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Song title 870 - California Dreamin'

California Dreamin' Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "California Dreamin'" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Mamas & The Papas California Dreamin' 1966 US CashBox 1 of 1966, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1966), ASCAP song of 1966, Record World 2 - 1966, France 2 - Oct 1970 (1 week), Keener 3 - Jan 1966 (7 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jan 1966 (17 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1966), Canada 7 - Jan 1966 (14 weeks), US BB 10 of 1966, DDD 11 of 1965, Vinyl Surrender 11 (1966), WABC NY 13 of 1966, KQV 13 of 1966, Scrobulate 17 of oldies, Brazil 21 of 1966, UK 23 - Apr 1966 (9 weeks), US Radio 30 of 1966 (peak 4 10 weeks), US invalid BB 31 of 1966, POP 31 of 1966, ODK Germany 47 - Aug 1992 (7 weeks), nuTsie 50 of 1960s, Europe 59 of the 1960s (1966), RIAA 71, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 80 - Aug 2013 (1 week), Acclaimed 87 (1965), Rolling Stone 89, WXPN 492, OzNet 580, RYM 3 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Royal Gigolos California Dreamin' 2004 France Gold (certified by SNEP in Oct 2004), France 9 - May 2004 (1 week), Switzerland 17 - May 2004 (11 weeks), Holland 31 - May 2004 (5 weeks), UK 44 - Jul 2004 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 85 - Mar 2004 (2 weeks)
3 River City People California Dreamin' 1990 UK 13 - Jun 1990 (10 weeks), Poland 47 - Jul 1990 (3 weeks)
4 The Beach Boys California Dreamin' 1986 US Billboard 57 - Sep 1986 (10 weeks), RYM 151 of 1986
5 Bobby Womack California Dreamin' 1968 US Billboard 43 - Dec 1968 (9 weeks), UK 59 - Jun 2004 (1 week)
6 I Dik Dik California Dreamin' 1966 Italy 15 of 1966
7 America California Dreamin' 1979 US Billboard 56 - Mar 1979 (5 weeks)
8 Colorado California Dreamin' 1978 UK 45 - Oct 1978 (3 weeks)
9 Sia California Dreamin' 2015 UK Songs 2013-23 peak 92 - May 2015 (2 weeks)