Album artist 11 - Prince

This page lists the album chart runs of Prince. A list of songs by Prince can be found
The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.
He released records under the following names Prince,
Prince & the Revolution,
Prince & the New Power Generation, New Power Generation,
Prince (symbol), Love Symbol,
The Artist Formerly Known As..., Victor,
Tora Tora and Slave.
This plethora of names makes him difficult to track.
# |
Artist |
Album Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Prince |
Purple Rain |
1984 |
Billboard 1 - Jul 1984 (101 weeks) (23 weeks at number 1) (35 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 24 weeks - Aug 1984, Library of Congress artifact added 2011 (1984), Canada 1 for 13 weeks - 1984, Australia num 1 for 1 week - Aug 1984, Holland free40 1 of 1984, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2011 (1984), BEA 1 of 1984, US 13 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 1996), UK 2 x Platinum (certified by BPI in May 1990), US Albums 2014-23 peak 2 - Mar 2014 (85 weeks), US sales 13 M (according to RIAA), Grammy in 1984 (Nominated), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1993), US BB 3 of 1984, Sweden 3 - Aug 1984 (27 weeks), Norway 4 - Sep 1984 (17 weeks), ODK Germany 5 - Aug 1984 (51 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Germany 5 - Oct 1984 (22 weeks), US CashBox 6 of 1984, UK 7 - Jul 1984 (91 weeks), Switzerland 7 - Aug 1984 (32 weeks), France Best 7 of 1984, Austria 8 - Jan 1985 (5 months), Australia (Kent) 13 of 1984 (peak 1), Melody Maker 13 of 1984, NARM 16, Defin200 16 (1984), DMDB 22, PopVortex 32 (1984), RS100 39, Global 41 - 19 M claimed, Guiness 44, Acclaimed 49 (1984), France (InfoDisc) 53 of 1984 (peak 8, 15 weeks), Worldwide 54 - 15 M, Internet 55 - 18 M claimed (1984), WXPN 64 (1984), RS Reader's 66, Rolling Stone 72, Virgin 72, Belgium 76 of all time (1984), Billboard200 110, WTMD 110, RYM 7 of 1984, AVrev 43, KEXP 87, Xgau rating A- (1984) |
2 |
Prince |
Sign 'O' The Times |
1987 |
Switzerland 1 - Apr 1987 (21 weeks), France Best 1 of 1987, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2017 (1987), Holland free40 2 of 1987, Melody Maker 2 of 1987, Grammy in 1987 (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1987), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Sep 1990), France 2 X Gold (certified by SNEP Oct 2001), Austria 3 - May 1987 (6 months), Norway 3 - Apr 1987 (13 weeks), BEA 3 of 1987, UK 4 - Apr 1987 (32 weeks), Billboard 6 - Apr 1987 (57 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Sweden 6 - Apr 1987 (21 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 7 - May 2016 (5 weeks), Italy 9 of 1987, ODK Germany 11 - Apr 1987 (27 weeks), Germany 11 - Apr 1987 (11 weeks), Virgin 19, US Albums 2014-23 peak 20 - May 2016 (5 weeks), US CashBox 23 of 1987, France (InfoDisc) 24 of 1987 (peak 4, 24 weeks), Acclaimed 26 (1987), US BB 33 of 1987, PopVortex 40 (1987), DMDB 41, Channel4 56, Belgium 65 of all time (1987), Guiness 84, Rolling Stone 93, Defin200 155 (1987), WXPN 266 (1987), WTMD 398, RYM 1 of 1987, KEXP 619, Xgau rating A+ (1987) |
3 |
Prince |
Batman |
1989 |
UK 1 - Jul 1989 (20 weeks), Billboard 1 - Jul 1989 (36 weeks) (6 weeks at number 1) (10 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 6 weeks - Jul 1989, Canada 1 for 1 week - 1989, Europe num 1 for 7 weeks - Jul 1989, Switzerland 1 - Jul 1989 (19 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1989), Norway 2 - Jul 1989 (12 weeks), Sweden 2 - Jun 1989 (16 weeks), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Nov 1989), France Platinum (certified by SNEP Oct 2001), ODK Germany 3 - Jul 1989 (25 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), Germany 3 - Jul 1989 (15 weeks), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1990), Hong Kong Gold (certified by IFPI-HK in 1990), Austria 7 - Aug 1989 (5 months), Italy 12 of 1989, US CashBox 14 of 1989, Holland free40 19 of 1989, US BB 20 of 1989, France (InfoDisc) 20 of 1989 (peak 1, 36 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 49 of 1989, US Albums 2014-23 peak 61 - May 2016 (2 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 92 - May 2016 (1 week), Global 153 - 7 M claimed, Xgau rating B+ (1989) |
4 |
Prince |
Lovesexy |
1988 |
UK 1 - May 1988 (32 weeks), Europe num 1 for 1 week - May 1988, Switzerland 1 - May 1988 (12 weeks), Sweden 1 - May 1988 (19 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 2 - Jun 1988, Norway 2 - May 1988 (18 weeks), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Aug 1989), France 2 X Gold (certified by SNEP Oct 2001), Austria 3 - Jun 1988 (8 months), France Best 3 of 1988, ODK Germany 4 - May 1988 (24 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Germany 4 - May 1988 (9 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1988), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1989), Holland free40 5 of 1988, Italy 9 of 1988, Billboard 11 - May 1988 (20 weeks), Melody Maker 12 of 1988, France (InfoDisc) 32 of 1988 (peak 9, 20 weeks), US CashBox 35 of 1988, US BB 43 of 1988, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 75 - May 2016 (2 weeks), Acclaimed 2019 (1988), RYM 100 of 1988, Xgau rating B+ (1988) |
5 |
Prince |
The Very Best Of Prince |
2001 |
Billboard 1 - Aug 2001 (52 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (5 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 1 week - May 2016, US Albums 2014-23 peak 1 - Feb 2014 (30 weeks), Canada 1 for 1 week - 2016, New Zealand 1 for 1 - May 2016, UK 2 - Aug 2001 (17 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 2004), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Jan 2004), Canada Gold (certified by CRIA in Feb 2002), ODK Germany 5 - Aug 2001 (14 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Germany 6 - Aug 2001 (5 weeks), Austria 17 - Aug 2001 (2 months), Switzerland 17 - Aug 2001 (5 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 19 of 2015, Norway 22 - Sep 2001 (4 weeks), Sweden 28 - Aug 2001 (3 weeks), the MusicID revenue site album 58 of 2016 |
6 |
Prince |
1999 |
1982 |
Grammy Hall of Fame in 2008 (1982), US 4 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Mar 1999), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Oct 2008), US 5 of 1983, Billboard 7 - Nov 1982 (154 weeks) (12 weeks in top 10), US Albums 2014-23 peak 7 - May 2016 (10 weeks), Melody Maker 7 of 1982, BEA 10 of 1982, US CashBox 18 of 1983, US BB 24 of 1983, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 28 - May 2016 (4 weeks), UK 30 - Sep 1984 (21 weeks), Holland free40 67 of 1982, PopVortex 85 (1982), NARM 85, Defin200 85 (1983), US Longest Running Album 97 1982 (153 weeks), Rolling Stone 163, Acclaimed 183 (1982), WXPN 438 (1982), RYM 23 of 1982, AVrev 92, KEXP 645, Xgau rating A- (1982) |
7 |
Prince |
Around The World In A Day |
1985 |
Billboard 1 - May 1985 (31 weeks) (3 weeks at number 1) (12 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 3 weeks - Jun 1985, Sweden 1 - May 1985 (18 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1985), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Apr 1985), UK 5 - May 1985 (20 weeks), France Best 5 of 1985, US CashBox 8 of 1985, Switzerland 8 - May 1985 (11 weeks), ODK Germany 10 - May 1985 (24 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 10 - May 1985 (7 weeks), Norway 10 - May 1985 (6 weeks), US BB 12 of 1985, Melody Maker 13 of 1985, Austria 29 - May 1985 (2 months), Holland free40 31 of 1985, UK Albums 2013-23 peak 47 - May 2016 (1 week), US Albums 2014-23 peak 51 - May 2016 (4 weeks), Italy 59 of 1985, Acclaimed 1259 (1985), RYM 71 of 1985, Xgau rating B- (1985) |
8 |
Prince |
Diamonds & Pearls |
1991 |
Australia num 1 for 1 week - Jan 1992, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1992), UK 2 - Oct 1991 (57 weeks), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Dec 1991), Billboard 3 - Oct 1991 (45 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Switzerland 3 - Oct 1991 (31 weeks), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1992), Norway 5 - Oct 1991 (9 weeks), Austria 6 - Oct 1991 (8 months), ODK Germany 8 - Oct 1991 (57 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Germany 8 - Oct 1991 (21 weeks), Sweden 8 - Oct 1991 (27 weeks), Holland free40 11 of 1991, US CashBox 12 of 1992, Australia (ARIA) 14 of 1992, France (InfoDisc) 15 of 1991 (peak 8, 50 weeks), US BB 23 of 1991, Melody Maker 24 of 1991, Italy 45 of 1991, Global 131 - 8 M claimed |
9 |
Prince |
Parade |
1986 |
Switzerland 2 - Apr 1986 (15 weeks), Melody Maker 2 of 1986, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 1986), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Mar 1992), France Platinum (certified by SNEP Oct 2001), Billboard 3 - Apr 1986 (27 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), UK 4 - Apr 1986 (26 weeks), France Best 4 of 1986, Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1993), Sweden 5 - Apr 1986 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 6 - Apr 1986 (28 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Germany 6 - Apr 1986 (9 weeks), Holland free40 7 of 1986, Austria 8 - Apr 1986 (4 months), Norway 10 - Apr 1986 (8 weeks), US CashBox 21 of 1986, US BB 25 of 1986, France (InfoDisc) 44 of 1986 (peak 14, 8 weeks), Italy 47 of 1986, Acclaimed 701 (1986), RYM 29 of 1986, Xgau rating A- (1986) |
10 |
Prince |
[Love Symbol] |
1992 |
UK 1 - Oct 1992 (21 weeks), Austria 1 - Oct 1992 (4 months), Australia num 1 for 1 week - Oct 1992, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1992), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in May 1993), Switzerland 4 - Oct 1992 (13 weeks), Billboard 5 - Oct 1992 (35 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), ODK Germany 5 - Oct 1992 (20 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 5 - Oct 1992 (5 weeks), Norway 10 - Oct 1992 (3 weeks), Sweden 10 - Oct 1992 (8 weeks), US BB 43 of 1992, Italy 56 of 1992, France (InfoDisc) 59 of 1992 (peak 4, 13 weeks), Acclaimed 2444 (1992) |
11 |
Prince |
3121 |
2006 |
Billboard 1 - Apr 2006 (16 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (2 weeks in top 10), US num 1 for 1 week - Apr 2006, Europe num 1 for 1 week - Apr 2006, Switzerland 1 - Apr 2006 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Apr 2006 (11 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 4 - Apr 2006 (4 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 2006), Norway 5 - Mar 2006 (7 weeks), UK 9 - Apr 2006 (4 weeks), Sweden 18 - Mar 2006 (5 weeks), Austria 37 - Apr 2006 (1 month), US BB 56 of 2006, Italy 98 of 2006 |
12 |
Prince |
Graffiti Bridge |
1990 |
UK 1 - Sep 1990 (8 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Sep 1990 (9 weeks), Norway 2 - Sep 1990 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Sep 1990 (14 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 4 - Sep 1990 (5 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1990), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Aug 1990), Billboard 6 - Sep 1990 (24 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Sweden 7 - Aug 1990 (8 weeks), Austria 12 - Sep 1990 (3 months), France Best 16 of 1990, Holland free40 19 of 1990, US BB 36 of 1990, US CashBox 41 of 1990, Italy 72 of 1990, France (InfoDisc) 86 of 1990 (peak 24, 10 weeks) |
13 |
Prince |
Musicology |
2004 |
US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2005), Switzerland 2 - May 2004 (9 weeks), Norway 2 - May 2004 (9 weeks), UK 3 - May 2004 (6 weeks), Billboard 3 - May 2004 (26 weeks) (16 weeks in top 10), ODK Germany 4 - May 2004 (13 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Germany 4 - May 2004 (5 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in May 2004), Canada Gold (certified by CRIA in Aug 2004), Sweden 6 - Apr 2004 (6 weeks), US BB 8 of 2004, Austria 10 - May 2004 (1 month), Italy 92 of 2004, the MusicID revenue site album 30 of 2004 |
14 |
Prince |
The Hits, The B-Sides |
1993 |
New Zealand 1 for 2 - Jun 2016, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1993), UK 4 - Sep 1993 (14 weeks), Billboard 4 - Oct 1993 (18 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), US Albums 2014-23 peak 4 - May 2016 (6 weeks), Switzerland 9 - Sep 1993 (7 weeks), Norway 11 - Sep 1993 (3 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 13 - May 2016 (2 weeks), Sweden 19 - Sep 1993 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 58 - Oct 1993 (8 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jun 1995) |
15 |
Prince |
Come |
1994 |
UK 1 - Aug 1994 (8 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Aug 1994 (10 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1994), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Aug 1994), France Gold (certified by SNEP Feb 1995), Norway 7 - Aug 1994 (4 weeks), Sweden 7 - Aug 1994 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 9 - Sep 1994 (11 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 9 - Aug 1994 (3 weeks), Austria 9 - Aug 1994 (3 months), Billboard 15 - Sep 1994 (10 weeks), Italy 71 of 1994, France (InfoDisc) 84 of 1994 (peak 2, 9 weeks) |
16 |
Prince |
The Hits 2 |
1993 |
US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1995), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Jun 1995), UK 5 - Sep 1993 (28 weeks), Sweden 6 - Sep 1993 (7 weeks), Austria 9 - Sep 1993 (4 months), Switzerland 10 - Sep 1993 (8 weeks), Norway 14 - Sep 1993 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 19 - Oct 1993 (11 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 52 - May 2016 (1 week), Billboard 54 - Oct 1993 (19 weeks), Italy 64 of 1993, US Albums 2014-23 peak 100 - Nov 2022 (3 weeks) |
17 |
Prince |
The Hits 1 |
1993 |
US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1995), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Jun 1995), UK 5 - Sep 1993 (27 weeks), Sweden 10 - Sep 1993 (6 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 11 - May 2016 (8 weeks), Austria 11 - Sep 1993 (4 months), Norway 15 - Sep 1993 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 20 - Oct 1993 (11 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Sep 1993 (5 weeks), Billboard 46 - Oct 1993 (20 weeks), Italy 85 of 1993 |
18 |
Prince |
The Gold Experience |
1995 |
UK 4 - Oct 1995 (5 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1995), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Oct 1995), Billboard 6 - Oct 1995 (8 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Switzerland 7 - Oct 1995 (6 weeks), Sweden 11 - Sep 1995 (4 weeks), Norway 12 - Oct 1995 (3 weeks), Austria 31 - Oct 1995 (1 month), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 46 - Jun 2022 (1 week), US BB 61 of 1995, RYM 196 of 1995 |
19 |
Prince |
Emancipation |
1996 |
Switzerland 1 - Dec 1996 (7 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1997), Billboard 11 - Dec 1996 (21 weeks), Austria 13 - Dec 1996 (1 month), UK 18 - Nov 1996 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 21 - Dec 1996 (10 weeks), Sweden 22 - Nov 1996 (1 week), Norway 27 - Dec 1996 (1 week), US BB 83 of 1996 |
20 |
Prince |
Dirty Mind |
1980 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1984), D.Marsh 10 of 1980, RS100 20, Billboard 45 - Nov 1980 (53 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 56 - May 2016 (2 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 61 - May 2016 (1 week), Rolling Stone 204, Acclaimed 450 (1980), RYM 26 of 1980, KEXP 819, Xgau rating A (1980) |
21 |
Prince |
Controversy |
1981 |
US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1985), Billboard 21 - Nov 1981 (65 weeks), Holland free40 51 of 1981, US Albums 2014-23 peak 55 - May 2016 (2 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1981, Acclaimed 2628 (1981), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Nov 1989), RYM 110 of 1981, Xgau rating A- (1981) |
22 |
Prince |
Planet Earth |
2007 |
Switzerland 1 - Aug 2007 (10 weeks), Billboard 3 - Aug 2007 (10 weeks) (1 week in top 10), ODK Germany 7 - Aug 2007 (6 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 7 - Aug 2007 (1 week), Norway 9 - Aug 2007 (4 weeks), Austria 20 - Aug 2007 (1 month), Sweden 35 - Jul 2007 (1 week), US BB 79 of 2007 |
23 |
Prince |
Ultimate |
2006 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 3 - Feb 2014 (11 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Sep 2007), UK 6 - Sep 2006 (15 weeks), Billboard 6 - Sep 2006 (16 weeks) (1 week in top 10), US Albums 2014-23 peak 6 - May 2016 (10 weeks), ODK Germany 19 - May 2016 (3 weeks), Switzerland 58 - Sep 2006 (2 weeks) |
24 |
Prince |
Prince |
1979 |
US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1980), Billboard 22 - Nov 1979 (33 weeks), D.Marsh 27 of 1979, US Albums 2014-23 peak 52 - May 2016 (5 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Nov 2004), Xgau rating B+ (1979) |
25 |
Prince |
The Black Album |
1994 |
Austria 7 - Dec 1994 (3 months), Switzerland 8 - Dec 1994 (10 weeks), UK 36 - Dec 1994 (3 weeks), Billboard 47 - Dec 1994 (11 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Dec 1994 (10 weeks), RYM 192 of 1987, Xgau rating A- (1988) |
26 |
Prince |
Chaos & Disorder |
1996 |
UK 14 - Jul 1996 (4 weeks), Norway 15 - Jul 1996 (4 weeks), Switzerland 21 - Jul 1996 (6 weeks), Billboard 26 - Jul 1996 (4 weeks), Sweden 32 - Jul 1996 (1 week), Austria 37 - Jul 1996 (2 months) |
27 |
Prince |
Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic |
1999 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1999), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Jun 2007), Billboard 18 - Nov 1999 (15 weeks) |
28 |
Prince |
New Power Soul |
1998 |
Billboard 22 - Jul 1998 (8 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Aug 1998 (7 weeks), Austria 36 - Jul 1998 (2 months), UK 38 - Jul 1998 (2 weeks), Norway 40 - Jul 1998 (1 week) |
29 |
Prince |
Lotus Flow3r/Mplsound/Elix3r |
2009 |
Billboard 2 - Apr 2009 (27 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), US BB 85 of 2009 |
30 |
Prince |
2014 |
Billboard 5 - Oct 2014 (10 weeks) (1 week in top 10), US Albums 2014-23 peak 5 - Oct 2014 (10 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 8 - Oct 2014 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 18 - Oct 2014 (5 weeks) |
31 |
Prince |
The Beautiful Experience |
1994 |
Switzerland 21 - May 1994 (1 week), Sweden 32 - May 1994 (2 weeks), Billboard 92 - Jun 1994 (12 weeks), Italy 98 of 1994 |
32 |
Prince |
The Vault... Old Friends 4 Sale |
1999 |
Switzerland 21 - Sep 1999 (5 weeks), Austria 40 - Sep 1999 (1 month), ODK Germany 44 - Sep 1999 (5 weeks), Billboard 85 - Sep 1999 (5 weeks) |
33 |
Prince |
HITnRUN: Phase One |
2015 |
Billboard 48 - Oct 2015 (7 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 48 - Oct 2015 (7 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 50 - Sep 2015 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 53 - Sep 2015 (2 weeks) |
34 |
Prince |
For You |
1978 |
Billboard 138 - Oct 1978 (6 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 138 - May 2016 (1 week), Xgau rating B- (1978) |
35 |
Prince |
HITNRUN: Phase Two |
2016 |
ODK Germany 21 - May 2016 (2 weeks), Billboard 40 - May 2016 (2 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 40 - May 2016 (2 weeks) |
36 |
Prince |
4Ever |
2016 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 21 - Dec 2016 (42 weeks), US Albums 2014-23 peak 33 - Dec 2016 (26 weeks), ODK Germany 87 - Dec 2016 (1 week) |
37 |
Prince |
HITNRUN Phase Two |
2016 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 21 - May 2016 (1 week), Billboard 116 - May 2016 (1 week), US Albums 2014-23 peak 116 - May 2016 (1 week) |
38 |
Prince |
Diamonds And Pearls |
2016 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 50 - May 2016 (3 weeks), Billboard 80 - May 2016 (1 week), US Albums 2014-23 peak 80 - May 2016 (2 weeks) |
39 |
Prince |
Exodus |
1995 |
UK 11 - Apr 1995 (3 weeks), Switzerland 34 - May 1995 (2 weeks) |
40 |
Prince |
Parade: Music From The Motion Picture Under The Cherry Moon |
2016 |
Billboard 50 - May 2016 (1 week), US Albums 2014-23 peak 50 - May 2016 (1 week) |
41 |
Prince |
Crystal Ball |
1998 |
Billboard 62 - Mar 1998 (5 weeks) |
42 |
Prince |
1999 The New Masters (EP) |
1999 |
Billboard 150 - Feb 1999 (1 week) |
43 |
Prince |
The Rainbow Children |
2001 |
Billboard 109 - Dec 2001 (2 weeks) |
44 |
Prince |
Piano & A Microphone 1983 |
2018 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 11 - Oct 2018 (2 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 12 - Sep 2018 (1 week) |
45 |
Prince |
Welcome 2 America |
2021 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 4 - Aug 2021 (2 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 5 - Aug 2021 (1 week) |
46 |
Prince |
The Very Best Of |
2014 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 2 - Feb 2014 (21 weeks) |
47 |
Prince |
Gett Off |
1991 |
UK 33 - Aug 1991 (3 weeks) |
48 |
Prince |
Originals |
2019 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 15 - Jul 2019 (3 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 21 - Jun 2019 (2 weeks) |
49 |
Prince |
The Versace Experience: Prelude 2 Gold |
2019 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 25 - Sep 2019 (1 week), US Albums 2014-23 peak 170 - Sep 2019 (1 week) |
50 |
Prince |
Love Symbol Album |
2016 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 111 - May 2016 (1 week) |
51 |
Prince |
2003 |
ODK Germany 93 - Aug 2003 (2 weeks) |
52 |
Prince |
His Majesty's Pop Life / The Purple Mix Club |
2019 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 184 - Apr 2019 (1 week) |
53 |
Prince |
Prince And The Revolution: Live |
2022 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 22 - Jun 2022 (1 week) |
54 |
Prince |
The Truth |
2021 |
US Albums 2014-23 peak 64 - Jun 2021 (1 week) |
In addition to the above listed albums Prince also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Album Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Prince & 3RDEYEGIRL |
2014 |
Billboard 8 - Oct 2014 (4 weeks) (1 week in top 10), US Albums 2014-23 peak 8 - Oct 2014 (4 weeks), UK Albums 2013-23 peak 11 - Oct 2014 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 31 - Oct 2014 (2 weeks) |
2 |
Prince & The Revolution |
Purple Rain |
2014 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 4 - Sep 2014 (13 weeks) |
3 |
Prince & Kim Basinger |
The Scandalous Sex Suite |
1990 |
Austria 26 - Feb 1990 (1 month) |
4 |
Prince & The Revolution |
Parade |
2016 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 41 - May 2016 (2 weeks) |
5 |
Prince & The Revolution |
Prince And The Revolution: Live |
2022 |
UK Albums 2013-23 peak 21 - Jun 2022 (1 week) |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
6 May 2020
Double Listing - The Very Best Of
#7 & #35 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
28 Apr 2016
The Very Best of Prince went to #1!! Purple Rain went to #2. Prince is onlythe 4th Artist to score two albums at the 1 & 2 spots of the US Hot 200 at the SAME TIME. The Very Best of Prince going to #1 means that he now has 13 #1 Albums PLUS on the Billboard Hot 100 at US 17 is Purple Rain at US 20 is When Doves Cry at US 28 is Kiss at US 29 is Little Red Corvette at US 39 is Let's Go Crazy at US 41 is 1999. 5 top 40 hits in a week!!!!! 2 top 20 hits in a week!!! Incredible!!
19 Jan 2015
Double Listing - The Very Best Of
#20 & #33 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
4 Mar 2013
Corrections (continued)
oh so in other words you're too lazy to fix the errors. the construction ofthis site obviously took more than 90 days...
Reread what we wrote. If you think that it would really take only 20 seconds to research each song, or that anyone could do so for 24 hours a day, let alone spend 90 days doing so... well lets just say your life must be different from ours.
27 Feb 2013
Corrections (continued)
It [The Beautiful Experience] charted on the UK Singles Chart at #18 (at the time in the UK, EPs could only chart on the singles chart), and #92 on the U.S. Billboard 200. As I said "The Beautiful Experience was an Album NOT a single. It does not belong here. Not a whole lot of research on your part and you would easily see this to be true. The fact that there was a time period where EPs could only chart on the singles chart in the UK also means you guys should re-review your data for other songs/albums that came out during this time and be sure you are listing it in the right place. I'm asking that you Please put "The Beautiful Experience" on the "Hit Albums by Prince" Page.
Lastly, It also wouldn't take much research to find that the song "Beautiful Loved and Blessed" was NEVER released as a single and therefore could not chart. I appreciate you changing the year of the song but the fact still remains this song was never released as any type of single (promo, stand alone, digital etc.) off the 3121 album. Having it up as a "hit" is innacurate. Again thank you for your time it is appreciated.
EPs are listed as albums in some places and singles in others. Our decision is that, in countries where it is listed in the singles chart, we will list it as a single. It doesn't matter if the item was actually a single, album or boxed set, if the chart lists it as a single it shows up in our singles chart. We try not to interpret the source chart's decision, we try to list what the source chart says (as far as we can).
So, no, we can't put "The Beautiful Experience" into the album chart, because it was not listed in any of the source charts for albums.
You say it "wouldn't take much reaseach" to have found the issue with the bad listing. We have 394,058 entries of songs, albums and artists, if we were to spend 20 seconds researching each song, and do that for 24 hours a day it would take more than 90 days to check all the entries.
Finally the song you mention is listed in the source chart as being number 1 in Japan, that counts as a hit.
9 Sep 2012
I can't believe Lovesexy beat Sign O' the Times ... oh well, it was very successful worldwide even if not in the states, thanks for your list!
You'll note that on Prince's album page they are the other way round, so it depends how you calculate the result (the greatest chart list is less sensative to the source charts that are available).