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Songs from the Year 1918

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This page lists the top songs of 1918 in the source charts. The way that the various charts are combined to reach this final list is described on the in the site generation page.

There are almost no charts from before 1920 so this list is heavily determined by very few entries.

The top ten song artists of 1918 were:

1:Al Jolson3:Peerless Quartet5:Henry Burr7:Joseph Smith & his Orchestra9:Henry Burr & Albert Campbell
2:Original Dixieland Jazz Band4:Prince's Orchestra6:Arthur Fields8:Charles Harrison10:Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan
# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Original Dixieland Jazz Band Tiger Rag 1918 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1918 (11 weeks), Library of Congress artifact added 2002 (1918), Peel list 4 of 1919, Music Imprint 7 of 1910s, Daily Deuce 13, Brazil 34 of 1920, RIAA 344, Acclaimed 1029 (1918)
2 Al Jolson Rock-A-Bye Your Baby (With a Dixie Melody) 1918 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1918 (14 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2004 (1918), 9 of 1900-19 (1918), Brazil 8 of 1919, Canada 12 - Nov 1961 (6 weeks)
3 Charles Harrison I'm Always Chasing Rainbows 1918 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1918 (13 weeks), ASCAP song of 1918, Brazil 30 of 1920
4 Arthur Fields Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning 1918 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1918 (12 weeks), 17 of 1900-19 (1918)
5 Joseph Smith & his Orchestra Smiles 1918 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1918 (10 weeks), Brazil 17 of 1919
6 Al Jolson Hello Central, Give Me No Man's Land 1918 US Billboard 1 - Jul 1918 (8 weeks), Brazil 19 of 1919
7 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan At the Darktown Strutter's Ball 1918 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1918 (5 weeks), Brazil 21 of 1919
8 Henry Burr Just a Baby's Prayer at Twilight (For Her Daddy Over There) 1918 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1918 (15 weeks), Brazil 27 of 1919
9 Enrico Caruso Over There 1918 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1918 (6 weeks), Brazil 30 of 1919
10 Nora Bayes Regretful Blues 1918 30 of 1900-19 (1918), US Billboard 5 - Jun 1918 (4 weeks), Brazil 39 of 1920
11 Joseph Smith & his Orchestra Hindustan 1918 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1918 (5 weeks), Brazil 9 of 1919
12 Henry Burr I'm Sorry I Made You Cry 1918 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1918 (9 weeks)
13 Al Jolson I'm All Bound Round with the Mason-Dixon Line 1918 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1918 (9 weeks)
14 Irving Kaufman Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here 1918 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1918 (8 weeks)
15 Columbia Stellar Quartet Battle Hymn of the Republic 1918 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1918 (6 weeks)
16 Peerless Quartet I Don't Know Where I'm Going But I'm On My Way 1918 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1918 (10 weeks)
17 Harry Weldon What Do You Want to Make? 1918 Peel list 1 of 1918
18 Vicente Celestino Ontem, Ao Luar 1918 Brazil 1 of 1918
19 Al Bernard St Louis Blues 1918 27 of 1900-19 (1918), US Billboard 9 - Jun 1919 (1 week)
20 Bert Williams No Place Like Home 1918 US Billboard 5 - Feb 1918 (3 weeks), Brazil 40 of 1919
21 Jascha Heifetz La capricieuse 1918 US Billboard 7 - Mar 1918 (2 weeks), Brazil 14 of 1919
22 Jascha Heifetz La Ronde Des Lutins (Dance of the Goblins) 1918 US Billboard 7 - Jan 1918 (2 weeks), Brazil 18 of 1919
23 Original Dixieland Jazz Band At the Jazz Band Ball 1918 US Billboard 8 - Jul 1918 (1 week), Jazz Standard 513
24 Henry Burr Somewhere in France is the Lily 1918 US Billboard 2 - Jan 1918 (6 weeks)
25 Arthur Fields Oui, Oui, Marie 1918 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1918 (6 weeks)
26 Peerless Quartet While You're Away (Pack Up Your Cares in a Bundle of Joy) 1918 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1918 (5 weeks)
27 Henry Burr & Albert Campbell Your Lips Are No Man's Land but Mine 1918 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1918 (5 weeks)
28 Van & Schenck In the Land O Yamo Yamo 1918 US Billboard 2 - May 1918 (5 weeks)
29 Henry Burr & Albert Campbell After You've Gone 1918 US Billboard 2 - Oct 1918 (7 weeks)
30 Al Jolson N Everything 1918 US Billboard 2 - Jun 1918 (5 weeks)
31 Bahiano Quem Sao Eles 1918 Brazil 2 of 1918
32 John McCormack Little Mother of Mine 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1918 (7 weeks)
33 Billy Murray They Were All Out of Step But Jim 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jul 1918 (5 weeks)
34 Olive Kline & Lambert Murphy Will You Remember 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jan 1918 (7 weeks)
35 Lewis James The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady 1918 US Billboard 3 - Sep 1918 (5 weeks)
36 Lambert Murphy Roses of Picardy 1918 US Billboard 3 - May 1918 (4 weeks)
37 Billy Murray K-K-K-Katy (Stammering Song) 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1918 (4 weeks)
38 John McCormack Love's Garden of Roses 1918 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1918 (6 weeks)
39 Marion Harris Everybody's Crazy 'Bout the Doggone Blues (But I'm Happy) 1918 US Billboard 3 - May 1918 (5 weeks)
40 Farber Sisters If He Can Fight Like He Can Love (Good Night, Germany) 1918 US Billboard 3 - Aug 1918 (7 weeks)
41 Victor Light Opera Co Gems from Leave It To Jane 1918 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1918 (4 weeks)
42 John McCormack God be with Our Boys Tonight 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1918 (5 weeks)
43 Henry Burr Are You from Heaven? 1918 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1918 (4 weeks)
44 Henry Burr & Albert Campbell Belgian Rose 1918 US Billboard 3 - Aug 1918 (8 weeks)
45 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan The Old Grey Mare 1918 US Billboard 3 - Jan 1918 (4 weeks)
46 Sousa's Band Liberty Loan March 1918 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1918 (4 weeks)
47 Elizabeth Spencer Where the Morning Glories Grow 1918 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1918 (4 weeks)
48 Henry Burr & Albert Campbell Smiles 1918 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1918 (5 weeks)
49 Bahiano Cancao do Marinheiro (Cisne Branco) 1918 Brazil 3 of 1918
50 Joseph Smith & his Orchestra Oriental 1918 US Billboard 8 - Nov 1918 (1 week), RYM 18 of 1920
51 The Flonzaley Quartet Molly On The Shore 1918 12 of 1900-19 (1918)
52 Elizabeth Spencer & Shannon Four Sweet Little Buttercup 1918 US Billboard 4 - Mar 1918 (4 weeks)
53 Peerless Quartet I'm Gonna Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind 1918 US Billboard 4 - Sep 1918 (4 weeks)
54 Oscar Seagle Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag 1918 US Billboard 4 - May 1918 (3 weeks)
55 Prince's Orchestra Indianola 1918 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1918 (5 weeks)
56 Oscar Seagle There's a Long, Long Trail 1918 US Billboard 4 - Feb 1918 (3 weeks)
57 Prince's Orchestra Everything is Peaches Down in Georgia 1918 US Billboard 4 - Nov 1918 (4 weeks)
58 Oscar Seagle Calling Me Home to You 1918 US Billboard 4 - Mar 1918 (3 weeks)
59 Peerless Quartet For Your Boy & My Boy 1918 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1918 (4 weeks)
60 Henry Burr There's a Little Blue Star in the Window (And it Means All the World to Me) 1918 US Billboard 4 - Jun 1918 (6 weeks)
61 Peerless Quartet Just Like Washington Crossed the Delaware, General Pershing Will Cross the Rhine 1918 US Billboard 4 - Jun 1918 (5 weeks)
62 Prince's Orchestra Wait Till the Cows Come Home 1918 US Billboard 4 - Mar 1918 (4 weeks)
63 Lewis James My Baby Boy 1918 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1918 (4 weeks)
64 Marion Harris When Alexander Takes His Ragtime Band to France 1918 US Billboard 4 - Sep 1918 (4 weeks)
65 Charles Hart The Garden of My Dreams 1918 US Billboard 4 - Sep 1918 (4 weeks)
66 Vicente Celestino Hino Nacional Brasileiro 1918 Brazil 4 of 1918
67 Dorothy Ward I Want a Girl 1918 Peel list 4 of 1918
68 Harry Fox I'm Always Chasing Rainbows 1918 US Billboard 5 - Aug 1918 (5 weeks)
69 Julian Rose Levinsky at the Wedding, Parts 3 & 4 1918 US Billboard 5 - Jun 1918 (2 weeks)
70 Frances White I'd Like to Be a Monkey in the Zoo 1918 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1918 (2 weeks)
71 Wilbur Sweatman's Original Jazz Band Indianola 1918 US Billboard 5 - Nov 1918 (3 weeks)
72 Prince's Orchestra Long Boy 1918 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1918 (3 weeks)
73 Percy Hemus On the Road to Home Sweet Home 1918 US Billboard 5 - May 1918 (5 weeks)
74 Arthur Fields Liberty Bell (It's Time to Ring Again) 1918 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1918 (3 weeks)
75 American Quartet Everything is Peaches Down in Georgia 1918 US Billboard 5 - Nov 1918 (3 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

28 Nov 2013

war song 1918

song goes would you rather be a coronel with an eagle on your shoulder or a private with a chicken on your knee.

The song is "Would You Rather be a Colonel with an Eagle on Your Shoulder or a Private with a Chicken on Your Knee?" by Arthur Fields. It reached number 6 in Billboard in 1919