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Song artist 989 - Jimmie Lunceford

Jimmie Lunceford Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Jimmie Lunceford. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Jimmie Lunceford Blues in the Night 1942 US Billboard 4 - 1942 (8 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Feb 1942 (5 weeks), DDD 7 of 1942, Your Hit Parade 25 of 1939, RYM 58 of 1942
2 Jimmie Lunceford Rhythm is Our Business 1935 US Billboard 1 - 1935 (16 weeks), Peel list 3 of 1945
3 Jimmie Lunceford For Dancers Only 1937 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1937), US Billboard 7 - 1937 (3 weeks), RYM 55 of 1937
4 Jimmie Lunceford Organ Grinder's Swing 1936 US Billboard 2 - 1936 (8 weeks), nuTsie 91 of 1930s
5 Jimmie Lunceford The Honeydripper (Parts 1 & 2) 1945 US Billboard 10 - Nov 1945 (3 weeks), US 1940s 10 - Nov 1945 (1 week)
6 Jimmie Lunceford The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down 1937 US Billboard 7 - 1937 (4 weeks), RYM 56 of 1937
7 Jimmie Lunceford T'ain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It) 1938 US Billboard 11 - 1939 (8 weeks), Song of 1938
8 Jimmie Lunceford Swanee River 1935 US Billboard 19 - 1936 (1 week), RYM 48 of 1935
9 Jimmie Lunceford Stratosphere 1934 Peel list 4 of 1934
10 Jimmie Lunceford My Last Affair 1937 US Billboard 7 - 1937 (5 weeks)
11 Jimmie Lunceford The First Time I Saw You 1937 US Billboard 8 - 1937 (6 weeks)
12 Jimmie Lunceford Posin' 1937 US Billboard 9 - 1937 (2 weeks)
13 Jimmie Lunceford Stardust 1935 US Billboard 10 - 1935 (5 weeks)
14 Jimmie Lunceford Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet 1937 US Billboard 11 - 1937 (2 weeks)
15 Jimmie Lunceford Slummin' On Park Avenue 1937 US Billboard 18 - 1937 (1 week)
16 Jimmie Lunceford Black & Tan Fantasy 1935 US Billboard 19 - 1935 (1 week)
17 Jimmie Lunceford Mood Indigo 1934 US Billboard 19 - 1934 (1 week)
18 Jimmie Lunceford T'ain't Good (Like a Nickel Made of Wood) 1936 US Billboard 19 - 1936 (1 week)
19 Jimmie Lunceford Cement Mixer (Put-ti Put-ti) 1946 US Billboard 13 - Jun 1946 (2 weeks)
20 Jimmie Lunceford Life is Fine 1942 US Billboard 21 - 1942 (1 week)
21 Jimmie Lunceford Wham (Re-Bop Boom Bam) 1940 DDD 56 of 1940
22 Jimmie Lunceford I Dream a Lot About You 1944 US Billboard 23 - Oct 1944 (1 week)
23 Jimmie Lunceford Swingin' On C 1940 DDD 91 of 1940
24 Jimmie Lunceford Back Door Stuff 1944 US Billboard 28 - Apr 1944 (1 week)
25 Jimmie Lunceford Runnin' Wild 1935 RYM 47 of 1935
26 Jimmie Lunceford Four or Five Times 1935 RYM 47 of 1935
27 Jimmie Lunceford Avalon 1935 RYM 48 of 1935
28 Jimmie Lunceford White Heat 1934 Song of 1934
29 Jimmie Lunceford Swingin' Uptown 1934 Song of 1934
30 Jimmie Lunceford Coquette 1937 RYM 55 of 1937
31 Jimmie Lunceford Annie Laurie 1937 RYM 92 of 1937
32 Jimmie Lunceford Blue Blazes 1938 Song of 1938
33 Jimmie Lunceford It Had to Be You 1942 RYM 101 of 1942
34 Jimmie Lunceford Easy Street 1942 RYM 113 of 1942

In addition to the above listed songs Jimmie Lunceford also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Louis Jordan & Jimmie Lunceford I'm Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Town 1942 US Billboard 12 - 1942 (2 weeks), DDD 17 of 1942, RYM 24 of 1941

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

26 Nov 2015

Double Listing - T'aint What You Do

#10 & #28 are the same.

Data fixed, thanks