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Song artist 14 - Nat King Cole

Nat King Cole Region Profile

Nat King Cole Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Nat King Cole.A list of the hit albums by Nat King Cole is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Nat King Cole Mona Lisa 1950 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1950 (27 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jun 1950 (26 weeks), US 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1950, US CashBox 1 - Jun 1950 (33 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1950, Oscar in 1950 (film 'Captain Carey, U.S.A.'), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1992 (1950), ASCAP song of 1950, UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Sep 1950 (21 weeks), US invalid BB 2 of 1950, POP 2 of 1950, DDD 4 of 1950, DZE 6 of 1950, France (50s) 13 of 1950, Your Hit Parade 15 of 1950, Brazil 15 of 1952, Italy 48 of 1951, DMDB 51 (1950), RIAA 109, Acclaimed 1292 (1950), RYM 2 of 1950
2 Nat King Cole Too Young 1951 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1951 (29 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Apr 1951 (28 weeks), US BB 1 of 1951, US 1 for 5 weeks - Jun 1951, US CashBox 1 - Apr 1951 (37 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 12 weeks - Aug 1951, Australia 1 for 9 weeks - Sep 1951, US invalid BB 1 of 1951, POP 1 of 1951, Your Hit Parade 4 of 1951, DDD 5 of 1951, Brazil 7 of 1953, DZE 8 of 1951, Italy 30 of 1952, RYM 10 of 1951
3 Nat King Cole Unforgettable 1951 UK Sheet Music 1 for 10 weeks - Mar 1952, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Feb 1952 (23 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 10 weeks - Mar 1952, US invalid BB 1 of 1952, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000 (1951), POP 1 of 1952, ASCAP song of 1951, US Billboard 12 - Nov 1951 (15 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Nov 1951 (5 weeks), US CashBox 16 - Nov 1951 (23 weeks), DDD 25 of 1951, Europe 63 of the 1950s (1952), Scrobulate 78 of vocal, UK 84 - Dec 1988 (4 weeks), WXPN 500, RYM 4 of 1951
4 Nat King Cole Nature Boy 1948 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1948 (18 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Apr 1948 (15 weeks), US 1 for 7 weeks - May 1948, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1948), Your Hit Parade 2 of 1948, DDD 4 of 1948, DZE 4 of 1948, US invalid BB 9 of 1948, Brazil 13 of 1948, POP 17 of 1948, nuTsie 21 of 1940s, Europe 90 of the 1940s (1948), Acclaimed 1793 (1947), Visconti song of 1948, RYM 9 of 1948
5 Nat King Cole (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons 1946 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1946 (25 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Nov 1946 (12 weeks), US 1 for 1 week - Feb 1947, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2018 (1946), US invalid BB 3 of 1946, UK 40s Sheet Music 4 - Jan 1947 (18 weeks), DZE 6 of 1946, DDD 11 of 1946, POP 13 of 1946, Brazil 22 of 1947, nuTsie 32 of 1940s, RYM 15 of 1946
6 Nat King Cole Pretend 1953 Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Jan 1954, UK 2 - Apr 1953 (18 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Feb 1953 (21 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Feb 1953 (20 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 3 - Apr 1953 (25 weeks), US CashBox 3 - Feb 1953 (28 weeks), Brazil 11 of 1954, US BB 13 of 1953, Italy 20 of 1954, Your Hit Parade 21 of 1953, UKMIX 185, RYM 68 of 1953
7 Nat King Cole The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) 1946 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1974 (1946), DDD 1 of 1946, POP 1 of 1946, nuTsie 2 of 1940s, US Billboard 3 - Nov 1946 (7 weeks), Scrobulate 4 of christmas, US 1940s 7 - Dec 1946 (2 weeks), UK 51 - Dec 1991 (4 weeks), Acclaimed 1457 (1946), RYM 8 of 1946, BBC Rich Song 10 (songwriter royalties $20.6M)
8 Nat King Cole Ramblin' Rose 1962 Australia 1 for 1 week - Oct 1962, US Billboard 2 - Aug 1962 (16 weeks), Canada 2 - Aug 1962 (15 weeks), Australia 2 of 1962, NZ Lever 2 - Oct 1962 (6 weeks), UK 5 - Sep 1962 (14 weeks), Norway 5 - Oct 1962 (7 weeks), US CashBox 13 of 1962, Flanders 14 - Oct 1962 (3 months), KQV 15 of 1962, US Radio 16 of 1962 (peak 2 10 weeks), US BB 28 of 1962, WABC NY 29 of 1962, Germany 196 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks), RYM 68 of 1962
9 Nat King Cole Smile 1954 UK 2 - Sep 1954 (14 weeks), Flanders 2 - Dec 1954 (4 months), UK 40s Sheet Music 4 - Aug 1954 (21 weeks), Italy 8 of 1956, US Billboard 10 - Sep 1954 (11 weeks), US CashBox 10 - Sep 1954 (16 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Oct 1954 (6 weeks), Brazil 19 of 1954, UKMIX 360, RYM 37 of 1954
10 Nat King Cole Straighten Up & Fly Right 1944 US Country 1 for 7 weeks - Jun 1944, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1944), Library of Congress artifact added 2005 (1943), DDD 6 of 1944, US Billboard 9 - Jun 1944 (7 weeks), US 1940s 9 - Jun 1944 (2 weeks), Your Hit Parade 10 of 1944, POP 16 of 1944, RYM 5 of 1944
11 Nat King Cole A Blossom Fell 1955 US Billboard 2 - May 1955 (20 weeks), Flanders 2 - Jun 1955 (5 months), UK 3 - Feb 1955 (10 weeks), US CashBox 5 - Apr 1955 (23 weeks), DZE 10 of 1955, US BB 20 of 1955, US invalid BB 34 of 1955, POP 34 of 1955, RYM 31 of 1954
12 Nat King Cole Because You're Mine 1952 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1953, Oscar in 1952 (film 'Because You're Mine') (Nominated), UK 6 - Dec 1952 (4 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Sep 1952 (5 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Sep 1952 (5 weeks), US 1940s 17 - Oct 1952 (1 week), RYM 62 of 1952
13 Nat King Cole Answer Me, My Love 1954 Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1954, US Billboard 6 - Feb 1954 (19 weeks), US 1940s 6 - Mar 1954 (18 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Jan 1954 (28 weeks), US BB 18 of 1954, Brazil 68 of 1955, RYM 86 of 1953
14 Nat King Cole Orange Colored Sky 1950 Australia 1 for 1 week - Jun 1951, US Billboard 5 - Sep 1950 (14 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 9 - Nov 1950 (14 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Oct 1950 (18 weeks), US 1940s 11 - Oct 1950 (7 weeks)
15 Nat King Cole Darling Je Vous Aime Beaucoup 1955 Flanders 1 - Apr 1955 (6 months), US CashBox 6 - Feb 1955 (20 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Mar 1955 (16 weeks), US invalid BB 15 of 1955, POP 15 of 1955
16 Nat King Cole (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66 1946 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002 (1946), DDD 7 of 1946, US Billboard 11 - Aug 1946 (8 weeks), Acclaimed 1456 (1946), Visconti song of 1946, RYM 3 of 1946
17 Nat King Cole Somewhere Along the Way 1952 UK 3 - Nov 1952 (7 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 7 - Aug 1952 (22 weeks), US Billboard 8 - May 1952 (25 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Jul 1952 (16 weeks), US CashBox 9 - May 1952 (33 weeks), RYM 61 of 1952
18 Nat King Cole Send For Me 1957 US Billboard 7 - Jun 1957 (27 weeks), Canada 16 - Jul 1957 (11 weeks), Flanders 19 - Nov 1957 (1 month), US BB 40 of 1957, US CashBox 42 of 1957, DDD 93 of 1957, RYM 68 of 1957
19 Nat King Cole Walkin' My Baby Back Home 1952 UK 40s Sheet Music 5 - Aug 1952 (26 weeks), US CashBox 6 - Jul 1952 (18 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Jul 1952 (12 weeks), US 1940s 12 - Jul 1952 (8 weeks), DDD 50 of 1952, RYM 82 of 1952
20 Nat King Cole Can't I 1953 UK 6 - Aug 1953 (8 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 12 - Jul 1953 (14 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Apr 1953 (5 weeks), US CashBox 16 - Mar 1953 (14 weeks), US 1940s 17 - Apr 1953 (3 weeks), RYM 69 of 1953
21 Nat King Cole Come Closer To Me 1958 Flanders 1 - Aug 1958 (9 months), Canada 34 - Jul 1958 (9 weeks), US Billboard 41 - Jul 1958 (11 weeks)
22 Nat King Cole Hajji Baba (Persian Lament) 1954 Flanders 2 - Dec 1954 (3 months), US CashBox 11 - Oct 1954 (12 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Nov 1954 (7 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Nov 1954 (4 weeks)
23 Nat King Cole Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer 1963 US Billboard 6 - May 1963 (12 weeks), Canada 14 - May 1963 (8 weeks), US invalid BB 38 of 1963, POP 38 of 1963, US Radio 61 of 1963 (peak 6 7 weeks), US BB 70 of 1963, US CashBox 79 of 1963, RYM 184 of 1963
24 Nat King Cole My One Sin (In Life) 1955 Flanders 8 - Sep 1955 (2 months), UK 17 - Aug 1955 (2 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Jun 1955 (12 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Jul 1955 (2 weeks), RYM 167 of 1955
25 Nat King Cole Faith Can Move Mountains 1952 UK 40s Sheet Music 7 - Nov 1952 (18 weeks), UK 10 - Jan 1953 (4 weeks), US CashBox 20 - Sep 1952 (6 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Oct 1952 (4 weeks), RYM 63 of 1952
26 Nat King Cole Madrid 1959 Flanders 8 - Apr 1959 (3 months), Canada 32 - Feb 1959 (7 weeks), Brazil 57 of 1959, US Billboard 85 - Feb 1959 (3 weeks)
27 Nat King Cole Non dimenticar (T'ho voluto ben) 1958 Flanders 13 - Oct 1958 (2 months), Canada 18 - Oct 1958 (9 weeks), Italy 35 of 1959, US Billboard 45 - Oct 1958 (11 weeks)
28 Nat King Cole Make Her Mine 1954 UK 11 - Oct 1954 (2 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 16 - Sep 1954 (7 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jul 1954 (6 weeks), US CashBox 23 - Jun 1954 (12 weeks), RYM 99 of 1954
29 Nat King Cole Love is a Many Splendoured Thing 1956 Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 1 week - Jan 1956, Flanders 6 - Mar 1956 (3 months)
30 Nat King Cole Around The World (In Eighty Days) 1957 Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Oct 1957, Flanders 4 - Nov 1957 (4 months)
31 Nat King Cole Stardust 1957 Flanders 5 - Apr 1957 (5 months), UK 24 - Oct 1957 (2 weeks), US Billboard 79 - May 1957 (4 weeks), RYM 39 of 1957
32 Nat King Cole Ask Me 1956 Flanders 10 - Mar 1956 (3 months), US Billboard 18 - Feb 1956 (11 weeks), US CashBox 24 - Feb 1956 (9 weeks), RYM 168 of 1956
33 Nat King Cole Forgive My Heart 1955 Flanders 10 - Jan 1956 (2 months), US Billboard 13 - Oct 1955 (11 weeks), US CashBox 15 - Oct 1955 (13 weeks)
34 Nat King Cole Blue Gardenia 1953 Brazil 3 of 1954, US CashBox 28 - Mar 1953 (5 weeks), RYM 69 of 1953
35 Nat King Cole Because Of Rain 1951 US Billboard 17 - Jun 1951 (4 weeks), US CashBox 17 - Jun 1951 (17 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 24 - Mar 1952 (3 weeks)
36 Nat King Cole Too Young to Go Steady 1956 UK 8 - May 1956 (14 weeks), US CashBox 20 - Mar 1956 (10 weeks), US Billboard 31 - Apr 1956 (12 weeks), RYM 169 of 1956
37 Nat King Cole Jet 1951 US CashBox 19 - Feb 1951 (9 weeks), US Billboard 20 - Feb 1951 (2 weeks), US 1940s 20 - Mar 1951 (1 week), RYM 128 of 1951
38 Nat King Cole All For You 1943 US Billboard 18 - 1943 (1 week), POP 18 of 1943, DDD 26 of 1943
39 Nat King Cole When I Fall in Love 1957 UK 2 - Apr 1957 (20 weeks), UKMIX 87, RYM 23 of 1957, NY Daily Love list 99
40 Nat King Cole My Personal Possession 1957 UK 21 - Oct 1957 (2 weeks), Canada 22 - Jul 1957 (5 weeks), US Billboard 63 - Jun 1957 (15 weeks), RYM 68 of 1957
41 Nat King Cole Looking Back 1958 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1958 (17 weeks), Canada 14 - Apr 1958 (6 weeks), US BB 31 of 1958
42 Nat King Cole My Flaming Heart 1953 Oscar in 1953 (film 'Small Town Girl') (Nominated), US CashBox 15 - May 1953 (8 weeks), RYM 70 of 1953
43 Nat King Cole Dear Lonely Hearts 1962 US Billboard 13 - Nov 1962 (11 weeks), Canada 19 - Nov 1962 (8 weeks), UK 37 - Dec 1962 (3 weeks), US Radio 126 of 1962 (peak 13 3 weeks)
44 Nat King Cole That Sunday, That Summer 1963 US Billboard 12 - Aug 1963 (13 weeks), Canada 21 - Sep 1963 (6 weeks), US BB 87 of 1963, US Radio 104 of 1963 (peak 12 5 weeks)
45 Nat King Cole Mother Nature & Father Time 1953 UK 7 - Sep 1953 (7 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 12 - Aug 1953 (14 weeks), RYM 70 of 1953
46 Nat King Cole Hold My Hand 1955 Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Jan 1955
47 Nat King Cole Let There Be Love 1941 UK 40s Sheet Music 10 - May 1941 (1 week), UK 11 - Jul 1962 (14 weeks)
48 Nat King Cole Tenderly 1954 UK 10 - Apr 1954 (1 week), UK 40s Sheet Music 22 - Feb 1954 (4 weeks), RYM 65 of 1954
49 Nat King Cole You Call It Madness (But I Call It Love) 1946 US Billboard 10 - Sep 1946 (1 week), DDD 49 of 1946, RYM 41 of 1946
50 Nat King Cole Midnight Flyer 1959 Canada 17 - Aug 1959 (8 weeks), UK 23 - Sep 1959 (4 weeks), US Billboard 51 - Aug 1959 (12 weeks)
51 Nat King Cole Night Lights 1956 US Billboard 11 - Oct 1956 (18 weeks), US CashBox 17 - Oct 1956 (10 weeks), US BB 88 of 1956
52 Nat King Cole I Don't Want To Be Hurt Anymore 1964 Record World 21 - 1964, US Billboard 22 - Apr 1964 (9 weeks), Canada 22 - Apr 1964 (5 weeks), Keener 26 - Apr 1964 (1 week)
53 Nat King Cole You Made Me Love You 1959 UK 22 - May 1959 (3 weeks), Canada 44 - May 1959 (3 weeks), US Billboard 45 - May 1959 (9 weeks)
54 Nat King Cole I Don't Want To See Tomorrow 1964 Keener 12 - Sep 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 34 - Sep 1964 (9 weeks), Record World 35 - 1964, Canada 41 - Oct 1964 (5 weeks)
55 Nat King Cole Frosty the Snowman 1951 US Billboard 9 - Jan 1951 (1 week), Brazil 83 of 1951
56 Nat King Cole L-O-V-E 1964 US invalid BB 11 of 1964, POP 11 of 1964, Scrobulate 35 of swing, US Billboard 81 - Sep 1964 (4 weeks)
57 Nat King Cole Time & the River 1960 UK 23 - Feb 1960 (5 weeks), US Billboard 30 - Feb 1960 (8 weeks), Canada 32 - Feb 1960 (5 weeks)
58 Nat King Cole The Ruby & the Pearl 1952 US CashBox 19 - Oct 1952 (13 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Oct 1952 (3 weeks), RYM 63 of 1952
59 Nat King Cole Ballerina 1957 Flanders 13 - Mar 1957 (1 month), US Billboard 36 - Jan 1957 (13 weeks)
60 Nat King Cole Always You 1951 US CashBox 24 - Mar 1951 (6 weeks), US Billboard 28 - Apr 1951 (2 weeks), RYM 47 of 1951
61 Nat King Cole Strange 1953 US Billboard 20 - Jan 1953 (3 weeks), US CashBox 29 - Jan 1953 (6 weeks), RYM 87 of 1953
62 Nat King Cole I'm Never Satisfied 1952 US Billboard 22 - Oct 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 31 - Nov 1952 (4 weeks), RYM 62 of 1952
63 Nat King Cole Gee Baby Ain't I Good to You 1944 US Billboard 15 - Nov 1944 (2 weeks), DDD 19 of 1944
64 Nat King Cole Why? 1954 US Billboard 27 - Feb 1954 (1 week), US CashBox 28 - Jan 1954 (7 weeks), RYM 65 of 1954
65 Nat King Cole The Frim Fram Sauce 1946 US Billboard 19 - Jan 1946 (1 week), DDD 38 of 1946
66 Nat King Cole Let True Love Begin 1961 UK 29 - Nov 1961 (10 weeks), Canada 33 - Oct 1961 (6 weeks), US Billboard 73 - Sep 1961 (4 weeks)
67 Nat King Cole Home (When Shadows Fall) 1950 US Billboard 22 - Sep 1950 (1 week), US CashBox 24 - Sep 1950 (7 weeks)
68 Nat King Cole Return To Paradise 1953 US Billboard 15 - Jul 1953 (4 weeks), US CashBox 17 - Jul 1953 (13 weeks)
69 Nat King Cole Lover Come Back to Me 1953 US Billboard 16 - Nov 1953 (5 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Oct 1953 (12 weeks)
70 Nat King Cole A Fool Was I 1953 US Billboard 17 - Aug 1953 (4 weeks), US CashBox 26 - Aug 1953 (8 weeks)
71 Nat King Cole I'm in Love 1953 US Billboard 19 - Jun 1953 (4 weeks), US CashBox 32 - May 1953 (12 weeks)
72 Nat King Cole It Happens To Be Me 1954 US Billboard 16 - May 1954 (3 weeks), US CashBox 20 - Apr 1954 (12 weeks)
73 Nat King Cole Alone Too Long 1954 US CashBox 21 - Apr 1954 (10 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Jun 1954 (1 week)
74 Nat King Cole Someone You Love 1955 US Billboard 13 - Oct 1955 (13 weeks), US CashBox 14 - Oct 1955 (13 weeks)
75 Nat King Cole There! I've Said it Again 1947 Peel list 3 of 1947
76 Nat King Cole Unbelievable 1954 US Billboard 26 - Nov 1954 (3 weeks), US CashBox 29 - Oct 1954 (7 weeks)
77 Nat King Cole The Sand & The Sea 1955 US CashBox 17 - Feb 1955 (17 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Mar 1955 (13 weeks)
78 Nat King Cole When Rock 'n' Roll Came to Trinidad 1957 UK 28 - Jul 1957 (1 week), US Billboard 48 - Apr 1957 (7 weeks)
79 Nat King Cole Angel Smile 1958 Canada 20 - Jan 1958 (10 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Jan 1958 (13 weeks)
80 Nat King Cole Take Me Back To Toyland 1955 US CashBox 40 - Dec 1955 (6 weeks), US Billboard 47 - Dec 1955 (8 weeks)
81 Nat King Cole I'm Gonna Laugh You Right Out Of My Life 1955 US CashBox 47 - Dec 1955 (5 weeks), US Billboard 57 - Jan 1956 (5 weeks)
82 Nat King Cole Fascination 1957 Flanders 4 - Nov 1957 (4 months)
83 Nat King Cole To The Ends Of The Earth 1956 US CashBox 25 - Oct 1956 (7 weeks), US Billboard 39 - Oct 1956 (13 weeks)
84 Nat King Cole My Dream Sonata 1956 US CashBox 37 - Jul 1956 (3 weeks), US Billboard 59 - Jul 1956 (8 weeks)
85 Nat King Cole Nothing Ever Changes My Love For You 1956 US CashBox 34 - Feb 1956 (5 weeks), US Billboard 72 - Feb 1956 (6 weeks)
86 Nat King Cole Lost April 1948 US Billboard 20 - Apr 1948 (4 weeks), RYM 9 of 1948
87 Nat King Cole Little Girl 1948 US Billboard 25 - Nov 1948 (1 week), RYM 31 of 1951
88 Nat King Cole Whatcha' Gonna Do 1960 Canada 32 - Feb 1960 (5 weeks), US Billboard 92 - Mar 1960 (2 weeks)
89 Nat King Cole The Best Man 1946 US Billboard 14 - Nov 1946 (3 weeks), RYM 15 of 1946
90 Nat King Cole Dreams Can Tell a Lie 1956 UK 10 - Jan 1956 (9 weeks), RYM 168 of 1956
91 Nat King Cole You Don't Learn That in School 1947 US Billboard 22 - May 1947 (2 weeks), RYM 59 of 1947
92 Nat King Cole Autumn Leaves (Les Feuilles Mortes) 1955 Flanders 6 - Oct 1955 (2 months)
93 Nat King Cole Sweet Lorraine 1941 DDD 33 of 1944, RYM 21 of 1941
94 Nat King Cole I Can't See for Lookin' 1944 US Billboard 28 - May 1944 (1 week), RYM 5 of 1944
95 Nat King Cole That Ain't Right 1942 DDD 34 of 1942, RYM 8 of 1942
96 Nat King Cole Zippety zum 1955 Flanders 7 - Feb 1955 (1 month)
97 Nat King Cole Hit That Jive, Jack 1942 DDD 70 of 1942, RYM 8 of 1942
98 Nat King Cole Red Sails in the Sunset 1951 US Billboard 24 - May 1951 (2 weeks), RYM 31 of 1951
99 Nat King Cole All Over the World 1963 US Billboard 42 - Mar 1963 (9 weeks), Canada 46 - Mar 1963 (3 weeks)
100 Nat King Cole Don't Let Your Eyes Go Shopping (For Your Heart) 1953 US Billboard 23 - Feb 1953 (2 weeks), RYM 68 of 1953
101 Nat King Cole Funny (Not Much) 1952 US Billboard 26 - Aug 1952 (1 week), RYM 82 of 1952
102 Nat King Cole I'll Always Remember You 1951 US CashBox 32 - Sep 1951 (4 weeks), RYM 73 of 1951
103 Nat King Cole Nothing Goes Up (Without Coming Down) 1963 Canada 42 - Feb 1963 (5 weeks), US Billboard 87 - Mar 1963 (3 weeks)
104 Nat King Cole My Brother 1951 US CashBox 35 - Aug 1951 (1 week), RYM 125 of 1951
105 Nat King Cole Cachito 1958 Brazil 12 of 1958
106 Nat King Cole Ansiedad 1961 Brazil 13 of 1961
107 Nat King Cole Quizas, quizas, quizas 1958 Flanders 12 - Oct 1958 (1 month)
108 Nat King Cole I Envy 1954 US CashBox 36 - Jul 1954 (1 week), RYM 99 of 1954
109 Nat King Cole Nao Tenho Lagrimas 1960 Brazil 21 of 1960
110 Nat King Cole Don't Blame Me 1948 US Billboard 21 - Jul 1948 (1 week)
111 Nat King Cole What'll I Do? 1948 US Billboard 22 - Jan 1948 (1 week)
112 Nat King Cole A Boy from Texas 1948 US Billboard 24 - Jun 1948 (1 week)
113 Nat King Cole Put 'em in a Box, Tie 'em With a Ribbon 1948 US Billboard 30 - Jul 1948 (1 week)
114 Nat King Cole The Very Thought of You 1959 Flanders 20 - Feb 1959 (2 months)
115 Nat King Cole Those Things Money Can't Buy 1947 US Billboard 22 - Dec 1947 (3 weeks)
116 Nat King Cole On the Sunny Side of the Street 1940 DDD 43 of 1940
117 Nat King Cole Never Let Me Go 1956 US Billboard 79 - Apr 1956 (6 weeks), RYM 169 of 1956
118 Nat King Cole Fantastico 1960 Flanders 17 - Apr 1960 (1 month)
119 Nat King Cole Cappuccina 1961 Flanders 16 - Nov 1961 (1 month)
120 Nat King Cole Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow 1956 UK 11 - Sep 1956 (15 weeks)
121 Nat King Cole Exactly Like You 1949 DDD 75 of 1949
122 Nat King Cole It's Only a Paper Moon 1944 DDD 86 of 1944
123 Nat King Cole D-Day 1944 DDD 99 of 1944
124 Nat King Cole I Almost Lost My Mind 1950 US Billboard 26 - Apr 1950 (1 week)
125 Nat King Cole A Little Bit Independent 1950 US CashBox 36 - Jul 1950 (1 week)
126 Nat King Cole That's All 1953 US CashBox 19 - Oct 1953 (8 weeks)
127 Nat King Cole Time Out For Tears 1951 US CashBox 26 - Jan 1951 (4 weeks)
128 Nat King Cole A Weaver Of Dreams 1952 US CashBox 28 - Feb 1952 (6 weeks)
129 Nat King Cole If Love Is Good To Me 1953 US Billboard 28 - Aug 1953 (1 week)
130 Nat King Cole You Weren't There 1952 US CashBox 35 - Mar 1952 (2 weeks)
131 Nat King Cole Open Up The Doghouse 1954 US CashBox 22 - Dec 1954 (6 weeks)
132 Nat King Cole What Does It Take For You To Take To Me 1952 US CashBox 42 - May 1952 (3 weeks)
133 Nat King Cole Walkin' 1952 US CashBox 44 - Jan 1952 (3 weeks)
134 Nat King Cole Summer Is A-Comin' In 1952 US CashBox 47 - Jun 1952 (2 weeks)
135 Nat King Cole Brazilian Love Song 1962 UK 34 - Mar 1962 (4 weeks), RYM 178 of 1962
136 Nat King Cole The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) (1953) 1954 US Billboard 29 - Dec 1954 (1 week)
137 Nat King Cole The Blues From 'Kiss Me Deadly' 1955 US CashBox 46 - Jun 1955 (2 weeks)
138 Nat King Cole When I Fall In Love (1987) 1987 UK 4 - Dec 1987 (8 weeks)
139 Nat King Cole The Song of Raintree County 1957 Canada 49 - Sep 1957 (1 week)
140 Nat King Cole With You On My Mind 1957 US Billboard 33 - Sep 1957 (14 weeks)
141 Nat King Cole Do I Like It 1958 US Billboard 67 - Apr 1958 (6 weeks)
142 Nat King Cole Let's Face the Music & Dance 1994 UK 30 - Mar 1994 (3 weeks)
143 Nat King Cole Nothing in the World 1958 US Billboard 99 - Aug 1958 (1 week)
144 Nat King Cole You Are My First Love 1957 US Billboard 65 - Jan 1957 (6 weeks)
145 Nat King Cole I Must Be Dreaming 1959 US Billboard 69 - May 1959 (4 weeks)
146 Nat King Cole Give Me Your Love 1959 US Billboard 82 - Feb 1959 (4 weeks)
147 Nat King Cole Sweet Bird Of Youth 1959 US Billboard 96 - Aug 1959 (2 weeks)
148 Nat King Cole That's You 1960 UK 10 - May 1960 (8 weeks)
149 Nat King Cole My Love 1960 US Billboard 47 - Aug 1960 (8 weeks)
150 Nat King Cole If I Knew 1960 US Billboard 86 - Dec 1960 (2 weeks)
151 Nat King Cole Take A Fool's Advice 1961 US Billboard 71 - Jun 1961 (7 weeks)
152 Nat King Cole Just As Much As Ever 1960 UK 18 - Nov 1960 (10 weeks)
153 Nat King Cole The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) (1960) 1962 US Billboard 65 - Dec 1962 (3 weeks)
154 Nat King Cole Mr Wishing Well 1963 US Billboard 92 - Sep 1963 (3 weeks)
155 Nat King Cole The World in My Arms 1961 UK 36 - Feb 1961 (10 weeks)
156 Nat King Cole The Right Thing To Say 1962 UK 42 - Jun 1962 (4 weeks)
157 Nat King Cole My True Carrie, Love 1964 US Billboard 49 - Feb 1964 (6 weeks)
158 Nat King Cole People 1964 US Billboard 100 - Apr 1964 (1 week)
159 Nat King Cole Let Me Tell You Babe 1966 US Billboard 90 - Aug 1966 (4 weeks)
160 Nat King Cole Deck the Halls 2020 US Songs 2014-23 peak 16 - Dec 2020 (12 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 67 - Dec 2022 (2 weeks)
161 Nat King Cole The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) 2014 US Songs 2014-23 peak 9 - Jan 2014 (37 weeks)
162 Nat King Cole This Side Up 1941 RYM 21 of 1941
163 Nat King Cole You Should Have Told Me 1947 RYM 58 of 1947
164 Nat King Cole I Want to Thank Your Folks 1947 RYM 58 of 1947
165 Nat King Cole Meet Me at No Special Place 1947 RYM 59 of 1947
166 Nat King Cole Can You Look Me in the Eyes 1947 RYM 60 of 1947
167 Nat King Cole Come in Out of the Rain 1947 RYM 60 of 1947
168 Nat King Cole Everyone Is Sayin' Hello Again (Why Must We Say Goodbye?) 1946 RYM 3 of 1946
169 Nat King Cole In the Cool of the Evening 1946 RYM 8 of 1946
170 Nat King Cole The Greatest Inventor of Them All 1950 RYM 2 of 1950
171 Nat King Cole Oh, But I Do 1946 RYM 41 of 1946
172 Nat King Cole That's the Beginning of the End 1946 RYM 42 of 1946
173 Nat King Cole But She's My Buddy's Chick 1946 RYM 42 of 1946
174 Nat King Cole My First & My Last Love 1951 RYM 4 of 1951
175 Nat King Cole That's My Girl 1951 RYM 10 of 1951
176 Nat King Cole Destination Moon 1951 RYM 47 of 1951
177 Nat King Cole Make Believe Island 1951 RYM 73 of 1951
178 Nat King Cole Early American 1951 RYM 125 of 1951
179 Nat King Cole The Magic Tree 1951 RYM 128 of 1951
180 Nat King Cole What Does it Take (To Win Your Love) 1952 RYM 61 of 1952
181 Nat King Cole How Do I Go About It? 1953 RYM 87 of 1953
182 Nat King Cole It's Crazy 1954 RYM 37 of 1954
183 Nat King Cole I'd Rather Have the Blues 1955 RYM 167 of 1955
184 Nat King Cole Calypso Blues 1957 RYM 23 of 1957
185 Nat King Cole Love Letters 1957 RYM 39 of 1957
186 Nat King Cole Good Times 1962 RYM 68 of 1962
187 Nat King Cole I Would Do Anything for You 1962 RYM 178 of 1962
188 Nat King Cole In the Cool of the Day 1963 RYM 184 of 1963
189 Nat King Cole The Christmas Song 2017 UK Songs 2013-23 peak 34 - Jan 2017 (23 weeks)
190 Nat King Cole Mary-Rose unknown Germany 196 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks)

In addition to the above listed songs Nat King Cole also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole Unforgettable 1991 Grammy in 1991, POP 1 of 1991, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1992), Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Jul 1991 (27 weeks), Belgium 6 - Jul 1991 (11 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1991 (17 weeks), UK 19 - Jun 1991 (8 weeks), Holland 20 - Jul 1991 (6 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 21 of 1991 (peak 5 20 weeks), Australia 21 of 1991, Brazil 29 of 1991, ODK Germany 78 - Apr 1992 (3 weeks), US Radio 138 of 1991 (peak 20 1 week), RYM 193 of 1991, Party 35 of 1999
2 Nat King Cole & The Four Knights That's All There Is To That 1956 US Billboard 16 - Jul 1956 (20 weeks), US CashBox 17 - Jul 1956 (16 weeks), Flanders 19 - Nov 1956 (2 months), US BB 72 of 1956
3 Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole When I Fall in Love 1996 Japan (Tokyo) 28 - Oct 1996 (8 weeks), Poland 30 - Sep 1996 (11 weeks), US Billboard 95 - Aug 1988 (1 week)
4 Nat King Cole & The Four Knights If I May 1955 US Billboard 8 - May 1955 (10 weeks), US CashBox 11 - Apr 1955 (21 weeks), RYM 31 of 1954

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

10 Mar 2019

Nat King Cole - Blue Moon

Didn't Nat King Cole release his version of "Blue Moon" in 1955? Also, couldn't work out where his song "Tenderly" released in 1954 peaked in the charts

Can you help please, thanx

The years shown in this listing are the years that the song was in the charts (not its release date)

As the listing says the song "Tenderly" peaked at 10 in the UK charts. The lack of Billboards listings for it means it didn't get into the Billboard chart.

11 Mar 2016

If I was you baby ?+

Wasn't there a song like this ?

21 Jul 2015

(1) Double Listing +(1) Missing Data

#101 & #152 are the same (I Don't Want To Be Hurt Anymore). Also #96 (Strange)made the US Billboard Charts in 1953 (#20 for 3 weeks - per Joel Whitburn).

We've fixed the first but see no supporting evidence for the second

13 May 2015

(2) Double Listings

#8 & #95 are the same (I Love You For Sentimental Reasons). Also #36 & #48 (My One Sin In Life).

Data fixed, thanks

11 May 2015

#16 - Too Young To Go Steady

The following (2) Chart Entries should be removed from this recording and added to #2 - Too Young. 1. US Invalid BB 1 of 1951. 2. Italy 30 of 1952.

Data fixed, thanks

20 Oct 2014

Non Dimenticar- Double Listing

#37 and #64 are the same recording. One of my favorite Nat King Cole songs.

Data corrected, thanks

22 Sep 2014

#16-Too Young to Go Steady

Looks like (2) of the entries under this recording should be related to 1951's "Too Young". US BB 1 of 1951 and Italy 30 of 1952.

No there are two different songs, "Too Young" was Capitol 1449 and "Too Young To Go Steady" was Capitol 3390

7 Jan 2014

Spammy Messages

Howdy, I read your blog occasionally and I own a similar one and i was just wondering if you get a lot of spam comments? If so how do you prevent it, any plugin or anything you can advise? I get so much lately it's driving me crazy so any helpis very much appreciated.

More than 99% of all the messages we get are spam. Luckily spammers are stupid and a simple filter throws away most of it.

26 Oct 2013

nat king cole singing ~ well hello there, it's been a long long time

I can not find the song " well hello there it's been a long long time". I believe it was sung by nat king cole please advise.

9 Mar 2013


What movie did Nat King Cole sing this in?

20 May 2011

Oldie song - Mary Rose

Where can I find this song probably dated around 1959, by Nat King Cole? Itis shown as No. 186 on the song artist list.

The fact that it's the 186th (and last) Nat King Cole song means that it will be hard to find. It was listed as a Double-A side with "Ramblin' Rose", if you can find an original 7" (especially one from Germany) it might be on that. Sorry but we don't have a place where you can get the song