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Song title 37 - Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Mona Lisa" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Nat King Cole Mona Lisa 1950 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1950 (27 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jun 1950 (26 weeks), US 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1950, US CashBox 1 - Jun 1950 (33 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1950, Oscar in 1950 (film 'Captain Carey, U.S.A.'), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1992 (1950), ASCAP song of 1950, UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Sep 1950 (21 weeks), US invalid BB 2 of 1950, POP 2 of 1950, DDD 4 of 1950, DZE 6 of 1950, France (50s) 13 of 1950, Your Hit Parade 15 of 1950, Brazil 15 of 1952, Italy 48 of 1951, DMDB 51 (1950), RIAA 109, Acclaimed 1292 (1950), RYM 2 of 1950
2 Conway Twitty Mona Lisa 1959 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1959, Norway 2 - Sep 1959 (15 weeks), Flanders 3 - Oct 1959 (6 months), UK 5 - Aug 1959 (14 weeks), Australia 13 of 1959, US Billboard 29 - Jul 1959 (12 weeks), Italy 32 of 1960, RYM 100 of 1959
3 Victor Young Mona Lisa 1950 US CashBox 1 - Jun 1950 (32 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Jul 1950 (15 weeks), US 1940s 10 - Jul 1950 (8 weeks)
4 Art Lund Mona Lisa 1950 US CashBox 1 - Jul 1950 (14 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1950 (7 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Jul 1950 (1 week)
5 Dennis Day Mona Lisa 1950 Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1950, US Billboard 29 - Aug 1950 (1 week)
6 Carl Mann Mona Lisa 1959 Flanders 3 - Oct 1959 (3 months), Canada 9 - Jun 1959 (9 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Jun 1959 (16 weeks)
7 Cyro Aguiar Mona Lisa 1962 Brazil 54 of 1962
8 Harry James Mona Lisa 1950 US Billboard 14 - Aug 1950 (8 weeks)
9 Ralph Flanagan Mona Lisa 1950 US Billboard 16 - Sep 1950 (3 weeks)
10 Charlie Spivak Mona Lisa 1950 US Billboard 16 - Jul 1950 (7 weeks)
11 Natalie Cole Mona Lisa 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 20 - Jun 1991 (9 weeks)
12 Ben Cramer Mona Lisa 1969 Holland 30 - Jan 1969 (5 weeks)
13 Kraayeveld Mona Lisa 1971 Holland 25 - Jun 1971 (5 weeks)
14 De Blanc Mona Lisa 1986 France 7 - Dec 1986 (1 week)
15 Wilfried Mona Lisa 1988 Austria 27 - May 1988 (1 month)
16 Die Flippers Mona Lisa 1991 ODK Germany 58 - Nov 1991 (14 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

29 Nov 2015

#2 - Conway Twitty - Mona Lisa

The following 1950 Chart Entry needs to be removed from this 1959 recordingand transferred to one of the 1950 recordings. 1. UK 40's Sheet Music - 2 - 21 weeks - Sept. 1950.

Data fixed, thanks