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Song artist 510 - Elvis Costello

Elvis Costello Region Profile

Elvis Costello Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Elvis Costello.A list of the hit albums by Elvis Costello is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Elvis Costello Watching the Detectives 1977 France 1 - Nov 1977 (5 weeks), Sweden (alt) 9 - Dec 1977 (18 weeks), UK 15 - Nov 1977 (11 weeks), Holland free40 15 of 1978, Scrobulate 72 of favourite songs, WXPN 320, Rolling Stone 354, Acclaimed 423 (1977), RYM 21 of 1977
2 Elvis Costello Oliver's Army 1979 UK 2 - Feb 1979 (12 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Mar 1979), Holland free40 15 of 1979, RIANZ 25 - May 1979 (12 weeks), Holland 31 - Apr 1979 (4 weeks), Virgin 35, WXPN 591, OzNet 646, Acclaimed 664 (1979), RYM 5 of 1979
3 Elvis Costello The Other Side of Summer 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - May 1991 (11 weeks), Poland 28 - Jun 1991 (5 weeks), UK 43 - May 1991 (4 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 45 of 1991 (peak 2 16 weeks), RYM 89 of 1991
4 Elvis Costello Veronica 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 5 - Feb 1989 (26 weeks), KROQ 17 of 1989, US Billboard 19 - Apr 1989 (14 weeks), UK 31 - Mar 1989 (6 weeks), Holland free40 40 of 1989, RYM 42 of 1989
5 Elvis Costello Everyday I Write the Book 1983 France 8 - Aug 1983 (2 weeks), Canada 19 - Oct 1983 (7 weeks), UK 28 - Jul 1983 (8 weeks), KROQ 34 of 1983, US Billboard 36 - Aug 1983 (14 weeks), Acclaimed 2414 (1983), RYM 125 of 1983
6 Elvis Costello She 1999 Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Aug 1999 (34 weeks), UK 19 - Jul 1999 (10 weeks), Brazil 57 of 1999, Japan (Osaku) 82 of 1999 (peak 12 13 weeks)
7 Elvis Costello I Want You 1986 Holland free40 7 of 1986, Holland 15 - Nov 1986 (7 weeks), Belgium 21 of all time, Europe 54 of the 1980s (1986), UK 79 - Nov 1986 (2 weeks), Acclaimed 940 (1986), RYM 41 of 1986
8 Elvis Costello Alison 1977 Scrobulate 81 of list, WXPN 104, Acclaimed 272 (1977), Rolling Stone 318, RYM 10 of 1977, WFUV 23, NY Daily Love list 96
9 Elvis Costello A Good Year For the Roses 1981 UK 6 - Oct 1981 (11 weeks), Holland 14 - Nov 1981 (6 weeks), Belgium 17 - Dec 1981 (5 weeks), Holland free40 70 of 1981
10 Elvis Costello 13 Steps Lead Down 1994 Japan (Tokyo) 5 - Mar 1994 (10 weeks), UK 59 - Apr 1994 (1 week)
11 Elvis Costello The Only Flame In Town 1984 US Billboard 56 - Jul 1984 (9 weeks), UK 71 - Aug 1984 (4 weeks), KROQ 89 of 1984
12 Elvis Costello (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding? 1978 WXPN 82, Rolling Stone 284, Acclaimed 968 (1978), RYM 134 of 1978, WFUV 29
13 Elvis Costello Pump it Up 1978 UK 24 - May 1978 (10 weeks), WXPN 288, Acclaimed 773 (1978), RYM 16 of 1978, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
14 Elvis Costello Radio Radio 1978 UK 29 - Oct 1978 (7 weeks), WXPN 340, Acclaimed 626 (1978), RYM 15 of 1978
15 Elvis Costello Tear Off Your Own Head (It's A Doll Revolution) 2002 Japan (Tokyo) 34 - Mar 2002 (4 weeks), UK 58 - Apr 2002 (1 week)
16 Elvis Costello Sulky Girl 1994 France 10 - Mar 1994 (1 week), UK 22 - Mar 1994 (3 weeks), Holland free40 64 of 1994
17 Elvis Costello I Can't Stand Up (for Falling Down) 1980 UK 4 - Feb 1980 (8 weeks), KROQ 75 of 1980, RYM 164 of 1980
18 Elvis Costello Smile 2002 Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Apr 2002 (13 weeks)
19 Elvis Costello Accidents Will Happen 1979 France 5 - Jul 1979 (3 weeks), UK 28 - May 1979 (8 weeks), RYM 62 of 1979
20 Elvis Costello (I Don't Want to Go To) Chelsea 1978 UK 16 - Mar 1978 (10 weeks), Acclaimed 817 (1978), RYM 79 of 1978
21 Elvis Costello Bama Lama Bama Loo 1995 Japan (Tokyo) 14 - May 1995 (8 weeks)
22 Elvis Costello Still 2003 Japan (Tokyo) 26 - Sep 2003 (7 weeks)
23 Elvis Costello I Wanna Be Loved/Turning The Town Red 1984 France 7 - Jun 1984 (1 week), UK 25 - Jun 1984 (6 weeks)
24 Elvis Costello You Bowed Down 1996 Japan (Tokyo) 37 - Jun 1996 (5 weeks)
25 Elvis Costello Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1986 Belgium 24 - Mar 1986 (2 weeks), UK 33 - Feb 1986 (4 weeks)
26 Elvis Costello You Tripped At Every Step 1994 Japan (Tokyo) 48 - Apr 1994 (4 weeks)
27 Elvis Costello Man Out of Time 1982 UK 58 - Jul 1982 (2 weeks), RYM 169 of 1982
28 Elvis Costello Getting Mighty Crowded 1980 KROQ 91 of 1980, RYM 105 of 1980
29 Elvis Costello Hi-Fidelity 1980 UK 30 - Apr 1980 (5 weeks), RYM 105 of 1980
30 Elvis Costello (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes 1977 WXPN 479, RYM 128 of 1977
31 Elvis Costello London's Brilliant Parade EP 1994 UK 48 - Nov 1994 (2 weeks)
32 Elvis Costello It's Time 1996 UK 58 - May 1996 (1 week)
33 Elvis Costello Love Ones 1982 KROQ 90 of 1982
34 Elvis Costello This Town 1989 KROQ 99 of 1989
35 Elvis Costello So Like Candy 1991 Poland 48 - Nov 1991 (2 weeks), Holland free40 71 of 1991
36 Elvis Costello Whisper 1981 KROQ 95 of 1981
37 Elvis Costello Baby Plays Around EP 1989 UK 65 - May 1989 (2 weeks)
38 Elvis Costello Five Gears in Reverse 1980 KROQ 43 of 1980
39 Elvis Costello Lipstick Vogue 1978 Acclaimed 1589 (1978)
40 Elvis Costello Blue Chair 1987 UK 94 - Feb 1987 (1 week)
41 Elvis Costello Head to Toe 1982 UK 43 - Sep 1982 (4 weeks)
42 Elvis Costello Party Party 1982 UK 48 - Dec 1982 (6 weeks)
43 Elvis Costello I'm Your Toy 1982 UK 51 - Apr 1982 (3 weeks)
44 Elvis Costello You Little Fool 1982 UK 52 - Jun 1982 (3 weeks)
45 Elvis Costello Sweet Dreams (Of You) 1981 UK 42 - Dec 1981 (8 weeks)
46 Elvis Costello Let Them All Talk 1983 UK 59 - Sep 1983 (2 weeks)
47 Elvis Costello New Amsterdam 1980 UK 36 - Jun 1980 (6 weeks)
48 Elvis Costello Tokyo Storm Warning 1986 UK 73 - Aug 1986 (3 weeks)
49 Elvis Costello Clubland 1980 UK 60 - Dec 1980 (4 weeks)
50 Elvis Costello Green Shirt 1985 UK 68 - May 1985 (5 weeks)
51 Elvis Costello Chelsea 1978 Holland free40 42 of 1978
52 Elvis Costello Shipbuilding 1983 Poland 11 - Oct 1983 (8 weeks)
53 Elvis Costello Less Than Zero 1977 RYM 35 of 1977, Guardian Indie 21
54 Elvis Costello I Hope You're Happy Now 1986 RYM 41 of 1986
55 Elvis Costello They'll Never Take Her Love from Me 1985 RYM 134 of 1985
56 Elvis Costello The Peoples' Limousine 1985 RYM 134 of 1985
57 Elvis Costello Heathen Town 1983 RYM 125 of 1983
58 Elvis Costello Town Cryer 1982 RYM 169 of 1982
59 Elvis Costello Couldn't Call It Unexpected No 4 1991 RYM 89 of 1991
60 Elvis Costello The Ugly Things 1991 RYM 89 of 1991
61 Elvis Costello You're No Good 1989 RYM 42 of 1989
62 Elvis Costello Tiny Steps 1978 RYM 15 of 1978
63 Elvis Costello Big Tears 1978 RYM 16 of 1978
64 Elvis Costello My Funny Valentine 1979 RYM 5 of 1979
65 Elvis Costello You Belong to Me 1978 RYM 79 of 1978
66 Elvis Costello Talking in the Dark 1979 RYM 62 of 1979
67 Elvis Costello Wednesday Week 1979 RYM 62 of 1979
68 Elvis Costello Welcome to the Working Week 1977 RYM 10 of 1977
69 Elvis Costello Girls Talk 1980 RYM 164 of 1980
70 Elvis Costello Mystery Dance 1977 RYM 21 of 1977
71 Elvis Costello Blame it On Cain 1977 RYM 21 of 1977
72 Elvis Costello Radio Sweetheart 1977 RYM 35 of 1977
73 Elvis Costello Days unknown Scrobulate 52 of tracks
74 Elvis Costello Other End Of The Telescope unknown WXPN 520

In addition to the above listed songs Elvis Costello also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 T-Bone Burnett & Elvis Costello Scarlet Tide 2003 Oscar in 2003 (film 'Cold Mountain') (Nominated)
2 Elvis Costello & Allen Toussaint Tears, Tears, & More Tears 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 60 - May 2006 (4 weeks)
3 Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach Toledo 1999 UK 72 - May 1999 (1 week)
4 Elvis Costello & The Eurythmics Adrian 1985 Poland 10 - Sep 1985 (8 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

26 Apr 2011

audio of [smile] sung by elvis costello written by charles chaplin

Where can I get the audio of [smile] sung by elvis costello written by charles chaplin

We don't have any music files here for download. You might try iTunes or Amazon (its available for mp3 download on Amazon's UK site at least)

13 Mar 2011


Same man used alias in 2 songs

We don't understand what you're trying to say. The words "imposter" and "alias" are not listed.

If you mean that two of these songs have the same title you have to suggest which ones they are because we can't see it.