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Song title 517 - If I Had a Hammer

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "If I Had a Hammer" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Trini Lopez If I Had a Hammer 1963 Flanders 1 - Sep 1963 (7 months), Europarade 1 for 7 weeks - Nov 1963, France 1 for 3 weeks - Oct 1963, Mexico 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1964, Norway 2 - Oct 1963 (11 weeks), Germany 2 - Jan 1964 (5 months), NZ Lever 2 - Sep 1963 (4 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Jul 1963 (14 weeks), UK 4 - Sep 1963 (17 weeks), Canada 5 - Aug 1963 (12 weeks), US BB 37 of 1963, US Radio 39 of 1963 (peak 3 8 weeks), US CashBox 41 of 1963, KQV 42 of 1963, Brazil 48 of 1964, Germany 58 of the 1960s (peak 2 21 weeks), WABC NY 60 of 1963, Italy 61 of 1964, UKMIX 926, RYM 151 of 1963
2 Rita Pavone If I Had a Hammer 1964 Brazil 1 of 1964, Italy 54 of 1964
3 Peter, Paul & Mary If I Had a Hammer 1962 US Billboard 10 - Aug 1962 (12 weeks), Canada 17 - Aug 1962 (7 weeks), POP 43 of 1962, US Radio 95 of 1962 (peak 10 5 weeks), US BB 98 of 1962, RYM 38 of 1962, Guardian Folk/ World 33, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
4 Prini Lorenz If I Had a Hammer 1964 Brazil 96 of 1964