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Song artist 390 - The Detroit Spinners

The Detroit Spinners Region Profile

The Detroit Spinners Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Detroit Spinners.A list of the hit albums by The Detroit Spinners is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Detroit Spinners Working My Way Back to You 1980 UK 1 - Feb 1980 (16 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1980, US Billboard 2 - Dec 1979 (24 weeks), Record World 2 - 1980, Holland 2 - Apr 1980 (12 weeks), Belgium 2 - May 1980 (10 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1980), WABC NY 6 of 1980, Switzerland 8 - Jun 1980 (7 weeks), Germany 13 - May 1980 (3 months), US BB 14 of 1980, ARC 18 of 1980 (peak 2 16 weeks), US Radio 18 of 1980 (peak 2 12 weeks), US CashBox 20 of 1980, D.Marsh 30 of 1979, Canada 44 of 1980, POP 61 of 1980, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Apr 1980)
2 The Detroit Spinners Could it Be I'm Falling in Love 1973 Record World 1 - 1973, France 2 - Feb 1973 (9 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Dec 1972 (15 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1973), D.Marsh 7 of 1973, Canada 8 - Feb 1973 (10 weeks), UK 11 - Apr 1973 (11 weeks), WABC NY 20 of 1973, DDD 33 of 1972, US CashBox 46 of 1973, US BB 47 of 1973, US Radio 51 of 1973 (peak 4 8 weeks), POP 61 of 1973, Canada 98 of 1973, Acclaimed 2225 (1972), RYM 187 of 1972
3 The Detroit Spinners The Rubberband Man 1976 US Billboard 2 - Sep 1976 (20 weeks), Record World 2 - 1976, Canada 4 - Oct 1976 (15 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1976), Holland 8 - Feb 1977 (7 weeks), France 10 - Jan 1977 (1 week), UK 16 - Sep 1976 (11 weeks), US Radio 17 of 1976 (peak 2 10 weeks), POP 19 of 1976, US CashBox 24 of 1976, Belgium 27 - Mar 1977 (2 weeks), D.Marsh 29 of 1976, WABC NY 38 of 1976, US BB 81 of 1977, Canada 92 of 1976, RYM 164 of 1976
4 The Detroit Spinners I'll Be Around 1972 Record World 1 - 1972, France 2 - Dec 1972 (5 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Sep 1972 (15 weeks), Canada 4 - Nov 1972 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1972), DDD 15 of 1972, WABC NY 25 of 1972, POP 28 of 1972, D.Marsh 28 of 1972, US Radio 54 of 1972 (peak 3 7 weeks), UK 84 - May 1984 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 94 of soul, Acclaimed 1015 (1972), RYM 181 of 1972
5 The Detroit Spinners Cupid - I've Loved You For a Long Time 1980 UK 4 - Jun 1980 (10 weeks), US Billboard 4 - May 1980 (19 weeks), Record World 4 - 1980, Belgium 4 - Jun 1980 (11 weeks), Holland 8 - Jul 1980 (10 weeks), France 10 - Jul 1980 (1 week), US Radio 22 of 1980 (peak 4 12 weeks), ARC 27 of 1980 (peak 3 14 weeks), US BB 29 of 1980, US CashBox 32 of 1980, WABC NY 49 of 1980
6 The Detroit Spinners One of a Kind (Love Affair) 1973 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1973), Record World 9 - 1973, France 10 - Sep 1973 (1 week), US Billboard 11 - Apr 1973 (15 weeks), Canada 14 - Jun 1973 (8 weeks), D.Marsh 16 of 1973, US BB 82 of 1973, US CashBox 84 of 1973, DDD 86 of 1972, WABC NY 96 of 1973, US Radio 100 of 1973 (peak 11 5 weeks), Acclaimed 2423 (1973)
7 The Detroit Spinners They Just Can't Stop It (Games People Play) 1975 Record World 1 - 1975, Canada 2 - Oct 1975 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1975), US Billboard 5 - Aug 1975 (18 weeks), POP 17 of 1975, US CashBox 25 of 1975, WABC NY 28 of 1975, US Radio 47 of 1975 (peak 5 9 weeks), DDD 73 of 1975, Canada 89 of 1975
8 The Detroit Spinners It's a Shame 1970 Keener 6 - Jul 1970 (9 weeks), France 8 - Nov 1970 (1 week), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1970 (15 weeks), Record World 17 - 1970, Canada 17 - Sep 1970 (7 weeks), UK 20 - Nov 1970 (11 weeks), D.Marsh 30 of 1970, DDD 58 of 1970, US BB 76 of 1970, US CashBox 87 of 1970, KQV 102 of 1970, US Radio 122 of 1970 (peak 14 3 weeks), RYM 147 of 1970
9 The Detroit Spinners Mighty Love 1974 France 10 - May 1974 (1 week), D.Marsh 13 of 1974, US Billboard 20 - Jan 1974 (15 weeks), Record World 20 - 1974, US BB 100 of 1974, US Radio 161 of 1974 (peak 20 1 week)
10 The Detroit Spinners Forgive Me Girl 1980 Record World 2 - 1980, US BB 14 of 1980, US CashBox 20 of 1980, D.Marsh 30 of 1979
11 The Detroit Spinners That's What Girls Are Made For 1961 Canada 20 - Jul 1961 (5 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Jun 1961 (8 weeks), DDD 98 of 1961
12 The Detroit Spinners Wake Up Susan 1976 France 10 - Oct 1976 (1 week), UK 29 - Jan 1977 (6 weeks), US Billboard 56 - Jul 1976 (5 weeks)
13 The Detroit Spinners Ghetto Child 1973 UK 7 - Sep 1973 (10 weeks), Record World 27 - 1973, US Billboard 29 - Aug 1973 (8 weeks)
14 The Detroit Spinners I'm Coming Home 1974 Record World 14 - 1974, US Billboard 18 - May 1974 (13 weeks), US Radio 151 of 1974 (peak 18 2 weeks)
15 The Detroit Spinners Love Don't Love Nobody 1974 US Billboard 15 - Sep 1974 (13 weeks), Record World 26 - 1974, US Radio 140 of 1974 (peak 15 2 weeks)
16 The Detroit Spinners I Will Always Love You 1965 Keener 12 - Jun 1965 (4 weeks), Record World 30 - 1965, US Billboard 35 - Jul 1965 (7 weeks)
17 The Detroit Spinners Sadie 1975 POP 38 of 1975, US Billboard 54 - May 1975 (7 weeks)
18 The Detroit Spinners Funny How Time Slips Away 1982 US Billboard 67 - Dec 1982 (7 weeks)
19 The Detroit Spinners Ghetto Child (1990) 1990 UK 91 - Sep 1990 (1 week)
20 The Detroit Spinners How Could I Let You Get Away 1972 US Billboard 77 - Aug 1972 (4 weeks), RYM 181 of 1972
21 The Detroit Spinners Never Thought I'd Fall In Love 1982 US Billboard 95 - Mar 1982 (2 weeks)
22 The Detroit Spinners Love (I'm So Glad) I Found You 1961 US Billboard 91 - Nov 1961 (1 week)
23 The Detroit Spinners Yesterday Once More 1981 US Billboard 52 - Feb 1981 (8 weeks)
24 The Detroit Spinners If You Wanna Do A Dance 1978 US Billboard 49 - Jul 1978 (6 weeks)
25 The Detroit Spinners Together We Can Make Such Sweet Music 1970 US Billboard 91 - May 1973 (5 weeks), RYM 147 of 1970
26 The Detroit Spinners You're Throwing A Good Love Away 1977 US Billboard 43 - Mar 1977 (7 weeks)
27 The Detroit Spinners Heaven On Earth 1977 US Billboard 89 - Oct 1977 (4 weeks)
28 The Detroit Spinners Love Or Leave 1975 US Billboard 36 - Dec 1975 (8 weeks)
29 The Detroit Spinners Living A Little, Laughing A Little 1975 US Billboard 37 - Mar 1975 (7 weeks)
30 The Detroit Spinners Body Language 1980 UK 40 - May 1980 (7 weeks)
31 The Detroit Spinners Could It Be I'm Falling In Love (EP) 1977 UK 32 - May 1977 (3 weeks)
32 The Detroit Spinners Truly Yours 1966 Keener 20 - May 1966 (3 weeks)
33 The Detroit Spinners We'll Have It Made 1971 US Billboard 89 - Jan 1971 (3 weeks)
34 The Detroit Spinners Now That We're Together 1976 RYM 164 of 1976
35 The Detroit Spinners Just You & Me, Baby 1972 RYM 187 of 1972

In addition to the above listed songs The Detroit Spinners also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Dionne Warwick & The Detroit Spinners Then Came You 1974 US Billboard 1 - Jul 1974 (19 weeks), Record World 1 - 1974, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1974), US Radio 6 of 1974 (peak 1 11 weeks), D.Marsh 6 of 1974, Canada 7 - Sep 1974 (10 weeks), France 7 - Jun 1975 (3 weeks), WABC NY 17 of 1974, UK 29 - Oct 1974 (6 weeks), DDD 34 of 1974, Canada 40 of 1974, US CashBox 41 of 1974, US BB 47 of 1974, POP 58 of 1974, RYM 124 of 1974, NY Daily Love list 56

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

3 May 2018

Double Listing - I'll Be Around

#4 & #33 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

21 Dec 2016

Double Listing - Cupid

#6 & #27 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

7 Dec 2014

Double Listing - Sadie

#17 & #28 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks