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Song title 309 - Puttin' on the Ritz

Puttin' on the Ritz Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Puttin' on the Ritz" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Harry Richman Puttin' on the Ritz 1930 US Billboard 1 - 1930 (8 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2005 (1930), Library of Congress artifact added 2016 (1929), US invalid BB 2 of 1930, POP 2 of 1930, Music Imprint 7 of 1930s, Brazil 21 of 1930, nuTsie 37 of 1930s, Australian Nostalgia 54 of 1930-1939, RIAA 117, Acclaimed 1213 (1930)
2 Taco Puttin' on the Ritz 1983 Sweden (alt) 1 - Aug 1982 (27 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1983, Norway 2 - Oct 1982 (18 weeks), Canada 3 - May 1983 (9 weeks), Springbok 3 - Aug 1983 (17 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jun 1983 (21 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1983), France 5 - Jan 1983 (1 week), Holland 6 - Mar 1982 (16 weeks), Switzerland 6 - Jan 1983 (6 weeks), Austria 8 - Feb 1983 (3 months), Belgium 12 - Feb 1983 (5 weeks), Canada 14 of 1983, South Africa 16 of 1983, US CashBox 19 of 1983, ODK Germany 20 - Oct 1982 (25 weeks), Germany 27 - Nov 1982 (1 month), US BB 31 of 1983, US Radio 40 of 1983 (peak 4 9 weeks), Brazil 57 of 1983, POP 62 of 1983
3 Fred Astaire Puttin' on the Ritz 1930 Peel list 2 of 1930, RYM 1 of 1930
4 Earl Burtnett & his Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Orchestra Puttin' on the Ritz 1930 US Billboard 17 - 1930 (1 week)
5 Leo Reisman Puttin' on the Ritz 1930 US Billboard 20 - 1930 (1 week)
6 Gene Wilder & Peter Boyle Puttin' on the Ritz 1974 AFI 89
7 Terry Snyder Puttin' on the Ritz unknown Scrobulate 77 of swing