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Song artist 983 - JW Myers

JW Myers Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of JW Myers. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 JW Myers In the Good Old Summer Time 1902 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1902 (12 weeks)
2 JW Myers On a Sunday Afternoon 1902 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1902 (10 weeks)
3 JW Myers Way Down in Old Indiana 1902 US Billboard 1 - May 1902 (12 weeks)
4 JW Myers In the Shade of the Palm 1901 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1901 (7 weeks)
5 JW Myers The Mansion of Aching Hearts 1902 US Billboard 2 - Jun 1902 (6 weeks)
6 JW Myers Dear Old Girl 1903 US Billboard 2 - May 1903 (6 weeks)
7 JW Myers Good-Bye, Dolly Gray 1900 US Billboard 2 - May 1900 (4 weeks)
8 JW Myers Come Take a Trip in My Air-Ship 1904 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1904 (5 weeks)
9 JW Myers Heidelberg 1903 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1903 (4 weeks)
10 JW Myers Meet Me in St Louis 1904 US Billboard 3 - Sep 1904 (3 weeks)
11 JW Myers If I But Knew 1903 US Billboard 3 - May 1903 (3 weeks)
12 JW Myers Pretty Molly Shannon 1902 US Billboard 3 - May 1902 (4 weeks)
13 JW Myers Navajo 1904 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1904 (3 weeks)
14 JW Myers Nancy Brown 1902 US Billboard 3 - Jul 1902 (4 weeks)
15 JW Myers When You Were Sweet Sixteen 1901 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1901 (3 weeks)
16 JW Myers You're as Welcome as the Flowers in May 1903 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1903 (2 weeks)
17 JW Myers In the City of Sighs & Tears 1903 US Billboard 4 - Jul 1903 (2 weeks)
18 JW Myers My Little Gipsy Maid 1902 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1902 (2 weeks)
19 JW Myers My Irish Rosie 1907 US Billboard 5 - Jun 1907 (1 week)
20 JW Myers My Own United States 1903 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1903 (2 weeks)
21 JW Myers On a Good Old Trolley Ride 1904 US Billboard 5 - Oct 1904 (1 week)
22 JW Myers I'm Wearing My Heart Away for You 1904 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1904 (1 week)
23 JW Myers The Message of the Violets 1903 US Billboard 5 - Nov 1903 (1 week)
24 JW Myers While the Brass Band Played 1905 US Billboard 6 - Mar 1905 (1 week)
25 JW Myers He's Me Pal 1905 US Billboard 7 - Jun 1905 (1 week)
26 JW Myers Good Old USA 1906 US Billboard 7 - Sep 1906 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

16 Oct 2012

He's me pal text

I really would find the text of this song He's me pal. Thanks