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Song artist 928 - Charles Aznavour

Charles Aznavour Region Profile

Charles Aznavour Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Charles Aznavour.A list of the hit albums by Charles Aznavour is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Charles Aznavour She 1974 UK 1 - Jun 1974 (14 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - Jul 1974, Belgium 7 - Aug 1974 (12 weeks), Holland 18 - Aug 1974 (8 weeks), Austria 19 - Oct 1974 (1 month), Scrobulate 35 of uk, Brazil 48 of 1974, UKMIX 786, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Aug 1974), RYM 65 of 1974
2 Charles Aznavour The Old Fashioned Way 1973 Holland 4 - Oct 1973 (11 weeks), Brazil 16 of 1975, Belgium 16 - Nov 1973 (9 weeks), Australia Goset 27 - Oct 1973 (15 weeks), UK 38 - Sep 1973 (15 weeks), RYM 123 of 1973
3 Charles Aznavour La Mamma 1964 France 1 for 1 week - Feb 1964, Flanders 15 - Feb 1964 (1 month), Italy 79 of 1964, France (InfoDisc) 251 of the 1960s (peak 1, 29 weeks, 550k sales estimated, 1963)
4 Charles Aznavour Il faut savoir (Devi sapere) 1961 France 1 for 15 weeks - Aug 1961, Italy 42 of 1962
5 Charles Aznavour La Boheme 1966 France 1 for 3 weeks - Jan 1966, Brazil 42 of 1966
6 Charles Aznavour Et Pourtant 1964 France 1 for 5 weeks - Feb 1964, France (InfoDisc) 271 of the 1960s (peak 5, 21 weeks, 350k sales estimated, 1964)
7 Charles Aznavour Sur Ma Vie 1956 France 1 for 4 weeks - Apr 1956
8 Charles Aznavour Tu T'laisses Aller 1960 France 1 for 3 weeks - Oct 1960
9 Charles Aznavour Que C'est Triste Venice 1964 Flanders 7 - Oct 1964 (3 months), Brazil 78 of 1965
10 Charles Aznavour Les Plaisirs Demodes 1972 France (SNEP) 2 - Apr 1972 (3 months), France 3 - Nov 1972 (5 weeks)
11 Charles Aznavour Yesterday When I Was Young 1970 Holland 3 - Dec 1970 (10 weeks), Belgium 6 - Jan 1971 (6 weeks)
12 Charles Aznavour Viens Au Creux De Mon Epaule 1954 France (50s) 5 of 1954
13 Charles Aznavour Du labt dich gehn 1962 Germany 14 - May 1962 (3 months), RYM 93 of 1962
14 Charles Aznavour Izabelle 1965 Brazil 49 of 1965
15 Charles Aznavour L'Amore e la guerra (L'amour et la guerre) 1962 Italy 52 of 1962
16 Charles Aznavour Desormais 1969 France (SNEP) 4 - Feb 1969 (2 months)
17 Charles Aznavour Nous irons a Verone 1973 France (SNEP) 7 - May 1973 (2 months)
18 Charles Aznavour Comme ils disent 1972 France (SNEP) 8 - Oct 1972 (1 month)
19 Charles Aznavour Emmenez-moi 1968 France (SNEP) 15 - Feb 1968 (1 month)
20 Charles Aznavour Mourir d'aimer 1971 France (SNEP) 8 - Mar 1971 (2 months)
21 Charles Aznavour Quel che non si fa piu (The old fashioned way) 1972 Italy 63 of 1972
22 Charles Aznavour Bon Anniversaire 1971 Italy 94 of 1971
23 Charles Aznavour Mes Emmerdes 1976 Holland 27 - Jun 1976 (5 weeks)
24 Charles Aznavour Ich frag' mich, warum 1962 RYM 93 of 1962
25 Charles Aznavour What Makes a Man 1973 RYM 123 of 1973

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

23 Dec 2015

Charles Aznavour

I am looking for a song with the lyrics "a little glass of wine" I think it isone of his early songs

17 Jul 2014

I am +looking for the song with the lyrics in it of there's a city across the sea

6 Sep 2012

Charles Aznavour

I am looking for cd's in ENGLISH by Charles Aznavour. Parlicular song "After Loving You ", but would like all his ENGLISH CD's Thank You,

We don't sell CDs or supply music, we just list chart entries.

Since you are in the UK there are many souces for these CDs, we would suggest Amazon or iTunes (other sources are also available)

17 Oct 2011

song i am looking for+

I am looking for the Charles Aznavour album with the song pretty shitty days on it i know he sang this song but i cannot find it perhaps it was not the title if anyone knows of it can they email me to let me know where to find it
