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Song artist 348 - Supertramp

Supertramp Region Profile

Supertramp Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Supertramp.A list of the hit albums by Supertramp is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Supertramp The Logical Song 1979 Canada 1 - May 1979 (16 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1979, Canada 1 of 1979, France (InfoDisc) 2 of the 1970s (peak 2, 44 weeks, 677k sales estimated, 1979), France (SNEP) 3 - Apr 1979 (3 months), Springbok 3 - Jun 1979 (16 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Mar 1979 (21 weeks), Record World 6 - 1979, UK 7 - Mar 1979 (11 weeks), France 7 - Apr 1979 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 10 of 70s, ODK Germany 12 - Jun 1979 (23 weeks), RIANZ 13 - May 1979 (17 weeks), Germany 14 - Jun 1979 (3 months), Austria 15 - Sep 1979 (4 months), Holland free40 16 of 1979, Belgium 16 - May 1979 (2 weeks), Holland 20 - Mar 1979 (7 weeks), Brazil 26 of 1979, US BB 27 of 1979, WABC NY 29 of 1979, US Radio 36 of 1979 (peak 6 10 weeks), US CashBox 37 of 1979, Italy 61 of 1979, POP 67 of 1979, TheQ 233, OzNet 245, RYM 24 of 1979
2 Supertramp It's Raining Again 1982 Canada 1 - Oct 1982 (14 weeks), France 1 for 1 week - Oct 1982, Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1982, Switzerland 2 - Oct 1982 (12 weeks), Germany 3 - Jan 1983 (4 months), ODK Germany 3 - Nov 1982 (20 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), Holland 6 - Oct 1982 (7 weeks), Norway 6 - Dec 1982 (1 week), Springbok 6 - Dec 1982 (12 weeks), France (SNEP) 8 - Nov 1982 (1 month), Austria 8 - Jan 1983 (3 months), Belgium 8 - Nov 1982 (7 weeks), Poland 9 - Nov 1982 (9 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Oct 1982 (12 weeks), UK 26 - Oct 1982 (12 weeks), Brazil 33 of 1983, Canada 48 of 1982, US CashBox 51 of 1982, US Radio 78 of 1982 (peak 11 6 weeks), Holland free40 81 of 1982, Germany 245 of the 1980s (peak 3 13 weeks), OzNet 778
3 Supertramp Give a Little Bit 1977 Holland 2 - Aug 1977 (15 weeks), Springbok 4 - Aug 1977 (13 weeks), France 9 - Aug 1977 (1 week), Norway 9 - Oct 1977 (5 weeks), Canada 11 - Aug 1977 (8 weeks), Belgium 11 - Sep 1977 (9 weeks), RIANZ 14 - Aug 1977 (13 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Jun 1977 (18 weeks), Record World 20 - 1977, UK 29 - Jun 1977 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 29 - Aug 1977 (11 weeks), Holland free40 39 of 1977, POP 56 of 1977, Europe 67 of the 1970s (1977), US CashBox 74 of 1977, US BB 78 of 1977, Canada 84 of 1977, US Radio 108 of 1977 (peak 15 3 weeks), TheQ 127, OzNet 952, RYM 153 of 1977
4 Supertramp Dreamer 1980 Canada 1 - Sep 1980 (14 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1980, France 10 - May 1975 (1 week), UK 13 - Feb 1975 (10 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Sep 1980 (14 weeks), Record World 19 - 1980, RIANZ 34 - Jul 1975 (4 weeks), Holland 36 - Feb 1981 (3 weeks), POP 51 of 1980, Canada 61 of 1980, WABC NY 75 of 1980, Holland free40 89 of 1981, US Radio 109 of 1980 (peak 15 4 weeks), OzNet 201, RYM 36 of 1974
5 Supertramp Goodbye Stranger 1979 Canada 1 - Jul 1979 (12 weeks), France 4 - Oct 1979 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 7 of 70s, France (SNEP) 9 - Aug 1979 (2 months), Record World 13 - 1979, US Billboard 15 - Jul 1979 (14 weeks), RIANZ 40 - Oct 1979 (3 weeks), UK 57 - Oct 1979 (3 weeks), Canada 58 of 1979, TheQ 73, Holland free40 89 of 1979, US Radio 103 of 1979 (peak 15 5 weeks), RYM 45 of 1979
6 Supertramp Take the Long Way Home 1979 Canada 5 - Oct 1979 (12 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Oct 1979 (14 weeks), Record World 10 - 1979, POP 30 of 1979, Holland free40 63 of 1980, US Radio 75 of 1979 (peak 10 6 weeks), Canada 76 of 1980, US BB 86 of 1980, WABC NY 94 of 1980, TheQ 231, OzNet 273, RYM 49 of 1979
7 Supertramp Breakfast in America 1979 UK 9 - Jun 1979 (11 weeks), Springbok 9 - Dec 1979 (9 weeks), France 10 - Jul 1979 (1 week), Belgium 13 - Jul 1979 (5 weeks), Holland 16 - Jun 1979 (8 weeks), Austria 23 - Nov 1979 (1 month), ODK Germany 23 - Sep 1979 (23 weeks), Holland free40 25 of 1979, Scrobulate 61 of 70s, US Billboard 62 - Dec 1980 (7 weeks), POP 83 of 1980, RYM 59 of 1979
8 Supertramp School 1974 France 1 - Dec 1974 (6 weeks), Europe 20 of the 1970s (1974), Holland 33 - Mar 1990 (3 weeks), DDD 47 of 1974, Scrobulate 77 of good stuff, TheQ 212
9 Supertramp Cannonball 1985 France 3 - May 1985 (3 weeks), Canada 11 - May 1985 (9 weeks), Switzerland 25 - Jun 1985 (4 weeks), US Billboard 28 - May 1985 (12 weeks), Holland 35 - Jun 1985 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 60 - Jun 1985 (7 weeks), Holland free40 84 of 1985
10 Supertramp Bloody Well Right 1974 RIANZ 34 - Jul 1975 (4 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Apr 1975 (10 weeks), DDD 72 of 1974, TheQ 235, RYM 36 of 1974
11 Supertramp Babaji 1977 France 1 - Oct 1977 (3 weeks), Holland free40 61 of 1978
12 Supertramp My Kind of Lady 1983 US Billboard 31 - Jan 1983 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 74 - Mar 1983 (2 weeks), Holland free40 76 of 1983
13 Supertramp Crime of the Century 1974 France 1 - Sep 1974 (9 weeks)
14 Supertramp Lady 1975 France 1 - Jul 1975 (7 weeks)
15 Supertramp A Soapbox Opera 1975 France 1 - Aug 1975 (7 weeks)
16 Supertramp Child of Vision 1980 France 1 - Mar 1980 (7 weeks)
17 Supertramp It's Alright 1988 France 1 - May 1988 (2 weeks)
18 Supertramp Free As a Bird 1988 Poland 24 - May 1988 (9 weeks), UK 95 - Mar 1988 (1 week)
19 Supertramp Don't Leave Me Now 1983 France 6 - Jul 1983 (1 week), Poland 20 - Oct 1983 (2 weeks)
20 Supertramp Ain't Nobody but Me 1976 Holland free40 9 of 1976
21 Supertramp Crazy 1983 Canada 17 - Jan 1983 (8 weeks)
22 Supertramp Take The Long Way Home (Live Version) 1980 ODK Germany 53 - Nov 1980 (8 weeks)
23 Supertramp You Win I Lose 1997 ODK Germany 63 - Mar 1997 (8 weeks)
24 Supertramp Just Another Nervous Wreck 1979 RYM 24 of 1979
25 Supertramp Even in the Quietest Moments 1979 RYM 45 of 1979
26 Supertramp Rudy 1979 RYM 49 of 1979
27 Supertramp Gone Hollywood 1979 RYM 59 of 1979
28 Supertramp Downstream 1977 RYM 153 of 1977
29 Supertramp If Everyone Was Listening 1975 RYM 176 of 1975