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Albums from the Year 1971

Other Years: 1950s 1960s 1970s 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

This page lists the top albums of 1971 in the source charts. The way that the various charts are combined to reach this final list is described in the site generation page. A list of biggest hit songs of 1971 can be found here.

The top ten album artists of 1971 were:

1:John Lennon3:The Rolling Stones5:Cat Stevens7:Janis Joplin9:Rod Stewart
2:Led Zeppelin4:Carole King6:The Who8:Elvis Presley10:Andrew Lloyd Webber
# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Led Zeppelin Four Symbols (Led Zeppelin 4) 1971 UK 1 - Nov 1971 (78 weeks), Canada 1 for 3 weeks - 1972, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), BEA 1 of 1971, 2 x Diamond in Canada (certified in Jun 1995), US sales 23 M (according to RIAA), US 23 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2006), UK 6 x Platinum (certified by BPI in Nov 2007), France 2 X Platinum (certified by SNEP Oct 2001), Billboard 2 - Nov 1971 (272 weeks) (15 weeks in top 10), France (InfoDisc) 2 of 1971 (peak 2, 73 weeks), Australia Goset 2 - Jan 1972 (26 weeks), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1991), US 70s 3 - Dec 1971 (3 months), Norway 3 - Nov 1971 (16 weeks), Fox101 3, NARM 4, Defin200 4 (1971), ODK Germany 5 - Nov 2014 (5 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Worldwide 5 - 29 M, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 6 - Nov 2014 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 6 of 1971, US Albums 2014-23 peak 7 - Nov 2014 (26 weeks), Australia (Kent) 7 of 1972 (peak 2), Dutch 70s 7 - Dec 1971 (9 weeks), Radio Caroline 7 (1971), RS Reader's 9, DMDB 9, US CashBox 10 of 1972, WTMD 11, Global 12 - 25 M claimed, Internet 12 - 30 M claimed (1971), US BB 14 of 1971, UK Radio2 15, US Longest Running Album 17 1971 (259 weeks), Italy 17 of 1972, Channel4 17, Vinyl Surrender 20 of all time, WXPN 28 (1971), Acclaimed 28 (1971), PopVortex 30 (1971), Guiness 38, Virgin 42, RS100 47, Belgium 50 of all time (1971), Rolling Stone 66, German RS100 66, Billboard200 194, RYM 1 of 1971, AVrev 12, KEXP 61, Xgau rating A (1971)
2 The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers 1971 UK 1 - May 1971 (26 weeks), Billboard 1 - May 1971 (69 weeks) (4 weeks at number 1) (16 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 4 weeks - May 1971, US 70s 1 - May 1971 (4 months), Canada 1 for 5 weeks - 1971, Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1971, Norway 1 - Apr 1971 (26 weeks), Australia num 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1971, Dutch 70s 1 - May 1971 (23 weeks), Australia Goset 1 - Jul 1971 (13 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 2000), D.Marsh 3 of 1971, US CashBox 5 of 1971, US Albums 2014-23 peak 5 - Jun 2015 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 5 - Sep 1994 (15 weeks) (1 week in top 10), BEA 5 of 1971, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 7 - Jun 2015 (6 weeks), US BB 8 of 1971, Guiness 11, Australia (Kent) 18 of 1971 (peak 1), Fox101 20, German RS100 20, Italy 21 of 1971, France (InfoDisc) 24 of 1971 (peak 3, 13 weeks), WTMD 25, RS Reader's 30, RS100 31, WXPN 37 (1971), DMDB 40, PopVortex 41 (1971), Acclaimed 48 (1971), NARM 49, Defin200 49 (1971), Radio Caroline 63 (1971), Rolling Stone 63, UK Radio2 65, Virgin 84, RYM 3 of 1971, WFUV 40, KEXP 108, Xgau rating A (1971)
3 John Lennon Imagine 1971 UK 1 - Oct 1971 (99 weeks), Billboard 1 - Sep 1971 (46 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (12 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 1 week - Oct 1971, Norway 1 - Oct 1971 (46 weeks), Australia num 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1972, Japan 1 for 1 week - Feb 1972, Dutch 70s 1 - Oct 1971 (18 weeks), Australia Goset 1 - Dec 1971 (18 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1991), US 70s 3 - Oct 1971 (3 months), D.Marsh 5 of 1971, Italy 6 of 1972, BEA 8 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 13 of 1972 (peak 1), ODK Germany 15 - Feb 1981 (25 weeks), Germany 15 - Feb 1981 (13 weeks), US BB 19 of 1971, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 19 - Oct 2018 (1 week), Channel4 21, France (InfoDisc) 30 of 1971 (peak 5, 6 weeks), Sweden 34 - Feb 1981 (4 weeks), Vinyl Surrender 38 of all time, US CashBox 49 of 1972, UK Radio2 49, RS100 61, Guiness 66, Rolling Stone 76, US Albums 2014-23 peak 83 - Oct 2018 (1 week), DMDB 90, Acclaimed 95 (1971), WTMD 135, Defin200 144 (1971), Radio Caroline 266 (1971), WXPN 309 (1971), RYM 27 of 1971, KEXP 439, Xgau rating A (1971)
4 Carole King Tapestry 1971 Billboard 1 - Apr 1971 (317 weeks) (15 weeks at number 1) (46 weeks in top 10), US CashBox 1 of 1972, US num 1 for 15 weeks - Jun 1971, US 70s 1 - May 1971 (11 months), US BB 1 of 1971, Library of Congress artifact added 2003 (1971), Canada 1 for 8 weeks - 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Aug 1971 (34 weeks), Grammy in 1971, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1971), US 10 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1995), US 2 of 1971, UK 3 - Jul 1971 (105 weeks), US Longest Running Album 5 1971 (309 weeks), NARM 7, Defin200 7 (1971), Norway 8 - Aug 1971 (18 weeks), Australia (Kent) 10 of 1971 (peak 3), US sales 10 M (according to RIAA), Billboard200 10, D.Marsh 15 of 1971, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 21 - Feb 2013 (27 weeks), WXPN 23 (1971), Radio Caroline 27 (1971), PopVortex 33 (1971), DMDB 35, Rolling Stone 36, Internet 38 - 22 M claimed (1971), WTMD 46, Acclaimed 61 (1971), German RS100 63, Virgin 74, US Albums 2014-23 peak 80 - Feb 2014 (8 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 95 of 2018, Worldwide 95 - 10 M, RYM 26 of 1971, WFUV 14, Xgau rating A- (1971)
5 The Who Who's Next 1971 UK 1 - Sep 1971 (18 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1971), D.Marsh 1 of 1971, US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1993), BEA 2 of 1971, Billboard 4 - Aug 1971 (42 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), Dutch 70s 4 - Sep 1971 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 4 - Oct 1971 (22 weeks), US 70s 5 - Sep 1971 (2 months), Norway 6 - Sep 1971 (14 weeks), WTMD 9, Fox101 10, WXPN 11 (1971), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 18 - Jun 2018 (2 weeks), US BB 21 of 1971, NARM 22, RS100 22, Defin200 22 (1971), PopVortex 23 (1971), UK Radio2 25, DMDB 26, France (InfoDisc) 27 of 1971 (peak 2, 8 weeks), Rolling Stone 28, US CashBox 32 of 1971, Acclaimed 34 (1971), RS Reader's 36, Virgin 48, German RS100 58, US Albums 2014-23 peak 87 - Feb 2014 (2 weeks), Radio Caroline 247 (1971), RYM 2 of 1971, WFUV 29, KEXP 396, Xgau rating A (1971)
6 Janis Joplin Pearl 1971 Billboard 1 - Jan 1971 (42 weeks) (9 weeks at number 1) (15 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 9 weeks - Feb 1971, US 70s 1 - Feb 1971 (4 months), Canada 1 for 8 weeks - 1971, Norway 1 - Mar 1971 (50 weeks), Australia num 1 for 5 weeks - May 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Apr 1971 (20 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2010 (1971), US 4 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 2000), Dutch 70s 2 - Mar 1971 (28 weeks), US 4 of 1971, US CashBox 6 of 1971, US BB 7 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 8 of 1971 (peak 1), UK 20 - Mar 1971 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 26 of 1971, Fox101 62, Rolling Stone 122, Radio Caroline 145 (1971), WXPN 153 (1971), Acclaimed 199 (1971), WTMD 286, RYM 35 of 1971, Xgau rating A- (1970)
7 Rod Stewart Every Picture Tells A Story 1971 UK 1 - Jul 1971 (81 weeks), Billboard 1 - Jun 1971 (52 weeks) (4 weeks at number 1) (20 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1971, US 70s 1 - Aug 1971 (4 months), Canada 1 for 9 weeks - 1971, Australia num 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1971 (25 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1995), US BB 3 of 1971, Dutch 70s 3 - Aug 1971 (28 weeks), D.Marsh 4 of 1971, Norway 9 - Sep 1971 (19 weeks), US CashBox 16 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 17 of 1971 (peak 1), RS100 34, Italy 75 of 1971, Channel4 99, Acclaimed 152 (1971), Rolling Stone 172, WXPN 184 (1971), WTMD 372, RYM 43 of 1971, Xgau rating A+ (1971)
8 Andrew Lloyd Webber Jesus Christ Superstar 1971 US CashBox 1 of 1971, US 1 of 1971, US num 1 for 3 weeks - Feb 1971, US 70s 1 - Dec 1970 (10 months), Australia num 1 for 10 weeks - Aug 1992, Italy 1 of 1974, US BB 2 of 1971, Grammy in 1972 (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1995), Norway 3 - Jan 1971 (85 weeks), Austria 4 - May 1974 (4 months), Australia (Kent) 4 of 1971 (peak 6), Australia Goset 4 - Jan 1971 (107 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Jul 1975), Dutch 70s 10 - Jan 1971 (35 weeks), UK 23 - Sep 1973 (20 weeks), Billboard 186 - Dec 1971 (6 weeks), WXPN 412 (1973), WTMD 516, Acclaimed 1758 (1970), RYM 31 of 1970, Xgau rating C- (1970)
9 Marvin Gaye What's Going On? 1971 Library of Congress artifact added 2003 (1971), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1971), BEA 3 of 1971, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1993), Billboard 6 - Jun 1971 (53 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), Rolling Stone 6, US 70s 7 - Jul 1971 (2 months), D.Marsh 7 of 1971, Acclaimed 8 (1971), Guiness 9, Vinyl Surrender 9 of all time, RS100 10, German RS100 10, PopVortex 12 (1971), DMDB 20, US BB 24 of 1971, US CashBox 29 of 1971, NARM 38, Defin200 38 (1971), Virgin 39, WXPN 57 (1971), UK 67 - Jul 2006 (2 weeks), RS Reader's 75, Channel4 78, WTMD 78, US Albums 2014-23 peak 139 - May 2021 (1 week), RYM 7 of 1971, KEXP 211, Xgau rating B+ (1971)
10 Cat Stevens Teaser & The Firecat 1971 Australia num 1 for 15 weeks - Dec 1971, Australia (Kent) 1 of 1972 (peak 1), Australia Goset 1 - Nov 1971 (55 weeks), US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 2001), UK 2 - Oct 1971 (93 weeks), Billboard 2 - Oct 1971 (67 weeks) (17 weeks in top 10), Norway 2 - Oct 1971 (72 weeks), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1992), US 70s 3 - Oct 1971 (4 months), US 4 of 1972, UK Gold (certified by BPI in May 2007), US CashBox 5 of 1972, US BB 9 of 1971, Dutch 70s 11 - Oct 1971 (12 weeks), Italy 57 of 1972, WXPN 355 (1971), Acclaimed 1664 (1971), RYM 44 of 1971
11 Paul McCartney Ram 1971 UK 1 - Jun 1971 (24 weeks), Canada 1 for 2 weeks - 1971, Norway 1 - Jun 1971 (30 weeks), Billboard 2 - Jun 1971 (42 weeks) (24 weeks in top 10), Dutch 70s 2 - Jun 1971 (22 weeks), Australia Goset 2 - Jul 1971 (36 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1992), US 70s 3 - Jun 1971 (5 months), US BB 5 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 6 of 1971 (peak 3), US CashBox 9 of 1971, France (InfoDisc) 10 of 1971 (peak 8, 32 weeks), Italy 17 of 1971, ODK Germany 29 - Jun 2012 (1 week), Radio Caroline 230 (1971), WXPN 715 (1971), Acclaimed 1410 (1971), RYM 39 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
12 Joni Mitchell Blue 1971 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1986), UK 3 - Jul 1971 (18 weeks), BEA 6 of 1971, WXPN 13 (1971), Billboard 15 - Jul 1971 (28 weeks), German RS100 17, D.Marsh 17 of 1971, PopVortex 21 (1971), Norway 24 - Oct 1971 (2 weeks), Virgin 24, Rolling Stone 30, WTMD 36, Acclaimed 45 (1971), RS100 46, Vinyl Surrender 46 of all time, US CashBox 49 of 1971, DMDB 51, NARM 52, Defin200 52 (1971), Channel4 66, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 85 - Jun 2021 (1 week), Guiness 89, Radio Caroline 93 (1971), RYM 11 of 1971, WFUV 6, KEXP 129, Xgau rating A (1971)
13 John Lennon John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band 1971 Dutch 70s 1 - Feb 1971 (25 weeks), Australia Goset 3 - May 1971 (13 weeks), D.Marsh 3 of 1970, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1971), RS100 4, BEA 4 of 1970, Billboard 6 - Dec 1970 (33 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), UK 8 - Jan 1971 (11 weeks), US 70s 9 - Jan 1971 (1 month), Norway 13 - Apr 1971 (4 weeks), Australia (Kent) 22 of 1971 (peak 3), Rolling Stone 22, US BB 34 of 1971, Italy 36 of 1971, US CashBox 40 of 1971, Acclaimed 57 (1970), PopVortex 66 (1970), German RS100 70, DMDB 78, US Albums 2014-23 peak 94 - May 2021 (1 week), WTMD 141, WXPN 369 (1970), RYM 5 of 1970, Xgau rating A (1970)
14 Jethro Tull Aqualung 1971 US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1989), Norway 3 - Apr 1971 (31 weeks), Australia Goset 3 - Jul 1971 (16 weeks), UK 4 - Apr 1971 (22 weeks), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 2008), Billboard 7 - May 1971 (76 weeks) (16 weeks in top 10), US 70s 7 - Jun 1971 (4 months), US BB 12 of 1971, US CashBox 14 of 1971, Italy 15 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 19 of 1971 (peak 3), ODK Germany 21 - Oct 2005 (3 weeks), Fox101 26, Dutch 70s 34 - May 1971 (13 weeks), Radio Caroline 48 (1971), WTMD 66, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 76 - May 2016 (1 week), WXPN 100 (1971), Defin200 169 (1971), Rolling Stone 337, Acclaimed 448 (1971), RYM 23 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
15 Creedence Clearwater Revival Pendulum 1971 Norway 1 - Jan 1971 (40 weeks), Australia num 1 for 3 weeks - Mar 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Feb 1971 (18 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1990), Dutch 70s 3 - Jan 1971 (36 weeks), Billboard 5 - Dec 1970 (42 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), Italy 5 of 1971, US 70s 7 - Jan 1971 (3 months), France (InfoDisc) 7 of 1970 (peak 1, 57 weeks), UK 8 - Jan 1971 (12 weeks), Australia (Kent) 9 of 1971 (peak 1), US CashBox 20 of 1971, US BB 25 of 1971, D.Marsh 26 of 1970, Acclaimed 2793 (1970), RYM 175 of 1970, Xgau rating A- (1970)
16 Cat Stevens Tea For The Tillerman 1971 Australia Goset 1 - Apr 1971 (81 weeks), US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2001), Australia (Kent) 2 of 1971 (peak 2), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1992), US CashBox 3 of 1971, Billboard 8 - Feb 1971 (79 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), US 70s 10 - Apr 1971 (1 month), UK 20 - Nov 1970 (31 weeks), Norway 25 - Aug 1972 (3 weeks), US BB 33 of 1971, US Albums 2014-23 peak 85 - Oct 2020 (1 week), WXPN 85 (1970), WTMD 117, Defin200 148 (1970), Radio Caroline 166 (1970), Rolling Stone 206, Acclaimed 667 (1970), RYM 29 of 1970, WFUV 77, Xgau rating B- (1971)
17 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Four-Way Street 1971 Billboard 1 - Apr 1971 (42 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (13 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 1 week - May 1971, US 4 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1992), US 70s 2 - May 1971 (3 months), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1983), UK 5 - May 1971 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 6 - Jul 1971 (9 weeks), Norway 8 - May 1971 (11 weeks), Dutch 70s 9 - May 1971 (18 weeks), US CashBox 15 of 1971, US BB 15 of 1971, Italy 49 of 1971, WTMD 149, WXPN 179 (1971), Acclaimed 1334 (1971), RYM 121 of 1971, WFUV 56, Xgau rating B- (1971)
18 Santana Santana III 1971 Billboard 1 - Oct 1971 (39 weeks) (5 weeks at number 1) (11 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1971, US 70s 1 - Oct 1971 (3 months), Canada 1 for 5 weeks - 1971, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Norway 3 - Oct 1971 (22 weeks), Australia Goset 5 - Jan 1972 (10 weeks), UK 6 - Apr 1971 (16 weeks), Dutch 70s 6 - Nov 1971 (7 weeks), US BB 13 of 1971, US CashBox 23 of 1972, Acclaimed 2288 (1971), RYM 59 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
19 Sly & The Family Stone There's A Riot Goin' On 1971 Billboard 1 - Nov 1971 (31 weeks) (2 weeks at number 1) (10 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1971, US 70s 1 - Nov 1971 (3 months), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), D.Marsh 2 of 1971, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 2001), US BB 27 of 1971, US CashBox 30 of 1972, RS100 30, UK 31 - Feb 1972 (2 weeks), German RS100 40, Acclaimed 51 (1971), Rolling Stone 99, WXPN 638 (1971), RYM 14 of 1971, Xgau rating A+ (1971)
20 The Doors La Woman 1971 US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 1987), Dutch 70s 4 - Jun 1971 (22 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Jun 1985), Billboard 9 - May 1971 (36 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), Australia Goset 9 - Aug 1971 (26 weeks), BEA 9 of 1971, Norway 15 - Oct 1971 (7 weeks), Australia (Kent) 21 of 1971 (peak 9), US CashBox 24 of 1971, UK 28 - Jul 1971 (3 weeks), US BB 36 of 1971, Belgium 77 of all time (1971), France (InfoDisc) 92 of 1991 (peak 32, 10 weeks), WTMD 216, WXPN 218 (1971), Acclaimed 225 (1971), Rolling Stone 362, RYM 37 of 1971, AVrev 36, KEXP 703, Xgau rating A- (1971)
21 David Bowie Hunky Dory 1971 UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Jan 1982), UK 3 - Sep 1972 (124 weeks), BEA 4 of 1971, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 9 - Mar 2013 (21 weeks), Virgin 23, German RS100 25, Norway 33 - Jul 2002 (1 week), Guiness 34, Radio Caroline 35 (1971), PopVortex 46 (1971), Vinyl Surrender 49 of all time, Billboard 57 - Apr 1972 (19 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 57 - Jan 2016 (3 weeks), Acclaimed 59 (1971), DMDB 88, WTMD 104, Rolling Stone 107, WXPN 162 (1971), RYM 5 of 1971, KEXP 58, Xgau rating A- (1971)
22 Isaac Hayes Shaft 1971 Billboard 1 - Aug 1971 (72 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (15 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 1 week - Nov 1971, Library of Congress artifact added 2013 (1971), US 70s 2 - Sep 1971 (4 months), Grammy in 1971 (Nominated), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1996), US BB 10 of 1971, UK 17 - Dec 1971 (13 weeks), Australia Goset 18 - Feb 1972 (1 week), D.Marsh 28 of 1971, US CashBox 31 of 1972, Italy 51 of 1972, Acclaimed 1263 (1971), RYM 75 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
23 Pink Floyd Meddle 1971 US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Mar 1994), France (InfoDisc) 2 of 1969 (peak 7, 93 weeks), UK 3 - Nov 1971 (84 weeks), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1993), Dutch 70s 5 - Nov 1971 (13 weeks), BEA 10 of 1971, Australia Goset 17 - Apr 1972 (3 weeks), Italy 29 of 1972, ODK Germany 32 - Oct 2016 (1 week), Billboard 70 - Nov 1971 (74 weeks), Radio Caroline 78 (1971), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 94 - Oct 2016 (1 week), WXPN 282 (1971), WTMD 412, Acclaimed 1256 (1971), RYM 33 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
24 Jimi Hendrix The Cry Of Love 1971 UK 2 - Apr 1971 (14 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1998), Billboard 3 - Mar 1971 (40 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Australia Goset 4 - Jun 1971 (10 weeks), US 70s 5 - Mar 1971 (2 months), Norway 7 - Apr 1971 (14 weeks), Dutch 70s 10 - Apr 1971 (18 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 13 of 1971 (peak 10, 32 weeks), D.Marsh 18 of 1971, US BB 29 of 1971, US CashBox 36 of 1971, Italy 43 of 1971, US Albums 2014-23 peak 91 - Oct 2014 (1 week), Acclaimed 2811 (1971), RYM 69 of 1971, Xgau rating A (1971)
25 Deep Purple Fireball 1971 UK 1 - Sep 1971 (25 weeks), Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1971, Norway 2 - Oct 1971 (22 weeks), Dutch 70s 4 - Sep 1971 (13 weeks), Australia Goset 4 - Nov 1971 (16 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 2001), Italy 16 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 25 of 1972 (peak 5), Billboard 32 - Aug 1971 (18 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 32 of 1971 (peak 3, 4 weeks), RYM 72 of 1971
26 Francis Lai Love Story 1971 Canada 1 for 1 week - 1971, Billboard 2 - Jan 1971 (39 weeks) (13 weeks in top 10), US 70s 2 - Feb 1971 (4 months), France (InfoDisc) 3 of 1971 (peak 2, 56 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1971), Italy 8 of 1971, UK 10 - Apr 1971 (33 weeks), US CashBox 12 of 1971, Dutch 70s 15 - Apr 1971 (18 weeks), US BB 16 of 1971, Australia Goset 20 - Jul 1971 (1 week)
27 Elton John Tumbleweed Connection 1971 UK 2 - Jan 1971 (19 weeks), Australia Goset 2 - May 1971 (20 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1998), Billboard 5 - Jan 1971 (37 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), US 70s 5 - Feb 1971 (2 months), Dutch 70s 11 - Feb 1971 (25 weeks), US BB 23 of 1971, Australia (Kent) 25 of 1971 (peak 4), US CashBox 26 of 1971, WXPN 217 (1970), WTMD 363, Rolling Stone 463, Acclaimed 1780 (1970), RYM 61 of 1970, Xgau rating B- (1971)
28 The Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 UK 1 - Aug 1971 (21 weeks), Billboard 2 - Aug 1971 (43 weeks) (13 weeks in top 10), US 70s 2 - Sep 1971 (3 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1971), Norway 5 - Aug 1971 (13 weeks), Dutch 70s 5 - Sep 1971 (11 weeks), Australia Goset 5 - Nov 1971 (15 weeks), US BB 17 of 1971, US CashBox 35 of 1971, Italy 46 of 1971, RYM 141 of 1971
29 The Allman Brothers Band Live at the Fillmore East 1971 Library of Congress artifact added 2004 (1971), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1971), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1992), BEA 7 of 1971, Billboard 13 - Jul 1971 (47 weeks), D.Marsh 16 of 1971, WXPN 22 (1971), Rolling Stone 49, WTMD 52, US BB 61 of 1971, US CashBox 69 of 1971, PopVortex 72 (1971), DMDB 93, Acclaimed 102 (1971), RYM 6 of 1971, WFUV 23, AVrev 77, Xgau rating B- (1971)
30 Black Sabbath Master Of Reality 1971 US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 2001), UK 5 - Aug 1971 (13 weeks), Billboard 8 - Sep 1971 (43 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Australia Goset 8 - Oct 1971 (15 weeks), Norway 12 - Aug 1971 (8 weeks), Dutch 70s 12 - Sep 1971 (6 weeks), US BB 39 of 1971, Italy 44 of 1971, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 51 - Jul 2021 (1 week), US CashBox 58 of 1971, Rolling Stone 298, Acclaimed 969 (1971), RYM 18 of 1971, Xgau rating C- (1971)
31 James Taylor Mud Slide Slim & The Blue Horizon 1971 US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1994), Billboard 2 - May 1971 (45 weeks) (20 weeks in top 10), US 70s 2 - May 1971 (5 months), UK 4 - May 1971 (42 weeks), US CashBox 4 of 1971, US BB 6 of 1971, Australia Goset 10 - Jul 1971 (22 weeks), Norway 17 - Jul 1971 (5 weeks), Italy 48 of 1971, WXPN 365 (1971), RYM 157 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
32 Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus 1971 UK 1 - Jun 1971 (18 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1971), Australia Goset 6 - Sep 1971 (14 weeks), Norway 7 - Jul 1971 (19 weeks), Billboard 9 - Jul 1971 (26 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Italy 14 of 1971, Dutch 70s 15 - Aug 1971 (6 weeks), US CashBox 45 of 1971, US BB 52 of 1971, Acclaimed 1791 (1971), RYM 142 of 1971
33 BB King Live at the Regal 1971 Library of Congress artifact added 2005 (1965), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2006 (1965), D.Marsh 13 of 1971, Billboard 56 - Sep 1971 (9 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 56 - May 2015 (1 week), ODK Germany 85 - May 2015 (2 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 96 - May 2015 (1 week), Rolling Stone 141, Acclaimed 249 (1965), WTMD 649, RYM 11 of 1965
34 Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer 1971 UK 4 - Dec 1970 (28 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1971), Dutch 70s 6 - Jan 1971 (18 weeks), Australia Goset 7 - Jul 1971 (18 weeks), Billboard 18 - Feb 1971 (42 weeks), Norway 18 - Feb 1971 (1 week), US CashBox 25 of 1971, Italy 69 of 1971, WTMD 452, WXPN 636 (1971), Acclaimed 2375 (1970), RYM 104 of 1970, AVrev 84, Xgau rating C (1971)
35 Chicago Chicago III 1971 Billboard 2 - Jan 1971 (63 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), US 70s 3 - Feb 1971 (3 months), Australia Goset 6 - May 1971 (10 weeks), Norway 8 - Feb 1971 (11 weeks), UK 9 - Mar 1971 (5 weeks), Dutch 70s 9 - Feb 1971 (18 weeks), US CashBox 17 of 1971, US BB 20 of 1971, Italy 37 of 1971
36 T Rex Electric Warrior 1971 UK 1 - Oct 1971 (44 weeks), Norway 12 - Nov 1971 (14 weeks), Billboard 32 - Nov 1971 (34 weeks), Guiness 69, ODK Germany 87 - May 2012 (1 week), RS100 100, Rolling Stone 160, Acclaimed 176 (1971), Radio Caroline 254 (1971), WXPN 381 (1971), RYM 20 of 1971, KEXP 216, Xgau rating B (1972)
37 David Crosby If I Only Could Remember My Name 1971 Vatican 2 of all time, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1971), UK 12 - Apr 1971 (7 weeks), Billboard 12 - Mar 1971 (18 weeks), Australia Goset 13 - Jul 1971 (7 weeks), Dutch 70s 23 - Apr 1971 (11 weeks), US BB 59 of 1971, US CashBox 76 of 1971, Acclaimed 694 (1971), RYM 40 of 1971, Xgau rating D- (1971)
38 Carpenters The Carpenters 1971 US 4 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Apr 1998), Billboard 2 - Jun 1971 (59 weeks) (24 weeks in top 10), Grammy in 1971 (Nominated), US 70s 4 - Jun 1971 (6 months), US BB 4 of 1971, Australia Goset 7 - Sep 1971 (15 weeks), US CashBox 8 of 1971, UK 11 - Oct 1971 (37 weeks), WTMD 529
39 Stephen Stills Stephen Stills 2 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1971), Norway 7 - Jul 1971 (11 weeks), Billboard 8 - Jul 1971 (20 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), US 70s 10 - Aug 1971 (1 month), Dutch 70s 10 - Aug 1971 (7 weeks), Australia Goset 19 - Nov 1971 (2 weeks), UK 22 - Aug 1971 (3 weeks), US BB 41 of 1971, US CashBox 51 of 1971, Xgau rating C (1971)
40 The Partridge Family Up To Date 1971 Canada 1 for 2 weeks - 1971, Billboard 3 - Apr 1971 (53 weeks) (12 weeks in top 10), US 70s 3 - Apr 1971 (3 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1971), US CashBox 11 of 1971, Australia Goset 13 - Sep 1971 (3 weeks), US BB 18 of 1971, UK 46 - Jan 1972 (2 weeks)
41 Leonard Cohen Songs Of Love & Hate 1971 Dutch 70s 3 - May 1971 (19 weeks), UK 4 - Apr 1971 (18 weeks), Australia Goset 9 - Aug 1971 (16 weeks), Norway 11 - Apr 1971 (16 weeks), German RS100 93, Billboard 145 - May 1971 (11 weeks), Acclaimed 392 (1971), WXPN 467 (1971), RYM 15 of 1971, KEXP 473, Xgau rating A- (1971)
42 Andy Williams Love Story 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Billboard 3 - Feb 1971 (33 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), US 70s 4 - Mar 1971 (2 months), Norway 9 - Apr 1971 (28 weeks), UK 11 - Jul 1971 (11 weeks), US BB 28 of 1971, US CashBox 34 of 1971, Dutch 70s 34 - May 1971 (13 weeks)
43 Original Soundtrack Woodstock Two 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1971), Billboard 7 - Apr 1971 (17 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Dutch 70s 11 - May 1971 (13 weeks), Australia Goset 12 - Jul 1971 (4 weeks), Norway 17 - May 1971 (2 weeks), US BB 48 of 1971, Italy 56 of 1971, US CashBox 68 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
44 Joe Cocker Cocker Happy 1971 Australia num 1 for 8 weeks - Jul 1971, Australia (Kent) 1 of 1971 (peak 1), Australia Goset 1 - Jun 1971 (38 weeks), Italy 46 of 1972
45 Lynn Anderson Rose Garden 1971 Norway 1 - Apr 1971 (24 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Billboard 19 - Jan 1971 (33 weeks), US CashBox 39 of 1971, UK 45 - Apr 1971 (1 week), Dutch 70s 50 - Apr 1971 (5 weeks)
46 Ten Years After Watt 1971 UK 5 - Jan 1971 (9 weeks), Norway 8 - Jan 1971 (16 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 8 of 1971 (peak 9, 36 weeks), Dutch 70s 13 - Feb 1971 (18 weeks), Australia Goset 13 - May 1971 (8 weeks), Italy 20 of 1971, Billboard 21 - Dec 1970 (16 weeks), Xgau rating C+ (1970)
47 Graham Nash Songs For Beginners 1971 Dutch 70s 4 - Aug 1971 (7 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1971), Australia Goset 11 - Nov 1971 (4 weeks), UK 13 - Jun 1971 (8 weeks), Norway 13 - Jul 1971 (9 weeks), Billboard 15 - Jun 1971 (24 weeks), US CashBox 60 of 1971, RYM 94 of 1971
48 John Prine John Prine 1971 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2015 (1971), US Albums 2014-23 peak 55 - Apr 2020 (2 weeks), German RS100 83, Billboard 154 - Feb 1972 (3 weeks), WXPN 182 (1972), WTMD 254, Rolling Stone 458, Acclaimed 738 (1971), RYM 16 of 1971, Xgau rating A (1971)
49 Yes The Yes Album 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Apr 1998), UK 4 - Feb 1971 (34 weeks), Dutch 70s 15 - Apr 1971 (18 weeks), Billboard 40 - May 1971 (50 weeks), Radio Caroline 46 (1971), WXPN 123 (1971), Acclaimed 825 (1971), RYM 32 of 1971, AVrev 86, Xgau rating B- (1971)
50 Elvis Presley That's The Way It Is 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1973), UK 12 - Jan 1971 (35 weeks), Australia Goset 12 - Mar 1971 (6 weeks), Norway 18 - Feb 1971 (1 week), Billboard 21 - Dec 1970 (23 weeks), ODK Germany 39 - Aug 2014 (1 week), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 75 - Aug 2014 (1 week), RYM 131 of 1970, Xgau rating C+ (1970)
51 Elvis Presley I'm 10,000 Years Old - Elvis Country 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1977), UK 6 - Apr 1971 (9 weeks), Billboard 12 - Jan 1971 (21 weeks), Australia Goset 17 - Jul 1971 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 21 of 1971, US BB 60 of 1971, US CashBox 85 of 1971, Acclaimed 1795 (1971), RYM 86 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
52 Blood Sweat & Tears B, S & T, 4 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1971), Billboard 10 - Jul 1971 (23 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Norway 11 - Aug 1971 (9 weeks), Australia Goset 14 - Oct 1971 (7 weeks), Dutch 70s 31 - Aug 1971 (6 weeks), US BB 38 of 1971, US CashBox 44 of 1971, Xgau rating C- (1971)
53 Neil Diamond Stones 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1972), Billboard 11 - Nov 1971 (25 weeks), Australia Goset 13 - Feb 1972 (3 weeks), UK 17 - Dec 1971 (21 weeks), Dutch 70s 19 - Jan 1972 (1 week), US BB 50 of 1971, US CashBox 72 of 1972
54 Ten Years After A Space In Time 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Norway 13 - Jan 1972 (7 weeks), Australia Goset 15 - Oct 1972 (2 weeks), Billboard 17 - Aug 1971 (26 weeks), UK 36 - Nov 1971 (1 week), US CashBox 96 of 1971, RYM 92 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
55 Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1971), Australia Goset 14 - Jan 1972 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 14 of 1971, Billboard 15 - Oct 1971 (22 weeks), UK 16 - Dec 1971 (8 weeks), Norway 16 - Nov 1971 (4 weeks), RYM 135 of 1971, Xgau rating A- (1971)
56 Traffic The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Mar 1996), Billboard 7 - Dec 1971 (30 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), US 70s 9 - Feb 1972 (1 month), US CashBox 45 of 1972, US BB 68 of 1972, WXPN 158 (1971), WTMD 165, Acclaimed 2517 (1971), RYM 80 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
57 Alice Cooper Love It To Death 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 2001), UK 28 - Sep 1972 (7 weeks), D.Marsh 31 of 1971, Billboard 35 - Mar 1971 (38 weeks), US CashBox 72 of 1971, Rolling Stone 460, Acclaimed 1345 (1971), RYM 29 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
58 Chicago Chicago At Carnegie Hall 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Billboard 3 - Nov 1971 (46 weeks) (13 weeks in top 10), US 70s 4 - Dec 1971 (2 months), Australia Goset 13 - May 1972 (2 weeks), US CashBox 15 of 1972, US BB 15 of 1972, Xgau rating C- (1971)
59 Osibisa Osibisa 1971 UK 11 - May 1971 (10 weeks), Australia Goset 11 - Sep 1971 (7 weeks), Norway 21 - Aug 1971 (8 weeks), Dutch 70s 32 - Sep 1971 (1 week), Billboard 55 - Jul 1971 (19 weeks), Italy 73 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
60 Tom Jones She's A Lady 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1972), UK 9 - May 1971 (7 weeks), Norway 16 - Jun 1971 (5 weeks), Billboard 17 - May 1971 (20 weeks), Italy 58 of 1971, US CashBox 67 of 1971
61 Grand Funk Railroad E Pluribus Funk 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1991), Billboard 5 - Dec 1971 (30 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), US 70s 9 - Dec 1971 (2 months), Australia Goset 11 - Apr 1972 (14 weeks), US BB 35 of 1971, US CashBox 36 of 1972, RYM 177 of 1971, Xgau rating C (1971)
62 Daddy Cool Daddy Who? ... Daddy Cool 1971 Australia num 1 for 7 weeks - Aug 1971, Australia Goset 1 - Aug 1971 (22 weeks), Australia (Kent) 7 of 1971 (peak 1), Xgau rating C- (1971)
63 Grand Funk Railroad Survival 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1991), Billboard 6 - May 1971 (40 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), US 70s 9 - May 1971 (1 month), Australia Goset 9 - Oct 1971 (7 weeks), US CashBox 27 of 1971, US BB 40 of 1971, Xgau rating C (1971)
64 The Who Meaty, Beaty, Big & Bouncy 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1993), UK 9 - Dec 1971 (18 weeks), Billboard 11 - Nov 1971 (21 weeks), Australia Goset 19 - Jun 1972 (3 weeks), US BB 55 of 1971, RS100 99, Xgau rating A- (1971)
65 Alice Cooper Killer 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1986), Billboard 21 - Dec 1971 (54 weeks), UK 27 - Feb 1972 (18 weeks), D.Marsh 38 of 1971, US CashBox 42 of 1972, Acclaimed 939 (1971), RYM 22 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
66 Three Dog Night Harmony 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1971), Billboard 8 - Oct 1971 (34 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), US 70s 10 - Nov 1971 (1 month), Australia Goset 20 - May 1972 (2 weeks), US CashBox 35 of 1972, US BB 44 of 1971, Xgau rating B+ (1971)
67 Joan Baez Blessed Are... 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1972), Billboard 11 - Sep 1971 (23 weeks), Norway 26 - Feb 1972 (3 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 34 of 1971 (peak 9, 4 weeks), US BB 43 of 1971, US CashBox 90 of 1971
68 Leon Russell Leon Russell & The Shelter People 1971 Australia Goset 2 - Nov 1971 (16 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1972), Billboard 17 - May 1971 (29 weeks), UK 29 - Jul 1971 (1 week), US CashBox 56 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
69 Uriah Heep Look At Yourself 1971 Norway 14 - Dec 1971 (17 weeks), Australia Goset 16 - Mar 1972 (5 weeks), UK 39 - Nov 1971 (1 week), Italy 60 of 1971, Billboard 93 - Sep 1971 (20 weeks), RYM 64 of 1971
70 Lindisfarne Fog On The Tyne 1971 UK 1 - Oct 1971 (56 weeks), Norway 15 - May 1972 (5 weeks), Radio Caroline 292 (1971), RYM 123 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1972)
71 Van Morrison Tupelo Honey 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1977), D.Marsh 19 of 1971, Billboard 27 - Oct 1971 (24 weeks), WTMD 201, WXPN 246 (1971), Acclaimed 1214 (1971), RYM 82 of 1971, WFUV 73, Xgau rating A- (1971)
72 Aretha Franklin Aretha Live At Fillmore West 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1971), Billboard 7 - Jun 1971 (34 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), US 70s 9 - Jun 1971 (2 months), D.Marsh 23 of 1971, US CashBox 31 of 1971, US BB 31 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
73 Elton John 11-17-70 1971 Billboard 11 - May 1971 (23 weeks), UK 20 - May 1971 (2 weeks), Dutch 70s 32 - Jun 1971 (7 weeks), US BB 54 of 1971, US CashBox 57 of 1971
74 Judy Collins Whales & Nightingales 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1971), UK 15 - Feb 1971 (6 weeks), Billboard 17 - Dec 1970 (35 weeks), Australia Goset 20 - Apr 1971 (1 week), US CashBox 46 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1970)
75 Barbra Streisand Stoney End 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1986), Billboard 10 - Feb 1971 (29 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), UK 28 - Apr 1971 (2 weeks), US BB 42 of 1971, US CashBox 62 of 1971
76 James Last Non Stop Dancing 12 1971 Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Aug 1971, Dutch 70s 26 - Jun 1971 (12 weeks), UK 30 - Oct 1971 (5 weeks)
77 The Beach Boys Surf's Up 1971 UK 15 - Nov 1971 (7 weeks), Australia Goset 20 - May 1972 (2 weeks), Billboard 29 - Sep 1971 (17 weeks), D.Marsh 33 of 1971, Acclaimed 490 (1971), RYM 85 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
78 Various Artists Jesus Christ Superstar 1971 Billboard 1 - Nov 1970 (101 weeks) (3 weeks at number 1) (41 weeks in top 10), Grammy in 1971 (Nominated), Billboard200 59, US Albums 2014-23 peak 100 - Apr 2018 (1 week)
79 The Faces Long Player 1971 Australia Goset 18 - Jul 1971 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 25 of 1971, Billboard 29 - Mar 1971 (19 weeks), UK 31 - May 1971 (7 weeks), Acclaimed 2985 (1971), RYM 130 of 1971, Xgau rating B (1971)
80 Jefferson Airplane Bark 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1971), Billboard 11 - Sep 1971 (21 weeks), UK 42 - Oct 1971 (1 week), US BB 45 of 1971, US CashBox 77 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
81 The Band Cahoots 1971 Dutch 70s 5 - Oct 1971 (8 weeks), Norway 20 - Nov 1971 (3 weeks), Billboard 21 - Oct 1971 (14 weeks), UK 41 - Nov 1971 (1 week), Xgau rating B- (1971)
82 The Partridge Family The Partridge Family Sound Magazine 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1971), Billboard 9 - Aug 1971 (35 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), UK 14 - Apr 1972 (7 weeks), US BB 37 of 1971, US CashBox 54 of 1971
83 Colosseum Colosseum Live 1971 Norway 9 - Jul 1971 (16 weeks), UK 17 - Jun 1971 (6 weeks), Italy 38 of 1971, Billboard 192 - Nov 1971 (3 weeks), RYM 83 of 1971
84 Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1971), Billboard 12 - May 1970 (37 weeks), Australia Goset 15 - Jun 1971 (1 week), US BB 53 of 1971, US CashBox 79 of 1971
85 Three Dog Night Golden Bisquits 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1971), Billboard 5 - Feb 1971 (61 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), US 70s 5 - Apr 1971 (2 months), US CashBox 10 of 1971, US BB 22 of 1971
86 Badfinger Straight Up 1971 Australia Goset 16 - Jun 1972 (4 weeks), Billboard 31 - Dec 1971 (32 weeks), US CashBox 90 of 1972, WTMD 609, Acclaimed 2991 (1971), RYM 70 of 1971, Xgau rating B- (1971)
87 T Rex T Rex 1971 UK 7 - Jan 1971 (22 weeks), Australia Goset 18 - Aug 1970 (1 week), Dutch 70s 50 - Jun 1971 (7 weeks), Billboard 113 - May 1971 (17 weeks), RYM 174 of 1970
88 Elvis Presley Almost In Love 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2004), UK 38 - Sep 1971 (2 weeks), Dutch 70s 43 - Jan 1971 (5 weeks), Billboard 65 - Nov 1970 (18 weeks)
89 James Last Non Stop Dancing 11 1971 Germany 1 for 22 weeks - Jan 1971, Norway 20 - Feb 1971 (1 week), Dutch 70s 29 - Jan 1971 (14 weeks)
90 War All Day Music 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1972), Billboard 16 - Nov 1971 (49 weeks), US CashBox 24 of 1972, D.Marsh 37 of 1971, Acclaimed 1932 (1971), RYM 154 of 1971, Xgau rating B+ (1971)
91 The Rolling Stones Stone Age 1971 UK 4 - Mar 1971 (8 weeks), Norway 15 - Mar 1971 (7 weeks), Dutch 70s 19 - Apr 1971 (11 weeks), Italy 72 of 1971
92 Simon & Garfunkel S&g Gift Pack 1971 Japan 1 for 4 weeks - Jan 1971
93 Original Soundtrack Melody Of Small Love 1971 Japan 1 for 1 week - Nov 1971
94 Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel 1971 Japan 1 for 9 weeks - Dec 1971
95 Elton John Friends 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1971), Australia Goset 14 - Nov 1971 (5 weeks), Billboard 36 - Mar 1971 (19 weeks), Dutch 70s 37 - May 1971 (13 weeks)
96 Harry Nilsson The Point! 1971 Billboard 25 - Mar 1971 (32 weeks), Dutch 70s 44 - Aug 1971 (5 weeks), UK 46 - Jan 1972 (1 week), US CashBox 61 of 1971, RYM 101 of 1971
97 John Denver Poems, Prayers & Promises 1971 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 2001), Billboard 15 - Apr 1971 (80 weeks), UK 19 - Jun 1973 (5 weeks), US CashBox 37 of 1971, Xgau rating C (1971)
98 Elvis Presley I Got Lucky 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 2004), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Feb 1978), UK 26 - Dec 1971 (3 weeks), Billboard 104 - Nov 1971 (8 weeks)
99 Mountain Nantucket Sleighride 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1971), Billboard 16 - Feb 1971 (29 weeks), UK 43 - Jun 1971 (1 week), US CashBox 74 of 1971, RYM 87 of 1971
100 Pink Floyd Relics 1971 Dutch 70s 23 - Aug 1971 (6 weeks), UK 32 - Aug 1971 (8 weeks), Radio Caroline 97 (1971), Billboard 152 - Jul 1971 (7 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

19 Oct 2016

Double Listing - Love Story-Orig. Soundtrack

#35 - Francis Lai & #95 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

12 Feb 2015

2nd Request - #28 - Isaac Hayes - Shaft

This Album was selected for Library of Congress in 2013. Google National Recording Registry and click on 2013. Items are chronological and this Album is from 1971.

Library of Congress chart needs redoing, we'll do it as soon as we have time

12 Feb 2015

2nd Request - #28 - Isaac Hayes - Shaft

This Album was selected for Library of Congress in 2013. Google National Recording Registry and click on 2013. Items are chronological and this Album is from 1971.

Library of Congress chart needs redoing, we'll do it as soon as we have time

12 Feb 2015

2nd Request - #28 - Isaac Hayes - Shaft

This Album was selected for Library of Congress in 2013. Google National Recording Registry and click on 2013. Items are chronological and this Album is from 1971.

Library of Congress chart needs redoing, we'll do it as soon as we have time

20 Jan 2015

#28 - Isaac Hayes - Shaft

This album was selected for Library of Congress (NRR) in 2013.

11 Feb 2013

Jimi hendrix's cry of love is repeated in two entries( #39 and #60). Great site! Thank you.

You are right, the data has been corrected, thanks for the input