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Album artist 430 - Jefferson Airplane

Jefferson Airplane Region Profile

Jefferson Airplane Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Jefferson Airplane. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow 1967 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1967), Billboard 3 - Mar 1967 (56 weeks) (20 weeks in top 10), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1967), US CashBox 6 of 1967, US BB 7 of 1967, BEA 10 of 1967, Norway 20 - Sep 1967 (1 week), D.Marsh 33 of 1967, RS100 44, German RS100 96, WTMD 131, WXPN 137 (2001), Rolling Stone 146, Acclaimed 163 (1967), RYM 33 of 1967, WFUV 81
2 Jefferson Airplane Volunteers 1969 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1970), Billboard 13 - Nov 1969 (44 weeks), D.Marsh 29 of 1969, UK 34 - Mar 1970 (7 weeks), US BB 56 of 1969, US CashBox 66 of 1970, Rolling Stone 370, WTMD 763, WXPN 835 (1969), Acclaimed 988 (1969), RYM 54 of 1969
3 Jefferson Airplane Crown Of Creation 1968 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1970), Billboard 6 - Sep 1968 (25 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), D.Marsh 35 of 1968, US BB 36 of 1968, US CashBox 74 of 1968, Acclaimed 2061 (1968), RYM 70 of 1968
4 Jefferson Airplane After Bathing At Baxter's 1967 Billboard 17 - Dec 1967 (23 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1968, WXPN 866 (1967), Acclaimed 1333 (1967), RYM 35 of 1967
5 Jefferson Airplane Bless Its Pointed Little Head 1969 Billboard 17 - Mar 1969 (20 weeks), UK 39 - Jun 1969 (1 week), France (InfoDisc) 54 of 1969 (peak 3, 37 weeks), WTMD 885, RYM 125 of 1969
6 Jefferson Airplane Bark 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1971), Billboard 11 - Sep 1971 (21 weeks), UK 42 - Oct 1971 (1 week), US BB 45 of 1971, US CashBox 77 of 1971, Xgau rating C+ (1971)
7 Jefferson Airplane The Worst Of Jefferson Airplane 1970 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1995), Billboard 12 - Dec 1970 (40 weeks), US CashBox 53 of 1971, US BB 63 of 1971, Xgau rating B+ (1970)
8 Jefferson Airplane Long John Silver 1972 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1973), Billboard 20 - Aug 1972 (21 weeks), UK 30 - Sep 1972 (1 week), US CashBox 96 of 1972, Xgau rating C+ (1972)
9 Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Takes Off 1966 Billboard 128 - Sep 1966 (11 weeks), RYM 112 of 1966
10 Jefferson Airplane 2400 Fulton St. 1987 Billboard 138 - Apr 1987 (9 weeks)
11 Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane 1989 Billboard 85 - Sep 1989 (7 weeks)
12 Jefferson Airplane Early Flight 1974 Billboard 110 - May 1974 (8 weeks), Xgau rating B (1974)
13 Jefferson Airplane Thirty Seconds Over Winterland 1973 Billboard 52 - Apr 1973 (16 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

21 Apr 2012


Those aren't Marty's hits, White Rabbit & Somebody To Love were brought to The Airplane by Grace Slick & were llrginaoiy done with her husband & brother-in-law in Great Society. Miracles came in 74 I think when Marty came back to Jefferson Starship. The only tune he ever wrote completely on his own. Where do you find that information? Geez

This page mentions neither Marty nor Grace Slick. Your comment only makes sense if you assume more knowledge of this particular act than we have.

Please explain what you are talking about.