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Song artist 765 - Mireille Mathieu

Mireille Mathieu Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Mireille Mathieu. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Mireille Mathieu La Derniere Valse 1967 France 1 for 6 weeks - Nov 1967, France (SNEP) 3 - Jan 1968 (2 months), Switzerland 3 - Jan 1968 (3 weeks), Flanders 5 - Nov 1967 (3 months), France (InfoDisc) 17 of the 1960s (peak 1, 35 weeks, 490k sales estimated, 1967), Brazil 24 of 1968, UK 26 - Dec 1967 (7 weeks)
2 Mireille Mathieu La Paloma ade 1973 Germany 1 for 1 week - Jan 1974, Austria 3 - Nov 1973 (10 months), Switzerland 3 - Nov 1973 (14 weeks), Belgium 3 - Nov 1973 (11 weeks), Germany 3 - Jan 1974 (6 months), Holland 6 - Oct 1973 (9 weeks), Germany 79 of the 1970s (peak 1 22 weeks)
3 Mireille Mathieu Paris en Colere 1967 France (SNEP) 1 - Jan 1967 (3 months), France 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1967, France (InfoDisc) 70 of the 1960s (peak 1, 23 weeks, 800k sales estimated, 1966)
4 Mireille Mathieu Akropolis adieu 1971 Switzerland 1 - Oct 1971 (18 weeks), Belgium 3 - Nov 1971 (17 weeks), France (SNEP) 4 - Nov 1971 (3 months), Germany 5 - Jan 1972 (6 months), Germany 251 of the 1970s (peak 3 20 weeks)
5 Mireille Mathieu Mon Credo 1966 France 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1966, Flanders 8 - Apr 1966 (2 months), France (InfoDisc) 36 of the 1960s (peak 1, 30 weeks, 850k sales estimated, 1966)
6 Mireille Mathieu Mille Colombes 1977 France 1 for 1 week - Sep 1977, France (SNEP) 2 - Oct 1977 (4 months), Belgium 28 - Nov 1977 (1 week), France (InfoDisc) 147 of the 1970s (peak 1, 27 weeks, 754k sales estimated, 1977)
7 Mireille Mathieu Hinter den Kulissen von Paris 1969 Germany 5 - May 1969 (3 months), Flanders 7 - May 1969 (3 months), Holland 12 - May 1969 (10 weeks), Germany 334 of the 1960s (peak 5 10 weeks)
8 Mireille Mathieu Santa Maria De La Mer 1978 France (SNEP) 3 - Oct 1978 (4 months), ODK Germany 13 - May 1978 (21 weeks), Germany 16 - Jul 1978 (2 months), Austria 17 - Jun 1978 (3 months), France (InfoDisc) 139 of the 1970s (peak 2, 21 weeks, 537k sales estimated, 1978)
9 Mireille Mathieu Der Zar und das Maedchen 1975 Austria 6 - Nov 1975 (5 months), Germany 13 - Jan 1976 (4 months), Germany 374 of the 1970s (peak 8 16 weeks)
10 Mireille Mathieu Une Histoire D'amour 1971 France (SNEP) 2 - Mar 1971 (4 months), France (InfoDisc) 183 of the 1970s (peak 1, 25 weeks, 555k sales estimated, 1971)
11 Mireille Mathieu Ensemble 1968 France (SNEP) 6 - Nov 1968 (2 months), Holland 7 - Mar 1969 (10 weeks)
12 Mireille Mathieu Corsica 1972 France (SNEP) 14 - Jun 1972 (1 month), Germany 24 - Mar 1972 (2 months)
13 Mireille Mathieu Pourquoi Le Monde Est Sans Amour 1970 Belgium 26 - Aug 1970 (3 weeks), Holland 30 - Jan 1971 (3 weeks)
14 Mireille Mathieu Ce soir ils vont s'aimer 1967 France (SNEP) 4 - Mar 1967 (2 months)
15 Mireille Mathieu Kleine Schwalbe (Fur die Heimkehr ist es nie zu spat) 1977 Austria 21 - Jan 1977 (1 month), ODK Germany 37 - Jan 1977 (3 weeks)
16 Mireille Mathieu Donne ton coeur, donne ta vie 1970 France (SNEP) 3 - Nov 1970 (3 months)
17 Mireille Mathieu Viens dans ma rue 1967 France (SNEP) 8 - Jan 1967 (1 month)
18 Mireille Mathieu J'ai garde l'accent 1968 France (SNEP) 5 - Mar 1968 (3 months)
19 Mireille Mathieu Pardonne-moi ce caprice d'enfant 1970 France (SNEP) 4 - Jul 1970 (3 months)
20 Mireille Mathieu La Paloma, adieu 1973 France (SNEP) 5 - Dec 1973 (3 months)
21 Mireille Mathieu Les Bicyclettes De Belsize 1968 France (SNEP) 6 - Nov 1968 (2 months)
22 Mireille Mathieu Una Canzone 1968 France (SNEP) 6 - Jun 1968 (2 months)
23 Mireille Mathieu Qu'elle Est Belle 1966 France (InfoDisc) 39 of the 1960s (peak 3, 28 weeks, 385k sales estimated, 1966)
24 Mireille Mathieu La premiere etoile 1969 France (SNEP) 6 - Apr 1969 (2 months)
25 Mireille Mathieu Mon bel amour d'ete 1969 France (SNEP) 7 - Jul 1969 (2 months)
26 Mireille Mathieu C'est a Mayerling 1969 France (SNEP) 9 - Jan 1969 (1 month)
27 Mireille Mathieu Emmene-moi demain avec toi 1973 France (SNEP) 13 - Jul 1973 (1 month)
28 Mireille Mathieu Une femme amoureuse 1980 France (SNEP) 4 - Dec 1980 (3 months)
29 Mireille Mathieu Martin 1969 Germany 13 - Aug 1969 (2 months)
30 Mireille Mathieu Mon amour me revient 1970 France (SNEP) 12 - Apr 1970 (1 month)
31 Mireille Mathieu Toi, moi, nous 1969 France (SNEP) 14 - Dec 1969 (1 month)
32 Mireille Mathieu Hans im Gluck 1972 Germany 22 - Oct 1972 (1 month)
33 Mireille Mathieu an einem sonntag im april 1970 Germany 19 - Apr 1970 (2 months)
34 Mireille Mathieu Ganz Paris ist ein TheaterGebt das Hanf frei 1971 Germany 18 - Mar 1971 (2 months)
35 Mireille Mathieu Der Pariser Tango 1971 Germany 20 - Jun 1971 (2 months)
36 Mireille Mathieu Es geht mir gut Cheri 1971 Germany 20 - Jan 1971 (3 months)
37 Mireille Mathieu Tarata-Ting Tarata-Tong 1970 Germany 22 - Jan 1970 (1 month)
38 Mireille Mathieu Tous les enfants chantent avec moi 1975 France (SNEP) 9 - Dec 1975 (1 month)
39 Mireille Mathieu Un million d'enfants 1975 France (SNEP) 11 - Jan 1975 (1 month)
40 Mireille Mathieu On ne vit pas sans se dire adieu 1975 France (SNEP) 13 - Apr 1975 (1 month)
41 Mireille Mathieu Ma melodie d'amour 1976 France (SNEP) 12 - Jun 1976 (1 month)
42 Mireille Mathieu Bravo tu as gagne 1981 Sweden (alt) 14 - Aug 1981 (4 weeks)
43 Mireille Mathieu Zuhause wartet Natascha 1979 ODK Germany 43 - Oct 1979 (1 week)
44 Mireille Mathieu Nur fur Dich 1983 ODK Germany 39 - Dec 1983 (7 weeks)

In addition to the above listed songs Mireille Mathieu also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Mireille Mathieu & Patrick Duffy Together We're Strong 1983 Belgium 3 - Mar 1983 (9 weeks), Holland 5 - Mar 1983 (8 weeks), France (SNEP) 5 - Mar 1983 (2 months), ODK Germany 34 - May 1983 (11 weeks)
2 Mireille Mathieu & Paul Anka You & I 1980 Brazil 64 of 1980
3 Mireille Mathieu & Barry Manilow Don't Talk to Me About Love 1986 Belgium 15 - Apr 1986 (2 weeks)
4 Mireille Mathieu & Peter Alexander Good-Bye My Love (Verzeih My Love) 1984 ODK Germany 47 - Dec 1984 (8 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

27 Jun 2018

Double Listing - Santa Maria De La Mer

#8 & #43 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

8 Dec 2015

Double Listing - Santa Maria De La Mer

#13 & #15 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

18 Feb 2014

mireille Mathieu

Bonjour where is excatly residence adress of Mireille Mathieu? No in France probabily where she know big derision . thank you.