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Song artist 107 - The Temptations

The Temptations Region Profile

The Temptations Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Temptations.A list of the hit albums by The Temptations is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Temptations My Girl 1965 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1965 (13 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1965), ASCAP song of 1964, Library of Congress artifact added 2017 (1964), UK 2 - Mar 1965 (13 weeks), US invalid BB 2 of 1965, DDD 2 of 1964, POP 2 of 1965, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 1997), Record World 3 - 1965, Keener 3 - Dec 1964 (6 weeks), KQV 6 of 1965, US Radio 9 of 1965 (peak 1 10 weeks), US BB 10 of 1965, nuTsie 10 of 1960s, D.Marsh 11 of 1965, US CashBox 16 of 1965, Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Feb 1992 (10 weeks), 18 in 2FM list, Holland 19 - Sep 1989 (6 weeks), Canada 20 - Feb 1965 (11 weeks), DMDB 31 (1965), Scrobulate 33 of soul, WABC NY 40 of 1965, RIAA 45, ODK Germany 66 - Mar 1992 (8 weeks), Acclaimed 69 (1964), Rolling Stone 88, OzNet 113, WXPN 214, RYM 17 of 1964, NY Daily Love list 1, Party 23 of 2007, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500, UK most streamed for 1964
2 The Temptations Papa Was a Rolling Stone 1972 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1972 (16 weeks), Canada 1 - Nov 1972 (15 weeks), France 1 - Dec 1972 (8 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1972), DDD 2 of 1972, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), Record World 3 - 1972, D.Marsh 3 of 1972, Holland 5 - Jan 1973 (11 weeks), Springbok 6 - Jun 1973 (12 weeks), Belgium 12 - Jan 1973 (7 weeks), Germany 16 - Feb 1973 (1 month), nuTsie 20 of 1970s, US Radio 29 of 1972 (peak 1 9 weeks), UK 31 - Aug 1987 (14 weeks), WABC NY 36 of 1972, POP 41 of 1972, US CashBox 53 of 1973, Italy 62 of 1973, Scrobulate 72 of soul, US BB 100 of 1973, Acclaimed 106 (1972), Rolling Stone 168, Belgium 241 of all time, WXPN 820, RYM 17 of 1972, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 The Temptations Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) 1971 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1971 (15 weeks), Record World 1 - 1971, Keener 1 - Jan 1971 (10 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US CashBox 7 of 1971, UK 8 - May 1971 (16 weeks), US BB 9 of 1971, US Radio 9 of 1971 (peak 1 11 weeks), DDD 9 of 1971, WABC NY 10 of 1971, France 10 - May 1971 (1 week), POP 11 of 1971, Canada 13 - Feb 1971 (8 weeks), D.Marsh 16 of 1971, nuTsie 24 of 1970s, KQV 28 of 1971, Scrobulate 87 of 70s, Brazil 95 of 1971, Acclaimed 290 (1971), Rolling Stone 389, RYM 43 of 1971
4 The Temptations I Can't Get Next to You 1969 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1969 (17 weeks), Keener 1 - Aug 1969 (12 weeks), Record World 2 - 1969, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US BB 3 of 1969, KQV 3 of 1969, US Radio 5 of 1969 (peak 1 13 weeks), US CashBox 7 of 1969, DDD 10 of 1969, Canada 12 - Oct 1969 (5 weeks), UK 13 - Jan 1970 (9 weeks), POP 13 of 1969, WABC NY 16 of 1969, D.Marsh 16 of 1969, Canada 44 of 1969, Brazil 93 of 1970, RYM 89 of 1969
5 The Temptations Ball of Confusion (That's What the World is Today) 1970 Keener 1 - May 1970 (11 weeks), France 1 - Aug 1970 (6 weeks), Record World 2 - 1970, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US Billboard 3 - May 1970 (15 weeks), UK 7 - Sep 1970 (15 weeks), Canada 7 - May 1970 (6 weeks), WABC NY 8 of 1970, US CashBox 11 of 1970, US Radio 21 of 1970 (peak 3 11 weeks), US BB 24 of 1970, KQV 24 of 1970, DDD 28 of 1970, Holland 36 - Jul 1970 (2 weeks), Canada 73 of 1970, Scrobulate 93 of rhythm & blues, Acclaimed 850 (1970), RYM 74 of 1970
6 The Temptations Ain't Too Proud to Beg 1966 Keener 3 - May 1966 (7 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), DDD 5 of 1966, Record World 8 - 1966, US Billboard 13 - May 1966 (13 weeks), D.Marsh 19 of 1966, UK 21 - Jul 1966 (11 weeks), US CashBox 24 of 1966, Scrobulate 31 of rhythm & blues, Canada 32 - Jun 1966 (4 weeks), nuTsie 40 of 1960s, US BB 48 of 1966, AFI 94, US Radio 129 of 1966 (peak 13 5 weeks), OzNet 530, WXPN 645, Acclaimed 1314 (1966), RYM 85 of 1966, Party 163 of 2007, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
7 The Temptations Psychedelic Shack 1970 France 4 - Apr 1970 (2 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), Record World 6 - 1970, Keener 6 - Jan 1970 (8 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Jan 1970 (11 weeks), Canada 12 - Jan 1970 (7 weeks), UK 33 - Jun 1970 (7 weeks), D.Marsh 39 of 1970, US CashBox 44 of 1970, US Radio 66 of 1970 (peak 7 7 weeks), DDD 68 of 1969, Canada 72 of 1970, WABC NY 76 of 1970, US BB 91 of 1970, KQV 108 of 1970, RYM 188 of 1969
8 The Temptations I Wish it Would Rain 1968 Record World 2 - 1968, Canada 3 - Jan 1968 (10 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jan 1968 (14 weeks), Keener 4 - Dec 1967 (8 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), D.Marsh 14 of 1968, US CashBox 20 of 1968, US BB 22 of 1968, US Radio 33 of 1968 (peak 4 9 weeks), UK 45 - Mar 1968 (1 week), KQV 47 of 1968, WABC NY 55 of 1968, DDD 62 of 1967, Canada 71 of 1968, Acclaimed 1091 (1968), RYM 72 of 1967
9 The Temptations Beauty is Only Skin Deep 1966 US Billboard 3 - Aug 1966 (12 weeks), Record World 4 - 1966, Keener 4 - Aug 1966 (5 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), UK 18 - Oct 1966 (10 weeks), Canada 25 - Sep 1966 (5 weeks), DDD 49 of 1966, US Radio 63 of 1966 (peak 3 6 weeks), US BB 65 of 1966, US CashBox 82 of 1966, WABC NY 83 of 1966, Scrobulate 94 of rhythm & blues, RYM 164 of 1966
10 The Temptations The Way You do the Things You Do 1964 Keener 4 - Feb 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Feb 1964 (11 weeks), Record World 12 - 1964, US invalid BB 24 of 1964, POP 24 of 1964, D.Marsh 25 of 1964, DDD 40 of 1964, Canada 43 - Mar 1964 (4 weeks), US BB 70 of 1964, US CashBox 81 of 1964, US Radio 90 of 1964 (peak 11 6 weeks), RYM 64 of 1964
11 The Temptations Masterpiece 1973 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US Billboard 7 - Feb 1973 (14 weeks), Record World 8 - 1973, Italy 56 of 1973, Brazil 57 of 1973, US Radio 79 of 1973 (peak 7 6 weeks), US BB 80 of 1973, WABC NY 89 of 1973, US CashBox 95 of 1973
12 The Temptations Cloud Nine 1969 Record World 4 - 1969, Keener 4 - Oct 1968 (6 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US Billboard 6 - Nov 1968 (12 weeks), Canada 9 - Dec 1968 (6 weeks), UK 15 - Aug 1969 (10 weeks), DDD 21 of 1968, US CashBox 32 of 1969, Canada 73 of 1969, US Radio 79 of 1969 (peak 6 7 weeks), WABC NY 93 of 1969, Scrobulate 95 of rhythm & blues, RYM 102 of 1968
13 The Temptations You're My Everything 1967 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), Keener 5 - Jul 1967 (5 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Jul 1967 (12 weeks), Record World 6 - 1967, Canada 18 - Aug 1967 (6 weeks), UK 26 - Sep 1967 (15 weeks), WABC NY 49 of 1967, US BB 56 of 1967, US Radio 60 of 1967 (peak 6 6 weeks), US CashBox 75 of 1967, DDD 84 of 1967
14 The Temptations Run Away Child, Running Wild 1969 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US Billboard 6 - Feb 1969 (12 weeks), Keener 7 - Feb 1969 (6 weeks), Record World 8 - 1969, Canada 20 - Apr 1969 (3 weeks), US Radio 56 of 1969 (peak 6 8 weeks), US BB 57 of 1969, WABC NY 77 of 1969, KQV 94 of 1969, US CashBox 98 of 1969, RYM 131 of 1969
15 The Temptations Get Ready 1966 US invalid BB 9 of 1966, POP 9 of 1966, UK 10 - Mar 1969 (9 weeks), Keener 16 - Feb 1966 (4 weeks), Record World 23 - 1966, US Billboard 29 - Feb 1966 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 81 - May 1992 (3 weeks), RYM 76 of 1966
16 The Temptations Superstar (Remember How You Got Where You Are) 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), France 10 - Dec 1971 (1 week), Record World 12 - 1971, Keener 12 - Oct 1971 (6 weeks), Canada 13 - Nov 1971 (7 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Nov 1971 (10 weeks), UK 32 - Feb 1972 (5 weeks), US Radio 143 of 1971 (peak 18 2 weeks)
17 The Temptations (I Know) I'm Losing You 1966 Keener 4 - Nov 1966 (7 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), US Billboard 8 - Nov 1966 (10 weeks), Record World 10 - 1967, UK 19 - Dec 1966 (9 weeks), Canada 36 - Dec 1966 (4 weeks), DDD 80 of 1966, US Radio 116 of 1966 (peak 8 5 weeks), RYM 88 of 1966
18 The Temptations I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You) 1968 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), Record World 11 - 1968, US Billboard 13 - May 1968 (10 weeks), Keener 13 - Apr 1968 (5 weeks), Canada 25 - May 1968 (5 weeks), UK 47 - Jun 1968 (1 week), US CashBox 87 of 1968, US Radio 115 of 1968 (peak 13 5 weeks)
19 The Temptations Treat Her Like a Lady 1985 France 9 - Feb 1985 (1 week), UK 12 - Nov 1984 (10 weeks), Holland 15 - Feb 1985 (8 weeks), Belgium 23 - Mar 1985 (2 weeks), POP 47 of 1985, US Billboard 48 - Dec 1984 (13 weeks)
20 The Temptations All I Need 1967 Keener 6 - Apr 1967 (6 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Apr 1967 (10 weeks), Record World 9 - 1967, Canada 12 - May 1967 (7 weeks), US CashBox 79 of 1967, WABC NY 91 of 1967, US Radio 91 of 1967 (peak 8 5 weeks)
21 The Temptations Since I Lost My Baby 1965 Keener 2 - Jul 1965 (6 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Jul 1965 (10 weeks), Record World 18 - 1965, D.Marsh 40 of 1965, DDD 74 of 1965, US Radio 168 of 1965 (peak 17 2 weeks), RYM 193 of 1965
22 The Temptations It's Growing 1965 Keener 8 - Mar 1965 (5 weeks), Record World 14 - 1965, US Billboard 18 - Apr 1965 (9 weeks), UK 45 - Apr 1965 (2 weeks), US Radio 175 of 1965 (peak 18 3 weeks), RYM 195 of 1965
23 The Temptations My Baby 1965 Keener 10 - Oct 1965 (4 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Oct 1965 (8 weeks), Record World 15 - 1965, Canada 35 - Nov 1965 (7 weeks), US Radio 164 of 1965 (peak 13 2 weeks), RYM 149 of 1965
24 The Temptations (Loneliness Made Me Realize) It's You That I Need 1967 Record World 8 - 1967, US Billboard 14 - Oct 1967 (9 weeks), Keener 14 - Oct 1967 (4 weeks), Canada 24 - Oct 1967 (5 weeks), US Radio 122 of 1967 (peak 14 5 weeks)
25 The Temptations Take a Look Around 1972 UK 13 - Apr 1972 (10 weeks), Canada 17 - Mar 1972 (5 weeks), Record World 25 - 1972, US Billboard 30 - Mar 1972 (8 weeks)
26 The Temptations Power 1980 Belgium 5 - Jun 1980 (11 weeks), Holland 6 - Jun 1980 (10 weeks), US Billboard 43 - May 1980 (9 weeks)
27 The Temptations Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) 1964 Keener 11 - Sep 1964 (4 weeks), Record World 25 - 1964, US Billboard 26 - Sep 1964 (8 weeks)
28 The Temptations Don't Let The Joneses Get You Down 1969 Record World 17 - 1969, US Billboard 20 - May 1969 (8 weeks), US Radio 151 of 1969 (peak 20 1 week)
29 The Temptations Law of the Land 1973 France 7 - Jul 1973 (1 week), UK 41 - Sep 1973 (4 weeks)
30 The Temptations Standing On the Top 1982 Belgium 21 - Jul 1982 (1 week), US Billboard 66 - May 1982 (8 weeks)
31 The Temptations Happy People 1974 US Billboard 40 - Dec 1974 (10 weeks), Italy 56 of 1975
32 The Temptations I'll Be In Trouble 1964 Keener 11 - May 1964 (3 weeks), US Billboard 33 - May 1964 (9 weeks)
33 The Temptations It's Summer 1971 Record World 28 - 1971, US Billboard 51 - Jul 1971 (6 weeks), RYM 74 of 1970
34 The Temptations Let Your Hair Down 1973 Record World 25 - 1974, US Billboard 27 - Dec 1973 (9 weeks)
35 The Temptations Don't Look Back 1965 US Billboard 83 - Dec 1965 (5 weeks), DDD 110 of 1965, RYM 149 of 1965
36 The Temptations Plastic Man 1973 Record World 28 - 1973, US Billboard 40 - Jun 1973 (8 weeks)
37 The Temptations I Like Your Style 1973 Record World 32 - 1973, US Billboard 35 - Aug 1973 (11 weeks)
38 The Temptations Stay 1998 Japan (Tokyo) 79 - Sep 1998 (5 weeks)
39 The Temptations Please Return Your Love To Me 1968 Record World 21 - 1968, US Billboard 26 - Aug 1968 (7 weeks)
40 The Temptations Ungena Za Ulimwengu 1970 Record World 31 - 1970, US Billboard 33 - Oct 1970 (7 weeks)
41 The Temptations Whenever You're Ready 1992 Japan (Tokyo) 94 - Jan 1992 (1 week)
42 The Temptations That's All I Want From You 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 81 - Aug 1989 (2 weeks)
43 The Temptations Shake Your Paw 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 62 - Jun 1991 (3 weeks)
44 The Temptations Special 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 70 - Feb 1990 (3 weeks)
45 The Temptations Lady Soul 1986 US Billboard 47 - Oct 1986 (11 weeks)
46 The Temptations Sail Away 1984 US Billboard 54 - Apr 1984 (8 weeks)
47 The Temptations Barbara 1960 US Billboard 29 - Apr 1960 (10 weeks)
48 The Temptations Love On My Mind Tonight 1983 US Billboard 88 - Apr 1983 (3 weeks)
49 The Temptations The Jones' 1992 UK 69 - Feb 1992 (1 week)
50 The Temptations Aiming At Your Heart 1981 US Billboard 67 - Sep 1981 (5 weeks)
51 The Temptations All I Want From You 1989 UK 71 - Oct 1989 (3 weeks)
52 The Temptations Look What You Started 1988 UK 63 - Feb 1988 (2 weeks)
53 The Temptations Keep Holding On 1976 US Billboard 54 - Feb 1976 (6 weeks)
54 The Temptations Shakey Ground 1975 US Billboard 26 - Mar 1975 (14 weeks)
55 The Temptations Up The Creek (Without A Paddle) 1976 US Billboard 94 - Jul 1976 (3 weeks)
56 The Temptations Glasshouse 1975 US Billboard 37 - Jul 1975 (10 weeks)
57 The Temptations I Wonder Who She's Seeing Now 1987 UK 90 - Nov 1987 (2 weeks)
58 The Temptations Heavenly 1974 US Billboard 43 - Mar 1974 (9 weeks)
59 The Temptations The Girl's Alright With Me 1964 DDD 110 of 1964
60 The Temptations You've Got My Soul On Fire 1974 US Billboard 74 - Jun 1974 (6 weeks)
61 The Temptations Mother Nature 1972 US Billboard 92 - Jul 1972 (4 weeks)
62 The Temptations I'm Fascinated 1986 UK 84 - Apr 1986 (3 weeks)
63 The Temptations United the World 1970 Keener 20 - Sep 1970 (2 weeks)
64 The Temptations My Love Is True (Truly For You) 1985 UK 84 - Mar 1985 (3 weeks)
65 The Temptations Do You Really Love Your Baby? 1985 UK 88 - Nov 1985 (2 weeks)
66 The Temptations Soul To Soul 1990 Holland 34 - Mar 1990 (3 weeks)
67 The Temptations Isn't She Pretty 1962 RYM 132 of 1962
68 The Temptations (You're My) Dream Come True 1962 RYM 132 of 1962
69 The Temptations The Further You Look, The Less You See 1963 RYM 159 of 1963
70 The Temptations I Want a Love I Can See 1963 RYM 159 of 1963
71 The Temptations (Talking 'Bout) Nobody But My Baby 1964 RYM 17 of 1964
72 The Temptations Just Let Me Know 1964 RYM 64 of 1964
73 The Temptations You Make Your Own Heaven & Hell Right Here on Earth 1971 RYM 43 of 1971
74 The Temptations You've Got to Earn It 1965 RYM 193 of 1965
75 The Temptations What Love Has Joined Together 1965 RYM 195 of 1965
76 The Temptations Fading Away 1966 RYM 76 of 1966
77 The Temptations You'll Lose a Precious Love 1966 RYM 85 of 1966
78 The Temptations I Couldn't Cry If I Wanted To 1966 RYM 88 of 1966
79 The Temptations You're Not an Ordinary Girl 1966 RYM 164 of 1966
80 The Temptations I Truly, Truly Believe 1967 RYM 72 of 1967
81 The Temptations Why Did She Have to Leave Me? 1968 RYM 102 of 1968
82 The Temptations Running Away (Ain't Gonna Help You) 1969 RYM 89 of 1969
83 The Temptations I Need Your Lovin' 1969 RYM 131 of 1969
84 The Temptations That's the Way Love Is 1969 RYM 188 of 1969

In addition to the above listed songs The Temptations also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Diana Ross & The Supremes & The Temptations I'm Gonna Make You Love Me 1969 Record World 1 - 1969, US Billboard 2 - Dec 1968 (13 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1997), UK 3 - Feb 1969 (12 weeks), Keener 6 - Dec 1968 (6 weeks), Canada 8 - Dec 1968 (7 weeks), NZ Listner 16 - Mar 1969 (3 weeks), Australia Goset 17 - Jan 1969 (13 weeks), Holland 27 - Jan 1969 (5 weeks), US Radio 32 of 1969 (peak 2 10 weeks), WABC NY 33 of 1969, US CashBox 49 of 1969, Canada 52 of 1969, POP 57 of 1969, KQV 76 of 1968, US BB 87 of 1969, RYM 155 of 1968
2 Diana Ross & The Supremes & The Temptations Rhythm of Life 1970 Australia Goset 7 - Jul 1970 (20 weeks)
3 Diana Ross & The Supremes & The Temptations Why (Must We Fall in Love) 1970 UK 31 - Mar 1970 (7 weeks)
4 Diana Ross & The Supremes & The Temptations A Place in the Sun 1969 Australia Goset 17 - Jan 1969 (13 weeks)
5 Diana Ross & The Supremes & The Temptations I Second That Emotion 1969 UK 18 - Sep 1969 (8 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

1 Jun 2018

Double Listing - Ball Of Confusion

#5 & #66 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

8 Nov 2014

(5) Double Listings

#3 and #26 are the same recording (Just My Imagination). #5 and #27 are same recording (Ball Of Confusion). #29 and #46 are the same (It's You That I need). #43 and #60 are the same (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue). #18 and #56 are the same (I'm Losing You).

They all look correct, data fixed, thanks