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Song artist 952 - Sousa's Band

Sousa's Band Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Sousa's Band. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Sousa's Band Stars & Stripes Forever 1901 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1901 (8 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1900), Library of Congress artifact added 2002 (1900), Music Imprint 3 of 1900s, RIAA 20, Brazil 23 of 1903
2 Sousa's Band American Patrol 1901 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1901 (3 weeks), Brazil 4 of 1902
3 Sousa's Band Semper Fidelis 1902 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1902 (1 week), Brazil 7 of 1903
4 Sousa's Band In the Good Old Summer Time 1903 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1903 (13 weeks)
5 Sousa's Band America 1905 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1905 (5 weeks)
6 Sousa's Band El Capitan March (new version) 1909 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1909 (4 weeks)
7 Sousa's Band Liberty Loan March 1918 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1918 (4 weeks)
8 Sousa's Band Under the Double Eagle 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (3 weeks)
9 Sousa's Band William Tell Overture 1901 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1901 (3 weeks)
10 Sousa's Band Moonlight 1906 US Billboard 3 - Jan 1906 (3 weeks)
11 Sousa's Band Hiawatha Two-Step 1903 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1903 (2 weeks)
12 Sousa's Band Jack Tar March 1903 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1903 (3 weeks)
13 Sousa's Band The Invincible Eagle March 1901 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1901 (2 weeks)
14 Sousa's Band Blue Danube Waltz 1905 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1905 (2 weeks)
15 Sousa's Band The Bride Elect: March 1901 US Billboard 4 - Feb 1901 (2 weeks)
16 Sousa's Band Fairest of the Fair March 1909 US Billboard 9 - Feb 1909 (1 week)
17 Sousa's Band Venus on Earth Waltz 1913 US Billboard 9 - Jan 1913 (1 week)
18 Sousa's Band Sardinia March 1912 US Billboard 10 - Dec 1912 (1 week)
19 Sousa's Band On the Mississippi 1913 US Billboard 10 - Apr 1913 (1 week)
20 Sousa's Band Washington Post March 1903 Brazil 16 of 1903
21 Sousa's Band New York Hippodrome March 1918 Brazil 39 of 1918

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

7 Sep 2015

songs about american cities

9 Apr 2015


Really should put the composer

That would be appropriate for this era but wouldn't work after the 1960s. We have to compromise somewhere