Song artist 593 - The Troggs

This page lists the song chart entries of The Troggs. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
The Troggs |
Wild Thing |
1966 |
US Billboard 1 - Jun 1966 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1966, Keener 1 - Jun 1966 (7 weeks), Canada 1 - Jul 1966 (11 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1966, NZ Listner 1 - Aug 1966 (7 weeks), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1966, UK 2 - May 1966 (12 weeks), US invalid BB 4 of 1966, POP 4 of 1966, Holland 5 - Jun 1966 (12 weeks), US Radio 7 of 1966 (peak 1 8 weeks), Germany 7 - Jul 1966 (4 months), DDD 10 of 1966, KQV 11 of 1966, Flanders 18 - Jul 1966 (1 month), US BB 24 of 1966, WABC NY 27 of 1966, US CashBox 65 of 1966, nuTsie 75 of 1960s, Belgium 133 of all time, Acclaimed 149 (1966), OzNet 210, Rolling Stone 257, Germany 308 of the 1960s (peak 7 15 weeks), RYM 21 of 1966, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
2 |
The Troggs |
With a Girl Like You |
1966 |
UK 1 - Jul 1966 (12 weeks), Holland 1 - Aug 1966 (14 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Oct 1966, NZ Listner 1 - Sep 1966 (9 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1966, Norway 2 - Aug 1966 (10 weeks), Germany 2 - Sep 1966 (3 months), Australia Goset 4 - Oct 1966 (9 weeks), South Africa 4 of 1966, Canada 11 - Aug 1966 (8 weeks), Flanders 14 - Sep 1966 (1 month), US Billboard 29 - Aug 1966 (8 weeks), Italy 67 of 1966, Germany 161 of the 1960s (peak 2 13 weeks), RYM 48 of 1966 |
3 |
The Troggs |
Love is All Around |
1968 |
Keener 3 - Apr 1968 (7 weeks), Canada 3 - Mar 1968 (13 weeks), NZ Listner 3 - Dec 1967 (9 weeks), UK 5 - Oct 1967 (14 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Feb 1968 (16 weeks), Record World 10 - 1968, Germany 15 - Jan 1968 (2 months), South Africa 16 of 1968, Holland 19 - Nov 1967 (9 weeks), US invalid BB 34 of 1968, POP 34 of 1968, Australia Goset 37 - Jan 1968 (8 weeks), US BB 40 of 1968, Canada 52 of 1968, US CashBox 56 of 1968, WABC NY 60 of 1968, KQV 62 of 1968, US Radio 92 of 1968 (peak 7 5 weeks), DDD 94 of 1967, RYM 52 of 1967 |
4 |
The Troggs |
I Can't Control Myself |
1966 |
UK 2 - Oct 1966 (13 weeks), Germany 2 - Jan 1967 (3 months), Norway 4 - Nov 1966 (7 weeks), Holland 7 - Oct 1966 (9 weeks), Flanders 9 - Nov 1966 (2 months), Australia Goset 19 - Dec 1966 (6 weeks), Record World 35 - 1966, US Billboard 43 - Oct 1966 (6 weeks), Germany 230 of the 1960s (peak 2 13 weeks), RYM 109 of 1966 |
5 |
The Troggs |
Any Way That You Want Me |
1966 |
UK 8 - Dec 1966 (10 weeks), Germany 14 - Feb 1967 (2 months), Holland 15 - Jan 1967 (9 weeks), RYM 155 of 1966 |
6 |
The Troggs |
Give it to Me |
1967 |
Germany 10 - Apr 1967 (1 month), UK 12 - Feb 1967 (10 weeks), Holland 21 - Mar 1967 (6 weeks), Australia Goset 26 - Apr 1967 (8 weeks) |
7 |
The Troggs |
You Can Cry If You Want To |
1969 |
Springbok 1 - Jan 1969 (8 weeks), South Africa 3 of 1969, Canada 12 - Jul 1968 (4 weeks) |
8 |
The Troggs |
Night of the Long Grass |
1967 |
UK 17 - Jun 1967 (6 weeks), Holland 33 - Jun 1967 (4 weeks) |
9 |
The Troggs |
Hip Hop Hooray |
1968 |
Germany 16 - Dec 1968 (1 month), Keener 28 - Jan 1969 (1 week) |
10 |
The Troggs |
Hi Hi Hazel |
1967 |
Holland 39 - Aug 1967 (2 weeks), UK 42 - Jul 1967 (3 weeks) |
11 |
The Troggs |
Wild Thing (1991) |
1991 |
UK 87 - Apr 1991 (1 week) |
12 |
The Troggs |
Feels Like a Woman |
1972 |
Springbok 7 - Jun 1972 (10 weeks) |
13 |
The Troggs |
The Raver |
1971 |
Springbok 15 - Mar 1971 (4 weeks) |
14 |
The Troggs |
Little Girl |
1968 |
UK 37 - Mar 1968 (4 weeks) |
15 |
The Troggs |
From Home |
1966 |
RYM 21 of 1966 |
16 |
The Troggs |
I Want You |
1966 |
RYM 48 of 1966 |
17 |
The Troggs |
Gonna Make You |
1966 |
RYM 109 of 1966 |
18 |
The Troggs |
66-5-4-3-2-1 |
1966 |
RYM 155 of 1966 |
19 |
The Troggs |
When Will the Rain Come |
1967 |
RYM 52 of 1967 |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
25 Sep 2019
Its a coubtry song here my engine roar