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Song artist 241 - Leo Reisman

Leo Reisman Region Profile

Leo Reisman Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Leo Reisman. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Leo Reisman Continental (you Kiss While You're Dancing) 1934 US Billboard 1 - 1934 (7 weeks), Oscar in 1934 (film 'The Gay Divorcee'), US invalid BB 7 of 1934, POP 7 of 1934, Brazil 51 of 1936, Europe 71 of the 1930s (1934)
2 Leo Reisman Stormy Weather (Keeps Rainin' All the Time) 1933 US Billboard 1 - 1933 (19 weeks), Australian Nostalgia 10 of 1930-1939, Brazil 46 of 1935, Europe 97 of the 1930s (1933)
3 Leo Reisman Yesterdays 1933 US Billboard 3 - 1933 (8 weeks), US invalid BB 7 of 1933, Jazz Standard 9, POP 10 of 1933
4 Leo Reisman The Wedding of the Painted Doll 1929 US Billboard 1 - 1929 (12 weeks), US invalid BB 14 of 1929, POP 14 of 1929
5 Leo Reisman Paradise 1932 US Billboard 1 - 1932 (17 weeks), POP 6 of 1932
6 Leo Reisman It Ain't Necessarily So 1935 US invalid BB 5 of 1935, POP 5 of 1935, US Billboard 16 - 1935 (2 weeks)
7 Leo Reisman What Is This Thing Called Love? 1930 US Billboard 5 - 1930 (9 weeks), US invalid BB 9 of 1930, POP 9 of 1930
8 Leo Reisman With a Song In My Heart 1929 US Billboard 3 - 1929 (9 weeks), Brazil 40 of 1930
9 Leo Reisman Easter Parade 1933 US Billboard 5 - 1933 (12 weeks), POP 5 of 1933
10 Leo Reisman Down Argentina Way 1940 US Billboard 7 - 1940 (9 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Nov 1940 (2 weeks)
11 Leo Reisman Out of Nowhere 1931 US Billboard 6 - 1931 (4 weeks), Jazz Standard 68
12 Leo Reisman Time On My Hands 1930 US Billboard 6 - 1931 (4 weeks), Jazz Standard 156
13 Leo Reisman Alone Together 1932 US Billboard 9 - 1932 (5 weeks), Jazz Standard 89
14 Leo Reisman Too Marvelous For Words 1937 US Billboard 16 - 1937 (1 week), Jazz Standard 344
15 Leo Reisman Ain't Misbehavin' 1929 US Billboard 2 - 1929 (7 weeks)
16 Leo Reisman Happy Days Are Here Again 1930 US Billboard 3 - 1930 (9 weeks)
17 Leo Reisman Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 1934 US Billboard 3 - 1934 (6 weeks)
18 Leo Reisman With My Eyes Wide Open I'm Dreaming 1934 US Billboard 3 - 1934 (11 weeks)
19 Leo Reisman Bright Eyes 1921 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1921 (4 weeks)
20 Leo Reisman I Love Louisa 1931 US Billboard 4 - 1931 (7 weeks)
21 Leo Reisman My Sweeter Than Sweet 1929 US Billboard 5 - 1929 (5 weeks)
22 Leo Reisman I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 1935 US Billboard 5 - 1935 (7 weeks)
23 Leo Reisman You're a Builder Upper 1934 US Billboard 6 - 1934 (6 weeks)
24 Leo Reisman By a Waterfall 1933 US Billboard 6 - 1933 (6 weeks)
25 Leo Reisman Indian Love Call 1925 US Billboard 6 - Mar 1925 (3 weeks)
26 Leo Reisman On the Beach at Bali-Bali 1936 US Billboard 6 - 1936 (5 weeks)
27 Leo Reisman Jealousy (Jalousie) 1932 US Billboard 7 - 1932 (4 weeks)
28 Leo Reisman Love Songs of the Nile 1933 US Billboard 7 - 1933 (5 weeks)
29 Leo Reisman Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life 1928 US Billboard 7 - 1928 (5 weeks)
30 Leo Reisman Here in My Arms 1926 US Billboard 7 - May 1926 (3 weeks)
31 Leo Reisman It's De-Lovely 1936 US Billboard 7 - 1936 (6 weeks)
32 Leo Reisman Without That Gal! 1931 US Billboard 8 - 1931 (4 weeks)
33 Leo Reisman I Won't Dance 1935 US Billboard 9 - 1935 (4 weeks)
34 Leo Reisman In the Still of the Night 1937 US Billboard 9 - Dec 1937 (7 weeks)
35 Leo Reisman The Night Was Made for Love 1932 US Billboard 10 - 1932 (4 weeks)
36 Leo Reisman Louisiana Hayride 1932 US Billboard 10 - 1932 (4 weeks)
37 Leo Reisman Loveable 1932 US Billboard 10 - 1932 (4 weeks)
38 Leo Reisman Lovely to Look At 1935 US Billboard 10 - 1935 (4 weeks)
39 Leo Reisman I'll See You Again 1930 US Billboard 10 - 1930 (3 weeks)
40 Leo Reisman Night on the Desert 1934 US Billboard 10 - 1934 (4 weeks)
41 Leo Reisman The Touch of Your Hand 1934 US Billboard 10 - 1934 (5 weeks)
42 Leo Reisman New Sun in the Sky 1931 US Billboard 10 - 1931 (4 weeks)
43 Leo Reisman Do I Love You 1940 US Billboard 7 - 1940 (8 weeks)
44 Leo Reisman Bye Bye, Blackbird 1926 US Billboard 11 - Sep 1926 (1 week)
45 Leo Reisman Don't Let it Bother You 1934 US Billboard 11 - 1934 (3 weeks)
46 Leo Reisman You've Got That Thing 1930 US Billboard 11 - 1930 (3 weeks)
47 Leo Reisman When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain 1931 US Billboard 12 - 1931 (5 weeks)
48 Leo Reisman A Love Tale of Alsace-Lorraine 1929 US Billboard 13 - 1929 (3 weeks)
49 Leo Reisman Honeymoon Hotel 1933 US Billboard 13 - 1933 (3 weeks)
50 Leo Reisman I Kiss Your Hand, Madame 1929 US Billboard 13 - 1929 (3 weeks)
51 Leo Reisman She Didn't Say Yes 1932 US Billboard 13 - 1932 (4 weeks)
52 Leo Reisman You Do Something to Me 1930 US Billboard 13 - 1930 (2 weeks)
53 Leo Reisman Colette 1927 US Billboard 14 - 1927 (2 weeks)
54 Leo Reisman Afterglow 1936 US Billboard 14 - 1936 (5 weeks)
55 Leo Reisman Yours Truly is Truly Yours 1936 US Billboard 14 - 1936 (6 weeks)
56 Leo Reisman Spring is Here 1938 US Billboard 14 - 1938 (3 weeks)
57 Leo Reisman Look What You've Done to Me 1929 US Billboard 15 - 1929 (2 weeks)
58 Leo Reisman Just a Gigolo 1931 US Billboard 15 - 1931 (2 weeks)
59 Leo Reisman Body & Soul 1930 US Billboard 15 - Dec 1930 (2 weeks)
60 Leo Reisman Drums in My Heart 1932 US Billboard 16 - 1932 (2 weeks)
61 Leo Reisman Needle in a Haystack 1934 US Billboard 16 - 1934 (2 weeks)
62 Leo Reisman Around The Corner 1930 US Billboard 17 - 1930 (2 weeks)
63 Leo Reisman Our Big Love Scene 1934 US Billboard 17 - 1934 (3 weeks)
64 Leo Reisman Ill Wind (You're Blowing Me No Good) 1934 US Billboard 17 - 1934 (1 week)
65 Leo Reisman I've Got You On My Mind 1933 US Billboard 17 - 1933 (2 weeks)
66 Leo Reisman Bye Bye Blues 1930 US Billboard 17 - 1930 (1 week)
67 Leo Reisman Maybe It's Because I Love You Too Much 1933 US Billboard 17 - 1933 (1 week)
68 Leo Reisman You & the Night & the Music 1935 US Billboard 18 - 1935 (1 week)
69 Leo Reisman I'm in the Mood For Love 1935 US Billboard 18 - 1935 (1 week)
70 Leo Reisman I Dream Too Much 1935 US Billboard 18 - Dec 1935 (2 weeks)
71 Leo Reisman Tonight is Mine 1934 US Billboard 19 - 1934 (1 week)
72 Leo Reisman I Wanna Woo 1936 US Billboard 19 - 1936 (1 week)
73 Leo Reisman Puttin' on the Ritz 1930 US Billboard 20 - 1930 (1 week)
74 Leo Reisman I Get a Kick Out of You 1935 US Billboard 20 - 1935 (1 week)
75 Leo Reisman Ferryboat Serenade 1940 US Billboard 22 - 1940 (1 week)
76 Leo Reisman I Want to Live (As Long As You Love Me) 1940 US Billboard 23 - 1940 (1 week)
77 Leo Reisman Bewitched (bothered & bewildered) 1941 US Billboard 25 - 1941 (1 week)
78 Leo Reisman This Is Romance 1933 RYM 78 of 1933
79 Leo Reisman Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? 1932 Song of 1932

In addition to the above listed songs Leo Reisman also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Fred Astaire & Leo Reisman Night & Day 1932 US Billboard 1 - 1932 (18 weeks), US invalid BB 1 of 1932, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2004 (1932), POP 1 of 1932, ASCAP song of 1932, Music Imprint 14 of 1930s, Brazil 21 of 1933, nuTsie 34 of 1930s, DMDB 52 (1932), RIAA 195, Acclaimed 1369 (1932), RYM 4 of 1932

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

2 Feb 2016

Double Listing - Yesterdays

#5 & #2 (under Duets) are the same. Joel Whitburn shows the vocalist as being Frank Luther (rather than Fred Astaire).

Given the lack of reliability of the Jazz Standards list we've just assigned the song to Leo Reisman


12 Oct 2015

#77 - Bewitched

I just listened to this recording on You Tube and it's definitely the samesong as Bewitched (Bothered and Bewildered) & should be added to that list. Currently Song Title 92.

Data fixed, thanks

29 May 2015

Double Listing-What Is This Thing Called Love

#9 & #34 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks