Song artist 197 - Heart
This page lists the song chart entries of Heart.A list of the hit albums by Heart is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Heart |
All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You |
1990 |
Sweden 1 - Apr 1990 (11 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jun 1990, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1990, US Billboard 2 - Mar 1990 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Apr 1990 (18 weeks), Norway 3 - Jun 1990 (9 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1990), Holland 5 - May 1990 (10 weeks), Poland 5 - Apr 1990 (19 weeks), Belgium 5 - May 1990 (12 weeks), Australia 6 of 1990, Canada 7 of 1990, UK 8 - Mar 1990 (13 weeks), France 10 - May 1990 (1 week), US CashBox 12 of 1990, Switzerland 12 - May 1990 (9 weeks), US BB 16 of 1990, Japan (Osaku) 16 of 1990 (peak 2 18 weeks), ODK Germany 23 - Apr 1990 (20 weeks), Austria 30 - Jul 1990 (1 month), US Radio 34 of 1990 (peak 3 10 weeks), ARC 35 of 1990 (peak 2 13 weeks), Holland free40 52 of 1990, POP 67 of 1990, Brazil 68 of 1990, OzNet 675 |
2 |
Heart |
Alone |
1987 |
US Billboard 1 - May 1987 (21 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1987, US BB 2 of 1987, ARC 2 of 1987 (peak 1 14 weeks), US Radio 2 of 1987 (peak 1 11 weeks), UK 3 - May 1987 (18 weeks), Holland free40 4 of 1987, Switzerland 4 - Jul 1987 (14 weeks), Norway 5 - Aug 1987 (14 weeks), Holland 6 - Jun 1987 (10 weeks), France 6 - Jul 1987 (3 weeks), Poland 6 - Jun 1987 (16 weeks), Belgium 7 - Jul 1987 (8 weeks), US CashBox 9 of 1987, Canada 11 of 1987, Sweden 13 - Jun 1987 (2 weeks), Switzerland 18 of 1987, ODK Germany 18 - Jun 1987 (17 weeks), Germany 19 - Aug 1987 (1 month), Austria 22 - Sep 1987 (1 month), Brazil 80 of 1987, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1988), RYM 131 of 1987 |
3 |
Heart |
Barracuda |
1977 |
France 1 - Jul 1977 (6 weeks), Springbok 1 - Oct 1977 (18 weeks), South Africa 3 of 1977, Holland free40 5 of 1977, Canada 6 - Jul 1977 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 8 - Aug 1977 (17 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Germany 10 - Sep 1977 (3 months), US Billboard 11 - May 1977 (20 weeks), Record World 11 - 1977, Sweden (alt) 14 - Sep 1977 (4 weeks), Austria 16 - Oct 1977 (3 months), Belgium 24 - Aug 1977 (3 weeks), Canada 37 of 1977, RIANZ 37 - Sep 1977 (2 weeks), US BB 53 of 1977, US CashBox 71 of 1977, US Radio 88 of 1977 (peak 11 7 weeks), TheQ 94, RYM 47 of 1977 |
4 |
Heart |
These Dreams |
1986 |
US Billboard 1 - Jan 1986 (20 weeks), France 3 - Mar 1986 (3 weeks), Canada 7 - Feb 1986 (12 weeks), US CashBox 8 of 1986, Sweden 14 - Apr 1986 (2 weeks), US Radio 27 of 1986 (peak 1 9 weeks), ARC 32 of 1986 (peak 1 12 weeks), US BB 33 of 1986, Holland 39 - Jun 1986 (3 weeks), Canada 60 of 1986, UK 62 - Mar 1986 (6 weeks), Brazil 62 of 1986, RYM 77 of 1986 |
5 |
Heart |
Magic Man |
1976 |
Holland free40 1 of 1976, Record World 5 - 1976, Holland 7 - Dec 1976 (10 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Jul 1976 (23 weeks), Belgium 11 - Feb 1977 (4 weeks), Canada 16 - Sep 1976 (11 weeks), RIANZ 26 - Feb 1977 (3 weeks), POP 44 of 1976, US CashBox 80 of 1976, WABC NY 82 of 1976, US Radio 88 of 1976 (peak 9 7 weeks), TheQ 442, RYM 20 of 1976 |
6 |
Heart |
Will You Be There (In the Morning)? |
1993 |
Sweden 14 - Nov 1993 (2 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 17 - Nov 1993 (12 weeks), UK 19 - Nov 1993 (4 weeks), Poland 21 - Nov 1993 (15 weeks), US Billboard 39 - Dec 1993 (18 weeks), Canada 58 of 1994, ODK Germany 65 - Dec 1993 (11 weeks), US Radio 76 of 1994 (peak 17 5 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 95 of 1994 (peak 22 21 weeks), Holland free40 97 of 1993 |
7 |
Heart |
Never |
1985 |
US Billboard 4 - Sep 1985 (23 weeks), Sweden 14 - Dec 1985 (2 weeks), US BB 18 of 1986, Canada 19 - Sep 1985 (7 weeks), ARC 38 of 1985 (peak 3 14 weeks), US Radio 50 of 1985 (peak 4 8 weeks), US CashBox 71 of 1985, Brazil 80 of 1985 |
8 |
Heart |
Tell it Like it Is |
1981 |
Canada 6 - Nov 1980 (14 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Nov 1980 (15 weeks), Record World 16 - 1981, Canada 45 of 1981, Brazil 58 of 1981, US Radio 66 of 1981 (peak 8 7 weeks), US BB 87 of 1981, Holland free40 97 of 1981 |
9 |
Heart |
Crazy on You |
1976 |
France 1 - Apr 1976 (9 weeks), Holland 2 - Mar 1977 (8 weeks), Holland free40 3 of 1977, Belgium 13 - Mar 1977 (4 weeks), Canada 20 - Feb 1976 (9 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Apr 1976 (13 weeks), TheQ 163, RYM 42 of 1976 |
10 |
Heart |
What About Love |
1985 |
Sweden 4 - Aug 1985 (6 weeks), Canada 7 - Jun 1985 (14 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Jun 1985 (21 weeks), UK 14 - May 1988 (6 weeks), Poland 26 - Aug 1985 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 43 - Sep 1985 (7 weeks), Canada 75 of 1985, US BB 87 of 1985, US Radio 103 of 1985 (peak 10 6 weeks) |
11 |
Heart |
Stranded |
1990 |
US Billboard 13 - Sep 1990 (21 weeks), Sweden 15 - Jan 1991 (2 weeks), Canada 26 of 1990, UK 60 - Nov 1990 (2 weeks), Holland free40 63 of 1990, Japan (Tokyo) 89 - Oct 1990 (3 weeks), US Radio 90 of 1990 (peak 11 7 weeks) |
12 |
Heart |
Who Will You Run To? |
1987 |
US Billboard 7 - Aug 1987 (22 weeks), Sweden 20 - Oct 1987 (1 week), UK 30 - Sep 1987 (7 weeks), US Radio 84 of 1987 (peak 7 6 weeks), US BB 88 of 1987 |
13 |
Heart |
I Didn't Want to Need You |
1990 |
US Billboard 23 - Jun 1990 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 26 - Aug 1990 (5 weeks), Poland 39 - Jul 1990 (6 weeks), UK 47 - Jul 1990 (3 weeks), Holland free40 73 of 1990 |
14 |
Heart |
There's the Girl |
1988 |
US Billboard 12 - Nov 1987 (18 weeks), Poland 14 - Jan 1988 (11 weeks), UK 34 - Dec 1987 (8 weeks), Holland free40 66 of 1988, US Radio 126 of 1988 (peak 12 5 weeks) |
15 |
Heart |
Straight On |
1978 |
France 3 - Dec 1978 (1 week), US Billboard 15 - Sep 1978 (17 weeks), Record World 20 - 1978, US Radio 110 of 1978 (peak 15 4 weeks) |
16 |
Heart |
Even It Up |
1980 |
US Billboard 33 - Feb 1980 (12 weeks), Record World 35 - 1980, KROQ 39 of 1980, Holland free40 75 of 1980 |
17 |
Heart |
Nothin' At All |
1986 |
US Billboard 10 - Apr 1986 (16 weeks), UK 38 - Jul 1986 (5 weeks), US Radio 106 of 1986 (peak 10 6 weeks) |
18 |
Heart |
Secret |
1991 |
Poland 26 - Oct 1990 (6 weeks), US Billboard 64 - Feb 1991 (8 weeks), UK 79 - Feb 1991 (2 weeks) |
19 |
Heart |
If Looks Could Kill |
1986 |
Brazil 48 of 1986, US Billboard 54 - Jul 1986 (9 weeks) |
20 |
Heart |
Dog & Butterfly |
1979 |
France 7 - May 1979 (1 week), Record World 30 - 1979, US Billboard 34 - Feb 1979 (10 weeks) |
21 |
Heart |
Heartless |
1978 |
US Billboard 24 - Apr 1978 (15 weeks), Record World 26 - 1978, Holland free40 73 of 1978 |
22 |
Heart |
Dreamboat Annie |
1976 |
France 2 - Jan 1977 (8 weeks), US Billboard 42 - Dec 1976 (9 weeks), RYM 42 of 1976 |
23 |
Heart |
The Woman in Me |
1993 |
Japan (Tokyo) 98 - Nov 1993 (2 weeks), Canada 100 of 1994 |
24 |
Heart |
This Man Is Mine |
1982 |
Canada 20 - Jun 1982 (5 weeks), US Billboard 33 - May 1982 (13 weeks) |
25 |
Heart |
I Want You So Bad |
1987 |
Poland 24 - Dec 1987 (4 weeks), US Billboard 49 - Feb 1988 (9 weeks) |
26 |
Heart |
Little Queen |
1977 |
US Billboard 62 - Sep 1977 (6 weeks), POP 72 of 1977 |
27 |
Heart |
Kick It Out |
1977 |
Holland free40 46 of 1977, US Billboard 79 - Nov 1977 (3 weeks) |
28 |
Heart |
How Can I Refuse |
1983 |
US Billboard 44 - Aug 1983 (11 weeks) |
29 |
Heart |
Allies |
1983 |
US Billboard 83 - Oct 1983 (4 weeks) |
30 |
Heart |
You're the Voice |
1991 |
UK 56 - Sep 1991 (2 weeks) |
31 |
Heart |
Never/These Dreams |
1988 |
UK 8 - Mar 1988 (9 weeks) |
32 |
Heart |
Unchained Melody |
1981 |
US Billboard 83 - Mar 1981 (3 weeks) |
33 |
Heart |
Bebe Le Strange |
1980 |
KROQ 77 of 1980 |
34 |
Heart |
Rockin Heaven Down |
1980 |
KROQ 97 of 1980 |
35 |
Heart |
Wild Child |
1991 |
France 3 - Feb 1991 (3 weeks) |
36 |
Heart |
Cry to Me |
1977 |
RYM 47 of 1977 |
37 |
Heart |
Soul of the Sea |
1977 |
RYM 167 of 1977 |
38 |
Heart |
How Deep it Goes |
1976 |
RYM 20 of 1976 |
39 |
Heart |
Sing Child |
1976 |
RYM 124 of 1976 |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
6 Jun 2018
Double Listing - Will You Be There
#7 & #29 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
17 Dec 2015
#27 - Lonely Nights
This 1955 recording should be removed from 'Heart' & transferred to 'The Hearts' per YouTube.
We have moved it to Lee Andrews & The Hearts, thanks
29 May 2015
Double Listing - Never+
Should #31 be combined with #5 (Never)?
Given the difference in date, and the fact that "These Dreams" was also a hit in the UK (a minor one) our judgement is that we should keep the entry as it is. Thanks for making us check