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Song artist 825 - Xavier Cugat

Xavier Cugat Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Xavier Cugat. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Xavier Cugat Brazil (Aquarela do Brasil) 1943 US Billboard 2 - 1943 (24 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Dec 1942 (32 weeks), Your Hit Parade 15 of 1943, Brazil 18 of 1943, nuTsie 22 of 1940s, DDD 30 of 1942
2 Xavier Cugat Perfidia (Tonight) 1941 US Billboard 3 - 1941 (16 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Feb 1941 (13 weeks), Your Hit Parade 4 of 1941, Brazil 49 of 1941
3 Xavier Cugat South America, Take It Away 1946 US Billboard 6 - Aug 1946 (13 weeks), US 1940s 9 - Sep 1946 (3 weeks), DDD 52 of 1946, Brazil 93 of 1947
4 Xavier Cugat The Lady in Red 1935 US Billboard 3 - 1935 (12 weeks), POP 20 of 1935, Brazil 77 of 1936
5 Xavier Cugat The Breeze & I 1940 UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Sep 1940 (2 weeks), US Billboard 13 - 1940 (1 week)
6 Xavier Cugat Amor 1944 US Billboard 10 - Jul 1944 (9 weeks), Brazil 30 of 1944, DDD 30 of 1944
7 Xavier Cugat Babelu 1944 Brazil 24 of 1944, US Billboard 27 - Apr 1944 (1 week), US CashBox 40 - Mar 1952 (4 weeks)
8 Xavier Cugat Begin the Beguine 1935 US Billboard 13 - 1935 (2 weeks), Brazil 59 of 1936
9 Xavier Cugat Green Eyes 1941 US Billboard 16 - 1941 (1 week), Brazil 68 of 1942
10 Xavier Cugat Chica, Chica, Boom, Chic 1941 US Billboard 26 - 1941 (1 week), Brazil 50 of 1941
11 Xavier Cugat Cuanto La Gusta 1949 US Billboard 27 - Jan 1949 (1 week), Brazil 87 of 1949
12 Xavier Cugat Good, Good, Good (That's You-That's You) 1945 US Billboard 6 - Jun 1945 (7 weeks), DDD 74 of 1945
13 Xavier Cugat Night Must Fall 1939 US Billboard 9 - 1939 (4 weeks)
14 Xavier Cugat Say 'Si Si' (Para Vigo Me Voy) 1936 US Billboard 19 - 1936 (1 week)
15 Xavier Cugat The Cocoanut Pudding Vendor 1935 US Billboard 20 - 1935 (1 week)
16 Xavier Cugat Mambo Jambo 1950 UK 40s Sheet Music 17 - Oct 1950 (2 weeks)
17 Xavier Cugat Quiero A Mi Mama (I Want My Mama) 1940 US Billboard 17 - 1940 (1 week)
18 Xavier Cugat The Rumba-Cardi 1940 US Billboard 19 - Dec 1940 (2 weeks)
19 Xavier Cugat Mambo no. 8 1954 Italy 83 of 1954
20 Xavier Cugat Whatever Happened to You 1940 US Billboard 22 - 1940 (1 week)
21 Xavier Cugat Quiereme Mucho (Yours) 1941 US Billboard 16 - 1941 (1 week)
22 Xavier Cugat Thanks for the Dream 1943 US Billboard 18 - 1943 (1 week)
23 Xavier Cugat Intermezzo (Souvenir De Vienne) 1941 US Billboard 23 - 1941 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

3 Feb 2016

#23 - Intermezzo (A Love Story)

Per Joel Whitburn there are a total of (9) 1941 recordings that made the USBillboard Charts that have the same title of 'Intermezzo'. Since you already have several others listed as 'Intermezzo (Souvenir de Vienne); I feel the title here should be changed to that also.

Data fixed, thanks

24 Jan 2016

Double Listing - Amor

#8 & #24 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

28 Nov 2013


You have two entries in your spreadsheet: Xavier Cugat Brazil Xavier Cugat Brazil (Aquarela do Brasil)

These are the same song (?)


That looks correct, the data has been changed, thanks