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Song title 30 - Let's Dance

Let's Dance Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Let's Dance" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 David Bowie Let's Dance 1983 UK 1 - Mar 1983 (16 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Mar 1983 (20 weeks), Canada 1 - Mar 1983 (16 weeks), Holland 1 - Mar 1983 (11 weeks), Sweden (alt) 1 - Apr 1983 (20 weeks), France 1 - Mar 1983 (5 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Apr 1983 (11 weeks), Norway 1 - Mar 1983 (17 weeks), Belgium 1 - Apr 1983 (12 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1983, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Apr 1983, New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1983, Europe 1 for 9 weeks - May 1983, France 1 for 1 week - May 1983, Spain 1 for 1 week - May 1983, France (SNEP) 2 - May 1983 (4 months), Austria 2 - May 1983 (3 months), Germany 2 - Apr 1983 (4 months), ODK Germany 2 - Apr 1983 (23 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), Springbok 2 - Apr 1983 (16 weeks), Canada 3 of 1983, US CashBox 4 of 1983, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1983), Poland 5 - Apr 1983 (8 weeks), KROQ 6 of 1983, US Radio 10 of 1983 (peak 1 12 weeks), Switzerland 10 of 1983, US BB 18 of 1983, ARC 19 of 1983 (peak 1 14 weeks), Italy 19 of 1983, Holland free40 22 of 1983, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 23 - Jan 2016 (2 weeks), Australia 24 of 1983, Scrobulate 40 of 80s, POP 47 of 1983, France (InfoDisc) 53 of the 1980s (peak 2, 25 weeks, 873k sales estimated, 1983), Germany 172 of the 1980s (peak 2 15 weeks), Belgium 258 of all time, Acclaimed 1445 (1983), RYM 32 of 1983
2 Chris Montez Let's Dance 1962 Flanders 1 - Nov 1962 (4 months), Europarade 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 1962, UK 2 - Oct 1962 (18 weeks), Canada 2 - Aug 1962 (15 weeks), Norway 2 - Nov 1962 (10 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Aug 1962 (14 weeks), NZ Lever 4 - Oct 1962 (5 weeks), Germany 7 - Jan 1963 (4 months), US invalid BB 7 of 1962, POP 7 of 1962, Austria 12 - Feb 1973 (2 months), DDD 29 of 1962, WABC NY 43 of 1962, US Radio 46 of 1962 (peak 4 7 weeks), UKMIX 52, US CashBox 60 of 1962, US BB 68 of 1962, Brazil 85 of 1963, Germany 287 of the 1960s (peak 7 17 weeks), RYM 120 of 1962
3 Five Let's Dance 2001 UK 1 - Aug 2001 (12 weeks), Belgium 9 - Aug 2001 (11 weeks), Holland 22 - Aug 2001 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 30 - Sep 2001 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 54 - Aug 2001 (5 weeks), Italy 86 of 2001
4 Cats Let's Dance 1972 Holland 2 - May 1972 (18 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Jul 1972 (14 weeks), Belgium 2 - May 1972 (15 weeks), Germany 5 - Jun 1972 (7 months), Austria 18 - Jan 1973 (4 months), Germany 131 of the 1970s (peak 3 24 weeks)
5 Chris Rea Let's Dance 1987 Springbok 4 - Aug 1987 (20 weeks), UK 12 - Jun 1987 (10 weeks), ODK Germany 19 - Jul 1987 (14 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Aug 1987 (4 weeks), Germany 23 - Aug 1987 (1 month), Poland 32 - Jul 1987 (8 weeks), US Billboard 81 - Aug 1987 (5 weeks)
6 Ola & the Janglers Let's Dance 1969 Denmark 18 of 1969, Keener 22 - May 1969 (3 weeks), US Billboard 92 - May 1969 (3 weeks)
7 Hi-Tack Let's Dance 2007 UK 38 - Sep 2007 (3 weeks)
8 Bruno Brookes & Liz Kershaw Let's Dance 1990 UK 54 - Dec 1990 (2 weeks)
9 Middlesbrough FC & Bob Mortimer & Chris Rea Let's Dance 1997 UK 44 - May 1997 (1 week)
10 Sweet Tee Let's Dance 1989 UK 79 - Jun 1989 (2 weeks)
11 Rockolas & Mike Read Let's Dance 1983 UK 91 - Jan 1983 (2 weeks)
12 Wally Tax Let's Dance 1977 Holland 31 - Jan 1977 (4 weeks)
13 Bombers Let's Dance 1979 UK 58 - Aug 1979 (3 weeks)
14 Benny Goodman Let's Dance 1943 RYM 37 of 1943
15 Floyd Dixon Let's Dance 1951 RYM 99 of 1951

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

2 Sep 2014

'Song title 29'- Let's Dance' page

I remeber two other groups producing the song 'Let's Dance' besides Chris Montez in the sixties. At one time I had all three, but now only two. Can you identify them? Thank you, Randy