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Song artist 875 - Red Foley

Red Foley Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Red Foley. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Red Foley Chattanoogie Shoe-Shine Boy 1950 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1950 (16 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jan 1950 (15 weeks), US 1 for 4 weeks - Feb 1950, US CashBox 1 - Jan 1950 (18 weeks), DZE 5 of 1950, DDD 12 of 1949, US invalid BB 18 of 1950, POP 25 of 1950, nuTsie 87 of 1940s, RYM 117 of 1950
2 Red Foley Smoke On the Water 1944 US Country 1 for 13 weeks - Sep 1944, US Billboard 7 - Sep 1944 (11 weeks), DDD 32 of 1944
3 Red Foley Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes 1952 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - May 1953, US Billboard 25 - Nov 1952 (1 week)
4 Red Foley Tennessee Saturday Night 1948 US Country 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1949, DDD 15 of 1948
5 Red Foley New Pretty Blonde (Jole Blon) 1947 US Country 1 for 1 week - May 1947, DDD 32 of 1947
6 Red Foley (There'll Be) Peace in the Valley (For Me) 1951 Library of Congress artifact added 2006 (1951), RYM 136 of 1951, Guardian Folk/ World 23
7 Red Foley Our Lady Of Fatima 1950 US CashBox 5 - Sep 1950 (21 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Sep 1950 (9 weeks), US 1940s 16 - Oct 1950 (1 week)
8 Red Foley Shame On You 1945 US Country 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1945
9 Red Foley Cincinatti Dancing Pig 1950 US Billboard 7 - Sep 1950 (9 weeks), US CashBox 10 - Sep 1950 (10 weeks)
10 Red Foley Birmingham Bounce 1950 US Billboard 14 - May 1950 (4 weeks), US CashBox 24 - Jun 1950 (3 weeks)
11 Red Foley M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I 1950 US CashBox 17 - Jun 1950 (14 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Jun 1950 (3 weeks)
12 Red Foley Alabama Jubilee 1951 US Billboard 28 - Dec 1951 (1 week), US CashBox 33 - Feb 1952 (2 weeks)
13 Red Foley Sugarfoot Rag 1950 US Billboard 24 - Feb 1950 (1 week), RYM 117 of 1950
14 Red Foley There's a Little Blue Star in the Window (And it Means All the World to Me) 1944 DDD 100 of 1944
15 Red Foley Hot Rod Race 1951 US CashBox 21 - Jan 1951 (12 weeks)
16 Red Foley Put Christ Back into Christmas 1953 US Billboard 23 - Dec 1953 (2 weeks)
17 Red Foley Steal Away 1950 RYM 78 of 1950
18 Red Foley Just a Closer Walk With Thee 1950 RYM 78 of 1950
19 Red Foley Old Soldiers Never Die 1951 RYM 136 of 1951

In addition to the above listed songs Red Foley also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Red Foley & Ernest Tubb Goodnight, Irene 1950 US Billboard 10 - Aug 1950 (10 weeks)
2 Red Foley & Evelyn Knight My Heart Cries For You 1951 US Billboard 28 - Feb 1951 (6 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

10 May 2015

Double Listing - Peace In the Valley

#8 & #16 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks