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Song artist 329 - The Doobie Brothers

The Doobie Brothers Region Profile

The Doobie Brothers Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Doobie Brothers.A list of the hit albums by The Doobie Brothers is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Doobie Brothers What a Fool Believes 1979 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1979 (20 weeks), Record World 1 - 1979, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - May 1979, Grammy in 1979, ASCAP song of 1979, Canada 3 - Feb 1979 (19 weeks), France 3 - Apr 1979 (3 weeks), D.Marsh 3 of 1979, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1979), US CashBox 5 of 1979, RIANZ 5 - Apr 1979 (14 weeks), Springbok 7 - May 1979 (14 weeks), Belgium 10 - Jun 1986 (3 weeks), Holland 12 - Jun 1986 (7 weeks), US BB 19 of 1979, US Radio 19 of 1979 (peak 1 10 weeks), Brazil 27 of 1979, UK 31 - Feb 1979 (11 weeks), WABC NY 31 of 1979, Canada 31 of 1979, Scrobulate 63 of 70s, POP 74 of 1979, OzNet 545, Acclaimed 1466 (1978), RYM 155 of 1979
2 The Doobie Brothers Long Train Runnin' 1973 France 1 - Jul 1973 (5 weeks), Canada 5 - Jun 1973 (14 weeks), UK 7 - Nov 1993 (10 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Apr 1973 (18 weeks), Record World 9 - 1973, Springbok 11 - Aug 1973 (8 weeks), Holland 12 - May 1973 (6 weeks), POP 20 of 1973, Belgium 23 - Jul 1993 (1 week), DDD 27 of 1973, Poland 33 - Jan 1994 (9 weeks), US BB 41 of 1973, ODK Germany 64 - Jun 1993 (5 weeks), US Radio 69 of 1973 (peak 8 7 weeks), WABC NY 73 of 1973, Brazil 84 of 1973, Canada 85 of 1973, RYM 76 of 1973
3 The Doobie Brothers Listen to the Music 1972 France 2 - Dec 1972 (4 weeks), Canada 6 - Oct 1972 (8 weeks), Holland 8 - Nov 1972 (19 weeks), Record World 10 - 1972, US Billboard 11 - Sep 1972 (13 weeks), Belgium 15 - Dec 1972 (3 weeks), POP 23 of 1972, DDD 25 of 1972, UK 29 - Mar 1974 (7 weeks), Brazil 59 of 1973, WABC NY 73 of 1972, Japan (Tokyo) 91 - Mar 1989 (2 weeks), US Radio 99 of 1972 (peak 11 5 weeks), OzNet 558, RYM 56 of 1972
4 The Doobie Brothers Black Water 1975 US Billboard 1 - Dec 1974 (17 weeks), Record World 1 - 1975, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1975), Canada 7 - Feb 1975 (8 weeks), DDD 11 of 1974, US CashBox 13 of 1975, US Radio 14 of 1975 (peak 1 10 weeks), US BB 15 of 1975, POP 29 of 1975, D.Marsh 30 of 1975, WABC NY 51 of 1975, Canada 91 of 1975, RYM 186 of 1974
5 The Doobie Brothers The Doctor 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 2 - May 1989 (13 weeks), US Billboard 9 - May 1989 (14 weeks), Belgium 16 - Aug 1989 (2 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 17 of 1989 (peak 5 14 weeks), Holland 26 - Jul 1989 (6 weeks), Holland free40 45 of 1989, ODK Germany 52 - Aug 1989 (11 weeks), Canada 62 of 1989, UK 73 - Jul 1989 (4 weeks), US Radio 122 of 1989 (peak 13 5 weeks)
6 The Doobie Brothers China Grove 1973 Canada 8 - Sep 1973 (11 weeks), Record World 10 - 1973, US Billboard 15 - Aug 1973 (13 weeks), Holland 28 - Oct 1973 (3 weeks), POP 33 of 1973, DDD 45 of 1973, Scrobulate 93 of southern rock, US Radio 115 of 1973 (peak 15 4 weeks), TheQ 145, OzNet 610, RYM 94 of 1973
7 The Doobie Brothers Real Love 1980 Canada 3 - Sep 1980 (11 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Sep 1980 (16 weeks), Record World 9 - 1980, France 9 - Nov 1980 (1 week), US Radio 51 of 1980 (peak 5 8 weeks), US CashBox 54 of 1980, Holland free40 61 of 1980, WABC NY 67 of 1980, Canada 84 of 1980
8 The Doobie Brothers Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me) 1975 Canada 2 - May 1975 (12 weeks), Record World 5 - 1975, US Billboard 11 - May 1975 (12 weeks), UK 29 - Jun 1975 (5 weeks), RIANZ 31 - Aug 1975 (7 weeks), POP 53 of 1975, US Radio 120 of 1975 (peak 11 4 weeks), OzNet 456, RYM 113 of 1975
9 The Doobie Brothers Takin' it to The Streets 1976 France 8 - Jul 1976 (1 week), Canada 10 - May 1976 (10 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Apr 1976 (14 weeks), Record World 24 - 1976, Holland free40 26 of 1976, Canada 86 of 1976, US Radio 118 of 1976 (peak 13 3 weeks), RYM 146 of 1976
10 The Doobie Brothers Minute by Minute 1979 Canada 5 - Jun 1979 (8 weeks), Record World 12 - 1979, US Billboard 14 - May 1979 (14 weeks), D.Marsh 25 of 1979, RIANZ 34 - Jun 1979 (8 weeks), UK 47 - Jul 1979 (4 weeks), US Radio 101 of 1979 (peak 14 5 weeks)
11 The Doobie Brothers Jesus is Just Alright 1973 France 7 - May 1973 (2 weeks), Holland 20 - Jan 1973 (5 weeks), Record World 29 - 1973, US Billboard 35 - Dec 1972 (11 weeks), POP 74 of 1973, Scrobulate 94 of southern rock, RYM 182 of 1972
12 The Doobie Brothers Need A Little Taste Of Love 1989 US Billboard 45 - Aug 1989 (9 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 55 - Aug 1989 (7 weeks), Holland free40 58 of 1989
13 The Doobie Brothers Dependin' On You 1979 Canada 5 - Sep 1979 (11 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Aug 1979 (12 weeks), Record World 25 - 1979
14 The Doobie Brothers One Step Closer 1980 US Billboard 24 - Nov 1980 (13 weeks), Record World 24 - 1981
15 The Doobie Brothers It Keeps You Runnin' 1976 France 10 - May 1977 (1 week), US Billboard 37 - Nov 1976 (13 weeks)
16 The Doobie Brothers Another Park, Another Sunday 1974 Record World 30 - 1974, US Billboard 32 - Apr 1974 (10 weeks)
17 The Doobie Brothers People Gotta Love Again 2000 Japan (Tokyo) 50 - Sep 2000 (5 weeks)
18 The Doobie Brothers Listen To The Music (1994) 1994 UK 37 - May 1994 (3 weeks)
19 The Doobie Brothers You Belong to Me 1983 US Billboard 79 - Jul 1983 (4 weeks)
20 The Doobie Brothers Here To Love You 1982 US Billboard 65 - Feb 1982 (5 weeks)
21 The Doobie Brothers Rollin' 1981 US Billboard 62 - Feb 1981 (5 weeks)
22 The Doobie Brothers Wynken Blynken & Nod 1981 US Billboard 76 - Jan 1981 (4 weeks)
23 The Doobie Brothers Little Darling (I Need You) 1977 US Billboard 48 - Jul 1977 (7 weeks)
24 The Doobie Brothers Echoes Of Love 1977 US Billboard 66 - Oct 1977 (7 weeks)
25 The Doobie Brothers Wheel of Fortune 1976 US Billboard 87 - Aug 1976 (2 weeks)
26 The Doobie Brothers Sweet Maxine 1975 US Billboard 40 - Aug 1975 (7 weeks)
27 The Doobie Brothers I Cheat The Hangman 1975 US Billboard 60 - Dec 1975 (4 weeks)
28 The Doobie Brothers Eyes Of Silver 1974 US Billboard 52 - Jul 1974 (8 weeks)
29 The Doobie Brothers Nobody 1974 US Billboard 58 - Nov 1974 (6 weeks)
30 The Doobie Brothers Don't Stop to Watch the Wheels 1979 RYM 155 of 1979
31 The Doobie Brothers For Someone Special 1976 RYM 146 of 1976
32 The Doobie Brothers Slat Key Soquel Rag 1975 RYM 113 of 1975
33 The Doobie Brothers Song to See You Through 1974 RYM 186 of 1974
34 The Doobie Brothers Without You 1973 RYM 76 of 1973
35 The Doobie Brothers Evil Woman 1973 RYM 94 of 1973
36 The Doobie Brothers Natural Thing 1973 RYM 164 of 1973
37 The Doobie Brothers Toulouse Street 1972 RYM 56 of 1972
38 The Doobie Brothers Rockin' Down the Highway 1972 RYM 182 of 1972