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Song artist 745 - Yes

Yes Region Profile

Yes Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Yes.A list of the hit albums by Yes is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Yes Owner of a Lonely Heart 1984 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1983 (22 weeks), Canada 2 - Nov 1983 (15 weeks), Holland 2 - Nov 1983 (9 weeks), Sweden (alt) 4 - Jan 1984 (12 weeks), France 4 - Feb 1984 (2 weeks), Poland 4 - Nov 1983 (12 weeks), France (SNEP) 5 - Feb 1984 (3 months), ARC 6 of 1984 (peak 1 17 weeks), Norway 6 - Feb 1984 (5 weeks), Belgium 6 - Nov 1983 (11 weeks), US BB 8 of 1984, US CashBox 8 of 1984, US Radio 9 of 1984 (peak 1 12 weeks), ODK Germany 10 - Dec 1983 (17 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Switzerland 11 - Dec 1983 (13 weeks), Springbok 11 - Jan 1984 (10 weeks), Germany 13 - Jan 1984 (3 months), Holland free40 14 of 1983, Austria 17 - Apr 1984 (1 month), Brazil 25 of 1984, UK 28 - Nov 1983 (11 weeks), Canada 29 of 1984, Italy 43 of 1984, Europe 44 of the 1980s (1983), Scrobulate 87 of 80s, France (InfoDisc) 114 of the 1980s (peak 4, 28 weeks, 667k sales estimated, 1983), TheQ 357, Acclaimed 2186 (1983), RYM 38 of 1983
2 Yes Roundabout 1972 France 4 - Feb 1972 (4 weeks), Canada 5 - Mar 1972 (11 weeks), Record World 11 - 1972, US Billboard 13 - Feb 1972 (13 weeks), Keener 19 - Jan 1972 (5 weeks), DDD 22 of 1971, Holland 23 - Feb 1972 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 50 of progressive rock, POP 56 of 1972, US CashBox 90 of 1972, US BB 91 of 1972, US Radio 113 of 1972 (peak 13 5 weeks), TheQ 148, WXPN 663, RYM 18 of 1972, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Yes I've Seen All Good People 1971 France 9 - Jun 1971 (1 week), Keener 25 - Oct 1971 (3 weeks), Record World 30 - 1971, Australia Goset 38 - Jan 1972 (1 week), US Billboard 40 - Sep 1971 (14 weeks), DDD 54 of 1971, KQV 60 of 1971, WXPN 658, RYM 93 of 1972
4 Yes Love Will Find a Way 1987 France 3 - Nov 1987 (2 weeks), US Billboard 30 - Oct 1987 (19 weeks), Holland free40 45 of 1987, UK 73 - Oct 1987 (2 weeks), RYM 190 of 1987
5 Yes And You & I 1972 Record World 32 - 1972, US Billboard 42 - Nov 1972 (7 weeks), Scrobulate 75 of progressive rock, WXPN 345, RYM 108 of 1972
6 Yes Lift Me Up 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 4 - May 1991 (8 weeks), US Billboard 86 - Jun 1991 (5 weeks)
7 Yes Leave It 1984 Canada 12 - Mar 1984 (7 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Mar 1984 (15 weeks), UK 56 - Mar 1984 (5 weeks)
8 Yes Close to the Edge 1973 France 10 - May 1973 (1 week), Scrobulate 67 of progressive rock, WXPN 271
9 Yes America 1972 Record World 38 - 1972, US Billboard 46 - Aug 1972 (7 weeks), POP 59 of 1972, RYM 94 of 1972
10 Yes Wonderous Stories 1977 UK 7 - Sep 1977 (9 weeks), Holland free40 32 of 1978, RYM 162 of 1977
11 Yes Long Distance Runaround 1972 France 8 - Feb 1973 (1 week), DDD 106 of 1971, RYM 18 of 1972
12 Yes Rhythm Of Love 1987 France 4 - Apr 1988 (3 weeks), US Billboard 40 - Dec 1987 (11 weeks)
13 Yes The Calling 1994 Japan (Tokyo) 8 - Mar 1994 (10 weeks)
14 Yes Don't Kill the Whale 1978 France 7 - Nov 1978 (1 week), UK 36 - Sep 1978 (4 weeks)
15 Yes It Can Happen 1984 US Billboard 51 - Jun 1984 (7 weeks), RYM 180 of 1984
16 Yes I Am Waiting 1994 Japan (Tokyo) 99 - May 1994 (1 week)
17 Yes Yours Is No Disgrace 1971 Scrobulate 77 of progressive rock, RYM 124 of 1971
18 Yes Going For the One 1977 UK 24 - Dec 1977 (4 weeks)
19 Yes Dangerous 1991 France 5 - Dec 1991 (4 weeks)
20 Yes Open Your Eyes 1998 Poland 24 - Apr 1998 (7 weeks)
21 Yes Lightnin' Strikes 1999 Poland 44 - Dec 1999 (7 weeks)
22 Yes Don't Go 2001 Poland 37 - Nov 2001 (6 weeks)
23 Yes Fist Of Fire 1989 Poland 24 - Jul 1989 (6 weeks)
24 Yes Saving My Heart 1991 Poland 39 - Aug 1991 (4 weeks)
25 Yes Holy Lamb (Song for Harmonic Convergence) 1987 RYM 190 of 1987
26 Yes Changes 1985 RYM 34 of 1985
27 Yes Our Song 1983 RYM 38 of 1983
28 Yes Parallels 1977 RYM 162 of 1977
29 Yes Heart of the Sunrise unknown Scrobulate 32 of progressive rock, WXPN 544
30 Yes Soon 1974 RYM 129 of 1974
31 Yes Sound Chaser 1974 RYM 129 of 1974
32 Yes Clap 1972 RYM 93 of 1972
33 Yes Total Mass Retain 1972 RYM 94 of 1972
34 Yes Part 2 1971 RYM 124 of 1971
35 Yes Siberian Khatru unknown Scrobulate 76 of progressive rock
36 Yes Starship Trooper unknown WXPN 777

In addition to the above listed songs Yes also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Max Graham & Yes Owner of a Lonely Heart 2005 UK 9 - May 2005 (8 weeks), Holland 18 - May 2005 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 36 - Jul 2005 (8 weeks)
2 Yes & No People Mr Johnson 1987 UK 99 - Nov 1987 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

4 May 2018

Double Listing - And You And I

I suggest that #9 and #18 be combined, as the latter is the single cut of the former.

That sounds reasonable, the data has been adjusted as you suggest, thanks

25 Apr 2015

Double Listing-Your Move/I've Seen All Good People

I feel #3 (Your Move) should be combined with #11 (I've Seen All Good People).Per Wikipedia the song is titled I've Seen All Good People. Your Move is part I of this song.

OK we'll do that, data fixed, thanks