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Song title 990 - Mockingbird

Mockingbird Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Mockingbird" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

If, alternately, you are looking for songs which have the word "Mockingbird" somewhere in the title a better alternative would be to look up the word in the site index for m.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Eminem Mockingbird 2005 UK 4 - May 2005 (12 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 2005), Norway 7 - May 2005 (3 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Jan 2005 (20 weeks), Switzerland 14 - May 2005 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - May 2005 (12 weeks), Austria 18 - May 2005 (3 months), Germany 20 - May 2005 (1 month), Holland 25 - May 2005 (5 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 31 - Nov 2022 (14 weeks), US Radio 32 of 2005 (peak 7 12 weeks), Poland 43 - May 2005 (3 weeks), ARC 50 of 2005 (peak 5 16 weeks), US BB 59 of 2005, Scrobulate 66 of rap, the MusicID revenue site song 56 of 2005
2 Inez & Charlie Foxx Mockingbird 1963 Canada 1 - Jul 1963 (13 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Jun 1963 (18 weeks), US invalid BB 12 of 1963, US CashBox 22 of 1963, US BB 25 of 1963, UK 33 - Feb 1969 (5 weeks), KQV 33 of 1963, DDD 46 of 1963, WABC NY 47 of 1963, POP 48 of 1963, US Radio 80 of 1963 (peak 7 6 weeks), RYM 149 of 1963
3 Carly Simon & James Taylor Mockingbird 1974 Canada 3 - Feb 1974 (10 weeks), Record World 4 - 1974, US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1974), US Billboard 5 - Feb 1974 (16 weeks), Australia Goset 8 - Apr 1974 (12 weeks), Springbok 13 - May 1974 (8 weeks), POP 16 of 1974, UK 34 - Mar 1974 (5 weeks), US CashBox 39 of 1974, WABC NY 42 of 1974, US Radio 48 of 1974 (peak 5 8 weeks), Canada 49 of 1974, US BB 52 of 1974
4 Rob Thomas Mockingbird 2010 US Billboard 95 - Jul 2010 (4 weeks)
5 Johnny O'Keefe & Margaret McLaren Mockingbird 1974 Australia Goset 8 - Apr 1974 (12 weeks)
6 The Belle Stars Mockingbird 1982 UK 51 - Oct 1982 (3 weeks)
7 Aretha Franklin Mockingbird 1967 US Billboard 94 - Dec 1967 (2 weeks)
8 E1 3x3 Mockingbird 2022 UK Songs 2013-23 peak 89 - Jul 2022 (1 week)