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Album artist 868 - Adriano Celentano

Adriano Celentano Region Profile

Adriano Celentano Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Adriano Celentano. A list of songs by Adriano Celentano can be found here. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Adriano Celentano Esco di rado e parlo ancora meno 2000 Italy 1 of 2001, Europe Platinum (certified by IFIP in 2001), Switzerland 18 - Nov 2000 (15 weeks)
2 Adriano Celentano Io non so parlar d'amore 1999 Italy 1 of 1999, Europe Platinum (certified by IFIP in 1999), Switzerland 25 - Dec 1999 (10 weeks)
3 Adriano Celentano Viva Italia - 20 Super Songs 1980 ODK Germany 2 - Jun 1980 (20 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Germany 2 - Jun 1980 (14 weeks)
4 Adriano Celentano Fantastico! Super Best 1993 Austria 20 - Mar 1993 (4 months), ODK Germany 55 - May 1993 (10 weeks), Italy 59 of 1992
5 Adriano Celentano Disco dance 1977 France (InfoDisc) 14 of 1977 (peak 4, 62 weeks), Italy 19 of 1977
6 Adriano Celentano Ciao ragazzi 1965 Italy 9 of 1965
7 Adriano Celentano Tecadisc 1977 Italy 27 of 1977, France (InfoDisc) 89 of 1977 (peak 24, 18 weeks)
8 Adriano Celentano Ti avro' 1978 Italy 13 of 1978, France (InfoDisc) 80 of 1978 (peak 7, 37 weeks)
9 Adriano Celentano Per sempre 2002 Italy 4 of 2002, Switzerland 11 - Dec 2002 (10 weeks)
10 Adriano Celentano Dormi amore la situazione non e buona 2007 Switzerland 21 - Dec 2007 (7 weeks), Italy 21 of 2007
11 Adriano Celentano C'e sempre un motivo 2004 Italy 10 of 2005, Switzerland 20 - Nov 2004 (6 weeks)
12 Adriano Celentano I mali del secolo 1972 Italy 16 of 1972
13 Adriano Celentano Unicamentecelentano 2006 Italy 64 of 2006, Switzerland 90 - Nov 2006 (1 week)
14 Adriano Celentano Arrivano gli uomini 1996 Austria 16 - Aug 1996 (1 month), Italy 47 of 1996
15 Adriano Celentano Yuppi du 1975 Italy 10 of 1975
16 Adriano Celentano Nostalrock 1974 Italy 56 of 1974
17 Adriano Celentano Quel punto 1994 Switzerland 23 - Oct 1994 (3 weeks), Italy 53 of 1994
18 Adriano Celentano Le Volte Che Celentano E Stato 1 2003 Switzerland 35 - Nov 2003 (2 weeks), Italy 68 of 2003
19 Adriano Celentano Il re degli ignoranti 1991 Italy 15 of 1991, Austria 38 - Sep 1991 (1 month)
20 Adriano Celentano Adriano rock 1969 Italy 10 of 1969
21 Adriano Celentano Il cuore, la voce 2002 Switzerland 24 - Jan 2002 (1 week), Italy 41 of 2002
22 Adriano Celentano Und immer Azzurro 1997 Austria 32 - Aug 1997 (1 month), ODK Germany 46 - Jul 1997 (9 weeks)
23 Adriano Celentano Il forestiero 1971 Italy 61 of 1971
24 Adriano Celentano Le Robe Che Ha Detto Adriano 1970 Italy 44 of 1970
25 Adriano Celentano Svalutation 1976 Italy 26 of 1976
26 Adriano Celentano Deus 1981 Italy 20 of 1981
27 Adriano Celentano Un po' artista un po' no 1980 Italy 12 of 1980
28 Adriano Celentano Soli 1979 Italy 9 of 1979
29 Adriano Celentano Uh... Uh... 1982 Italy 27 of 1982
30 Adriano Celentano Atmosfera 1983 Italy 86 of 1983
31 Adriano Celentano La Pubblica Ottusita' 1987 Italy 10 of 1987
32 Adriano Celentano Geppo il folle 1979 Italy 27 of 1979
33 Adriano Celentano I miei americani 1985 Italy 12 of 1985
34 Adriano Celentano L'animale 2008 Switzerland 92 - Dec 2008 (1 week)
35 Adriano Celentano Celentano Hit Parade: Le volte che Adriano e' stato primo 1984 Italy 31 of 1984
36 Adriano Celentano I miei americani 2 1986 Italy 29 of 1986
37 Adriano Celentano Joan Lui 1986 Italy 43 of 1986

In addition to the above listed albums Adriano Celentano also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Mina & Adriano Celentano Mina Celentano 1998 Italy 1 of 1998, Europe Platinum (certified by IFIP in 1999), Switzerland 39 - Aug 1998 (2 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

18 Apr 2018

Double Listing - Fantastico! Super Best

#12 & #38 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

17 Aug 2015

Double Listing - Superbest

Looks like #32 & #34 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks