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Song artist 607 - Paul Revere & The Raiders

Paul Revere & The Raiders Region Profile

Paul Revere & The Raiders Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Paul Revere & The Raiders.A list of the hit albums by Paul Revere & The Raiders is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

Originally called The Downbeats they changed name to Paul Revere & The Raiders in 1960. In 1970 the name of the group was shortened to The Raiders. They still perform (at Andy Williams "Moon River Theater" in Branson, MO). Darrin Medley has been singing with the group (he is the son of Bill Medley of The Righteous Brothers).

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Paul Revere & The Raiders Indian Reservation (The Lament Of The Cherokee Reservation Indian) 1971 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1971 (22 weeks), Record World 1 - 1971, Canada 1 - May 1971 (13 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 1996), US CashBox 3 of 1971, Keener 3 - May 1971 (14 weeks), US Radio 5 of 1971 (peak 1 12 weeks), US BB 6 of 1971, WABC NY 6 of 1971, Australia Goset 33 - Sep 1971 (12 weeks), KQV 34 of 1971, POP 45 of 1971, DDD 58 of 1971, RYM 127 of 1971
2 Paul Revere & The Raiders Kicks 1966 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Apr 1966, Canada 2 - Apr 1966 (12 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Mar 1966 (14 weeks), Record World 5 - 1966, Keener 6 - Mar 1966 (6 weeks), KQV 12 of 1966, US CashBox 14 of 1966, DDD 16 of 1966, US BB 25 of 1966, US Radio 35 of 1966 (peak 4 9 weeks), WABC NY 55 of 1966, Rolling Stone 400, RYM 119 of 1966
3 Paul Revere & The Raiders Let Me 1969 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1996), Canada 5 - May 1969 (6 weeks), Springbok 8 - Aug 1969 (7 weeks), Holland 12 - Jun 1969 (7 weeks), Flanders 12 - Jul 1969 (2 months), Record World 14 - 1969, Keener 14 - May 1969 (5 weeks), US Billboard 20 - May 1969 (12 weeks), KQV 89 of 1969, US BB 100 of 1969, US Radio 148 of 1969 (peak 20 2 weeks)
4 Paul Revere & The Raiders I Had A Dream 1967 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Oct 1967, Canada 2 - Aug 1967 (8 weeks), NZ Listner 12 - Dec 1967 (2 weeks), Record World 13 - 1967, Keener 14 - Aug 1967 (3 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Aug 1967 (9 weeks), Canada 80 of 1967, US Radio 165 of 1967 (peak 17 3 weeks)
5 Paul Revere & The Raiders Just Like Me 1965 NZ Listner 6 - Mar 1966 (4 weeks), Keener 9 - Dec 1965 (7 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Dec 1965 (15 weeks), Record World 18 - 1966, Canada 42 - Jan 1966 (3 weeks), US BB 67 of 1966, DDD 69 of 1965, US Radio 114 of 1966 (peak 11 5 weeks), Acclaimed 1379 (1965), RYM 124 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
6 Paul Revere & The Raiders Good Thing 1967 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1966 (12 weeks), Record World 4 - 1967, Canada 5 - Dec 1966 (9 weeks), Keener 6 - Dec 1966 (5 weeks), Canada 33 of 1967, US Radio 58 of 1967 (peak 4 6 weeks), WABC NY 82 of 1967, DDD 88 of 1967, US CashBox 98 of 1967
7 Paul Revere & The Raiders Him Or Me - What's It Gonna Be 1967 Canada 1 - Apr 1967 (10 weeks), Keener 3 - Apr 1967 (7 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Apr 1967 (9 weeks), Record World 6 - 1967, KQV 29 of 1967, US Radio 74 of 1967 (peak 5 5 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1967
8 Paul Revere & The Raiders Hungry 1966 US Billboard 6 - Jun 1966 (11 weeks), Record World 10 - 1966, Keener 12 - Jun 1966 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 15 of 1966, Canada 34 - Jul 1966 (5 weeks), DDD 63 of 1966, US Radio 81 of 1966 (peak 6 6 weeks), US BB 97 of 1966, Acclaimed 2339 (1966)
9 Paul Revere & The Raiders Mr Sun, Mr Moon 1969 Canada 7 - Feb 1969 (8 weeks), Keener 14 - Feb 1969 (3 weeks), Record World 16 - 1969, US Billboard 18 - Feb 1969 (12 weeks), US BB 95 of 1969, Canada 95 of 1969, KQV 97 of 1969, US Radio 135 of 1969 (peak 18 3 weeks)
10 Paul Revere & The Raiders Birds Of A Feather 1971 France 7 - Oct 1971 (2 weeks), Record World 17 - 1971, Canada 20 - Sep 1971 (7 weeks), Keener 21 - Sep 1971 (3 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Sep 1971 (10 weeks)
11 Paul Revere & The Raiders The Great Airplane Strike 1966 Keener 16 - Oct 1966 (2 weeks), Record World 19 - 1966, US Billboard 20 - Oct 1966 (8 weeks), Canada 28 - Oct 1966 (5 weeks), US Radio 188 of 1966 (peak 20 1 week)
12 Paul Revere & The Raiders Too Much Talk 1968 Record World 12 - 1968, Keener 12 - Feb 1968 (4 weeks), Canada 15 - Feb 1968 (6 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Feb 1968 (8 weeks), US Radio 144 of 1968 (peak 19 3 weeks)
13 Paul Revere & The Raiders Ups & Downs 1967 Canada 7 - Feb 1967 (9 weeks), Keener 16 - Feb 1967 (3 weeks), Record World 21 - 1967, US Billboard 22 - Feb 1967 (8 weeks)
14 Paul Revere & The Raiders We Gotta All Get Together 1969 Keener 29 - Sep 1969 (1 week), Record World 32 - 1969, US Billboard 50 - Sep 1969 (7 weeks), Canada 80 of 1969
15 Paul Revere & The Raiders Don't Take It So Hard 1968 Canada 4 - Jun 1968 (6 weeks), Record World 18 - 1968, US Billboard 27 - Jun 1968 (9 weeks)
16 Paul Revere & The Raiders Like, Long Hair 1961 Canada 24 - May 1961 (7 weeks), US Billboard 38 - Mar 1961 (6 weeks)
17 Paul Revere & The Raiders Peace Of Mind 1967 Keener 21 - Nov 1967 (3 weeks), Record World 37 - 1967, US Billboard 42 - Nov 1967 (6 weeks)
18 Paul Revere & The Raiders Steppin' Out 1965 Keener 8 - Sep 1965 (6 weeks), US Billboard 46 - Sep 1965 (9 weeks), RYM 194 of 1965
19 Paul Revere & The Raiders Country Wine 1972 Record World 38 - 1972, US Billboard 51 - Jan 1972 (6 weeks)
20 Paul Revere & The Raiders Cinderella Sunshine 1968 Keener 22 - Oct 1968 (1 week), US Billboard 58 - Oct 1968 (6 weeks)
21 Paul Revere & The Raiders Louie Go Home 1964 Keener 28 - Apr 1964 (1 week)
22 Paul Revere & The Raiders Love Music 1973 US Billboard 97 - Feb 1973 (5 weeks)
23 Paul Revere & The Raiders Powder Blue Mercedes Queen 1972 US Billboard 54 - May 1972 (8 weeks)
24 Paul Revere & The Raiders Song Seller 1972 US Billboard 96 - Oct 1972 (3 weeks)
25 Paul Revere & The Raiders Just Seventeen 1970 US Billboard 82 - Feb 1970 (3 weeks)
26 Paul Revere & The Raiders Terry's Tune 1971 RYM 127 of 1971
27 Paul Revere & The Raiders BFDRF Blues 1965 RYM 124 of 1965
28 Paul Revere & The Raiders Blue Fox 1965 RYM 194 of 1965
29 Paul Revere & The Raiders Shake it Up 1966 RYM 119 of 1966

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

27 Aug 2017

Raiders Record Sales

I don't understand why there is so much incomplete information regarding PaulRevere and the Raiders record sale. Paul Revere and the raiders Greatest hits in 1967 sold two million copies with 2 months of it's release - one million in advance orders before it was released. Indian Reservation the single - sold over 3 million copies and the album of the same name was certified as double platinum. +Did the Raiders record sales become lost that there is so much incomplete sales data?

Sales data is not trustworthy, as the FAQ says there are many sources that claim shipments as sales (ignoring returns), that count double albums twice or that just lie. That is why we don't really trust reported sales figures.

The certifications listed here are those from the RIAA's site. If they didn't list an album as platinum we don't.

19 Feb 2011

BFDRF Blues by Paul Revere & the Raiders

Does anyone have a clean copy of this song from 1965? I believe it was theflip side to "Just Like Me" on a 45 rpm. I have been looking for it for years, and can only find a scratchy version of it on You Tube. Would appreciate hearing from someone who has it.

Thank you

This site does not contain any mp3 files, just chart positions.

I see that the single is listed on Discogs (as the B side of "Just Like Me"). Maybe someone there can sell it?