weeks), Canada 1 - Jan 1981 (12 weeks), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Feb 1981, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1981, New Zealand 1 for 4 weeks - Feb 1981, US Billboard 2 - Jan 1981 (20 weeks), Record World 2 - 1981, Switzerland 2 - Mar 1981 (9 weeks), WABC NY 3 of 1981, Austria 4 - Mar 1981 (4 months), ODK Germany 4 - Feb 1981 (28 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), Springbok 4 - Mar 1981 (13 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1981), Norway 5 - Feb 1981 (12 weeks), US Radio 6 of 1981 (peak 2 14 weeks), France 7 - Mar 1981 (1 week), Germany 7 - Feb 1981 (5 months), France (SNEP) 9 - Apr 1981 (1 month), Canada 15 of 1981, US CashBox 16 of 1981, Brazil 16 of 1981, Belgium 16 - Feb 1981 (4 weeks), Sweden (alt) 18 - Feb 1981 (2 weeks), US BB 21 of 1981, ARC 21 of 1981 (peak 1 15 weeks), Holland 21 - Mar 1981 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 31 - Nov 1988 (4 weeks), Italy 34 of 1981, POP 34 of 1981, Virgin 59, Holland free40 73 of 1981, OzNet 139, Germany 213 of the 1980s (peak 4 15 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jan 1981), RYM 22 of 1981 |
4 |
John Lennon |
Instant Karma |
1970 |
Canada 1 - Feb 1970 (7 weeks), France 1 for 4 weeks - May 1970, D.Marsh 2 of 1970, US Billboard 3 - Feb 1970 (13 weeks), Record World 3 - 1970, France (SNEP) 3 - Mar 1970 (4 months), NZ Listner 4 - Apr 1970 (2 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1970), UK 5 - Feb 1970 (9 weeks), Keener 5 - Feb 1970 (7 weeks), France 5 - May 1970 (3 weeks), Australia Goset 5 - Mar 1970 (13 weeks), Flanders 7 - Apr 1970 (2 months), ODK Germany 7 - Jun 1992 (18 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Holland 9 - Mar 1970 (14 weeks), Switzerland 9 - Mar 1970 (6 weeks), Norway 9 - Apr 1970 (2 weeks), Germany 9 - Jul 1992 (3 months), Belgium 10 - May 1970 (8 weeks), DDD 16 of 1970, US CashBox 20 of 1970, Canada 21 of 1970, US Radio 22 of 1970 (peak 3 10 weeks), WABC NY 27 of 1970, Italy 31 of 1970, POP 32 of 1970, US BB 34 of 1970, KQV 46 of 1970, TheQ 59, Brazil 67 of 1970, nuTsie 93 of 1970s, France (InfoDisc) 180 of the 1970s (peak 4, 31 weeks, 392k sales estimated, 1970), Acclaimed 263 (1970), OzNet 1000, RYM 8 of 1970, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
5 |
John Lennon |
Give Peace a Chance |
1969 |
Holland 1 - Jul 1969 (9 weeks), UK 2 - Jul 1969 (13 weeks), Keener 3 - Jul 1969 (7 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Jul 1969 (10 weeks), Germany 4 - Aug 1969 (3 months), Australia Goset 4 - Aug 1969 (11 weeks), NZ Listner 6 - Aug 1969 (8 weeks), Flanders 7 - Aug 1969 (2 months), ODK Germany 9 - Mar 1981 (17 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Record World 10 - 1969, France 10 - Feb 1970 (1 week), Norway 11 - Sep 1969 (1 week), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1969 (9 weeks), Canada 18 - Aug 1969 (4 weeks), US invalid BB 23 of 1969, Scrobulate 26 of political, POP 38 of 1969, Canada 81 of 1969, US Radio 122 of 1969 (peak 14 4 weeks), Germany 337 of the 1960s (peak 4 10 weeks), Acclaimed 2187 (1969), RYM 52 of 1969, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
6 |
John Lennon |
Happy Xmas (War is Over) |
1972 |
Eire 1 for 1 week - Jan 1973, Scrobulate 1 of christmas, UK 2 - Dec 1972 (44 weeks), Norway 3 - Dec 1972 (9 weeks), Belgium 3 - Jan 1973 (11 weeks), Poland 4 - Dec 1983 (5 weeks), Holland 6 - Dec 1972 (12 weeks), France 6 - Dec 1972 (1 week), Australia Goset 6 - Jan 1973 (8 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 18 - Dec 2013 (41 weeks), Record World 28 - 1972, Italy 40 of 1973, Switzerland 57 - Jan 2009 (1 week), DDD 62 of 1971, UKMIX 443, Acclaimed 2424 (1971), RYM 13 of 1971 |
7 |
John Lennon |
Whatever Gets You Thru the Night |
1974 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1974 (15 weeks), Record World 1 - 1974, Canada 2 - Oct 1974 (11 weeks), Springbok 15 - Dec 1974 (8 weeks), Holland 25 - Oct 1974 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 29 of 1974, Canada 30 of 1974, UK 36 - Oct 1974 (4 weeks), WABC NY 45 of 1974, POP 54 of 1974, Italy 60 of 1974, US Radio 65 of 1974 (peak 1 6 weeks), DDD 78 of 1974, RYM 44 of 1974 |
8 |
John Lennon |
Power to the People |
1971 |
Norway 3 - May 1971 (11 weeks), Switzerland 5 - Apr 1971 (6 weeks), Belgium 6 - Apr 1971 (8 weeks), UK 7 - Mar 1971 (9 weeks), Holland 7 - Apr 1971 (6 weeks), Record World 8 - 1971, Germany 10 - Apr 1971 (3 months), US Billboard 11 - Apr 1971 (9 weeks), Canada 12 - Apr 1971 (4 weeks), Australia Goset 13 - Jun 1971 (9 weeks), Keener 15 - Mar 1971 (5 weeks), France (SNEP) 15 - Apr 1971 (1 month), Canada 71 of 1971, Italy 90 of 1971, KQV 100 of 1971, US Radio 102 of 1971 (peak 11 4 weeks), RYM 55 of 1971 |
9 |
John Lennon |
Watching the Wheels |
1981 |
Canada 6 - Apr 1981 (11 weeks), Record World 9 - 1981, France 9 - Apr 1981 (1 week), US Billboard 10 - Mar 1981 (17 weeks), Austria 12 - Jun 1981 (2 months), Canada 26 of 1981, UK 30 - Apr 1981 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 46 - May 1981 (8 weeks), POP 59 of 1981, WABC NY 61 of 1981, US CashBox 62 of 1981, Holland free40 68 of 1981, US Radio 80 of 1981 (peak 10 6 weeks), US BB 86 of 1981, OzNet 562, RYM 28 of 1981 |
10 |
John Lennon |
Nobody Told Me |
1984 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Mar 1984, US Billboard 5 - Jan 1984 (14 weeks), Canada 5 - Jan 1984 (10 weeks), UK 6 - Jan 1984 (6 weeks), Sweden (alt) 7 - Feb 1984 (6 weeks), Norway 7 - Feb 1984 (2 weeks), Poland 7 - Feb 1984 (8 weeks), Belgium 9 - Feb 1984 (4 weeks), Holland 16 - Jan 1984 (6 weeks), Canada 44 of 1984, US CashBox 47 of 1984, ODK Germany 55 - Feb 1984 (4 weeks), Holland free40 60 of 1984, US Radio 72 of 1984 (peak 5 7 weeks), US BB 81 of 1984, RYM 100 of 1990 |
11 |
John Lennon |
Stand By Me |
1975 |
Springbok 1 - Jul 1975 (13 weeks), South Africa 7 of 1975, RIANZ 11 - May 1975 (20 weeks), D.Marsh 13 of 1975, Austria 19 - Feb 1976 (1 month), US Billboard 20 - Mar 1975 (9 weeks), Record World 24 - 1975, UK 30 - May 1975 (7 weeks), POP 48 of 1975, OzNet 137, US Radio 159 of 1975 (peak 20 2 weeks), RYM 36 of 1975 |
12 |
John Lennon |
Mind Games |
1973 |
France 4 - Dec 1973 (2 weeks), Canada 5 - Nov 1973 (14 weeks), Australia Goset 8 - Jan 1974 (7 weeks), Record World 10 - 1973, Holland 15 - Dec 1973 (6 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Nov 1973 (13 weeks), UK 26 - Nov 1973 (9 weeks), Italy 32 of 1974, POP 44 of 1973, Scrobulate 93 of happy, US Radio 141 of 1973 (peak 18 3 weeks), RYM 33 of 1973 |
13 |
John Lennon |
Jealous Guy |
1981 |
France 4 - Dec 1980 (1 week), Poland 23 - Feb 2000 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 52 - Nov 1988 (3 weeks), DDD 55 of 1971, UK 65 - Nov 1985 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 69 of ballad, US Billboard 80 - Oct 1988 (4 weeks), WXPN 854, Acclaimed 1249 (1971), RYM 54 of 1981 |
14 |
John Lennon |
Mother |
1971 |
Switzerland 3 - Feb 1971 (11 weeks), Springbok 5 - Feb 1972 (13 weeks), Holland 8 - Feb 1971 (6 weeks), Belgium 12 - Feb 1971 (5 weeks), Record World 16 - 1971, Australia Goset 31 - Apr 1971 (10 weeks), Brazil 35 of 1971, US Billboard 43 - Jan 1971 (6 weeks), Acclaimed 1543 (1970), RYM 18 of 1970, Guardian Rock 42 |
15 |
John Lennon |
Cold Turkey |
1969 |
France 10 - Apr 1970 (1 week), UK 14 - Nov 1969 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 22 - Dec 1969 (8 weeks), Record World 26 - 1970, US Billboard 30 - Nov 1969 (12 weeks), Holland 39 - Dec 1969 (2 weeks), POP 52 of 1970, Acclaimed 1951 (1969), RYM 25 of 1969 |
16 |
John Lennon |
Number 9 Dream |
1975 |
France 1 - Apr 1975 (4 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Dec 1974 (12 weeks), Record World 17 - 1975, UK 23 - Feb 1975 (8 weeks), US Radio 104 of 1975 (peak 9 5 weeks), RYM 17 of 1974 |
17 |
John Lennon |
Imagine (1980) |
1980 |
UK 1 - Dec 1980 (13 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - Jan 1981 |
18 |
John Lennon |
Woman is the Nigger of the World |
1972 |
Belgium 12 - Sep 1972 (3 weeks), Holland 24 - Oct 1972 (5 weeks), US Billboard 57 - May 1972 (5 weeks), Italy 62 of 1972, RYM 164 of 1972 |
19 |
John Lennon |
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) |
1981 |
France 6 - Jan 1981 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 59 - Jun 1992 (4 weeks), RYM 22 of 1981 |
20 |
John Lennon |
I'm Stepping Out |
1984 |
US Billboard 55 - Mar 1984 (6 weeks), UK 88 - Jul 1984 (2 weeks), RYM 100 of 1990 |
21 |
John Lennon |
Imagine (1999) |
1999 |
UK 3 - Dec 1999 (13 weeks) |
22 |
John Lennon |
1982 |
UK 41 - Nov 1982 (8 weeks), RYM 88 of 1982 |
23 |
John Lennon |
Kiss, Kiss, Kiss |
1980 |
France 7 - Dec 1980 (1 week), RYM 32 of 1980 |
24 |
John Lennon |
Working Class Hero |
1970 |
Scrobulate 79 of political, Acclaimed 1617 (1970) |
25 |
John Lennon |
God |
1970 |
DDD 108 of 1970, Acclaimed 1146 (1970) |
26 |
John Lennon |
Clean Up Time |
1980 |
KROQ 12 of 1980 |
27 |
John Lennon |
Jealous Guy (1988) |
1988 |
UK 45 - Dec 1988 (5 weeks) |
28 |
John Lennon |
Imagine (1988) |
1988 |
UK 45 - Dec 1988 (5 weeks) |
29 |
John Lennon |
Give Peace A Chance (1981) |
1981 |
UK 33 - Jan 1981 (5 weeks) |
30 |
John Lennon |
Borrowed Time |
1984 |
UK 32 - Mar 1984 (6 weeks) |
31 |
John Lennon |
Happy Xmas |
1981 |
Holland free40 85 of 1981 |
32 |
John Lennon |
I Found Out |
1970 |
Acclaimed 1776 (1970) |
33 |
John Lennon |
I'm Losing You |
1998 |
Poland 35 - Dec 1998 (5 weeks) |
34 |
John Lennon |
O' Sanity |
1984 |
RYM 110 of 1984 |
35 |
John Lennon |
Give Me Some Truth |
1982 |
RYM 88 of 1982 |
36 |
John Lennon |
Going Down On Love |
1981 |
RYM 54 of 1981 |
37 |
John Lennon |
Yes, I'm Your Angel |
1981 |
RYM 104 of 1981 |
38 |
John Lennon |
Move Over Ms L |
1975 |
RYM 36 of 1975 |
39 |
John Lennon |
What You Got |
1974 |
RYM 17 of 1974 |
40 |
John Lennon |
Beef Jerky |
1974 |
RYM 44 of 1974 |
41 |
John Lennon |
Meat City |
1973 |
RYM 33 of 1973 |
42 |
John Lennon |
Sisters O Sisters |
1972 |
RYM 164 of 1972 |
43 |
John Lennon |
It's So Hard |
1971 |
RYM 4 of 1971 |
44 |
John Lennon |
Listen, the Snow Is Falling |
1971 |
RYM 13 of 1971 |
45 |
John Lennon |
Open Your Box |
1971 |
RYM 55 of 1971 |
46 |
John Lennon |
Who Has Seen the Wind? |
1970 |
RYM 8 of 1970 |
47 |
John Lennon |
Don't Worry Kyoko |
1969 |
RYM 25 of 1969 |
48 |
John Lennon |
Remember Love |
1969 |
RYM 52 of 1969 |
49 |
John Lennon |
Why? |
1970 |
RYM 18 of 1970 |
In addition to the above listed songs John Lennon also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
John Lennon & The Harlem Community Choir |
Happy Xmas (War is Over) |
2009 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 38 - Dec 2018 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 40 - Jan 2008 (13 weeks), UK 76 - Dec 2009 (9 weeks) |
2 |
John Lennon & Elton John |
I Saw Her Standing There |
1981 |
Norway 8 - May 1981 (2 weeks), UK 40 - Mar 1981 (4 weeks), RYM 28 of 1975 |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
8 Dec 2017
Double Listing - I'm Stepping Out
Per my e-mail dated 12 Nov 2017, #20 & #31 still need to be combined.
Don't know what happened there, fixed again
12 Nov 2017
Double Listing - I'm Stepping Out
#20 & #31 are the same.
Data fixed thanks
3 May 2011
(Just Like) Starting Over
You should group together (Just Like) Starting Over - no. 2 with "StartingOver" (incorrect title) no. 17, although I don't think it would get to no. 1 anyway. Thanks
As you point out the title "Starting Over" is incorrect, those entries have been fixed, thanks for the suggestion
16 Dec 2009
john lennon
When did (if ever) did John Lennon's `so this is christmas' get into UK Top 20 ? Thanks !
The song's title was "Happy Xmas (War is Over)", it reached number 2 in Dec 1972. It was the 5th most suucessful solo song by John Lennon.