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Song artist 130 - Genesis

Genesis Region Profile

Genesis Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Genesis.A list of the hit albums by Genesis is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

At various times the following acts have been part of the group: Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford (of Mike & The Mechanics), Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Genesis No Son of Mine 1991 Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1991, Spain 1 for 1 week - Feb 1992, Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Oct 1991 (15 weeks), ODK Germany 3 - Nov 1991 (26 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), Norway 4 - Nov 1991 (7 weeks), Poland 4 - Nov 1991 (18 weeks), Germany 4 - Jan 1992 (4 months), UK 6 - Nov 1991 (7 weeks), Sweden 7 - Nov 1991 (5 weeks), Holland 8 - Oct 1991 (7 weeks), Switzerland 8 - Nov 1991 (14 weeks), Belgium 8 - Nov 1991 (7 weeks), US Billboard 12 - Nov 1991 (19 weeks), Austria 15 - Dec 1991 (3 months), Holland free40 20 of 1991, Italy 22 of 1991, US CashBox 44 of 1992, Canada 50 of 1991, US Radio 55 of 1991 (peak 6 8 weeks), US BB 68 of 1992, Germany 194 of the 1990s (peak 3 13 weeks), RYM 67 of 1991
2 Genesis Invisible Touch 1986 US Billboard 1 - May 1986 (17 weeks), Sweden 13 - May 1986 (3 weeks), Switzerland 13 - Jun 1986 (8 weeks), Poland 13 - Jun 1986 (11 weeks), UK 15 - May 1986 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - Jun 1986 (14 weeks), US CashBox 17 of 1986, Springbok 17 - Sep 1986 (2 weeks), Germany 21 - Jun 1986 (2 months), Canada 29 - Jun 1986 (1 week), US Radio 32 of 1986 (peak 1 8 weeks), ARC 49 of 1986 (peak 1 11 weeks), Canada 52 of 1986, US BB 54 of 1986, KROQ 71 of 1986, Holland free40 77 of 1986, Italy 86 of 1986, Brazil 97 of 1986, RYM 183 of 1986
3 Genesis Hold On My Heart 1992 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - May 1992, ASCAP song of 1992, Japan (Tokyo) 4 - Dec 1991 (28 weeks), Holland 11 - Apr 1992 (7 weeks), US Billboard 12 - May 1992 (20 weeks), Poland 12 - Apr 1992 (11 weeks), Belgium 13 - May 1992 (7 weeks), UK 16 - Apr 1992 (5 weeks), Canada 16 of 1992, US Radio 33 of 1992 (peak 4 9 weeks), ODK Germany 45 - May 1992 (14 weeks), Brazil 47 of 1992, US BB 62 of 1992
4 Genesis I Can't Dance 1992 Holland 1 - Jan 1992 (12 weeks), Belgium 1 - Feb 1992 (13 weeks), Austria 2 - Mar 1992 (4 months), Poland 3 - Jan 1992 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Jan 1992 (25 weeks) (10 weeks in top 10), Germany 5 - Jan 1992 (5 months), UK 7 - Jan 1992 (9 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Feb 1992 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 8 - Feb 1992 (10 weeks), Sweden 8 - Feb 1992 (4 weeks), Switzerland 8 - Feb 1992 (17 weeks), Canada 27 of 1992, US CashBox 31 of 1992, US BB 55 of 1992, US Radio 56 of 1992 (peak 5 8 weeks), Holland free40 95 of 1992, Germany 200 of the 1990s (peak 4 16 weeks), RYM 129 of 1991
5 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 1978 France 3 - Jun 1978 (4 weeks), Switzerland 6 - Jun 1978 (12 weeks), UK 7 - Mar 1978 (13 weeks), Canada 8 - Jun 1978 (12 weeks), Germany 8 - Apr 1978 (5 months), ODK Germany 8 - Apr 1978 (28 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Austria 15 - Oct 1978 (2 months), Holland 17 - Mar 1978 (6 weeks), Belgium 17 - Apr 1978 (3 weeks), RIANZ 22 - Jul 1978 (9 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Apr 1978 (16 weeks), Record World 27 - 1978, Switzerland 28 of 1978, POP 29 of 1978, Holland free40 44 of 1978, Brazil 75 of 1978, Germany 333 of the 1970s (peak 8 16 weeks), WXPN 671, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Apr 1978), RYM 119 of 1978
6 Genesis Land of Confusion 1987 MTV Video of the year 1987 (Nominated), US Billboard 4 - Nov 1986 (21 weeks), Poland 7 - Jan 1987 (16 weeks), Germany 7 - Jan 1987 (2 months), ODK Germany 7 - Dec 1986 (16 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), Holland 8 - Dec 1986 (8 weeks), Switzerland 8 - Jan 1987 (10 weeks), Sweden 9 - Dec 1986 (3 weeks), France 9 - Dec 1986 (1 week), Belgium 9 - Jan 1987 (4 weeks), UK 14 - Nov 1986 (12 weeks), ARC 20 of 1987 (peak 3 15 weeks), US BB 40 of 1987, POP 44 of 1987, US Radio 58 of 1987 (peak 4 9 weeks), Canada 63 of 1987, Holland free40 95 of 1986, RYM 99 of 1986
7 Genesis Mama 1983 France 1 - Oct 1983 (3 weeks), Poland 1 - Sep 1983 (16 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Oct 1983 (15 weeks), Norway 3 - Oct 1983 (9 weeks), UK 4 - Sep 1983 (10 weeks), Germany 4 - Oct 1983 (3 months), ODK Germany 4 - Oct 1983 (32 weeks) (8 weeks in top 10), Holland 7 - Sep 1983 (8 weeks), Holland free40 12 of 1983, Austria 13 - Jan 1984 (3 months), Switzerland 15 of 1983, Europe 23 of the 1980s (1983), Belgium 25 - Oct 1983 (2 weeks), Italy 55 of 1983, US Billboard 73 - Oct 1983 (9 weeks), Germany 269 of the 1980s (peak 4 12 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Sep 1983), RYM 45 of 1983
8 Genesis Abacab 1981 Springbok 3 - Jan 1982 (14 weeks), Canada 4 - Dec 1981 (14 weeks), France 4 - Sep 1981 (1 week), Holland free40 6 of 1981, Norway 8 - Sep 1981 (4 weeks), UK 9 - Aug 1981 (8 weeks), South Africa 20 of 1982, US Billboard 26 - Dec 1981 (13 weeks), Holland 26 - Oct 1981 (5 weeks), Belgium 28 - Nov 1981 (1 week), ODK Germany 28 - Oct 1981 (13 weeks), Record World 31 - 1981, POP 36 of 1982, Italy 40 of 1981, Canada 80 of 1982, KROQ 86 of 1981, RYM 179 of 1981
9 Genesis Misunderstanding 1980 Canada 1 - May 1980 (16 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1980, Canada 7 of 1980, Record World 9 - 1980, France 9 - Dec 1980 (1 week), US Billboard 14 - May 1980 (18 weeks), POP 32 of 1980, KROQ 32 of 1980, UK 42 - Sep 1980 (5 weeks), US BB 71 of 1980, Holland free40 81 of 1980, US CashBox 99 of 1980, US Radio 102 of 1980 (peak 14 4 weeks), RYM 116 of 1980
10 Genesis In Too Deep 1987 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1987 (17 weeks), Poland 16 - Sep 1986 (8 weeks), UK 19 - Aug 1986 (9 weeks), Sweden 19 - Sep 1986 (1 week), US CashBox 33 of 1987, POP 35 of 1987, US Radio 42 of 1987 (peak 3 8 weeks), US BB 47 of 1987, ODK Germany 55 - Sep 1986 (5 weeks), Brazil 58 of 1987, OzNet 642
11 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 1987 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1987 (15 weeks), Poland 6 - Mar 1987 (12 weeks), France 10 - May 1987 (1 week), UK 18 - Mar 1987 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 23 - Mar 1987 (10 weeks), POP 37 of 1987, US CashBox 40 of 1987, US Radio 54 of 1987 (peak 3 7 weeks), US BB 68 of 1987, RYM 76 of 1987
12 Genesis That's All 1984 US Billboard 6 - Nov 1983 (19 weeks), Canada 8 - Dec 1983 (10 weeks), Switzerland 15 - Jan 1984 (9 weeks), UK 16 - Nov 1983 (11 weeks), Austria 19 - Mar 1984 (1 month), ODK Germany 27 - Jan 1984 (13 weeks), ARC 40 of 1984 (peak 3 14 weeks), US BB 52 of 1984, US Radio 60 of 1984 (peak 6 8 weeks), US CashBox 81 of 1984, RYM 68 of 1983
13 Genesis Turn it On Again 1980 UK 8 - Mar 1980 (10 weeks), France 10 - Jun 1980 (1 week), Canada 14 - Sep 1980 (7 weeks), Belgium 28 - May 1980 (1 week), Holland free40 31 of 1980, Holland 38 - Apr 1980 (3 weeks), POP 54 of 1980, US Billboard 58 - Sep 1980 (8 weeks), KROQ 64 of 1980, ODK Germany 66 - May 1980 (4 weeks), RYM 172 of 1980
14 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 1992 Sweden 5 - Aug 1992 (5 weeks), Holland 11 - Jul 1992 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 13 - Aug 1992 (20 weeks), Belgium 14 - Aug 1992 (6 weeks), Germany 14 - Aug 1992 (3 months), UK 20 - Jul 1992 (7 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Aug 1992 (20 weeks), US Radio 80 of 1992 (peak 9 7 weeks), Canada 89 of 1992
15 Genesis No Reply at All 1981 Canada 2 - Sep 1981 (16 weeks), France 8 - Dec 1981 (1 week), Record World 28 - 1981, US Billboard 29 - Sep 1981 (17 weeks), Canada 44 of 1981, POP 46 of 1981, RYM 150 of 1981
16 Genesis Never A Time 1992 US Billboard 21 - Nov 1992 (20 weeks), Poland 33 - Dec 1992 (15 weeks), ODK Germany 56 - May 1993 (11 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 59 - Dec 1992 (6 weeks), Canada 70 of 1993, US Radio 101 of 1993 (peak 9 5 weeks)
17 Genesis Paperlate 1982 Canada 4 - Jun 1982 (12 weeks), Poland 9 - Jul 1982 (9 weeks), US Billboard 32 - Jun 1982 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 36 - Jun 1982 (11 weeks), UK 43 - Jul 1982 (1 week), POP 49 of 1982, Holland free40 63 of 1982
18 Genesis Throwing it All Away 1986 US Billboard 4 - Aug 1986 (16 weeks), UK 22 - Jun 1987 (8 weeks), US CashBox 47 of 1986, US Radio 60 of 1986 (peak 4 8 weeks), US BB 84 of 1986, Canada 98 of 1986
19 Genesis Congo 1997 Poland 2 - Aug 1997 (35 weeks), France 5 - Sep 1997 (2 weeks), UK 29 - Sep 1997 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 31 - Aug 1997 (10 weeks), Switzerland 32 - Sep 1997 (6 weeks), Austria 39 - Oct 1997 (1 month)
20 Genesis Illegal Alien 1984 Canada 7 - Apr 1984 (6 weeks), US Billboard 44 - Mar 1984 (10 weeks), UK 46 - Feb 1984 (5 weeks), POP 53 of 1984
21 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 1999 Poland 5 - Oct 1999 (20 weeks), ODK Germany 72 - Nov 1999 (9 weeks), WXPN 646, RYM 26 of 1975
22 Genesis Tell Me Why 1992 Poland 13 - Aug 1992 (8 weeks), Holland 36 - Dec 1992 (2 weeks), UK 40 - Feb 1993 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Dec 1992 (19 weeks), Holland free40 93 of 1992
23 Genesis Man on the Corner 1982 Canada 21 - Apr 1982 (6 weeks), US Billboard 40 - Mar 1982 (11 weeks), UK 41 - Mar 1982 (5 weeks)
24 Genesis Your Own Special Way 1977 UK 43 - Feb 1977 (3 weeks), US Billboard 62 - Mar 1977 (5 weeks), POP 67 of 1977
25 Genesis Taking it All Too Hard 1984 US Billboard 50 - Jun 1984 (12 weeks), POP 61 of 1984, RYM 68 of 1983
26 Genesis Not About Us 1998 Poland 7 - Jan 1998 (18 weeks), UK 66 - Mar 1998 (1 week), ODK Germany 81 - Mar 1998 (6 weeks)
27 Genesis Shipwrecked 1997 Poland 41 - Nov 1997 (3 weeks), UK 54 - Dec 1997 (1 week), ODK Germany 82 - Nov 1997 (10 weeks)
28 Genesis A Trick of the Tail 1976 France 9 - Mar 1976 (1 week), WXPN 474, RYM 51 of 1976
29 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 1974 UK 21 - Apr 1974 (7 weeks), Scrobulate 65 of progressive rock, RYM 23 of 1974
30 Genesis Spot the Pigeon 1977 Sweden (alt) 9 - Jun 1977 (16 weeks), UK 14 - May 1977 (7 weeks)
31 Genesis Many Too Many 1978 ODK Germany 41 - Aug 1978 (6 weeks), UK 43 - Jul 1978 (5 weeks)
32 Genesis Invisible Touch (Live) 1992 UK 7 - Nov 1992 (4 weeks)
33 Genesis Evidence of Autumn 1980 Poland 9 - Sep 1982 (7 weeks), RYM 116 of 1980
34 Genesis Duchess 1980 UK 46 - May 1980 (5 weeks), RYM 150 of 1980
35 Genesis Home by the Sea 1983 Poland 2 - Dec 1983 (13 weeks)
36 Genesis The Knife 1971 France 9 - Jan 1971 (1 week)
37 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 1974 France 10 - Dec 1974 (1 week)
38 Genesis 3 x 3 1982 UK 10 - May 1982 (7 weeks)
39 Genesis Counting Out Time 1975 France 10 - Apr 1975 (1 week)
40 Genesis Keep it Dark 1981 UK 33 - Oct 1981 (4 weeks)
41 Genesis Hearts on Fire 2000 Poland 30 - Dec 2000 (10 weeks)
42 Genesis In the Glow of the Night 1987 RYM 76 of 1987
43 Genesis Feeding the Fire 1986 RYM 99 of 1986
44 Genesis The Last Domino 1986 RYM 183 of 1986
45 Genesis It's Gonna Get Better 1983 RYM 45 of 1983
46 Genesis Living Forever 1991 RYM 67 of 1991
47 Genesis Dodo/Lurker 1981 RYM 150 of 1981
48 Genesis Another Record 1981 RYM 179 of 1981
49 Genesis Ballad of Big 1978 RYM 119 of 1978
50 Genesis Open Door 1980 RYM 150 of 1980
51 Genesis Behind the Lines 1980 RYM 172 of 1980
52 Genesis Supper's Ready unknown Scrobulate 35 of progressive rock, WXPN 175
53 Genesis Entangled 1976 RYM 51 of 1976
54 Genesis Ripples... 1976 RYM 177 of 1976
55 Genesis The Waiting Room 1975 RYM 26 of 1975
56 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 1974 RYM 23 of 1974
57 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 1973 RYM 145 of 1973
58 Genesis Willow Farm 1973 RYM 145 of 1973
59 Genesis The Musical Box unknown Scrobulate 44 of progressive rock
60 Genesis Fireside Song unknown Scrobulate 55 of relaxing
61 Genesis Firth of Fifth unknown Scrobulate 84 of progressive rock

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

23 Aug 2011

Genesis Most Successful Selling Single Worlwide

Hi I emailed you about Genesis highest selling album worldwide and you guys told me that you guys are fairly certain that We Can't Dance sold more in Germany and The U.K. than Invisible Touch sold here in the U.S., however you guys told me that I should not trust any website that lists worldwide album sales even your own website.

My question for you is this my old Genesis buddy told me that the song Invisible Touch is Genesis highestselling single here in the United States. However you have listed on your website that No Son Of Mine is Genesis highest selling single here in the United States and No Son Of Mine was number four in Germany for four months and No Son Of Mine was number 12 in the U.S. for nineteen weeks. However Invisible Touch is the only Genesis song to go to number one here in the U.S.A., and it stayed at number one for seventeen weeks.

Once again I think that your numbers and statistics may be out of date and incorrect and just like the Genesis Invisible Touch album and We Can't Dance album should I trust your website with Genesis single releases worldwide?

We did claim that the worldwide sales for "We Can't Dance" are probably greater than "Invisible Touch", but we also said that "the wide margin of error leaves the question open".

However we certainly have never claimed that the song "No Son Of Mine" outsold "Invisible Touch" in the US. We don't list sales numbers for songs anywhere and certainly not sales numbers for songs in US.

Our listings cannot possibly be "out of date", a claim, for example that a song was "Spain 1 for 1 week - Feb 1992" remains true (or false) for all time. Either the song was number 1 in Spain in Feb 1992 or it wasn't. All our underlying data is like that, we are claiming that a song reached a certain peak position in a certain chart, not that it sold more or less than another.

With hundreds of thousands of entries it is quite possible that some of our individual claims are "incorrect". We are proud of our accuracy but there are lots of cases where users have helpfully pointed out corrections. We are always happy to fix any issues, our view is that this improves the overall data set.

The ordering of songs on the Genesis page shows which ones were globally successful. "Invisible Touch" might well have been the biggest seller in the US, but the US represents less than 50% of Genesis' market.

So you ask "should I trust your website", we claim that the answer is a clear yes. But since we don't list sales numbers for songs and we've never compared the US success of Genesis songs you may need to read the site a bit more carefully.