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Album artist 293 - Harry Belafonte

Harry Belafonte Region Profile

Harry Belafonte Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Harry Belafonte. A list of songs by Harry Belafonte can be found here. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Harry Belafonte Calypso 1956 US 1 of 1956, US num 1 for 11 weeks - Sep 1956, US BB 1 of 1957, Library of Congress artifact added 2017 (1956), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2015 (1956), US CashBox 4 of 1957, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1963), BEA 9 of 1956, Acclaimed 1252 (1956), RYM 13 of 1955
2 Harry Belafonte Belafonte At Carnegie Hall 1959 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1959), Grammy in 1959 (Nominated), US CashBox 3 of 1960, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1961), US BB 20 of 1960, US Longest Running Album 73 1959 (168 weeks), Acclaimed 1480 (1959), RYM 13 of 1959
3 Harry Belafonte Belafonte 1956 US num 1 for 6 weeks - Mar 1956, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1963), US BB 5 of 1956, RYM 192 of 1955
4 Harry Belafonte Belafonte Returns To Carnegie Hall 1960 Grammy in 1960 (Nominated), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1963), US CashBox 29 of 1961, US BB 30 of 1961, RYM 115 of 1960
5 Harry Belafonte An Evening With Belafonte 1957 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1967), US BB 10 of 1957, US CashBox 14 of 1957, Billboard 85 - Jul 1965 (19 weeks)
6 Harry Belafonte Jump Up Calypso 1961 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1963), US CashBox 33 of 1962, US BB 50 of 1961, RYM 60 of 1961
7 Harry Belafonte Belafonte Sings Of The Caribbean 1957 US BB 17 of 1957, US CashBox 20 of 1957, RYM 179 of 1957
8 Harry Belafonte Mark Twain (And Other Folk Favorites) 1954 US BB 20 of 1956, RYM 77 of 1954
9 Harry Belafonte Belafonte '89 1989 ODK Germany 11 - May 1989 (11 weeks), Germany 11 - May 1989 (4 weeks), Austria 26 - Jun 1989 (1 month)
10 Harry Belafonte Island In The Sun 1982 ODK Germany 9 - Feb 1982 (9 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 9 - Feb 1982 (3 weeks)
11 Harry Belafonte Belafonte At The Greek Theatre 1964 Billboard 17 - Apr 1964 (20 weeks)
12 Harry Belafonte Streets I Have Walked 1963 Billboard 42 - Aug 1963 (16 weeks)
13 Harry Belafonte In Love With Harry Belafonte - 18 Romantic Songs 1982 Austria 16 - Dec 1982 (1 month), ODK Germany 44 - Nov 1982 (7 weeks)
14 Harry Belafonte Ballads, Blues And Boasters 1964 Billboard 103 - Oct 1964 (7 weeks)
15 Harry Belafonte Scarlet Ribbons 1960 UK EP 18 - Apr 1960
16 Harry Belafonte Belafonte At Christmas Time 1961 UK EP 18 - Dec 1961
17 Harry Belafonte In My Quiet Room 1966 Billboard 82 - Jul 1966 (10 weeks)
18 Harry Belafonte Calypso In Brass 1967 Billboard 172 - Apr 1967 (2 weeks)
19 Harry Belafonte Belafonte On Campus 1967 Billboard 199 - Jul 1967 (3 weeks)
20 Harry Belafonte 20 Golden Hits 1977 Austria 3 - Nov 1977 (5 months)
21 Harry Belafonte Seine 20 grossten Hits 1978 ODK Germany 3 - Jan 1978 (9 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10)
22 Harry Belafonte Homeward Bound 1970 Billboard 192 - Jan 1970 (3 weeks)
23 Harry Belafonte The Great Belafonte 1979 Sweden 38 - Oct 1979 (4 weeks)
24 Harry Belafonte Sings Five Early Songs Also Songs in the Sun By the Islanders 1954 RYM 153 of 1954
25 Harry Belafonte Greatest Hits 2001 Norway 9 - Aug 2001 (4 weeks)
26 Harry Belafonte An Evening With Harry Belafonte & Friends 1998 ODK Germany 87 - Apr 1998 (2 weeks)
27 Harry Belafonte Paradise in Gazankulu 1988 Xgau rating C+ (1988)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

23 Nov 2014

(2) +Double Listings

#2 and #11 are the same album (Belafonte At Carnegie Hall). Also #4 and #18 are the same (Belafonte Returns To Carnegie Hall).

Data fixed, thanks