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Song artist 783 - Poison

Poison Region Profile

Poison Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Poison.A list of the hit albums by Poison is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Poison Every Rose Has It's Thorn 1989 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1988 (21 weeks), US BB 3 of 1989, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1989), Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Dec 1988 (9 weeks), Sweden 10 - Jan 1989 (3 weeks), US Radio 11 of 1988 (peak 1 9 weeks), Switzerland 12 - Jan 1989 (19 weeks), UK 13 - Feb 1989 (9 weeks), Poland 13 - Mar 1989 (12 weeks), POP 14 of 1988, Holland 18 - Feb 1989 (6 weeks), ARC 25 of 1988 (peak 1 12 weeks), ODK Germany 38 - Jan 1989 (12 weeks), Canada 58 of 1989, Brazil 93 of 1989
2 Poison Unskinny Bop 1990 US Billboard 3 - Jul 1990 (19 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1990), Poland 8 - Aug 1990 (10 weeks), Sweden 10 - Aug 1990 (5 weeks), France 10 - Sep 1990 (1 week), UK 15 - Jun 1990 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 28 - Aug 1990 (8 weeks), US BB 32 of 1990, US CashBox 33 of 1990, ARC 48 of 1990 (peak 3 13 weeks), POP 48 of 1990, US Radio 57 of 1990 (peak 4 8 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 70 of 1990 (peak 3 12 weeks)
3 Poison Something to Believe In 1990 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1990 (20 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1991), Poland 8 - Nov 1990 (10 weeks), Sweden 15 - Oct 1990 (3 weeks), UK 35 - Oct 1990 (6 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 35 - Nov 1990 (6 weeks), Canada 38 of 1990, US Radio 39 of 1990 (peak 5 9 weeks), ARC 45 of 1990 (peak 4 13 weeks), US BB 78 of 1991
4 Poison Your Mama Don't Dance 1989 US Billboard 10 - Feb 1989 (14 weeks), Sweden 12 - Apr 1989 (4 weeks), UK 13 - Apr 1989 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 32 - Mar 1989 (8 weeks), US Radio 114 of 1989 (peak 11 5 weeks)
5 Poison Nothin' But a Good Time 1988 US Billboard 6 - Apr 1988 (19 weeks), POP 31 of 1988, UK 35 - May 1988 (6 weeks), US Radio 88 of 1988 (peak 6 6 weeks), US BB 98 of 1988
6 Poison Talk Dirty To Me 1987 US Billboard 9 - Mar 1987 (16 weeks), POP 41 of 1987, UK 67 - May 1987 (3 weeks), Canada 74 of 1987, US Radio 114 of 1987 (peak 9 4 weeks)
7 Poison Fallen Angel 1988 US Billboard 12 - Jul 1988 (16 weeks), UK 59 - Nov 1988 (2 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 81 - Nov 1988 (1 week), US Radio 137 of 1988 (peak 12 3 weeks)
8 Poison Stand 1993 Sweden 17 - Feb 1993 (2 weeks), UK 25 - Feb 1993 (3 weeks), Switzerland 39 - Feb 1993 (2 weeks), US Billboard 50 - Jan 1993 (10 weeks), US Radio 124 of 1993 (peak 19 2 weeks)
9 Poison I Won't Forget You 1987 France 10 - Nov 1987 (1 week), US Billboard 13 - Sep 1987 (21 weeks), US Radio 125 of 1987 (peak 13 4 weeks)
10 Poison Love & Dreams Are Black 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 79 - Dec 1990 (1 week)
11 Poison I Want Action 1987 US Billboard 50 - Jun 1987 (10 weeks)
12 Poison Until You Suffer Some (Fire & Ice) 1993 UK 32 - Apr 1993 (3 weeks)
13 Poison So Tell Me Why 1991 UK 25 - Nov 1991 (2 weeks)
14 Poison Life Goes On 1991 US Billboard 35 - May 1991 (13 weeks)
15 Poison Ride The Wind 1991 US Billboard 38 - Feb 1991 (12 weeks)
16 Poison Cry Tough 1987 UK 97 - Aug 1987 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

22 May 2015

Love & Dreams Are Black

#10 "Love & Dreams Are Black" is not a song by least not the "Every Rose" Poison.

Given that it is from a Japanese chart it could be a problem with translation (of either the song title or group name)