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Song artist 87 - Eddie Fisher

Eddie Fisher Region Profile

Eddie Fisher Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Eddie Fisher. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Eddie Fisher I'm Walking Behind You 1953 UK 1 - May 1953 (18 weeks), US Billboard 1 - May 1953 (25 weeks), US 1940s 1 - May 1953 (22 weeks), US 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1953, US CashBox 1 - May 1953 (26 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1953, UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Apr 1953 (31 weeks), US BB 4 of 1953, Your Hit Parade 6 of 1953, DZE 6 of 1953, US invalid BB 16 of 1953, POP 23 of 1953, UKMIX 186, RYM 119 of 1953
2 Eddie Fisher I Need You Now 1954 US Billboard 1 - Sep 1954 (24 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Sep 1954 (16 weeks), US 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 1954, US CashBox 1 - Aug 1954 (28 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Mar 1955, Your Hit Parade 2 of 1954, DZE 10 of 1954, UK 13 - Oct 1954 (10 weeks), US BB 13 of 1954, US invalid BB 16 of 1954, POP 19 of 1954, UK 40s Sheet Music 20 - Nov 1954 (2 weeks), Brazil 80 of 1955, RYM 124 of 1954
3 Eddie Fisher Oh My Papa (O Mein Papa) 1954 US Billboard 1 - Dec 1953 (19 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Dec 1953 (19 weeks), US 1 for 8 weeks - Jan 1954, US CashBox 1 - Dec 1953 (20 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - May 1954, DZE 3 of 1954, US BB 6 of 1954, UK 9 - Jan 1954 (4 weeks), US invalid BB 9 of 1954, Your Hit Parade 19 of 1954, POP 22 of 1954, Brazil 37 of 1954, RYM 123 of 1954
4 Eddie Fisher Wish You Were Here 1952 US Billboard 1 - Jul 1952 (21 weeks), US CashBox 2 - Jul 1952 (28 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Jul 1952 (20 weeks), US BB 7 of 1952, UK 40s Sheet Music 7 - Oct 1953 (16 weeks), UK 8 - Nov 1953 (9 weeks), Your Hit Parade 12 of 1952, US invalid BB 16 of 1952, POP 25 of 1952, RYM 66 of 1952
5 Eddie Fisher Anytime 1952 Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Aug 1952, US Billboard 2 - Dec 1951 (30 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Dec 1951 (24 weeks), US CashBox 3 - Dec 1951 (33 weeks), US BB 12 of 1952, Your Hit Parade 21 of 1952, Brazil 75 of 1953, RYM 155 of 1952
6 Eddie Fisher Cindy, Oh Cindy 1956 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1957, Flanders 2 - May 1957 (3 months), UK 5 - Nov 1956 (16 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Oct 1956 (13 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Oct 1956 (19 weeks), US BB 58 of 1956, UKMIX 750
7 Eddie Fisher Outside of Heaven 1952 UK 1 - Jan 1953 (17 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Dec 1952 (23 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Oct 1952 (13 weeks), US 1940s 10 - Oct 1952 (12 weeks), US CashBox 13 - Oct 1952 (18 weeks), UKMIX 244, RYM 149 of 1953
8 Eddie Fisher Tell Me Why 1952 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1952, US CashBox 2 - Dec 1951 (29 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jan 1952 (19 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Jan 1952 (16 weeks), US BB 28 of 1952, RYM 130 of 1952
9 Eddie Fisher Lady of Spain 1952 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1953, US Billboard 6 - Sep 1952 (17 weeks), US CashBox 6 - Oct 1952 (24 weeks), Your Hit Parade 6 of 1952, US 1940s 9 - Oct 1952 (16 weeks), RYM 128 of 1952
10 Eddie Fisher Downhearted 1953 UK 3 - May 1953 (15 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Feb 1953 (12 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 6 - Apr 1953 (20 weeks), US 1940s 15 - Mar 1953 (3 weeks), US CashBox 16 - Feb 1953 (12 weeks), UKMIX 612
11 Eddie Fisher I am Yours 1952 US CashBox 2 - May 1952 (23 weeks), US Billboard 3 - May 1952 (19 weeks), US 1940s 5 - May 1952 (17 weeks), US BB 20 of 1952, RYM 129 of 1952
12 Eddie Fisher Count Your Blessings 1954 Oscar in 1954 (film 'White Christmas') (Nominated), US Billboard 5 - Oct 1954 (15 weeks), US 1940s 6 - Nov 1954 (8 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Oct 1954 (21 weeks)
13 Eddie Fisher Dungaree Doll 1955 US Billboard 7 - Dec 1955 (19 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Dec 1955 (15 weeks), Flanders 8 - Feb 1956 (1 month), US BB 56 of 1956
14 Eddie Fisher Even Now 1953 US Billboard 7 - Jan 1953 (8 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Jan 1953 (12 weeks), US 1940s 12 - Jan 1953 (5 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 24 - Apr 1953 (1 week)
15 Eddie Fisher Many Times 1953 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1953 (16 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Oct 1953 (12 weeks), US CashBox 8 - Sep 1953 (20 weeks), Your Hit Parade 13 of 1953
16 Eddie Fisher Thinking of You 1950 US CashBox 2 - Oct 1950 (22 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Oct 1950 (18 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Oct 1950 (12 weeks)
17 Eddie Fisher With These Hands 1953 US Billboard 7 - Jul 1953 (14 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Jul 1953 (14 weeks), US CashBox 8 - Jul 1953 (20 weeks), US BB 28 of 1953
18 Eddie Fisher Everything I Have is Yours 1952 UK 8 - Jan 1953 (5 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Jan 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 41 - Dec 1952 (5 weeks)
19 Eddie Fisher Forgive Me 1952 US Billboard 7 - Mar 1952 (17 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Mar 1952 (15 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Mar 1952 (22 weeks)
20 Eddie Fisher Trust in Me 1952 UK 40s Sheet Music 11 - Jul 1952 (19 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Feb 1952 (2 weeks), US CashBox 25 - Jan 1952 (8 weeks)
21 Eddie Fisher A Girl, a Girl (Zoom-Ba Di Alli Nella) 1954 US Billboard 6 - Mar 1954 (14 weeks), US CashBox 6 - Mar 1954 (15 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Mar 1954 (11 weeks)
22 Eddie Fisher (I'm Always Hearing) Wedding Bells 1955 UK 5 - Mar 1955 (11 weeks), US CashBox 13 - Feb 1955 (7 weeks), US Billboard 20 - Apr 1955 (1 week)
23 Eddie Fisher Turn Back The Hands Of Time 1951 US Billboard 8 - Sep 1951 (14 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Oct 1951 (12 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Oct 1951 (20 weeks)
24 Eddie Fisher Bring Back The Thrill 1951 US CashBox 9 - Feb 1951 (16 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Feb 1951 (14 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Feb 1951 (10 weeks)
25 Eddie Fisher Unless 1951 US CashBox 8 - May 1951 (16 weeks), US Billboard 17 - May 1951 (11 weeks), US 1940s 17 - May 1951 (6 weeks)
26 Eddie Fisher Green Years 1954 US Billboard 8 - Jun 1954 (8 weeks), US CashBox 13 - Jun 1954 (15 weeks), US 1940s 16 - Jul 1954 (2 weeks)
27 Eddie Fisher Anema E Core (With All My Heart And Soul) 1954 US CashBox 12 - Mar 1954 (12 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Apr 1954 (4 weeks), US 1940s 14 - Apr 1954 (4 weeks)
28 Eddie Fisher My Friend 1954 US CashBox 12 - May 1954 (14 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Jun 1954 (8 weeks), US 1940s 15 - Jun 1954 (4 weeks)
29 Eddie Fisher That's The Chance You Take 1952 US Billboard 10 - Apr 1952 (9 weeks), US CashBox 16 - Apr 1952 (14 weeks)
30 Eddie Fisher Heart 1955 US Billboard 6 - May 1955 (13 weeks), US CashBox 12 - Apr 1955 (17 weeks)
31 Eddie Fisher I'll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms) 1951 US Billboard 18 - Jul 1951 (9 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Aug 1951 (7 weeks)
32 Eddie Fisher How Do You Speak To An Angel? 1953 US Billboard 14 - Mar 1953 (5 weeks), US CashBox 25 - Feb 1953 (12 weeks)
33 Eddie Fisher Just Another Polka 1953 US CashBox 18 - May 1953 (16 weeks), US Billboard 24 - May 1953 (4 weeks)
34 Eddie Fisher Song of the Dreamer 1955 US CashBox 10 - Jul 1955 (17 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Aug 1955 (8 weeks)
35 Eddie Fisher Just a Little Lovin' Will Go a Long, Long Way 1952 US Billboard 20 - Jun 1952 (4 weeks), US CashBox 35 - May 1952 (14 weeks)
36 Eddie Fisher The Hand Of Fate 1952 US Billboard 24 - Jul 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 30 - Aug 1952 (4 weeks)
37 Eddie Fisher I Remember When 1952 US Billboard 29 - Jun 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 31 - Jul 1952 (4 weeks)
38 Eddie Fisher Fanny 1954 US CashBox 18 - Oct 1954 (13 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Nov 1954 (1 week)
39 Eddie Fisher Heaven Was Never Like This 1954 US Billboard 21 - Aug 1954 (4 weeks), US CashBox 27 - Aug 1954 (7 weeks)
40 Eddie Fisher A Man Chases a Girl (Until She Catches Him) 1955 US Billboard 16 - Mar 1955 (2 weeks), US CashBox 16 - Feb 1955 (6 weeks)
41 Eddie Fisher Everybody's Got A Home But Me 1955 US Billboard 20 - Dec 1955 (12 weeks), US CashBox 34 - Dec 1955 (8 weeks)
42 Eddie Fisher I Wanna Go Where You Go, Do What You Do (Then I'll Be Happy) 1955 US CashBox 26 - Oct 1955 (6 weeks), US Billboard 75 - Nov 1955 (2 weeks)
43 Eddie Fisher Magic Fingers 1955 US CashBox 33 - Oct 1955 (6 weeks), US Billboard 52 - Nov 1955 (4 weeks)
44 Eddie Fisher Games That Lovers Play (Eine Ganze Nacht) 1966 Record World 17 - 1966, Canada 41 - Nov 1966 (4 weeks), US Billboard 45 - Oct 1966 (9 weeks)
45 Eddie Fisher Without You 1956 US CashBox 28 - Mar 1956 (6 weeks), US Billboard 41 - Apr 1956 (7 weeks)
46 Eddie Fisher Sweet Heartaches 1956 US CashBox 35 - Jun 1956 (5 weeks), US Billboard 42 - Jun 1956 (12 weeks)
47 Eddie Fisher No Other One 1956 US CashBox 29 - Mar 1956 (5 weeks), US Billboard 65 - Apr 1956 (8 weeks)
48 Eddie Fisher Sayonara 1958 Italy 93 of 1958
49 Eddie Fisher Milk & Honey 1961 Canada 2 - Dec 1961 (12 weeks)
50 Eddie Fisher Just To Be With You 1953 US Billboard 18 - Oct 1953 (1 week)
51 Eddie Fisher Pa-paya Mama 1953 US 1940s 19 - Nov 1953 (1 week)
52 Eddie Fisher Christmas Day 1952 US Billboard 22 - Dec 1952 (1 week)
53 Eddie Fisher You're All I Want For Christmas 1953 US Billboard 22 - Jan 1953 (1 week)
54 Eddie Fisher Just One More Time 1955 US CashBox 27 - Apr 1955 (5 weeks)
55 Eddie Fisher Take My Love 1955 US CashBox 36 - Apr 1955 (7 weeks)
56 Eddie Fisher Don't Stay Away Too Long 1955 US CashBox 41 - Jul 1955 (6 weeks)
57 Eddie Fisher On the Street Where You Live 1956 US Billboard 18 - Jun 1956 (15 weeks)
58 Eddie Fisher Adorable 1955 US CashBox 49 - Nov 1955 (1 week)
59 Eddie Fisher Oh My Maria 1956 US Billboard 80 - Sep 1956 (1 week)
60 Eddie Fisher Sunshine Girl 1957 US Billboard 94 - Jun 1957 (1 week)
61 Eddie Fisher Someday Soon 1957 US Billboard 94 - Jan 1957 (1 week)
62 Eddie Fisher Tonight My Heart Will Be Crying 1957 US Billboard 96 - Apr 1957 (1 week)
63 Eddie Fisher Tonight 1961 US Billboard 44 - Nov 1961 (6 weeks)
64 Eddie Fisher People Like You 1967 US Billboard 97 - Feb 1967 (3 weeks)

In addition to the above listed songs Eddie Fisher also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Perry Como & Eddie Fisher Maybe 1952 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1952 (18 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Jun 1952 (13 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Jun 1952 (17 weeks)
2 Perry Como & Eddie Fisher Watermelon Weather 1952 US CashBox 16 - Jun 1952 (10 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jun 1952 (6 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

30 May 2016

Double Listing - Many Times

#17 & #48 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

25 Dec 2015

#17 - Many Times

This reached #7 (12 weeks) in the US Best Sellers Chart (US 1940s) in October 1953.

24 Apr 2014

Papaya mama

Pa pays mama is a song recorded by perry como alone. It's not a duet with Eddie fisher.

That looks correct. We've changed the data, thanks

1 Feb 2013

Eddie Fisher (Never)

In May 1952, Eddie Fisher had a No.2(18 wks) with the song (NEVER)on UK Sheet Music Charts. In UK, NME Chart only started 15 Nov 52 but still I could not locate the song on any chart.

Did the song really exist and if so what was the A side of that single. +Thanks, Maurice from Canada

We have a listing of the UK Sheet Music Charts but that song is not in it.