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Song artist 871 - Eddie Cochran

Eddie Cochran Region Profile

Eddie Cochran Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Eddie Cochran. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Eddie Cochran Summertime Blues 1958 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1958), DDD 2 of 1958, nuTsie 7 of 1950s, US Billboard 8 - Aug 1958 (16 weeks), Canada 10 - Sep 1958 (9 weeks), D.Marsh 11 of 1958, Scrobulate 16 of rock & roll, UK 18 - Nov 1958 (6 weeks), US invalid BB 29 of 1958, POP 29 of 1958, TheQ 46, Acclaimed 70 (1958), Rolling Stone 73, US BB 74 of 1958, 98 in 2FM list, RIAA 227, RYM 4 of 1958, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Eddie Cochran C'Mon Everybody 1958 UK 6 - Mar 1959 (13 weeks), DDD 19 of 1958, Flanders 20 - May 1959 (1 month), D.Marsh 22 of 1958, US Billboard 35 - Nov 1958 (12 weeks), Scrobulate 36 of rock & roll, Canada 39 - Dec 1958 (4 weeks), Rolling Stone 403, UKMIX 806, Acclaimed 1025 (1958), RYM 11 of 1958, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Eddie Cochran Three Steps to Heaven 1960 UK 1 - May 1960 (15 weeks), Europarade 1 for 1 week - Jul 1960, South Africa 5 of 1960, NZ Lever 6 - Jul 1960 (1 week), Norway 7 - Jul 1960 (7 weeks), UKMIX 464, RYM 51 of 1960
4 Eddie Cochran Somethin' Else 1959 UK 22 - Oct 1959 (4 weeks), DDD 29 of 1959, US Billboard 58 - Aug 1959 (9 weeks), RYM 24 of 1959
5 Eddie Cochran Sittin' in the Balcony 1957 US Billboard 18 - Mar 1957 (13 weeks), Canada 23 - May 1957 (3 weeks), D.Marsh 32 of 1957
6 Eddie Cochran Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie 1961 UK 31 - Dec 1961 (4 weeks), US Billboard 94 - Mar 1958 (1 week), RYM 79 of 1961
7 Eddie Cochran My Way 1963 UK 23 - Apr 1963 (10 weeks), Scrobulate 83 of rockabilly, RYM 148 of 1963
8 Eddie Cochran Hallelujah, I Love Her So 1959 UK 22 - Jan 1960 (4 weeks), RYM 164 of 1959
9 Eddie Cochran Twenty Flight Rock 1957 DDD 44 of 1957, RYM 132 of 1957
10 Eddie Cochran Teenage Heaven 1959 US Billboard 99 - Mar 1959 (1 week), RYM 181 of 1959
11 Eddie Cochran Lonely 1960 UK 41 - Nov 1960 (1 week), RYM 73 of 1961
12 Eddie Cochran The Weekend 1961 UK 15 - Jun 1961 (16 weeks), RYM 73 of 1961
13 Eddie Cochran Mean When I'm Mad 1957 Canada 29 - Jun 1957 (1 week)
14 Eddie Cochran Drive-in Show 1957 US Billboard 82 - Sep 1957 (6 weeks)
15 Eddie Cochran Sweetie Pie 1960 UK 38 - Oct 1960 (3 weeks)
16 Eddie Cochran C'mon Everybody (1988) 1988 UK 14 - Feb 1988 (7 weeks)
17 Eddie Cochran Summertime Blues (1968) 1968 UK 34 - Apr 1968 (8 weeks)
18 Eddie Cochran Love Again 1958 RYM 4 of 1958
19 Eddie Cochran Don't Ever Let Me Go 1958 RYM 11 of 1958
20 Eddie Cochran Cradle Baby 1957 RYM 132 of 1957
21 Eddie Cochran Boll Weevil Song 1959 RYM 24 of 1959
22 Eddie Cochran Little Angel 1959 RYM 164 of 1959
23 Eddie Cochran I Remember 1959 RYM 181 of 1959
24 Eddie Cochran Cut Across Shorty 1960 RYM 51 of 1960
25 Eddie Cochran Stockin's 'n' Shoes 1961 RYM 79 of 1961
26 Eddie Cochran Rock & Roll Blues 1963 RYM 148 of 1963
27 Eddie Cochran Guybo unknown Scrobulate 42 of rockabilly
28 Eddie Cochran Skinny Jim unknown Scrobulate 84 of rockabilly