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Album artist 799 - Warren Zevon

Warren Zevon Region Profile

Warren Zevon Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Warren Zevon. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Warren Zevon Excitable Boy 1978 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1997), Billboard 8 - Feb 1978 (28 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), US 70s 8 - May 1978 (1 month), D.Marsh 11 of 1978, US BB 39 of 1978, US CashBox 66 of 1978, Holland free40 86 of 1978, WXPN 149 (1978), WTMD 228, Radio Caroline 234 (1978), Acclaimed 1651 (1978), RYM 14 of 1978, Xgau rating A- (1978)
2 Warren Zevon The Wind 2003 Norway 11 - Sep 2003 (4 weeks), Billboard 12 - Sep 2003 (18 weeks), Holland free40 40 of 2003, UK 57 - Sep 2003 (1 week), US BB 145 of 2003, WXPN 585 (2003), WTMD 786, Acclaimed 1730 (2003), RYM 187 of 2003
3 Warren Zevon Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School 1980 Billboard 20 - Mar 1980 (16 weeks), D.Marsh 23 of 1980, Holland free40 24 of 1980, US CashBox 97 of 1980, RYM 176 of 1980, Xgau rating B- (1980)
4 Warren Zevon Warren Zevon 1976 Billboard 189 - Aug 1976 (2 weeks), WTMD 523, WXPN 571 (1976), Acclaimed 834 (1976), RYM 26 of 1976, Xgau rating B+ (1976)
5 Warren Zevon Sentimental Hygiene 1987 Norway 11 - Jul 1987 (8 weeks), Sweden 24 - Jul 1987 (5 weeks), Billboard 63 - Jun 1987 (18 weeks), RYM 80 of 1987, Xgau rating A- (1987)
6 Warren Zevon The Envoy 1982 Holland free40 25 of 1982, Billboard 93 - Aug 1982 (13 weeks), Xgau rating A- (1982)
7 Warren Zevon A Quiet Normal Life-the Best Of Warren Zevon 1986 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1998), Xgau rating A- (1986)
8 Warren Zevon Stand in the Fire 1980 Billboard 80 - Jan 1981 (10 weeks), RYM 45 of 1980, Xgau rating A- (1980)
9 Warren Zevon Life'll Kill Ya 2000 Billboard 173 - Feb 2000 (1 week), RYM 197 of 2000
10 Warren Zevon Learning To Flinch 1993 Billboard 198 - May 1993 (1 week)
11 Warren Zevon Genius: The Best Of Warren Zevon 2003 Billboard 168 - Sep 2003 (1 week)
12 Warren Zevon Transverse City 1989 Xgau rating B+ (1989)