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Song artist 793 - Rita Pavone

Rita Pavone Region Profile

Rita Pavone Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Rita Pavone. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Rita Pavone If I Had a Hammer 1964 Brazil 1 of 1964, Italy 54 of 1964
2 Rita Pavone Come te non c'e nessuno 1963 Italy 1 for 10 weeks - Mar 1963, Italy 2 of 1963
3 Rita Pavone La Partita di Pallone 1963 Italy 1 for 4 weeks - Feb 1963, Italy 12 of 1963, RYM 173 of 1962
4 Rita Pavone Cuore 1963 Italy 1 for 11 weeks - Jun 1963, Italy 3 of 1963
5 Rita Pavone Non e facile avere 18 anni 1963 Italy 1 for 1 week - Jan 1964, Italy 28 of 1963
6 Rita Pavone Il Ballo del mattone 1963 Italy 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1963, Italy 36 of 1963
7 Rita Pavone Che m'importa del mondo 1964 Italy 1 for 1 week - Feb 1964, Italy 35 of 1964
8 Rita Pavone Wenn ich ein Junge waer' 1963 Germany 2 - Jan 1964 (3 months), Germany 129 of the 1960s (peak 2 13 weeks), RYM 146 of 1963
9 Rita Pavone Plip 1965 Italy 1 for 3 weeks - Dec 1965, Italy 29 of 1965
10 Rita Pavone Qui ritornera (Here it comes again) 1966 Italy 1 for 1 week - Jun 1966, Italy 17 of 1966
11 Rita Pavone Arrivederci Hans 1968 Switzerland 4 - Aug 1968 (8 weeks), Germany 7 - Aug 1968 (3 months), Germany 340 of the 1960s (peak 6 10 weeks)
12 Rita Pavone Remember Me 1964 Keener 7 - May 1964 (5 weeks), Record World 19 - 1964, US Billboard 26 - Jun 1964 (9 weeks)
13 Rita Pavone Just Once More 1964 Keener 7 - May 1964 (5 weeks), Canada 13 - Jun 1964 (8 weeks)
14 Rita Pavone Escrivi Me 1964 Brazil 25 of 1964
15 Rita Pavone Sul Cucuzzolo 1964 Brazil 36 of 1964
16 Rita Pavone Alla mia eta 1963 Italy 15 of 1963
17 Rita Pavone Mein Jack der ist 2 Meter gros (Mit 17 soll man nicht weinen) 1964 Germany 11 - Mar 1964 (2 months)
18 Rita Pavone Lui 1965 Italy 8 of 1965
19 Rita Pavone Kiddy Kiddy Kiss Me 1965 Germany 9 - Jan 1965 (2 months)
20 Rita Pavone Scrivi 1964 Italy 33 of 1964
21 Rita Pavone L'Amore mio 1964 Italy 43 of 1964
22 Rita Pavone Ti vorrei parlare 1964 Italy 95 of 1964
23 Rita Pavone Viva la pappa col pomodoro 1965 Italy 20 of 1965
24 Rita Pavone Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 1965 Italy 46 of 1965
25 Rita Pavone Stasera con te 1966 Italy 34 of 1966
26 Rita Pavone Bonjour la France 1972 France (SNEP) 6 - Mar 1972 (2 months)
27 Rita Pavone La Zanzara 1966 Italy 61 of 1966
28 Rita Pavone Solo tu 1966 Italy 66 of 1966
29 Rita Pavone Fortissimo 1966 Italy 69 of 1966
30 Rita Pavone Il Geghege 1966 Italy 78 of 1966
31 Rita Pavone Reach Out (I'll Be There) 1967 Italy 65 of 1967
32 Rita Pavone Questo nostro amore 1967 Italy 72 of 1967
33 Rita Pavone Bene bene bene 1969 Germany 16 - May 1969 (1 month)
34 Rita Pavone Pippo non lo sa 1968 Italy 69 of 1968
35 Rita Pavone Il Mondo nelle mani (Neon rainbow) 1968 Italy 89 of 1968
36 Rita Pavone Zucchero 1969 Italy 63 of 1969
37 Rita Pavone Heart 1966 UK 27 - Dec 1966 (12 weeks)
38 Rita Pavone My name is potato 1977 Italy 56 of 1977
39 Rita Pavone You Only You 1967 UK 21 - Jan 1967 (7 weeks)
40 Rita Pavone Amore Twist 1962 RYM 173 of 1962
41 Rita Pavone Okay! Okay! 1963 RYM 146 of 1963

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

16 May 2019


Rita: I wrote your song BIG DEAL with Jimmy Smith (later hit singer PJ Proby).I'd love to communicate with you. Phil Andreen (626) 826-2069

15 Jan 2016

Double Listing - If I Had A Hammer

#8 (Datemi Un Martello) should be combined with #22 (If I had A Hammer). PerWikipedia & YouTube they are the same recording.

Data fixed, thanks

15 Jan 2016

Double Listing - Qui Ritornera

#11 & #26 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks