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Song artist 689 - The Miracles

The Miracles Region Profile

The Miracles Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Miracles. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

In the early days some of their songs were credited to either Smokey Robinson & The Miracles or just Smokey Robinson. To make it more confusing these names were listed as the artists for the same songs in different countries. We have attempted to use the most common credits for all the songs.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Miracles Love Machine 1976 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1975 (28 weeks), Record World 1 - 1976, UK 3 - Jan 1976 (10 weeks), Canada 5 - Feb 1976 (11 weeks), France 6 - Apr 1976 (2 weeks), US BB 7 of 1976, US CashBox 11 of 1976, WABC NY 18 of 1976, POP 22 of 1976, Holland 30 - Apr 1976 (3 weeks), RIANZ 31 - Apr 1976 (2 weeks), US Radio 37 of 1976 (peak 1 11 weeks), DDD 54 of 1975, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Feb 1976)
2 The Miracles The Tracks of My Tears 1965 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1965), Library of Congress artifact added 2007 (1965), Keener 5 - Jul 1965 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 7 of 1965, UK 9 - May 1969 (13 weeks), DDD 10 of 1965, US Billboard 16 - Jul 1965 (12 weeks), Record World 17 - 1965, US invalid BB 22 of 1965, POP 22 of 1965, 40 in 2FM list, Acclaimed 46 (1965), nuTsie 49 of 1960s, Rolling Stone 50, US BB 78 of 1965, US CashBox 98 of 1965, RIAA 127, US Radio 166 of 1965 (peak 16 4 weeks), WXPN 416, RYM 22 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 The Miracles You Really Got a Hold on Me 1962 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1962), DDD 3 of 1962, US Billboard 8 - Dec 1962 (16 weeks), D.Marsh 10 of 1962, US invalid BB 23 of 1963, POP 36 of 1963, US CashBox 46 of 1963, WABC NY 59 of 1963, US BB 65 of 1963, nuTsie 71 of 1960s, US Radio 79 of 1963 (peak 8 7 weeks), Acclaimed 401 (1962), RYM 14 of 1962, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
4 The Miracles Mickey's Monkey 1963 US invalid BB 6 of 1963, US Billboard 8 - Aug 1963 (12 weeks), Canada 10 - Aug 1963 (7 weeks), POP 12 of 1963, KQV 43 of 1963, DDD 47 of 1963, WABC NY 74 of 1963, US BB 85 of 1963, US CashBox 93 of 1963, US Radio 93 of 1963 (peak 8 5 weeks)
5 The Miracles Going to a Go-Go 1966 Record World 9 - 1966, US Billboard 11 - Dec 1965 (12 weeks), Keener 14 - Jan 1966 (3 weeks), UK 44 - Feb 1966 (5 weeks), DDD 45 of 1965, US CashBox 87 of 1966, US Radio 147 of 1966 (peak 11 2 weeks), Acclaimed 1024 (1965), RYM 108 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
6 The Miracles (Come Round Here) I'm the One You Need 1966 US Billboard 17 - Nov 1966 (9 weeks), Record World 19 - 1966, Keener 22 - Nov 1966 (2 weeks), UK 37 - Dec 1966 (2 weeks), US Radio 166 of 1966 (peak 17 3 weeks)
7 The Miracles I'll Try Something New 1962 D.Marsh 8 of 1962, US Billboard 39 - May 1962 (10 weeks), Acclaimed 1892 (1962)
8 The Miracles My Girl Has Gone 1965 US Billboard 14 - Oct 1965 (10 weeks), Record World 19 - 1965, Keener 20 - Oct 1965 (2 weeks), US Radio 155 of 1965 (peak 14 2 weeks)
9 The Miracles Do It Baby 1974 Record World 9 - 1974, US Billboard 13 - Aug 1974 (15 weeks), US Radio 120 of 1974 (peak 13 5 weeks)
10 The Miracles I Like it Like That 1964 Keener 11 - Jul 1964 (2 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Jun 1964 (9 weeks), Record World 28 - 1964
11 The Miracles What's So Good About Good-by 1962 D.Marsh 24 of 1962, US Billboard 35 - Jan 1962 (10 weeks)
12 The Miracles I Gotta Dance To Keep From Crying 1963 Keener 15 - Nov 1963 (3 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Nov 1963 (10 weeks)
13 The Miracles Ain't Nobody Straight In Los Angeles 1976 Brazil 79 of 1976
14 The Miracles That's What Love Is Made Of 1964 Keener 18 - Sep 1964 (3 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Sep 1964 (6 weeks)
15 The Miracles Way Over There 1960 US Billboard 94 - Sep 1962 (3 weeks), RYM 161 of 1960
16 The Miracles Ain't It, Baby 1961 US Billboard 49 - Mar 1961 (6 weeks)
17 The Miracles Mighty Good Lovin' 1961 US Billboard 51 - Jul 1961 (6 weeks)
18 The Miracles Everybody's Gotta Pay Some Dues 1961 US Billboard 52 - Oct 1961 (8 weeks)
19 The Miracles Broken Hearted 1961 US Billboard 97 - Jul 1961 (1 week)
20 The Miracles A Love She Can Count On 1963 US Billboard 31 - Mar 1963 (9 weeks)
21 The Miracles Sweet City Woman 1972 Springbok 11 - Jan 1972 (9 weeks)
22 The Miracles Come On Do The Jerk 1964 US Billboard 50 - Dec 1964 (8 weeks)
23 The Miracles (You Can't Let The Boy Overpower) The Man In You 1964 US Billboard 59 - Mar 1964 (5 weeks)
24 The Miracles Don't Let It End ('Til You Let It Begin) 1973 US Billboard 56 - Aug 1973 (8 weeks)
25 The Miracles Don't Cha Love It 1974 US Billboard 78 - Dec 1974 (4 weeks)
26 The Miracles Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On 1966 US Billboard 46 - Jun 1966 (8 weeks)
27 The Miracles Darling Dear 1970 US Billboard 100 - May 1970 (1 week)
28 The Miracles You Can Depend On Me 1960 RYM 161 of 1960
29 The Miracles Happy Landing 1962 RYM 14 of 1962
30 The Miracles Choosey Beggar 1965 RYM 108 of 1965

In addition to the above listed songs The Miracles also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Shop Around 1960 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2006 (1960), US Billboard 2 - Dec 1960 (16 weeks), DDD 8 of 1960, Canada 11 - Dec 1960 (12 weeks), US invalid BB 12 of 1961, POP 12 of 1961, D.Marsh 15 of 1960, WABC NY 20 of 1961, US BB 24 of 1961, US CashBox 25 of 1961, US Radio 32 of 1961 (peak 2 9 weeks), Scrobulate 81 of rhythm & blues, Rolling Stone 495, Acclaimed 1531 (1960), RYM 14 of 1960
2 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Ooo Baby Baby 1965 US Billboard 16 - Mar 1965 (11 weeks), Keener 16 - Apr 1965 (3 weeks), Record World 18 - 1965, D.Marsh 20 of 1965, US invalid BB 33 of 1965, POP 33 of 1965, DDD 36 of 1965, US BB 93 of 1965, US Radio 161 of 1965 (peak 16 3 weeks), Rolling Stone 262, WXPN 851, Acclaimed 1049 (1965)
3 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles If You Can Want 1968 US Billboard 11 - Feb 1968 (12 weeks), Keener 12 - Feb 1968 (4 weeks), Record World 16 - 1968, Canada 24 - Feb 1968 (6 weeks), UK 50 - Apr 1968 (1 week), US CashBox 76 of 1968, US BB 85 of 1968, US Radio 98 of 1968 (peak 11 6 weeks)
4 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles I Don't Blame You At All 1971 UK 11 - Jun 1971 (10 weeks), Canada 17 - Apr 1971 (7 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Mar 1971 (12 weeks), Record World 18 - 1971, Keener 18 - Apr 1971 (4 weeks), KQV 57 of 1971, US Radio 146 of 1971 (peak 18 1 week)
5 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Baby, Baby Don't Cry 1969 Record World 7 - 1969, US Billboard 8 - Jan 1969 (14 weeks), Keener 17 - Jan 1969 (5 weeks), Canada 28 - Feb 1969 (1 week), US BB 37 of 1969, KQV 67 of 1969, US Radio 87 of 1969 (peak 8 6 weeks)
6 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles The Love I Saw In You Was Just A Mirage 1967 Keener 4 - Feb 1967 (10 weeks), US Billboard 20 - Feb 1967 (10 weeks), D.Marsh 29 of 1967, Record World 33 - 1967, US Radio 183 of 1967 (peak 20 1 week)
7 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Yester Love 1968 Canada 5 - May 1968 (8 weeks), Record World 22 - 1968, Keener 22 - May 1968 (3 weeks), US Billboard 31 - Jun 1968 (8 weeks)
8 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles More Love 1967 Keener 3 - Jun 1967 (7 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Jun 1967 (11 weeks), Record World 37 - 1967, US CashBox 89 of 1967
9 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Special Occasion 1968 Keener 17 - Sep 1968 (3 weeks), Canada 19 - Aug 1968 (6 weeks), Record World 22 - 1968, US Billboard 26 - Aug 1968 (9 weeks)
10 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Bad Girl 1959 DDD 75 of 1959, US Billboard 93 - Oct 1959 (2 weeks), RYM 184 of 1959
11 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Abraham, Martin & John 1969 Canada 28 - Jul 1969 (1 week), Record World 31 - 1969, US Billboard 33 - Jul 1969 (6 weeks)
12 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Doggone Right 1969 US Billboard 32 - Jun 1969 (8 weeks), Record World 40 - 1969
13 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles (Come Round Here) I'm the One You Need 1971 UK 13 - Jan 1971 (9 weeks)
14 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Tears Of A Clown (1976) 1976 UK 34 - Oct 1976 (6 weeks)
15 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles I Love Your Baby 1959 RYM 184 of 1959
16 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Who's Lovin' You 1960 RYM 14 of 1960
17 Smokey Robinson & The Miracles A Fork in the Road 1965 RYM 22 of 1965

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

3 Dec 2015

Double Listing - I'm the One You Need

#6 & #24 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

20 Dec 2013

The Miracles

I mean it's the same song #1 - The Miracles - You Really Got a Hold on Me - 1962 and #32 - The Miracles - You've Really Got A Hold On Me - unknown

That looks correct, thanks for the fix