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Song artist 465 - Wilson Pickett

Wilson Pickett Region Profile

Wilson Pickett Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Wilson Pickett. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Wilson Pickett Land of 1000 Dances 1966 Spain 1 for 1 week - Feb 1967, US Billboard 6 - Jul 1966 (11 weeks), Record World 6 - 1966, Canada 8 - Aug 1966 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 19 - Oct 1966 (8 weeks), UK 22 - Sep 1966 (9 weeks), US invalid BB 22 of 1966, POP 22 of 1966, Keener 23 - Sep 1966 (3 weeks), Holland 25 - Sep 1966 (5 weeks), DDD 54 of 1966, Scrobulate 73 of soul, US BB 84 of 1966, US Radio 85 of 1966 (peak 6 5 weeks), OzNet 212, Acclaimed 1767 (1966), RYM 63 of 1966
2 Wilson Pickett In the Midnight Hour 1965 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1965), Library of Congress artifact added 2016 (1965), DDD 2 of 1965, D.Marsh 5 of 1965, UK 12 - Sep 1965 (11 weeks), nuTsie 13 of 1960s, Record World 19 - 1965, US Billboard 21 - Jul 1965 (12 weeks), Scrobulate 37 of soul, Acclaimed 73 (1965), Rolling Stone 134, RIAA 181, OzNet 832, RYM 40 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Wilson Pickett Mustang Sally 1966 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000 (1967), Canada 3 - Nov 1966 (10 weeks), US invalid BB 5 of 1966, POP 5 of 1966, Record World 16 - 1966, D.Marsh 18 of 1966, DDD 19 of 1966, US Billboard 23 - Nov 1966 (9 weeks), UK 28 - Dec 1966 (7 weeks), Keener 28 - Nov 1966 (1 week), OzNet 334, Rolling Stone 434, Acclaimed 1585 (1966), RYM 111 of 1966, Party 63 of 1999
4 Wilson Pickett Funky Broadway 1967 Record World 6 - 1967, US Billboard 8 - Aug 1967 (12 weeks), Canada 13 - Aug 1967 (6 weeks), D.Marsh 15 of 1967, Holland 18 - Oct 1967 (8 weeks), Keener 19 - Aug 1967 (3 weeks), UK 43 - Sep 1967 (3 weeks), DDD 55 of 1967, WABC NY 57 of 1967, US CashBox 69 of 1967, US BB 73 of 1967, US Radio 89 of 1967 (peak 8 6 weeks)
5 Wilson Pickett Don't Let The Green Grass Fool You 1971 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1971), France 9 - Jul 1971 (1 week), Record World 13 - 1971, Keener 15 - Feb 1971 (3 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Jan 1971 (11 weeks), Canada 18 - Mar 1971 (5 weeks), US CashBox 67 of 1971, WABC NY 71 of 1971, US Radio 142 of 1971 (peak 17 3 weeks)
6 Wilson Pickett Hey Jude 1969 Switzerland 3 - Jan 1969 (7 weeks), France 10 - May 1970 (1 week), Holland 12 - Jan 1969 (6 weeks), France (SNEP) 12 - Feb 1969 (1 month), UK 16 - Jan 1969 (9 weeks), Record World 17 - 1969, Keener 21 - Dec 1968 (4 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Dec 1968 (9 weeks)
7 Wilson Pickett Get Me Back On Time, Engine Engine No 9 1970 France 1 - Jan 1971 (4 weeks), Keener 6 - Oct 1970 (9 weeks), Canada 10 - Nov 1970 (5 weeks), Record World 13 - 1970, US Billboard 14 - Sep 1970 (13 weeks), D.Marsh 24 of 1970, US Radio 125 of 1970 (peak 14 4 weeks)
8 Wilson Pickett Don't Knock My Love 1971 France 4 - Sep 1971 (3 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1971), Record World 8 - 1971, Keener 12 - May 1971 (5 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Apr 1971 (12 weeks), US CashBox 47 of 1971, US BB 93 of 1971, DDD 96 of 1971, US Radio 110 of 1971 (peak 13 5 weeks)
9 Wilson Pickett I'm a Midnight Mover 1968 France 8 - Mar 1970 (1 week), Record World 19 - 1968, Canada 21 - Jun 1968 (5 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Jun 1968 (7 weeks), Keener 29 - Jun 1968 (1 week), UK 38 - Sep 1968 (6 weeks)
10 Wilson Pickett 634 5789 (Soulsville, USA) 1966 Record World 6 - 1966, US Billboard 13 - Feb 1966 (11 weeks), UK 36 - Mar 1966 (5 weeks), DDD 67 of 1966, US BB 100 of 1966, US Radio 127 of 1966 (peak 13 4 weeks)
11 Wilson Pickett She's Lookin' Good 1968 US Billboard 15 - Apr 1968 (10 weeks), Canada 19 - Apr 1968 (6 weeks), Keener 23 - Apr 1968 (2 weeks), Record World 26 - 1968, US Radio 128 of 1968 (peak 15 2 weeks)
12 Wilson Pickett I Found A True Love 1968 Keener 21 - Sep 1968 (2 weeks), Canada 21 - Sep 1968 (3 weeks), Holland 24 - Oct 1968 (3 weeks), US Billboard 42 - Sep 1968 (7 weeks)
13 Wilson Pickett Everybody Needs Somebody to Love 1967 Canada 12 - Feb 1967 (7 weeks), Keener 20 - Jan 1967 (1 week), US Billboard 29 - Feb 1967 (7 weeks), Record World 33 - 1967
14 Wilson Pickett Stagger Lee 1967 Canada 11 - Oct 1967 (7 weeks), Record World 17 - 1967, US Billboard 22 - Nov 1967 (6 weeks), Canada 88 of 1967
15 Wilson Pickett I Found A Love 1967 Record World 22 - 1967, D.Marsh 24 of 1967, US Billboard 32 - Apr 1967 (6 weeks), Canada 36 - Apr 1967 (4 weeks)
16 Wilson Pickett Fire & Water 1971 France 6 - Nov 1971 (2 weeks), Record World 22 - 1972, US Billboard 24 - Dec 1971 (11 weeks)
17 Wilson Pickett Sugar Sugar 1970 Canada 11 - Jun 1970 (5 weeks), Record World 15 - 1970, US Billboard 25 - May 1970 (12 weeks)
18 Wilson Pickett I'm in Love 1968 Record World 23 - 1968, Keener 27 - Jan 1968 (2 weeks), US Billboard 45 - Dec 1967 (10 weeks)
19 Wilson Pickett Call Me & I'll Be There 1971 France 4 - Oct 1971 (3 weeks), US Billboard 52 - Aug 1971 (7 weeks)
20 Wilson Pickett (You Keep Me) Hangin' On 1969 France 8 - Aug 1970 (1 week), US Billboard 92 - Nov 1969 (3 weeks)
21 Wilson Pickett Don't Fight It 1965 UK 29 - Nov 1965 (8 weeks), US Billboard 53 - Nov 1965 (10 weeks)
22 Wilson Pickett Mini Skirt Mini 1969 Record World 38 - 1969, US Billboard 50 - Mar 1969 (6 weeks)
23 Wilson Pickett Hey Joe 1969 Record World 39 - 1969, US Billboard 59 - Jul 1969 (6 weeks)
24 Wilson Pickett It's Too Late 1963 US Billboard 49 - Jul 1963 (10 weeks)
25 Wilson Pickett If You Need Me 1963 US Billboard 64 - May 1963 (6 weeks)
26 Wilson Pickett I'm Down To My Last Heartbreak 1963 US Billboard 95 - Nov 1963 (4 weeks)
27 Wilson Pickett Deborah 1968 Italy 36 of 1968
28 Wilson Pickett In The Midnight Hour (1987) 1987 UK 62 - Nov 1987 (3 weeks)
29 Wilson Pickett Take A Closer Look At The Woman You're With 1973 US Billboard 90 - Sep 1973 (5 weeks)
30 Wilson Pickett My Magic Man 1973 US Billboard 98 - Apr 1973 (1 week)
31 Wilson Pickett Funk Factory 1972 US Billboard 58 - May 1972 (8 weeks)
32 Wilson Pickett Mama Told Me Not to Come 1972 US Billboard 99 - Nov 1972 (2 weeks)
33 Wilson Pickett Nine & A Half (Won't Do) 1966 US Billboard 53 - May 1966 (8 weeks)
34 Wilson Pickett A Man & A Half 1968 US Billboard 42 - Nov 1968 (6 weeks)
35 Wilson Pickett Jealous Love 1968 US Billboard 50 - Feb 1968 (5 weeks)
36 Wilson Pickett Soul Dance Number Three 1967 US Billboard 55 - Jun 1967 (5 weeks)
37 Wilson Pickett You Can't Stand Alone 1967 US Billboard 70 - May 1967 (5 weeks)
38 Wilson Pickett Born to Be Wild 1969 US Billboard 64 - May 1969 (4 weeks)
39 Wilson Pickett Groove City 1980 ODK Germany 75 - Jan 1980 (1 week)
40 Wilson Pickett She Said Yes 1970 US Billboard 68 - Aug 1970 (5 weeks)
41 Wilson Pickett Cole, Cooke & Redding 1970 US Billboard 91 - Apr 1970 (4 weeks)
42 Wilson Pickett I'm Not Tired 1965 RYM 40 of 1965
43 Wilson Pickett You're So Fine 1966 RYM 63 of 1966
44 Wilson Pickett Three Time Loser 1966 RYM 111 of 1966

In addition to the above listed songs Wilson Pickett also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Wilson Pickett & Solomon Burke If You Need Me 1963 US Billboard 37 - Apr 1963 (11 weeks), DDD 91 of 1963, WABC NY 97 of 1963

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

19 Dec 2014

Double Listing - I Found A True Love

Please take another look at this one. #20 & #22 are duplicates. You were looking at #14 (I Found A Love) which is a different recording. Thanks.

Ah, you are correct, thanks for pointing this out.

We've fixed the data

17 Nov 2014

(2) Double Listings

Engine Engine Number 9 (#8 and #16 ); I Found A True Love (#21 and #23).

The first looks right, and we've fixed the data. According to the Billboard list the second really are two distinct songs, "I Found A Love" is listed as Atlantic 2394 and "I Found A True Love" is listed as Atlantic 2558 so we're not going to merge the entries.

Thanks for the suggestions