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Song artist 199 - Johnnie Ray

Johnnie Ray Region Profile

Johnnie Ray Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Johnnie Ray. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

The song "You're My Everything" listed here as a hit in 1991 is from a different artist known by the same name. (Thanks to Maurice from Canada for pointing that out).

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Johnnie Ray Cry 1951 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1951 (27 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Dec 1951 (25 weeks), US 1 for 11 weeks - Dec 1951, US CashBox 1 - Dec 1951 (33 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Jun 1952, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1951), DZE 1 of 1951, US invalid BB 2 of 1951, US BB 3 of 1952, DDD 4 of 1951, POP 6 of 1952, Your Hit Parade 12 of 1951, Italy 68 of 1955, Acclaimed 1084 (1951), RYM 5 of 1951
2 Johnnie Ray Just Walkin' in the Rain 1956 UK 1 - Oct 1956 (19 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 4 weeks - Dec 1956, Record Mirror 1 for 7 weeks - Nov 1956, Australia 1 for 9 weeks - Dec 1956, US Billboard 2 - Sep 1956 (28 weeks), US CashBox 3 - Sep 1956 (17 weeks), Flanders 14 - Feb 1957 (4 months), US BB 23 of 1956, US CashBox 24 of 1956, US invalid BB 35 of 1956, POP 35 of 1956, UKMIX 62, Italy 73 of 1957, RYM 64 of 1956, Guardian Pop 7
3 Johnnie Ray The Little White Cloud that Cried 1951 US Billboard 2 - Nov 1951 (22 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Nov 1951 (19 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 3 - Feb 1952 (19 weeks), US CashBox 4 - Dec 1951 (26 weeks), Your Hit Parade 10 of 1952, US BB 18 of 1952, DDD 31 of 1951, Brazil 33 of 1952, RYM 5 of 1951
4 Johnnie Ray Yes Tonight Josephine 1957 UK 1 - May 1957 (16 weeks), Record Mirror 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1957, Canada 10 - May 1957 (4 weeks), Flanders 10 - Aug 1957 (4 months), US Billboard 18 - Apr 1957 (13 weeks), UKMIX 271, RYM 71 of 1957
5 Johnnie Ray Please, Mister Sun 1952 US Billboard 6 - Jan 1952 (18 weeks), US 1940s 6 - Feb 1952 (13 weeks), US CashBox 6 - Feb 1952 (20 weeks), US invalid BB 7 of 1952, POP 7 of 1952, UK 40s Sheet Music 13 - Apr 1952 (12 weeks), US BB 30 of 1952, DDD 55 of 1952, RYM 126 of 1952
6 Johnnie Ray Walkin' My Baby Back Home 1952 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1952, US Billboard 4 - May 1952 (20 weeks), US 1940s 6 - May 1952 (16 weeks), US CashBox 6 - Jun 1952 (22 weeks), UK 12 - Nov 1952 (1 week), US BB 24 of 1952, RYM 19 of 1952
7 Johnnie Ray I'll Never Fall in Love Again 1959 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1959, Flanders 6 - Jan 1960 (3 months), Australia 7 of 1959, UK 26 - Dec 1959 (6 weeks), Brazil 41 of 1960, US Billboard 75 - Sep 1959 (6 weeks), RYM 168 of 1959
8 Johnnie Ray Such a Night 1954 UK 1 - Apr 1954 (18 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 10 - Apr 1954 (16 weeks), US CashBox 18 - Mar 1954 (7 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Apr 1954 (1 week), UKMIX 126, RYM 126 of 1954
9 Johnnie Ray Somebody Stole My Gal 1953 UK 6 - Apr 1953 (7 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Apr 1953 (6 weeks), US 1940s 19 - Apr 1953 (3 weeks), US CashBox 24 - Apr 1953 (6 weeks)
10 Johnnie Ray Hernando's Hideaway 1954 US CashBox 3 - May 1954 (4 weeks), UK 11 - Oct 1955 (5 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jun 1954 (7 weeks), RYM 122 of 1955
11 Johnnie Ray (Here Am I) Broken Hearted 1952 US Billboard 8 - Jan 1952 (15 weeks), US 1940s 9 - Feb 1952 (12 weeks), US CashBox 10 - Feb 1952 (18 weeks)
12 Johnnie Ray What's the Use 1952 US CashBox 10 - Apr 1952 (12 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Apr 1952 (8 weeks), US 1940s 13 - Apr 1952 (4 weeks)
13 Johnnie Ray Build Your Love (On A Strong Foundation) 1957 Canada 11 - Jul 1957 (7 weeks), UK 17 - Sep 1957 (7 weeks), US Billboard 58 - Jul 1957 (9 weeks)
14 Johnnie Ray Hey There 1955 UK 5 - Oct 1955 (9 weeks), US Billboard 27 - May 1954 (3 weeks), RYM 123 of 1955
15 Johnnie Ray Song of the Dreamer 1955 UK 10 - Oct 1955 (5 weeks), US CashBox 10 - Aug 1955 (15 weeks), RYM 164 of 1956
16 Johnnie Ray Faith Can Move Mountains 1952 UK 7 - Dec 1952 (3 weeks), US CashBox 20 - Sep 1952 (16 weeks)
17 Johnnie Ray All of Me 1952 US Billboard 12 - Jul 1952 (8 weeks), US CashBox 18 - Aug 1952 (7 weeks), RYM 88 of 1952
18 Johnnie Ray Paths of Paradise 1955 UK 20 - May 1955 (1 week), US CashBox 42 - Feb 1955 (2 weeks), RYM 163 of 1955
19 Johnnie Ray Look Homeward Angel 1957 UK 7 - Jan 1957 (29 weeks), US Billboard 36 - Jan 1957 (9 weeks), RYM 121 of 1957
20 Johnnie Ray You Don't Owe Me a Thing 1957 UK 7 - Jan 1957 (19 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Jan 1957 (12 weeks)
21 Johnnie Ray A Sinner Am I 1952 US Billboard 20 - Aug 1952 (2 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Aug 1952 (8 weeks)
22 Johnnie Ray Love Me (Baby Can't You Love Me) 1952 US Billboard 25 - Sep 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 40 - Sep 1952 (2 weeks)
23 Johnnie Ray To Ev'ry Girl, To Ev'ry Boy (The Meaning Of Love) 1954 US Billboard 26 - Sep 1954 (3 weeks), US CashBox 40 - Aug 1954 (2 weeks)
24 Johnnie Ray Up Until Now 1958 Canada 42 - Aug 1958 (3 weeks), US Billboard 81 - Sep 1958 (3 weeks)
25 Johnnie Ray If You Believe 1955 UK 7 - Apr 1955 (11 weeks)
26 Johnnie Ray Who's Sorry Now? 1956 UK 17 - Feb 1956 (2 weeks)
27 Johnnie Ray Ain't Misbehavin' 1956 UK 17 - Apr 1956 (7 weeks)
28 Johnnie Ray I'm Gonna Walk & Talk With My Lord 1953 US Billboard 24 - Jan 1953 (1 week)
29 Johnnie Ray All I Do Is Dream Of You 1953 US Billboard 27 - Aug 1953 (1 week)
30 Johnnie Ray Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone 1953 US Billboard 29 - Oct 1953 (1 week)
31 Johnnie Ray With These Hands 1953 US Billboard 29 - Aug 1953 (1 week)
32 Johnnie Ray Gee, But I'm Lonesome 1952 US CashBox 37 - Nov 1952 (1 week)
33 Johnnie Ray Mountains In The Moonlight 1952 US CashBox 37 - May 1952 (7 weeks)
34 Johnnie Ray You'd Be Surprised 1954 US Billboard 25 - Feb 1954 (1 week)
35 Johnnie Ray You're My Everything 1991 Japan (Tokyo) 49 - Sep 1991 (4 weeks)
36 Johnnie Ray As Time Goes By 1955 US CashBox 35 - Jan 1955 (3 weeks)
37 Johnnie Ray Pink Sweater Angel 1957 Canada 28 - Nov 1957 (4 weeks)
38 Johnnie Ray Miss Me Just a Little 1957 Canada 28 - Dec 1957 (5 weeks)
39 Johnnie Ray Johnnie's Comin' Home 1955 US Billboard 100 - Nov 1955 (1 week)
40 Johnnie Ray Lonely for a letter 1957 RYM 164 of 1957

In addition to the above listed songs Johnnie Ray also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Doris Day & Johnnie Ray Let's Walk Thata-Way 1953 UK 4 - Jul 1953 (14 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 9 - Aug 1953 (16 weeks), US CashBox 31 - Jun 1953 (5 weeks), UKMIX 593
2 Doris Day & Johnnie Ray Full Time Job 1952 UK 11 - Apr 1953 (1 week), US Billboard 20 - Dec 1952 (2 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Dec 1952 (8 weeks), RYM 76 of 1952
3 Doris Day & Johnnie Ray Candy Lips 1953 US Billboard 17 - Jun 1953 (2 weeks), US CashBox 18 - Jun 1953 (13 weeks), RYM 127 of 1953
4 Doris Day & Johnnie Ray Ma Says Pa Says 1952 US Billboard 23 - Dec 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 37 - Dec 1952 (7 weeks), RYM 76 of 1952
5 Frankie Laine & Johnnie Ray Up Above My Head... 1957 Flanders 18 - Nov 1957 (1 month)
6 Frankie Laine & Johnnie Ray Good Evening Friends/Up Above My Head I Hear Music In The Air 1957 UK 25 - Oct 1957 (4 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

27 Oct 2013

Johnny Ray

When I was a child I remember we had a 78 record of johnny Ray titled "Thetouch of gods hand" have I remembered correctly and can I get a copy?

This site just lists hits, that was never a hit.

27 Feb 2012

Cash Box Charts

Hi,Does anyone know if the Cash Box charts will ever be back again. Site has been out for few months without any explanation.

Shure miss it.

Thanks, Maurice

23 Nov 2010

Johnnie Ray

Hi, I noticed that some Billboard and Cash Box do not correspond with mine, which are Best Selling Charts. I Believe that in that period of time, both charts had had also DJ Charts and Juke Box charts as well as Best Selling. Some of the songs listed (No.28, 29, 30, 33 and 34). Could you tell me which ones are DJ and Juke Box for all songs on your list.

Also what do DDD, RYM and UK MIX stand for

Thanks again, Maurice

Your are correct in the early 1950s Billboard and CashBox had a variety of different, irregular charts and most modern versions have consolidated them "in some way" to get their positions.

The answers to all your questions can be found on the "Song Charts" page (there's a link on the left at the top of this page).

The CashBox data originally came from a site that no longer exists, it is now available at

The Billboard chart comes from the Bullfrog data, ours is from version 20090808. On the web site just follow the "Latest SS" link.

In both those cases we have relied on the original data provider to generate the charts, so we don't know where they have used DJ, Juke Box, Best Selling or Airplay charts.

The other charts (DDD, RYM etc) can be found by following the links in the "Templates for entries" section at the bottom of the "Song Charts" page. Selecting the "DDD position of year" link for example shows that the data comes from Digital Dream Door

Each piece of text used to identify a song chart position anywhere on the site matches one of these templates, so you can use this to track every entry back to its original source. You might, for example, find the "Flanders" data interesting.

Of course in some cases we've had to fix the entries, for example when you pointed out that one chart had "Johnny Come Home" when it meant "Johnnie's Comin' Home", in general the original source won't have made the fix.

We have tried to ensure that all our entries are accurate, however it is quite possible that when making charts consistent we have introduced some errors, if you find any tell us about them and we'll fix the issue.

4 Nov 2010

Johnnie Ray

Hello again, No.38 You're My Everything was by a different singer by the same name. You stand correct about UK Charts starting only in 1952 (15 Nov). I discovered later that info taken from Chart Surfer from 1950 to 1952 was actually Sheet Music Sales.

In ref to No.39 Johnnie's Comin' Home (OzNet No.5): this info was taken a while back from correspondence in Newsgroups. As for Australia' National Chart: yes it is taken from Kent Music Report (oups! forgot about this copyright thing) and as for Belgium and Germany : chart was taken while back during my research but source is unknown. Thanks, Maurice

You're right about the 1991 song, we felt that the comment at the top of the page was the best way to clarify the situation.

Thanks once again for your input.

20 Jul 2010

Johnnie Ray

No.39 Johnny Come Home : correct title is: Johnnie's Comin' Home. I also have it listed in Australia's Oz Net Chart at No.5 as well as Australia's National Chart at No.6 No.7 Yes Tonight Josephine : Also have it at No.2 Australia's National Chart as well as No.6 in Belgium and No.8 in Germany.

Thanks, Maurice

The correct title, as you suggest, is "Johnnie's Comin' Home" that change will be made. Thanks for the correction.

The song was not in the OzNet list we retreived in 2008 (which was dated 2002). The OzNet list has obviously been moved, we can no longer find it where it was. Where was your source for this data?

We also don't know where to access the "Australia's National Chart" for the 1950s. When we search under that title on Google we are redirected to the "Kent Music Report", a listing gathered by David Kent from May 1974 to 1998.

Based on your previous suggestion we incorporated some of his annual charts already, basicly those that are easily to access. We don't have access to the complete content of his books, and even if we did we would want to be sure that using it was not breaking his copyright. So unless there are additional charts that are accessible on the web there will always be entries in his books that we can't use.

If there are some accessible versions of the Kent charts that we have overlooked we'd be happy to consider them.

With "Yes Tonight Josephine" we have a similar issue. We can only use charts we have a digital version of. The Belgian and German we have don't go back to the 1950s. If you point us at the more complete charts we can add them in.

Thank you for your continuing contribution, your input continues to be invaluable

30 Aug 2009

Johnnie Ray

Help ! been trying for along time to find a recording of one of Johnnie Ray songs for my cousin title "Soliloquy of a Fool" is there a recording of this song on any of his albums, would be so grateful for any help. Regards. K.Martin

Since you are in the UK you can purchase an mp3 copy from:

That version is on the "Hysteria - Singles Collection" CD which is available from as well as

Doing a search on shows that the track is also on the "Johnnie Ray" album "High Drama" and the "Various Artist" album "Juke Box Hits: Crooners, Volume 1".

15 May 2008

Johnnie Ray

For the song "Cry" at No.1 you have "US BB 2 of 1951". On my references of Billboard I have the following stats which might be of help: "Joel Whitburn's Top Pop Records 1940-55" (taken from Billboard) has "Cry" at No.1 for 11 wks.

Also I discovered the following: No.1 of R&B for 1 wk (12 Jan 1952); No. 1 Disc Jockey Charts of No.1 Hits for 1952 (10 wks at No.1); No.2 Juke Box Charts of No.1 Hits for 1952; No.3 PMCA Top 30 for 1952 (Pop Music Charts Archive). Outside US, I have: UK No.2 found in Charts Surfer and Australia No.1 (for 5 wks).

Thanks for the input.

Both the entry in Whitburn and the "US BB" are correct. The song was number one for 11 weeks and it was the number two song of 1951 (Nat King Cole's song "Unforgettable" was listed as Billboard's number one song of 1951).

The entry on "Charts Surfer" stating that it was a number two in the UK is just wrong. The UK charts didn't start until 1952.

The Australian "Number Ones" is more interesting, these are from the "Kent Music Report" which retrospectively calculated charts for the 1940s and 1950s. We reserve some doubts about this type of process, however the methodology used has been clearly defined and the process has no obvious sources of bias so, as you can see, we have added these charts. Thanks for pointing them out.

10 Dec 2007

Song Artist 281 Johnnie Ray

No. 22 Standing On The Corner, and No. 29 Moments To Remember: Never recorded by Johnnie Ray. The Four Lads were the original artists for those two hits. (P.S. The Four Lads were original back up for Johnnie Ray in 1952 at the start of his career but did go their own way to have many big hits later on).

Thanks, Maurice

Those two entries have been corrected, thanks for the information