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Song artist 254 - Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin Region Profile

Led Zeppelin Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Led Zeppelin.A list of the hit albums by Led Zeppelin is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

Formed in part of the reorganisation of The Yardbirds, named by Keith Moon (of The Who). Robert Plant was the only member with his own listing.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love 1970 France 1 - Jan 1970 (4 weeks), Germany 1 - Mar 1970 (3 months), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1970, Australia Goset 1 - Feb 1970 (18 weeks), Germany 1 for 7 weeks - Mar 1970, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1969), TheQ 1, DDD 1 of 1969, Canada 2 - Dec 1969 (9 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Nov 1969 (15 weeks), Record World 4 - 1970, Holland 4 - Dec 1969 (14 weeks), NZ Listner 4 - Mar 1970 (6 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1970), Keener 5 - Nov 1969 (11 weeks), Switzerland 5 - Mar 1970 (13 weeks), Springbok 6 - Feb 1970 (7 weeks), Flanders 8 - Feb 1970 (2 months), Australia 11 of 1970, Europe 11 of the 1960s (1969), Scrobulate 11 of classic rock, nuTsie 18 of 1960s, UK 21 - Sep 1997 (5 weeks), Canada 23 of 1970, D.Marsh 33 of 1969, POP 38 of 1970, US Radio 43 of 1970 (peak 4 8 weeks), Belgium 48 of all time, US CashBox 54 of 1970, WABC NY 54 of 1970, DMDB 70 (1969), Poland 74 of all time, Rolling Stone 75, Acclaimed 85 (1969), KQV 99 of 1970, Germany 120 of the 1970s (peak 1 13 weeks), WXPN 400, RYM 8 of 1969, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven 1971 France 1 - Feb 1972 (5 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2003 (1971), DDD 1 of 1971, Scrobulate 1 of classic rock, nuTsie 1 of 1970s, Belgium 2 of all time, Poland 3 of all time, POP 4 of 1971, Norway 5 - Nov 2007 (5 weeks), TheQ 5, Europe 6 of the 1970s (1971), Acclaimed 6 (1971), DMDB 7 (1971), Vinyl Surrender 7 (1971), OzNet 13, 14 in 2FM list, WXPN 14, ODK Germany 15 - May 2008 (7 weeks), Germany 2000s 15 - Apr 2010 (5 weeks), Switzerland 17 - Nov 2007 (12 weeks), Virgin 19, Rolling Stone 31, UK 37 - Nov 2007 (10 weeks), RIAA 53, RYM 8 of 1972, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Led Zeppelin Immigrant Song 1971 France 1 - Dec 1970 (3 weeks), Canada 2 - Dec 1970 (12 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Jan 1971 (10 weeks), Springbok 7 - Feb 1971 (8 weeks), Record World 10 - 1971, Germany 10 - Jan 1971 (5 months), Holland 11 - Jan 1971 (8 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Nov 1970 (14 weeks), Australia Goset 16 - Feb 1971 (16 weeks), POP 22 of 1971, DDD 60 of 1970, Scrobulate 64 of rock, WABC NY 68 of 1971, Canada 92 of 1971, US Radio 139 of 1971 (peak 16 3 weeks), TheQ 213, RYM 4 of 1970
4 Led Zeppelin Black Dog 1972 Switzerland 6 - Feb 1972 (8 weeks), Keener 9 - Dec 1971 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 9 - Feb 1972 (13 weeks), Record World 10 - 1972, Canada 14 - Jan 1972 (7 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Jan 1972 (11 weeks), Scrobulate 18 of classic rock, DDD 20 of 1971, Holland 22 - Jan 1972 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 28 of 1971, Belgium 29 - Mar 1972 (2 weeks), TheQ 35, POP 48 of 1972, nuTsie 85 of 1970s, US Radio 137 of 1972 (peak 15 2 weeks), Rolling Stone 294, WXPN 872, Acclaimed 1179 (1971), RYM 15 of 1971
5 Led Zeppelin Kashmir 1975 France 1 - May 1975 (12 weeks), DDD 4 of 1975, Scrobulate 20 of classic rock, Poland 31 of all time, nuTsie 45 of 1970s, TheQ 61, Switzerland 64 - Nov 2007 (3 weeks), UK 80 - Nov 2007 (3 weeks), WXPN 96, Vinyl Surrender 103 (1975), Rolling Stone 140, Acclaimed 315 (1975), Guardian Rock 25
6 Led Zeppelin D'Yer Mak'er 1973 France 2 - Nov 1973 (4 weeks), Canada 7 - Jan 1974 (8 weeks), Poland 7 - Aug 1991 (18 weeks), Record World 15 - 1973, US Billboard 20 - Oct 1973 (16 weeks), POP 37 of 1973, DDD 77 of 1973, US CashBox 90 of 1974, TheQ 108, US Radio 144 of 1973 (peak 20 1 week), RYM 63 of 1973
7 Led Zeppelin Rock 'n' Roll 1972 POP 4 of 1972, TheQ 13, DDD 17 of 1971, Germany 18 - May 1972 (3 months), Belgium 30 - Jun 1972 (2 weeks), Record World 38 - 1972, US Billboard 47 - Mar 1972 (7 weeks), nuTsie 69 of 1970s, Scrobulate 79 of classic rock, Acclaimed 338 (1971), WXPN 539, RYM 15 of 1972, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
8 Led Zeppelin Fool in the Rain 1979 Canada 1 - Dec 1979 (13 weeks), US Billboard 21 - Dec 1979 (12 weeks), D.Marsh 28 of 1979, Record World 34 - 1980, Scrobulate 60 of upbeat, Canada 82 of 1980, TheQ 254, WXPN 672
9 Led Zeppelin Dazed & Confused 1969 France 1 - Mar 1970 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 6 of classic rock, DDD 7 of 1969, nuTsie 68 of 1960s, WXPN 275, Acclaimed 1823 (1969), one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
10 Led Zeppelin Over the Hills & Far Away 1973 DDD 28 of 1973, Record World 31 - 1973, Scrobulate 41 of classic rock, US Billboard 51 - Jun 1973 (8 weeks), POP 70 of 1973, TheQ 160, WXPN 210, RYM 20 of 1973
11 Led Zeppelin Heartbreaker 1969 DDD 13 of 1969, Scrobulate 31 of classic rock, TheQ 156, Rolling Stone 320, Acclaimed 911 (1969), RYM 49 of 1970
12 Led Zeppelin Since I've Been Loving You 1970 Scrobulate 78 of classic rock, Poland 94 of all time, Vinyl Surrender 197 (1970), WXPN 562, Acclaimed 1143 (1970)
13 Led Zeppelin Good Times Bad Times 1969 Holland 19 - May 1969 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 53 of hard rock, DDD 56 of 1969, US Billboard 80 - Mar 1969 (4 weeks), RYM 17 of 1969
14 Led Zeppelin The Ocean 1973 Germany 11 - Jun 1973 (2 months), Scrobulate 76 of guitar, TheQ 244, RYM 26 of 1973
15 Led Zeppelin All of My Love 1979 Canada 2 - Sep 1979 (14 weeks), France 4 - Nov 1979 (3 weeks), TheQ 367
16 Led Zeppelin Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman) 1969 DDD 13 of 1969, US Billboard 65 - Mar 1970 (5 weeks), POP 71 of 1970, TheQ 156, RYM 8 of 1969
17 Led Zeppelin Going to California 1971 Scrobulate 19 of classic rock, DDD 71 of 1971, TheQ 121, WXPN 318
18 Led Zeppelin The Battle of Evermore 1971 Scrobulate 67 of classic rock, WXPN 669, Acclaimed 1572 (1971)
19 Led Zeppelin Trampled Under Foot 1975 US Billboard 38 - Apr 1975 (7 weeks), Record World 39 - 1975, RYM 33 of 1975
20 Led Zeppelin Communication Breakdown 1969 Scrobulate 40 of classic rock, DDD 79 of 1969, RYM 17 of 1969, Guardian Rock 24
21 Led Zeppelin Misty Mountain Hop 1971 Scrobulate 35 of hard rock, TheQ 298, RYM 15 of 1971
22 Led Zeppelin No Quarter 1973 Scrobulate 77 of hard rock, Acclaimed 1294 (1973)
23 Led Zeppelin The Crunge 1973 Scrobulate 53 of nice elevator music, RYM 63 of 1973
24 Led Zeppelin Dancing Days 1973 Scrobulate 91 of best mouth in rock, RYM 20 of 1973
25 Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy 1975 DDD 97 of 1975
26 Led Zeppelin Ramble On unknown Scrobulate 16 of classic rock, TheQ 389, WXPN 409, Rolling Stone 433
27 Led Zeppelin Gallows Pole unknown Scrobulate 82 of guitar, TheQ 206
28 Led Zeppelin Thank You unknown TheQ 466, WXPN 625
29 Led Zeppelin When the Levee Breaks unknown Scrobulate 30 of classic rock, WXPN 422
30 Led Zeppelin Tangerine unknown Scrobulate 52 of guitar, WXPN 384
31 Led Zeppelin Ten Years Gone unknown Scrobulate 62 of hard rock, WXPN 514
32 Led Zeppelin That's the Way unknown Scrobulate 63 of hard rock, WXPN 827
33 Led Zeppelin What is & Should Never Be unknown Scrobulate 69 of classic rock, WXPN 870
34 Led Zeppelin Black Country Woman 1975 RYM 33 of 1975
35 Led Zeppelin Four Sticks 1972 RYM 15 of 1972
36 Led Zeppelin Hey Hey What Can I Do 1970 RYM 4 of 1970
37 Led Zeppelin Bring it on home 1970 RYM 49 of 1970
38 Led Zeppelin You Shook Me unknown Scrobulate 30 of blues
39 Led Zeppelin Carouselambra unknown Scrobulate 41 of my music
40 Led Zeppelin Achilles' Last Stand unknown Scrobulate 43 of hard rock
41 Led Zeppelin I can't quit you baby unknown Scrobulate 63 of blues
42 Led Zeppelin Travelling Riverside Blues unknown Scrobulate 64 of blues
43 Led Zeppelin The Lemon Song unknown Scrobulate 83 of guitar
44 Led Zeppelin Moby Dick unknown Scrobulate 83 of hard rock
45 Led Zeppelin Babe I'm Gonna Leave You unknown Scrobulate 88 of classic rock
46 Led Zeppelin How many more times? unknown Scrobulate 93 of blues
47 Led Zeppelin Rain Song unknown WXPN 394

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

6 Oct 2014

Out on The Tiles+

Out on The Tiles -song fromthied album(John Bonham cearion); Friends -song(the most mystic); In My Time of Dying -song(the most powerful!)

17 Aug 2011

Led Zeppelin

Song 7 & 36 is probably the same.

We're sure you are correct, the data has been fixed, thanks for the input