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Song artist 541 - Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix Region Profile

Jimi Hendrix Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Jimi Hendrix.A list of the hit albums by Jimi Hendrix is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Jimi Hendrix All Along the Watchtower 1968 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1968), DDD 3 of 1968, UK 5 - Oct 1968 (14 weeks), Canada 5 - Oct 1968 (7 weeks), NZ Listner 6 - Jan 1969 (7 weeks), D.Marsh 6 of 1968, Australia Goset 9 - Nov 1968 (14 weeks), Holland 10 - Oct 1968 (8 weeks), Record World 18 - 1968, WXPN 18, US Billboard 20 - Sep 1968 (9 weeks), nuTsie 20 of 1960s, Keener 22 - Aug 1968 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 22 of classic rock, DMDB 32 (1968), Europe 46 of the 1960s (1968), Rolling Stone 48, Acclaimed 61 (1968), Poland 93 of all time, Belgium 104 of all time, TheQ 143, US Radio 155 of 1968 (peak 20 2 weeks), RIAA 365, RYM 2 of 1970, WFUV 56, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze 1967 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000 (1967), UK 3 - Mar 1967 (14 weeks), DDD 4 of 1967, Keener 5 - Oct 1967 (6 weeks), Norway 7 - May 1967 (3 weeks), NZ Listner 9 - Jul 1967 (4 weeks), Scrobulate 10 of classic rock, 13 in 2FM list, Holland 14 - May 1967 (6 weeks), nuTsie 15 of 1960s, Rolling Stone 17, Germany 18 - Jun 1967 (2 months), US invalid BB 37 of 1967, POP 37 of 1967, Acclaimed 45 (1967), DMDB 58 (1967), US Billboard 65 - Aug 1967 (8 weeks), Vinyl Surrender 185 (1967), WXPN 200, RYM 12 of 1967, Guardian Rock 33, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Jimi Hendrix Hey Joe 1967 UK 6 - Dec 1966 (11 weeks), Europe 8 of the 1960s (1967), Norway 10 - May 1967 (1 week), Holland 11 - Feb 1967 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 40 - May 1967 (1 week), Poland 56 of all time, DDD 64 of 1966, Belgium 67 of all time, Scrobulate 72 of classic rock, Rolling Stone 198, Acclaimed 223 (1966), TheQ 316, WXPN 634, OzNet 654, RYM 2 of 1970
4 Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile 1970 UK 1 - Nov 1970 (13 weeks), Holland 4 - Dec 1970 (8 weeks), France 6 - Dec 1970 (2 weeks), DDD 27 of 1968, Scrobulate 28 of blues, Australia Goset 29 - Feb 1971 (5 weeks), Vinyl Surrender 89 (1968), Rolling Stone 101, WXPN 105, Acclaimed 203 (1968), Belgium 266 of all time, UKMIX 965, RYM 2 of 1970, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
5 Jimi Hendrix Foxy Lady 1967 Keener 9 - Nov 1967 (5 weeks), Canada 29 - Jan 1968 (5 weeks), Australia Goset 29 - Feb 1968 (6 weeks), Holland 31 - Dec 1967 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 35 of guitar, DDD 39 of 1967, US Billboard 67 - Dec 1967 (4 weeks), TheQ 100, Rolling Stone 152, Acclaimed 876 (1967), RYM 49 of 1967
6 Jimi Hendrix Crosstown Traffic 1969 France 9 - Jan 1970 (1 week), Poland 12 - Apr 1991 (11 weeks), Scrobulate 18 of guitar, Holland 33 - Feb 1969 (3 weeks), UK 37 - Apr 1969 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 38 - Mar 1969 (1 week), Record World 39 - 1968, US Billboard 52 - Nov 1968 (8 weeks), Acclaimed 619 (1968), RYM 32 of 1969, Guardian Rock 21
7 Jimi Hendrix The Wind Cries Mary 1967 UK 6 - May 1967 (11 weeks), Scrobulate 6 of guitar, Holland 7 - Jun 1967 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 12 - Aug 1967 (7 weeks), DDD 60 of 1967, WXPN 102, Rolling Stone 370, Acclaimed 2151 (1967), RYM 30 of 1967
8 Jimi Hendrix Red House 1966 Scrobulate 1 of blues, Peel list 4 of 1966, WXPN 547
9 Jimi Hendrix Burning of the Midnight Lamp 1967 UK 18 - Sep 1967 (9 weeks), Australia Goset 22 - Nov 1967 (6 weeks), Holland 30 - Sep 1967 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 78 of guitar, RYM 82 of 1969
10 Jimi Hendrix Fire 1969 France 8 - Feb 1970 (1 week), Australia Goset 29 - Feb 1968 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 94 of classic rock, RYM 82 of 1969
11 Jimi Hendrix Freedom 1971 Holland 36 - May 1971 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 36 of guitar, US Billboard 59 - Apr 1971 (8 weeks), RYM 92 of 1971
12 Jimi Hendrix Angel 1971 Scrobulate 26 of guitar, Holland 36 - May 1971 (2 weeks), WXPN 749, RYM 92 of 1971
13 Jimi Hendrix Little Wing 1967 DDD 51 of 1967, Scrobulate 83 of classic rock, WXPN 83, Rolling Stone 357
14 Jimi Hendrix Dolly Dagger 1971 Keener 21 - Oct 1971 (3 weeks), Poland 24 - May 1997 (3 weeks), US Billboard 74 - Oct 1971 (7 weeks)
15 Jimi Hendrix The Star Spangled Banner 1970 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2009 (1970)
16 Jimi Hendrix Gypsy Eyes 1969 UK 35 - Oct 1971 (5 weeks), RYM 32 of 1969
17 Jimi Hendrix Highway Chile 1967 Scrobulate 46 of guitar, RYM 30 of 1967
18 Jimi Hendrix Stone Free 1966 Scrobulate 75 of guitar, RYM 19 of 1966
19 Jimi Hendrix If 6 Was 9 1969 Scrobulate 79 of guitar, RYM 159 of 1969
20 Jimi Hendrix Johnny B Goode 1972 UK 35 - Feb 1972 (5 weeks)
21 Jimi Hendrix Remember 1971 UK 35 - Oct 1971 (5 weeks)
22 Jimi Hendrix Up From The Skies 1968 US Billboard 82 - Mar 1968 (4 weeks)
23 Jimi Hendrix 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn to Be) 1968 Acclaimed 1795 (1968)
24 Jimi Hendrix Gloria 1978 RYM 189 of 1978
25 Jimi Hendrix Castles Made Of Sand unknown Scrobulate 49 of guitar, WXPN 502
26 Jimi Hendrix Long Hot Summer Night 1968 RYM 5 of 1968
27 Jimi Hendrix 51st Anniversary 1967 RYM 12 of 1967
28 Jimi Hendrix The Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice 1967 RYM 106 of 1967
29 Jimi Hendrix Night Bird Flying unknown Scrobulate 37 of guitar
30 Jimi Hendrix Bold as Love unknown Scrobulate 37 of blues
31 Jimi Hendrix Machine Gun unknown Scrobulate 50 of guitar
32 Jimi Hendrix Track 16 unknown Scrobulate 55 of gotanygoodmusic
33 Jimi Hendrix Manic Depression unknown Scrobulate 80 of guitar
34 Jimi Hendrix Rainy Day, Dream Away unknown Scrobulate 81 of guitar
35 Jimi Hendrix Wild Thing unknown Scrobulate 86 of live
36 Jimi Hendrix Hey Baby (New Rising Sun) unknown Scrobulate 88 of amazing
37 Jimi Hendrix Love Hurts unknown OzNet 538
38 Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced? 1967 Guardian Rock 20

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

18 Sep 2020

Unnamed song should be removed

The current song #32 is titled "Track 16". +This should probably be removed.

Great site. +Thanks for all the work on this.

But that data is in the original chart.

1 Feb 2012

Song artist 544 - Jimi Hendrix

Hi, #12 Jimi Hendrix Fire 1968 ??? same as ??? #24 Jimi Hendrix (Let Me Light Your) Fire 1969 best regards rmk

Thanks for the correction