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Song artist 156 - The Eurythmics

The Eurythmics Region Profile

The Eurythmics Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Eurythmics.A list of the hit albums by The Eurythmics is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

This duo originally met while they were in The Catch, which was later, and more famously called The Tourists. Both Annie Lennox and David A Stewart moved on to solo careers in the 1990s.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Eurythmics Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 1983 US Billboard 1 - May 1983 (26 weeks), Canada 1 - Aug 1983 (14 weeks), France (SNEP) 1 - Aug 1983 (4 months), France 1 - May 1983 (3 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1983, France 1 for 6 weeks - Aug 1983, ASCAP song of 1983, UK 2 - Feb 1983 (14 weeks), Belgium 2 - Apr 1983 (7 weeks), Germany 4 - Apr 1983 (4 months), ODK Germany 4 - Apr 1983 (23 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1983), Springbok 5 - May 1983 (14 weeks), Canada 7 of 1983, Switzerland 8 - May 1983 (5 weeks), Holland 9 - Apr 1983 (8 weeks), Austria 9 - Aug 1983 (3 months), US BB 10 of 1983, ARC 10 of 1983 (peak 1 19 weeks), US Radio 11 of 1983 (peak 1 13 weeks), Holland free40 13 of 1983, US CashBox 14 of 1983, Poland 14 - May 1983 (5 weeks), nuTsie 22 of 1980s, Vinyl Surrender 27 (1982), KROQ 27 of 1983, Scrobulate 63 of 80s, France (InfoDisc) 66 of the 1980s (peak 1, 23 weeks, 973k sales estimated, 1983), OzNet 98, Germany 175 of the 1980s (peak 4 15 weeks), Acclaimed 304 (1983), Rolling Stone 356, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1983), RYM 27 of 1983, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500, UK most streamed for 1983
2 The Eurythmics There Must Be an Angel (Playing With My Heart) 1985 UK 1 - Jul 1985 (13 weeks), Sweden 1 - Aug 1985 (6 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1985 (9 weeks), Poland 1 - Jun 1985 (14 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - Jul 1985, Sweden (alt) 2 - Jul 1985 (16 weeks), Holland 4 - Aug 1985 (12 weeks), Germany 4 - Aug 1985 (3 months), ODK Germany 4 - Aug 1985 (14 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Springbok 6 - Oct 1985 (13 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Apr 1991 (14 weeks), Belgium 7 - Aug 1985 (9 weeks), France 10 - Jul 1985 (1 week), Canada 11 - Aug 1985 (12 weeks), Austria 13 - Sep 1985 (3 months), US Billboard 22 - Aug 1985 (11 weeks), Holland free40 39 of 1985, Canada 87 of 1985, RYM 70 of 1985
3 The Eurythmics Would I Lie to You? 1985 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1985, Canada 2 - May 1985 (13 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Apr 1985 (19 weeks), Poland 6 - May 1985 (6 weeks), Sweden (alt) 10 - May 1985 (8 weeks), Belgium 10 - May 1985 (6 weeks), Australia 10 of 1985, UK 17 - Apr 1985 (9 weeks), Sweden 19 - Apr 1985 (1 week), Switzerland 21 - May 1985 (5 weeks), Holland 23 - May 1985 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 34 - May 1985 (8 weeks), ARC 44 of 1985 (peak 3 13 weeks), Canada 45 of 1985, US CashBox 51 of 1985, Holland free40 57 of 1985, KROQ 61 of 1985, US BB 70 of 1985, US Radio 76 of 1985 (peak 5 8 weeks), OzNet 650, RYM 123 of 1985
4 The Eurythmics Here Comes the Rain Again 1984 France 1 - Jan 1984 (2 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jan 1984 (20 weeks), Canada 4 - Feb 1984 (11 weeks), Poland 4 - Dec 1983 (24 weeks), UK 8 - Jan 1984 (9 weeks), Norway 10 - Feb 1984 (1 week), Belgium 12 - Feb 1984 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 14 - Feb 1984 (14 weeks), Switzerland 19 - Mar 1984 (5 weeks), Sweden (alt) 20 - Mar 1984 (2 weeks), Germany 20 - Mar 1984 (1 month), ARC 23 of 1984 (peak 1 14 weeks), US Radio 35 of 1984 (peak 4 10 weeks), US BB 38 of 1984, US CashBox 38 of 1984, Holland free40 42 of 1984, Canada 58 of 1984, Scrobulate 69 of 80s, OzNet 160, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jan 1984), RYM 13 of 1984
5 The Eurythmics Love is a Stranger 1983 Springbok 2 - Sep 1983 (19 weeks), UK 6 - Nov 1982 (17 weeks), Belgium 6 - Jun 1983 (9 weeks), France 10 - Jan 1983 (1 week), ODK Germany 12 - Dec 1982 (26 weeks), Holland 13 - May 1983 (7 weeks), Germany 15 - Apr 1983 (3 months), South Africa 20 of 1983, US Billboard 23 - Sep 1983 (13 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 60 - Apr 1991 (3 weeks), KROQ 62 of 1983, Scrobulate 76 of new wave, Canada 92 of 1983, RYM 44 of 1982
6 The Eurythmics Sex Crime (1984) 1984 Sweden (alt) 3 - Dec 1984 (13 weeks), Belgium 3 - Nov 1984 (10 weeks), ODK Germany 3 - Dec 1984 (16 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), UK 4 - Nov 1984 (15 weeks), France 4 - Oct 1984 (1 week), Germany 5 - Jan 1985 (3 months), Switzerland 6 - Dec 1984 (13 weeks), Poland 6 - Jan 1984 (14 weeks), Norway 9 - Feb 1985 (1 week), Holland 10 - Nov 1984 (12 weeks), Canada 13 - Jan 1985 (8 weeks), Sweden 14 - Nov 1984 (3 weeks), KROQ 15 of 1984, Holland free40 28 of 1984, US Billboard 81 - Nov 1984 (4 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Dec 1984)
7 The Eurythmics Who's That Girl? 1983 France 2 - Sep 1983 (1 week), UK 3 - Jul 1983 (10 weeks), Poland 9 - Aug 1983 (6 weeks), Belgium 13 - Aug 1983 (4 weeks), Sweden (alt) 14 - Aug 1983 (8 weeks), Canada 16 - Jun 1984 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 19 - Aug 1983 (11 weeks), US Billboard 21 - May 1984 (13 weeks), Germany 23 - Aug 1983 (1 month), Holland 28 - Aug 1983 (3 weeks), Holland free40 55 of 1983, KROQ 84 of 1984, Canada 90 of 1984, OzNet 916, RYM 74 of 1983
8 The Eurythmics The Miracle of Love 1986 Sweden 1 - Nov 1986 (4 weeks), Poland 1 - Sep 1986 (14 weeks), Belgium 15 - Nov 1986 (4 weeks), Switzerland 21 - Nov 1986 (10 weeks), UK 23 - Nov 1986 (11 weeks), Holland 31 - Nov 1986 (4 weeks), Brazil 34 of 1987, ODK Germany 53 - Jan 1987 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 59 of beautiful, RYM 139 of 1986
9 The Eurythmics Don't Ask Me Why 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Sep 1989 (8 weeks), Belgium 24 - Dec 1989 (1 week), UK 25 - Nov 1989 (8 weeks), Switzerland 30 - Dec 1989 (1 week), Poland 39 - Oct 1989 (6 weeks), US Billboard 40 - Sep 1989 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 56 - Dec 1989 (13 weeks), Italy 62 of 1989, KROQ 73 of 1989, Japan (Osaku) 90 of 1989 (peak 20 8 weeks)
10 The Eurythmics Right By Your Side 1983 UK 10 - Nov 1983 (11 weeks), Sweden (alt) 13 - Nov 1983 (6 weeks), Holland 20 - Nov 1983 (5 weeks), Poland 28 - Nov 1983 (3 weeks), Belgium 28 - Dec 1983 (1 week), US Billboard 29 - Jul 1984 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 61 - Dec 1983 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 90 - Apr 1991 (2 weeks)
11 The Eurythmics When Tomorrow Comes 1986 Sweden 2 - Jun 1986 (5 weeks), Norway 5 - Jun 1986 (9 weeks), Belgium 18 - Jun 1986 (6 weeks), Holland 19 - Jul 1986 (7 weeks), Springbok 19 - Sep 1986 (1 week), Holland free40 22 of 1986, ODK Germany 22 - Jul 1986 (11 weeks), UK 30 - Jun 1986 (11 weeks), Poland 36 - Jul 1986 (1 week), Italy 81 of 1986, RYM 139 of 1986
12 The Eurythmics Thorn in My Side 1986 Sweden 1 - Aug 1986 (4 weeks), UK 5 - Sep 1986 (12 weeks), Austria 14 - Nov 1986 (3 months), ODK Germany 26 - Sep 1986 (14 weeks), Belgium 28 - Sep 1986 (1 week), Holland free40 58 of 1986, US Billboard 68 - Nov 1986 (8 weeks), OzNet 440, RYM 133 of 1986
13 The Eurythmics It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back) 1986 UK 12 - Jan 1986 (8 weeks), Sweden 14 - Feb 1986 (2 weeks), Austria 14 - Apr 1986 (1 month), Holland 20 - Jan 1986 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 22 - Feb 1986 (9 weeks), Switzerland 23 - Mar 1986 (6 weeks), Belgium 25 - Feb 1986 (1 week), Poland 28 - Feb 1986 (3 weeks), Holland free40 47 of 1986, US Billboard 78 - Feb 1986 (6 weeks), RYM 110 of 1985
14 The Eurythmics I Saved the World Today 1999 Poland 2 - Sep 1999 (18 weeks), Sweden 4 - Oct 1999 (6 weeks), UK 11 - Oct 1999 (6 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Oct 1999 (12 weeks), Austria 19 - Oct 1999 (2 months), Italy 26 of 1999, ODK Germany 28 - Oct 1999 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 37 - Sep 1999 (7 weeks)
15 The Eurythmics Beethoven (I Love to Listen) 1987 France 4 - Oct 1987 (1 week), Norway 6 - Nov 1987 (4 weeks), Sweden 14 - Oct 1987 (3 weeks), Switzerland 19 - Nov 1987 (5 weeks), UK 25 - Oct 1987 (5 weeks), Belgium 25 - Oct 1987 (3 weeks), Poland 27 - Nov 1987 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 28 - Nov 1987 (10 weeks), Italy 52 of 1987, Holland free40 53 of 1987, RYM 105 of 1987
16 The Eurythmics Shame 1988 France 4 - Jan 1988 (1 week), Sweden 8 - Jan 1988 (3 weeks), Springbok 16 - May 1988 (6 weeks), Poland 17 - Jan 1988 (5 weeks), Belgium 25 - Jan 1988 (1 week), UK 41 - Dec 1987 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 53 - Jan 1988 (5 weeks), KROQ 62 of 1988, Holland free40 82 of 1988
17 The Eurythmics Missionary Man 1986 Sweden 8 - Mar 1987 (2 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1986 (16 weeks), Belgium 27 - Apr 1987 (1 week), UK 31 - Feb 1987 (4 weeks), KROQ 63 of 1986, Canada 93 of 1986, US Radio 119 of 1986 (peak 14 5 weeks)
18 The Eurythmics Revival 1989 Sweden 8 - Aug 1989 (2 weeks), Switzerland 8 - Sep 1989 (10 weeks), Belgium 17 - Sep 1989 (3 weeks), Holland 25 - Sep 1989 (4 weeks), UK 26 - Aug 1989 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 33 - Sep 1989 (14 weeks), Italy 41 of 1989, Holland free40 76 of 1989, KROQ 91 of 1989
19 The Eurythmics The King & Queen of America 1990 Belgium 16 - Mar 1990 (3 weeks), UK 29 - Feb 1990 (5 weeks), Poland 31 - Mar 1990 (10 weeks), Holland 33 - Feb 1990 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Mar 1990 (12 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 62 - Jul 1990 (2 weeks)
20 The Eurythmics I've Got a Life 2005 UK 14 - Nov 2005 (4 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 22 - Dec 2005 (8 weeks), Switzerland 36 - Nov 2005 (1 week), RYM 178 of 2005
21 The Eurythmics I Need a Man 1988 Belgium 23 - Jun 1988 (1 week), UK 26 - Apr 1988 (5 weeks), US Billboard 46 - Dec 1987 (9 weeks), KROQ 51 of 1988
22 The Eurythmics 17 Again 2000 UK 27 - Feb 2000 (4 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 27 - Oct 1999 (10 weeks), Poland 36 - Jan 2000 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 73 - Feb 2000 (6 weeks)
23 The Eurythmics You Have Placed a Chill in My Heart 1988 UK 16 - Jun 1988 (9 weeks), US Billboard 64 - May 1988 (7 weeks), RYM 197 of 1988
24 The Eurythmics No Fear, No Hate, No Pain, No Broken Heart 1984 Poland 1 - Apr 1984 (16 weeks)
25 The Eurythmics Julia 1985 UK 44 - Jan 1985 (4 weeks), RYM 121 of 1985
26 The Eurythmics I Love You Like a Ball & Chain 1985 KROQ 95 of 1985
27 The Eurythmics Angel 1990 UK 23 - May 1990 (6 weeks)
28 The Eurythmics Sweet Dreams '91 1991 UK 48 - Nov 1991 (2 weeks)
29 The Eurythmics Never Gonna Cry Again 1981 UK 63 - Jul 1981 (3 weeks)
30 The Eurythmics Breakaway 1983 Poland 15 - May 1983 (1 week)
31 The Eurythmics The Savage 1988 Poland 37 - Jan 1988 (2 weeks)
32 The Eurythmics Heaven 1987 RYM 105 of 1987
33 The Eurythmics In This Town 1986 RYM 133 of 1986
34 The Eurythmics Grown Up Girls 1985 RYM 70 of 1985
35 The Eurythmics Conditioned Soul 1985 RYM 110 of 1985
36 The Eurythmics Ministry of Love 1985 RYM 121 of 1985
37 The Eurythmics Here Comes That Sinking Feeling 1985 RYM 123 of 1985
38 The Eurythmics Paint a Rumour 1984 RYM 13 of 1984
39 The Eurythmics I Could Give You (A Mirror) 1983 RYM 27 of 1983
40 The Eurythmics You Take Some Lentils ... & You Take Some Rice 1983 RYM 74 of 1983
41 The Eurythmics Monkey, Monkey 1982 RYM 44 of 1982

In addition to the above listed songs The Eurythmics also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Eurythmics & Aretha Franklin Sisters Are Doin' it For Themselves 1985 UK 9 - Nov 1985 (12 weeks), Belgium 17 - Nov 1985 (3 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Oct 1985 (14 weeks), Holland 20 - Oct 1985 (5 weeks), Switzerland 20 - Dec 1985 (7 weeks), Holland free40 21 of 1985, ODK Germany 22 - Nov 1985 (13 weeks), Poland 29 - Nov 1985 (2 weeks), US Radio 142 of 1985 (peak 18 1 week), OzNet 196
2 Elvis Costello & The Eurythmics Adrian 1985 Poland 10 - Sep 1985 (8 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

30 May 2018

(4) Double Listings

#1 & #30 are the same (Sweet Dreams). Also #17 & #35 (Beethoven I Love To Listen). Plus #15 & #34 (It's Alright Baby's Coming Back). And finally #4 & #25 (Would I Lie To You?).

Data fixed, thanks

6 Mar 2018

Double Listing - Beethoven

#16 & #31 are the same (Beethoven).

Data fixed, thanks

2 Feb 2012

Song artist 249 - The Eurythmics

#1 and #24 are the same songs.

Data Corrected, thanks for the input

6 Jul 2009

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (number 1) and Sweet Dreams (number 25) are the same song and release. Points should be combined.

Thank you, the correction has been made