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Album artist 519 - Thelonious Monk

Thelonious Monk Region Profile

Thelonious Monk Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Thelonious Monk. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Thelonious Monk Genius of Modern Music 1951 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2003 (1949), BEA 1 of 1951, Guiness 91, Acclaimed 458 (1951), RYM 1 of 1951
2 Thelonious Monk Brilliant Corners 1956 Library of Congress artifact added 2003 (1956), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1956), BEA 3 of 1956, Acclaimed 429 (1957), RYM 2 of 1957
3 Thelonious Monk Genius of Modern Music, Vol 2 1951 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2003 (1949), Guiness 91, Acclaimed 714 (1952), RYM 1 of 1952
4 Thelonious Monk Monk's Music 1958 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1957), Acclaimed 1014 (1958), RYM 3 of 1958
5 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Monk Trio 1953 Acclaimed 2911 (1954), RYM 1 of 1953
6 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Alone in San Francisco 1960 Acclaimed 2153 (1960), RYM 27 of 1960
7 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Himself 1957 Acclaimed 2378 (1957), RYM 23 of 1957
8 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Monk Orchestra at Town Hall 1959 Acclaimed 2031 (1959), RYM 52 of 1959
9 Thelonious Monk Criss-Cross 1963 Billboard 127 - Dec 1963 (2 weeks), RYM 18 of 1963
10 Thelonious Monk Misterioso 1958 Acclaimed 1863 (1958), RYM 18 of 1958
11 Thelonious Monk Thelonious in Action 1958 Acclaimed 1755 (1958), RYM 52 of 1958
12 Thelonious Monk Plays Duke Ellington 1955 RYM 10 of 1955
13 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Monk & Herbie Nichols 1955 RYM 111 of 1955
14 Thelonious Monk Thelonious Monk & Sonny Rollins 1956 RYM 14 of 1956
15 Thelonious Monk The Unique 1956 RYM 47 of 1956
16 Thelonious Monk At the Blackhawk 1960 RYM 88 of 1960
17 Thelonious Monk Monk's Dream 1963 RYM 4 of 1963
18 Thelonious Monk Five by Monk by Five 1959 RYM 58 of 1959
19 Thelonious Monk It's Monk's Time 1964 RYM 61 of 1964
20 Thelonious Monk Big Band & Quartet in Concert 1964 RYM 155 of 1964
21 Thelonious Monk Solo Monk 1965 RYM 42 of 1965
22 Thelonious Monk Monk 1965 RYM 89 of 1965
23 Thelonious Monk Straight, No Chaser 1967 RYM 54 of 1967
24 Thelonious Monk Underground 1968 RYM 66 of 1968
25 Thelonious Monk Live at the It Club 1982 RYM 51 of 1982

In addition to the above listed albums Thelonious Monk also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane 1961 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1961), Acclaimed 733 (1957), RYM 6 of 1961
2 Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane Thelonious Monk Quartet With John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall 2005 Billboard 107 - Oct 2005 (14 weeks), Acclaimed 2938 (2005), RYM 1 of 2005

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

4 May 2015

Double Listing - Thelonious Monk (Trio)

Per both Wikipedia and Acclaimed Music, it appears #7 (Thelonious Monk) & #11 (Thelonious Monk Trio) are the same.

Data changed, thanks

24 Dec 2014

Double Listing - Thelonious Monk With John Coltrane

#4 should be combined with #2 (under duets).

Data fixed, thanks