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Song artist 355 - Manfred Mann

Manfred Mann Region Profile

Manfred Mann Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Manfred Mann. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

This entry combines music from two quite distinct groups. The 1960s group was called "Mann-Hugg Blues Brothers" and "Manfred Mann & The Manfreds" before settling on the name "Manfred Mann" named after the keyboard player. That group split up in 1969, it reformed in 1991 (without the keyboard player) as "The Manfreds". Meanwhile, Manfred Mann (the keyboard player) went on to form "Manfred Mann's Earth Band" in 1971 as a deliberate effort to distance himself from the pop format of the earlier band, they had international success with a version of Bruce Springsteen's song "Blinded by the Light" and have continued to perform ever since.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Manfred Mann Mighty Quinn 1968 UK 1 - Jan 1968 (11 weeks), Canada 1 - Feb 1968 (11 weeks), Germany 1 - Mar 1968 (4 months), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Feb 1968, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Apr 1968, Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1968, Holland 2 - Feb 1968 (11 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Mar 1968 (11 weeks), Norway 2 - Feb 1968 (9 weeks), NZ Listner 2 - Mar 1968 (8 weeks), Flanders 4 - Mar 1968 (2 months), Record World 5 - 1968, Keener 6 - Feb 1968 (6 weeks), Australia Goset 6 - Mar 1968 (13 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Mar 1968 (11 weeks), Springbok 14 - Jun 1978 (4 weeks), South Africa 14 of 1968, D.Marsh 18 of 1968, US CashBox 35 of 1968, Canada 37 of 1968, WABC NY 54 of 1968, DDD 55 of 1968, KQV 71 of 1968, US Radio 83 of 1968 (peak 10 5 weeks), US BB 91 of 1968, Italy 92 of 1968, Germany 173 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), OzNet 864, RYM 65 of 1968
2 Manfred Mann Do Wah Diddy Diddy 1964 UK 1 - Jul 1964 (14 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Sep 1964 (13 weeks), Record World 1 - 1964, Canada 1 - Sep 1964 (15 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1964, NZ Lever 1 - Sep 1964 (5 weeks), Norway 4 - Sep 1964 (7 weeks), Germany 4 - Jan 1965 (5 months), Keener 7 - Aug 1964 (6 weeks), US Radio 8 of 1964 (peak 1 10 weeks), Flanders 8 - Sep 1964 (3 months), WABC NY 10 of 1964, US BB 15 of 1964, US invalid BB 15 of 1964, POP 15 of 1964, DDD 21 of 1964, D.Marsh 35 of 1964, OzNet 36, KQV 48 of 1964, Scrobulate 53 of 60s, US CashBox 84 of 1964, Germany 153 of the 1960s (peak 4 21 weeks), UKMIX 541, Acclaimed 2370 (1964), RYM 35 of 1964
3 Manfred Mann Pretty Flamingo 1966 UK 1 - Apr 1966 (12 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - May 1966, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1966, Norway 3 - May 1966 (7 weeks), NZ Listner 8 - Aug 1966 (1 week), Canada 12 - Jun 1966 (8 weeks), Holland 15 - May 1966 (9 weeks), Germany 17 - Jul 1966 (1 month), D.Marsh 17 of 1966, Keener 20 - Jun 1966 (3 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Jul 1966 (8 weeks), Record World 29 - 1966, DDD 103 of 1966, Acclaimed 2328 (1966), RYM 190 of 1966
4 Manfred Mann Ha Ha Said the Clown 1967 Holland 1 - Apr 1967 (14 weeks), Germany 1 - Jun 1967 (4 months), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1967, Norway 2 - May 1967 (10 weeks), Flanders 2 - May 1967 (4 months), NZ Listner 2 - Jun 1967 (8 weeks), UK 4 - Apr 1967 (11 weeks), Australia Goset 10 - May 1967 (10 weeks), South Africa 18 of 1967, Germany 100 of the 1960s (peak 1 17 weeks)
5 Manfred Mann Sha La La 1964 UK 3 - Oct 1964 (12 weeks), Norway 7 - Nov 1964 (3 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Dec 1964 (1 week), US Billboard 12 - Nov 1964 (12 weeks), Record World 14 - 1965, D.Marsh 19 of 1964, Keener 21 - Nov 1964 (3 weeks), Canada 23 - Nov 1964 (6 weeks), Holland 38 - Jan 1965 (1 week), US CashBox 85 of 1965, US Radio 115 of 1965 (peak 12 6 weeks), RYM 121 of 1964
6 Manfred Mann Fox On the Run 1969 New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Apr 1969, NZ Listner 2 - Mar 1969 (6 weeks), Springbok 4 - Mar 1969 (8 weeks), UK 5 - Dec 1968 (12 weeks), Norway 6 - Feb 1969 (6 weeks), Germany 6 - Feb 1969 (3 months), Australia Goset 7 - Feb 1969 (14 weeks), Holland 32 - Jan 1969 (2 weeks), US Billboard 97 - Jan 1969 (2 weeks), Germany 350 of the 1960s (peak 7 13 weeks), RYM 99 of 1968
7 Manfred Mann Semi-Detached Suburban Mr James 1966 UK 2 - Oct 1966 (12 weeks), NZ Listner 3 - Jan 1967 (5 weeks), Australia Goset 19 - Dec 1966 (8 weeks), Germany 20 - Jan 1967 (2 months), Holland 21 - Nov 1966 (11 weeks), RYM 124 of 1966
8 Manfred Mann My Name is Jack 1968 Germany 6 - Aug 1968 (2 months), UK 8 - Jun 1968 (11 weeks), NZ Listner 10 - Aug 1968 (4 weeks), Australia Goset 10 - Jul 1968 (11 weeks), Holland 20 - Jun 1968 (6 weeks), Canada 24 - Jul 1968 (4 weeks), RYM 126 of 1968
9 Manfred Mann Ragamuffin Man 1969 NZ Listner 5 - Jul 1969 (8 weeks), UK 8 - May 1969 (11 weeks), Australia Goset 15 - Jun 1969 (12 weeks), Germany 25 - Jun 1969 (1 month), RYM 94 of 1969
10 Manfred Mann Just Like a Woman 1966 NZ Listner 3 - Oct 1966 (9 weeks), UK 10 - Aug 1966 (10 weeks), Australia Goset 12 - Oct 1966 (5 weeks), Canada 46 - Sep 1966 (2 weeks)
11 Manfred Mann 5-4-3-2-1 1964 UK 5 - Jan 1964 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 9 - Mar 1964 (1 week), Canada 30 - Nov 1964 (4 weeks), RYM 137 of 1964, Guardian Pop 18
12 Manfred Mann Come Tomorrow 1965 UK 4 - Jan 1965 (9 weeks), US Billboard 50 - Feb 1965 (6 weeks)
13 Manfred Mann If You Gotta Go, Go Now 1965 UK 2 - Sep 1965 (12 weeks), RYM 198 of 1965
14 Manfred Mann Hubble Bubble (Toil & Trouble) 1964 UK 11 - Apr 1964 (8 weeks), RYM 184 of 1964
15 Manfred Mann The One in the Middle 1965 Holland 35 - Sep 1965 (2 weeks)
16 Manfred Mann Up the Junction 1968 Holland 32 - Apr 1968 (5 weeks)
17 Manfred Mann Oh No! Not My Baby 1965 UK 11 - Apr 1965 (10 weeks)
18 Manfred Mann So Long Dad 1967 NZ Listner 8 - Dec 1967 (5 weeks)
19 Manfred Mann You Gave Me Somebody to Love 1966 UK 36 - Jul 1966 (4 weeks)
20 Manfred Mann Sweet Pea 1967 UK 36 - May 1967 (4 weeks)
21 Manfred Mann What You Gonna Do? 1964 RYM 35 of 1964
22 Manfred Mann John Hardy 1964 RYM 121 of 1964
23 Manfred Mann Without You 1964 RYM 137 of 1964
24 Manfred Mann I'm Your Kingpin 1964 RYM 184 of 1964
25 Manfred Mann Stay Around 1965 RYM 198 of 1965
26 Manfred Mann Morning After the Party 1966 RYM 124 of 1966
27 Manfred Mann You're Standing By 1966 RYM 190 of 1966
28 Manfred Mann By Request - Edwin Garvey 1968 RYM 65 of 1968
29 Manfred Mann Too Many People 1968 RYM 99 of 1968
30 Manfred Mann There Is a Man 1968 RYM 126 of 1968
31 Manfred Mann A 'B' Side 1969 RYM 94 of 1969