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Song artist 571 - Mary Hopkin

Mary Hopkin Region Profile

Mary Hopkin Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Mary Hopkin. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Mary Hopkin Those Were the Days 1968 UK 1 - Sep 1968 (21 weeks), Record World 1 - 1968, Canada 1 - Sep 1968 (9 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Oct 1968 (15 weeks), Norway 1 - Oct 1968 (13 weeks), Flanders 1 - Oct 1968 (3 months), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1968, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1968, Japan 1 for 1 week - Feb 1969, France 1 for 5 weeks - Sep 1968, Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1968, Mexico 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1969, US Billboard 2 - Sep 1968 (14 weeks), Holland 2 - Sep 1968 (14 weeks), France (SNEP) 2 - Sep 1968 (3 months), Australia 2 of 1968, Germany 2 - Jan 1969 (4 months), Australia Goset 2 - Oct 1968 (22 weeks), Keener 3 - Sep 1968 (9 weeks), NZ Listner 3 - Nov 1968 (8 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1968), WABC NY 7 of 1968, KQV 7 of 1968, Switzerland 9 of 1968, Denmark 10 of 1968, US Radio 15 of 1968 (peak 2 11 weeks), Canada 16 of 1968, US CashBox 22 of 1968, Japan 23 of all time (international songs) (sales 0.467), Brazil 27 of 1969, US BB 30 of 1968, Italy 72 of 1968, DDD 79 of 1968, France (InfoDisc) 90 of the 1960s (peak 1, 24 weeks, 500k sales estimated, 1968), UKMIX 103, Germany 187 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), RYM 33 of 1968, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1968
2 Mary Hopkin Goodbye 1969 Holland 1 - Apr 1969 (11 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - May 1969, UK 2 - Apr 1969 (14 weeks), Canada 2 - May 1969 (7 weeks), Norway 2 - May 1969 (17 weeks), NZ Listner 2 - May 1969 (9 weeks), Switzerland 3 - Apr 1969 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 3 - Apr 1969 (15 weeks), Flanders 6 - May 1969 (2 months), Record World 11 - 1969, US Billboard 13 - Apr 1969 (9 weeks), Keener 13 - Apr 1969 (4 weeks), Germany 20 - Jun 1969 (1 month), US Radio 112 of 1969 (peak 13 4 weeks), UKMIX 991, RYM 72 of 1969
3 Mary Hopkin Knock Knock Who's There? 1970 New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Jun 1970, UK 2 - Mar 1970 (14 weeks), Australia Goset 2 - Jun 1970 (24 weeks), Springbok 2 - May 1970 (10 weeks), Holland 3 - Apr 1970 (8 weeks), Belgium 4 - May 1970 (5 weeks), Flanders 7 - Apr 1970 (2 months), Germany 18 - May 1970 (2 months), US Billboard 92 - Dec 1972 (4 weeks), RYM 99 of 1970
4 Mary Hopkin Temma Harbour 1970 NZ Listner 3 - Mar 1970 (6 weeks), Australia Goset 5 - Mar 1970 (12 weeks), UK 6 - Jan 1970 (11 weeks), Canada 13 - Feb 1970 (6 weeks), Holland 16 - Feb 1970 (6 weeks), US Billboard 39 - Feb 1970 (8 weeks), Record World 40 - 1970
5 Mary Hopkin Think About Your Children 1970 UK 19 - Oct 1970 (9 weeks), US Billboard 87 - Nov 1970 (4 weeks)
6 Mary Hopkin Que sera sera (Whatever will be will be) 1970 Australia Goset 29 - Jan 1971 (11 weeks), US Billboard 77 - Jul 1970 (5 weeks)
7 Mary Hopkin Lontano dagli occhi 1969 Italy 91 of 1969
8 Mary Hopkin If You Love Me 1976 UK 32 - Mar 1976 (4 weeks)
9 Mary Hopkin Let My Name Be Sorrow 1971 UK 46 - Jul 1971 (1 week)
10 Mary Hopkin Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There is a Season) 1968 RYM 33 of 1968
11 Mary Hopkin Sparrow 1969 RYM 72 of 1969
12 Mary Hopkin I'm Going to Fall in Love Again 1970 RYM 99 of 1970

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

24 Oct 2017

Double Listing - Those Were the Days

#1 & #5 are the same. Per Wikipedia, 'Those Were the Days' was released as 'Sad Angel' in Japan.

Ah Japanese. Data fixed, thanks